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What are your New Years plans?


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Daytime, 31st: bike ride (we have a canal-towpath-turned-bikepath that is great)

New Year's Eve: Watch Kathy G. give Anderson C. a bad time

New Year's Day: family


I love the feeling of exercise and outdoor time after a bit too much indulging and shopping and noise over Christmas.

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For New Year's Eve we sit around and play games - board or card games.  Roughly 10 minutes to New Year's we'll watch TV from NYC.  Then we sit around discussing all the highs and lows from the previous year and expectations for the next one.  This year we've invited our neighbors to join us (those we usually play games with).  I'm not sure (yet) if they can come or not.  Our main meal that evening is lamb chops (from rack of lamb)... :drool5:


Because it's a Sunday, New Year's morning we'll go to church.


Then later, New Year's Day we'll have pork & sauerkraut as our main meal.  :drool:


Those are the only definites.  The rest we'll figure out as we go along and can be weather dependent.  We might watch Fences at the movies.


Jan 2 youngest son flies back to FL.  Jan 4th middle son flies back to NY.

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NYE we traditionally watch a movie and the kids have a sleepover all together either in the family room or the boys' room. I am advocating for an afternoon walk at my favorite wetlands park. 


New Year's Day we will host our annual New Year's Walk. This is year 16 that we've done it. We invite a bunch of people and have had as many as 40 some people. Lots of kids. We walk roughly a 3 mile walk through our neighborhood and a local bike/walking trail. There are shorter options for people with fussy toddlers. There is a longer option for the hearty. We usually do some kind of food afterward but this year we will have church in the am, then have people over for lunch (soup) and then do the walk. 


On the 2nd I think we are going to do downtown to see the Nature's Best Photography exhibit at the Natural History Museum. 


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Every year we stay home and do New Years Eve bags. An activity for each hour. We love it and have so many wonderful memories.

We are doing that, too! Just for the kids at the party though at 5, 6, 7, and 8. Noise makes and confetti are going in the last bag though. ;)

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NYE is our annual, "Yay! The holidays are over! Now we can relax!" party.


We have our gift exchange with friends who are like family, we eat yummy easy food with them, they spend the night so the adults can have sangria. We wear silly hats, and at midnight we have a balloon drop in our foyer and then go outside to do poppers on the driveway.


We sometimes do hourly activity bags, love those. I don't have that pulled together this year.


NYD we hang out in pajamas, eat breakfast and chill. We might go for a hike. Then again, we might not.

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Every other year my older boys spend Christmas with their Dad... on those years we celebrate at New Year. We have a big selection of appetizers and goodies and the kids stay up and watch the ball drop and it's super fun. I think I like these years better than Christmas years - the in between week is such a gift!


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