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2017 resolutions/goals/plans


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What resolutions/ goals/ plans do you have for 2017?



Personal: get to gym 3-4 times/week. Do better at school planning and checking work as it's completed, try to dress better and be decently groomed every day


Financial: get back in the Dave Ramsey system, slightly modified for our situation


Plans: ??? Ummm, make some and actually follow through?


Work: Would love for DH to either make more money at his current job, or make the same or more and not work an hour away from home. I need to make a little part time income.


Home: Plan home repairs and minor improvements. Clear out basement and make it a liveable, usable space


Relationships: I need some friends. Local, real life friends, even friendly acquaintances to talk to and do things with. I really miss the days where I could pick a mom I wanted to befriend and just schedule play dates for the kids.



Anything else: cars. I am so tired of old used cars that constantly break down. I KNOW that a new car loses value the instant it drives off the lot, but we are STILL paying $185+ per month for a used car that is currently worth $475 with a full tank of gas. AND it needs $1000+ in repairs. But I don't want to get another messed up used car that will cost me more than a decent new car, so we keep this one limping along and hope we find a good deal on something better.



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To keep my patience with FIL as he transitions to retirement (dh is buying out his portion of the business)


To deadlift 2x my body weight

To squat my body weight

To bench press my body weight


To continue focusing on buying local (it was a 2016 goal which we rocked)

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Declutter at least 1/4 of our possessions, leading to --> prepare for a garage sale in spring


Try LCHF in earnest once baby starts solids to --> hopefully lose the baby weight that hasn't gone anywhere


Work on dh to put the house on the market and downsize, maybe even rent for a while


Get my Etsy shop back up and running at full speed


Potty training!


Anything else: cars. I am so tired of old used cars that constantly break down. I KNOW that a new car loses value the instant it drives off the lot, but we are STILL paying $185+ per month for a used car that is currently worth $475 with a full tank of gas. AND it needs $1000+ in repairs. But I don't want to get another messed up used car that will cost me more than a decent new car, so we keep this one limping along and hope we find a good deal on something better.


We need a car, too, but I don't even want to think about it.  Our last 3 car selections did not turn out to be the best.  Hoping the solution just miraculously falls into my lap.


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Personal      Get a Spire Mindfulness monitor...   Learn to stress less.  


Financial      save for new roof


Plans           pick a cruise and plan a fab vacation for spring break


Work            Cut back on extra class sessions 


Home           Hire a house cleaning service...I'm tired of expecting everyone to pull their weight.  Apparently I have unrealistic expectations.  





Anything else  Try to establish a minimalist bedroom/bathroom/closet   


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I'm so glad you started this topic. This is actually something I've been really thinking about a lot during this past year or so. I dislike the idea that new habits need to start in the new year, and am always trying to implement new ideas. Reading back through what I've written, I realize I have probably written way more than the OP actually intended, but it did help me organize my thoughts a bit, so thanks! 



What resolutions/ goals/ plans do you have for 2017?



Personal: I have several personal goals so I think the personal category needs to be broken down into multiple categories.


Education (for me) - Come January, I am taking two classes at the university, just for fun. One writing, the other astronomy. This past fall I've been trying to relearn Algebra to help with the math involved in the astronomy class, and plan to continue relearning the math I may need for future science courses, should I decide to take them. I've taken through Calculus back when I was in college, so all of this should be in my brain somewhere. As for the writing, that has been a long term goal for the past several years, to write more. Sometimes I'm really good at doing it, other times, not so much. So I'm hoping a creative writing course will help motivate me to write more. 


Education (for my son) - We have weeks of homeschooling that rock and weeks of homeschooling that .... don't. I want to be more consistent with this. I especially need to focus on science. I think it is one of the subjects that my son most enjoys and yet one I get to least often. I also want to incorporate more art and music into our homeschooling. My son doesn't often ask for these things, so I often let them slip, but I think there is definite value in teaching them. Oh, and a foreign language. Spanish often gets pushed aside for time as well, and I need to make sure this one is happening daily.


Health and Fitness - I have already started eating better and losing weight. In the past three months I have dropped 15 pounds, which I'm pleased with. I think five pounds a month is a really healthy and sustainable amount of weight loss. I don't think I did myself any favors over Christmas, but I'm ready to get back on track and keep losing weight. I don't have a weight goal so much as a clothing size goal. If I keep going as I am now, I think I should be were I want to be by May or June. I also have a goal of climbing over the nearby mountain range (depending where I cross it is an elevation gain of 3000-4000 feet). I've been working on this goal halfheartedly for a number of months now, but I keep letter the weather (either too hot, too cold, too rainy, too snowy) get in my way. I'm ready to get more serious and be ready to make the hike (there is a trail the whole way. I don't have to do any actual rock climbing)  by April when most of the snow should be melted.


Financial - Our finances are in better shape than they have ever been. This is a goal we've been focused on for years. We still need to do a bit more in the way of college and retirement saving and I think we need to add a bit more disability insurance to what we already have. I'd also like to devote more money to savings. A recent roof leak (and subsequent new roof) wiped out a large part of what we were saving to build a garage. Thankfully we had enough money put aside already to fix the roof, but I think more of our income going to savings would mean that we wouldn't be so wiped out when an emergency crops up. 


Plans - I'm always making travel plans. From little trips to a neighboring cities, to vacations on the other side of the world. This of course goes back to the Financial goals. I need to figure out how to save more to make these happen. The two trips I'd like to do next (and it would be awesome if they could happen in the next five years, but that is probably overly optimistic) is visiting Machu Picchu and Mount Kilimanjaro. 


Work - I don't currently work, and as long as I am homeschooling I don't see that changing. I miss my former life in journalism. I truly enjoyed it. But my son needs me right now and quite possibly will continue needing me to homeschool him through high school. As he gets older I may try to pursue writing as more of a part time job rather than a hobby - either in the form of free-lance articles or books. I use to write these pieces about the history of small towns. Talking to some of the older folks who lived in them was such a joy. I miss having a built in excuse to talk to someone for hours about their family and town history. 


Home - We are saving to build the aforementioned garage. We were on schedule to possibly start building next summer, but now we will have to see. I also want to continue landscaping. It has been a slow process, but progress has been made over the past year. I also need to paint the kitchen cabinets and and some point I'd like to put in a gas range/stovetop. 


Relationships - As I settle into the town I live in now more (I've been here for 3.5 years), I find I am making more friends. It's a slow process, but it is coming a long. I feel like I am putting myself out there. So I plan to continue doing that. To continue to try to build new friendships with people I meet while making sure I maintain the ones I already have. Of course there is family as well. I feel like my relationship with my husband is strong. I want to keep nurturing that, keep carving out time in our schedules for us to have time just the two of us. And with my son, I feel like I need to find activities we can enjoy together. A friend asked the other day what we like to do together and I was at a loss. There are things I like to do that he does with me and things he likes to do that I do with him, but things we both like? I didn't have a good answer. Also, my grandmother is 96 and probably doesn't have that much time left. I want to be sure to stay in contact as much as possible and visit when I can (she doesn't live close), while I still have the chance. 



Anything else - For the anything else category, I'd like to add activism. For me this is broken down into two categories.


Political activism (if the title political activism didn't tip you off, I am going to get slightly political here, though what I am saying could apply to those on either side of the aisle. We all have issues that are important to us, even if we disagree on those issues.) - Recent events have made me realize that I have been passive for too long. I see many problems in my community, my state and my country. I may have discussed them with family and friends before. Maybe signed an online petition or two, or donated to a cause. But this election was a wake up call. I need to do more than just recognize that there are problems. As I was telling a friend of mine, I am a middle-class white woman. I am going to be just fine regardless of who is president. But millions of people can't say that. And I can't say that about our environment either. And if I don't act, who will? So I've joined an activism group and I'm trying to really focus my energies and what changes I feel need to happen in this country and what I can do to help make those changes happen. I know this is a bit vague, but that is because this is a relatively new goal and I am still trying to work out what this will look like in my life.


Social activism - One issue that has really been bothering me (well it's always bothered me, but I'm thinking about it a lot more these days) is homelessness. For a long time, I was either working two jobs or going to school and working full time or working full time and taking care of my son. And during those times, I didn't have much extra money or extra time. Now, I finally have a little bit more of both. So it seemed imperative to me that I give back in some way. I've volunteered at a couple shelters and made bags of supplies to give to the homeless. But it doesn't feel like enough. I feel like there is so much more that needs to be done. I drive around town and see camps of homeless people. There are people begging on most freeway exit ramps. The solution needs to be more than serving meals at a shelter. That doesn't address the cause homelessness or address how to get people off the streets and into homes of their own. This topic is on my mind a lot. I think part of my problem is that I am now, and have always been, solidly middle class. I've never faced even the slightest possibility of homelessness and I never will. So I'm a bit at a loss as to where to put my energies to be the most helpful. 


Okay, I've obviously written a novel here and am sorry to bore all of you with this diatribe of mine. The topic of goals and plans for the future is on my mind a lot. I think because I battle with mild depression, focusing on things I want to do in the future helps pull me through those times when I can't find much to get me through the day. 


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1. continue working out. Been doing Orange Theory and yoga and finally in good shape again

2. Go vegetarian/vegan. Eat more vegetables.

3. Keep knitting.

4. Keep a proper paper calendar and USE IT.



1. continue paying off car debt--make extra payments.

2. stick to my budget.

3. Earn more money with Young Living--going well, but want to continue to grow my business.



1. get rid of some stuff so it's easy to keep the house tidy.

2. get on a schedule with window cleaning, dog grooming etc.

3. replace sliding doors

4. clean out homeschool room and garage


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I would like to read more purposefully. I've had a Goodreads account for years but was really lax about tracking my reading until the end of this year. A few weeks ago I added the books I remember reading this year, and it was a good amount. But I was a bit disappointed that about the depth and remembrance of what I read. To add a bit of variety, I'm planning on doing Modern Mrs. Darcy's 2017 Reading Challenge http://modernmrsdarcy.com/reading-challenge-2017/ She actually has two lists, and I'm planning on doing both. I got very nerdy and made a Trello board for potential books to read for each category. I'd also like to record notable quotes somehow and add my final thoughts onto Goodreads.


I also want to work through some Christian non-fiction that I've had for years and keep putting off, so I'm putting together reading plans for a few of those.


We are finishing some very slow-going home renovations. Once they are done, my goals are to (1) reorganize my kitchen space, (2) clean up our classroom area, even if that means ruthlessly decluttering homeschool curricula (this one might break me), (3) get our home and hearts ready to host something like Friday Night Meatballs http://www.seriouseats.com/2014/08/simpler-entertaining-friday-night-dinners-end-loneliness-how-to-build-community-after-having-kids.html

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Well, Dh starts a new job in a week and I start working more next week. I will be working at least three days a week every week, and 2 of those days are not near as flexible as my work has been, but easier work, so welcomed. I had just hoped to get my boys a little further alone than they are toward being launched,


So time to get others in this family doing more for themselves and more for the family.


Work I am going to hand over to the boys


Their laundry

Their bathroom

Supper one night per week

Dishes at night

Sweep and vacuum once a week

Dusting the whole house once a week


A big goal for this year is to sell our house and move to town. Toward that goal I am trying to purge and Dh has promised we will work on cleaning out the shop.

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I have some goals:


I want to lose 50 pounds...though I realize that might take more than a year.

I want the number of healthy things I eat to outnumber the unhealthy-ish things I eat.

To be consistent with homeschooling.

To be consistent with exercise (4+ days a week).

To improve strength and flexibility in my knee that had the ACL reconstruction.

Drink more water.

To pay off a specific credit card (that is very high because we had to put DH's chemo medications on it for several months and haven't been able to get caught up).

Weekly family game night.

More art and music in our lives.

Improve relationship with DH.

Improved spiritual life.

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Declutter at least 1/4 of our possessions, leading to --> prepare for a garage sale in spring


Try LCHF in earnest once baby starts solids to --> hopefully lose the baby weight that hasn't gone anywhere


Work on dh to put the house on the market and downsize, maybe even rent for a while


Get my Etsy shop back up and running at full speed


Potty training!



We need a car, too, but I don't even want to think about it.  Our last 3 car selections did not turn out to be the best.  Hoping the solution just miraculously falls into my lap.



What is LCHF?


I was just thinking of starting a Etsy shop too.   Amazon opened an Etsy like site a few months ago, called Amazon Homemade, I think?  I should look into that too.

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I actually started my own thread about this, because I couldn't find this one when I went looking. Because I'm feeling pretty good about my progress with my 2016 goals, I'm trying to follow the same template for 2017, choosing three areas of my life to work on. For 2016, I wanted to:


  1. Read more broadly and also just more.
  2. Get a "real job" and make more money.
  3. Be a nicer person.

I experienced a decent amount of growth in all three areas. So, my goals for 2017 are:

  1. Maintain the progress I made on my 2016 goals. I may not read more books in 2017 than I did in 2016, but I want to read at least as many and to continue choosing at least a few titles that are out of my usual comfort zone. Continue growing at work and looking for opportunities to better my situation there. Keep building habits of kindness into my thoughts about and interactions with others.
  2. Focus on improving our financial situation, paying off the remaining debt and saving at least a little bit more, raising our credit score, etc.
  3. Take better care of myself, both physically and emotionally. I am in my 50s and have some ongoing health issues. I really need to feed myself better and be more intentional about following through on things like taking medications and keeping up with doctor's appointments. Now that I have the breathing space to do so, I also need to reclaim some interests and parts of my personality that have been ignored or set aside for most of my mommying years. I'm already working on a continuing education certificate, and I plan to keep searching out those opportunities. And because my work schedule is finally stable, I think I will be able to join the community choir I've had my eye on for several years when rehearsals for their next season begin in February. Finally, I really hope to do at least a little bit of travelling; I haven't so much as left the Orlando metro area in something like two years.


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What is LCHF?


I was just thinking of starting a Etsy shop too. Amazon opened an Etsy like site a few months ago, called Amazon Homemade, I think? I should look into that too.

LCHF Low carb high fat


Amazon HM is supposedly less seller friendly than Etsy, and I think it gets a bigger cut. Some veteran sellers are making Amazon work for them, but they know what they are doing (unlike me!).

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I stink at New Year's resolutions. I just never keep them going. Yet, every year between Christmas and New Year's, I sit and ponder what goals I want to meet in the upcoming year. This year I am trying to simplify my resolutions (goals, whatever) so that maybe I can actually stick to them. Here goes:


1. Money - We desperately need to pay off debt, and each year I plan that this will be the year. So my plan this year is to budget. I have used many systems, but for now I'm using Dave Ramsey's Every Dollar and I like it. My goal for this year is to keep up with the monthly budget.


2. Food - I am tired of eating out or eating cruddy convenience foods, so I'd really like to meal plan. I am working on a list of foods that my oh-so-picky children will eat and will go from there. I really want to get back to eating low-carb, but I think it is best to first get used to preparing food and sticking to a plan.


3. Health - I have gained weight and I'm pretty unhappy about it. Hopefully if I can get the food-thing under control, that will help. I also need to move more. I have a T-Tapp DVD that I'd love to do, but who knows if that will happen. I did see someone list a goal of walking 2,017 miles this year. I have a fitbit, so I may see if that's possible. It is more than 5 miles a day (so more than 10,000 steps a day), but it might be fun to track.


4. Planning - I got a brand new journal and I really want to keep up with Bullet Journaling this year. I love the idea, but I stink at execution.


Those are my plans. Would love it if we could check in monthly to see how we're doing. I need accountability!!!

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Cut waste in our house. We recycle everything we can, now I want to reduce what comes in - so buy less packaging, etc.


Continue Keto Diet - it's working. :)


I was training for a 10K but had a toe injury - I want to get past that to get back to training.


We need to update some passports and wills.

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