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If you got tickets to the Inauguration, would you go? (Poll)


If you got tickets to the Inauguration, would you go?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. You found out you got tickets for the inauguration. Would you go?

    • Heck yeah. (fill in reason)
    • Maybe. Depends on finances & how much trouble it would be.
    • Maybe, if we liked the new president.
    • Nope. (Don't like new president, not enough $$, too far to travel, work, etc.)
    • Kilts. (Obligitory other)

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I marched in Clinton's second inaugural parade and got to attend one of the balls. I didn't vote for Clinton and he's not my favorite president, but I still really enjoyed getting to go to the inauguration. The fanfare was awesome, watching the fireworks all over the city, the excitement, it was a fun thing to be able to witness.


I think if you have family you can visit as well, go for it. Your kids can say they were there when...


Edited just in case I'm breaking board rules.

Edited by Rach
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I wouldn't go to an inauguration for anyone. I don't like crowds and I wouldn't want to deal with standing out in the extreme cold.


My feelings exactly.  I live locally.  It's always, always bitter cold then.  I dislike crowds and I don't really enjoy politics.   I was mildly interesting in going for Obama's because it was historic.   But, only mildly. 

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If we went, we'd stay with relatives. (Those who remember my posts about relatives will be glad to note that THESE are the best ones I have since my dad died. These are the only cousins my kids like. Two of mine correspond with two of them via snailmail.)


Thanks for all the opinions! 

(I will note that the LOW for D.C. this week looks like it is only in the 20s. We're looking at highs in the single digits. Not overly worried about the temp.)


Also, very glad to have the kids be on the older side if we go. Wouldn't want to do it with toddlers.

Edited by RootAnn
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I would go. Although I'm not a huge fan of this soon to be pres, I've considered going without tickets. I wouldn't want to freeze, so the weather would also be a factor.


No.way.in.hell would I have gone to the past few inaugurations.


However, no matter who was coming/going, I would never consider anything more than a day trip to see it. So if I were the OP, no, I wouldn't go, because that wouldn't be how I'd want to spend a trip like that.

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I grew up in Maryland and went to a couple inaugurations. My parents did not discriminate between presidents they voted for or presidents they did not vote for. The one I remember distinctly is Reagan's first. The outdoor part of his second was cancelled due to extreme cold, if I remember correctly. We were at Carter's, but was only 6, so it didn't leave the same impression as Reagan's when I was 10. For Bush 2, my parents were visiting us in ATL the week before and took the train instead of driving so they could take the overnight train back to DC to arrive the morning of the inauguration and attend. I know they also went to at least one of Clinton's. I believe for my family it is about celebrating the Comstitution and the peaceful transfer of power, not necessarily the man (always a man) taking office.

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Any other year, you betcha!


This year? No way, now how. We're not even watching it on TV this time around and I've watched it every nauguration since high school regardless of party.


I've thought about not watching this one TBH.  I haven't decided.  But truthfully, if it's on, it's because I wonder if we'll have a peaceful change of power this year.  This year I don't trust protesters on either side.  There are lunatics on both (which is not the same as saying everyone there is a lunatic, so no one read that in to what I'm typing).


If this is going to be a typical inauguration, I have no desire to watch it even on TV.  If it's going to be historic (due to the non-peaceful part), I want to know what's going on as "live" as I can get it.  The latter part worries me sort of wondering if we end up with Civil War II though if I had to bet on it all, peaceful would have the highest odds - just much lower than other years.  Violence just at the event has the second highest odds.  The start of Civil War II has low odds (to me), but is not impossible considering the polarization of our country.  I'd want to know which conditions we are in rather than finding out later.


I might have it on in the background - not paying attention, but able to stop and back up our TV if needed.

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Hell no. And I'm a Republican. And I live close enough to drive there so it wouldn't even be expensive.


But also, I am crowd-phobic and you couldn't pay me to go to New Year's in Times Square, opening ceremonies of The Olympics, the Superbowl (even if the Ravens were playing), etc. But also - this particular inaugeration. Hell no.

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I probably would not go for this President, but it would be tempting to go in my most outlandishly stereotypical Muslim garb. LOL

I might fear for your life if you did do that. Seriously.

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Quill, why would you think that? Serious question.

Ok, to keep within the no politics board guidelines: open hatred for Muslims is at a higher point now than it has been before this election cycle. Some people are very openly hostile toward a woman wearing a hijab, let alone full burqua. It is not hard for me to imagine that some people who feel this way will be at this inaugeration.

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Quill, why would you think that? Serious question.


Muslim hate crimes are at their highest level since immediately post-9/11.  Actually, it may have already surpassed that.  The outright, unapologetic hatred and bigotry since the election is quite frightening to many.  Southern Poverty Law Center is a good place to see stats.  Here's one article from immediately post election: http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/us/fbi-hate-crime-report-muslims/

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Well, y'all, it's Saturday and I had a late night last night, so I intend to laze around today and catch up on Top Chef. Which means I don't really want to keep rechecking this thread for violations of board rules. So I'm pre-emptively closing it. Board owner prerogative. :)



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