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Here we go again! (physician training and dh)


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I joined this forum when dd8 was 8 months old. DH was still in undergrad at the time and had decided to try to go to medical school only a year earlier. You guys have been here for almost all of our adventures in this extremely long and convoluted process. (Here's a post I made a few years ago when he applied for residencies). So it is only natural that I come here to talk about our last giant hurdle.


In 2 days at noon we'll find out if dh match into a gastroenterology fellowship. It is what he has been working for (except for a few months where he considered surgery) for almost 10 years. GI is one of the most competitive fellowships. Only 60% get a spot at all. And he was only able to interview at 5 programs. And programs are crazy small (like 2-4 fellows each). We've had to work so hard to get this far, and if he doesn't match, it will crush him. It feels like he is playing a high stakes game of bowling and has gotten strikes and is in the last frame and has to get a strike or he doesn't get to do what he wants to do for a living.




So yeah, pray for us. Dec 7, noon Eastern time we find out.

Edited by Meagan S
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Good luck! Went through residency and fellowship with my husband. It's stressful, but exciting. I hope he matches. <3 Does he have to do a preliminary year or two in Internal medicine?

He will have completed a full 3-year IM residency by the time he starts a GI fellowship. Which will also be 3 years. So six years total, assuming he doesn't decide to do 1 more year of training (which he's tossing around and will depend on where he matches).

Edited by Meagan S
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Waiting is always the hardest! Will you have to move if he matches? Keep us in the loop.


Best Wishes!

Likely. There's only one program locally (the hospital where he is doing his residency), and it is a fairly competitive program. It's our first choice, but we'll see. Moving doesn't bother us too much, although I'd rather not have to deal with selling our house. If he doesn't match, we'll probably stay here another year and apply again next year.

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Well, he didn't match. So...that sucks. There are lots of options from here, but he'll probably find a job for the year and reapply this summer (for next December's match day). We feel the Lord's hand in it, though, and know that we will be fine. Thank you for all your prayers. 

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@OP   I am sorry that he did not make it. I hope he will try again.  By coincidence, in the years when we had great Medical coverage (like a PPO in the USA), not one, but two of my Gastro Intestinal guys went to the USA.   And, for several years, we had a GI guy living on our block.  I suspect this isn't a good place for GI doctors, because of the typical diets here, but is much more lucrative in the USA, with the typical diets there.   One of them (probably the first one) told me that they see things in North Americans"  ("Gringos") that they never see in Colombians.  Hang in there and I hope this will materialize for your DH in the future.  

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I'm sorry.  I wish you had better news.  I don't like our system that weeds out doctors/specialists due to not enough spaces for qualified people.  I wish that could be changed - from med school on.  Our country needs more working doctors, not status quo.

Edited by creekland
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I'm sorry he didn't match. Good for him wanting to try again next year, though. That shows real perseverance. My DH is a gastroenterologist (a great one ;)) and I remember the stress of all the unknowns--with 2 small children. Many people don't realize that GI doctors are board-certified internists, as well, which means they keep up 2 certifications. If there's anything that your DH would like to ask mine about, he'd be happy to share. Good luck planning your interim year.

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That stinks! We just got a no in something we were looking forward to as well and I'm so grateful God is in control of these things, so I don't get overly bitter about not getting what *I* think is best for me :p


Hugs and prayers for your family as you continue looking for a match!

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