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Have you ever reported a post?

Have you ever reported a post?  

  1. 1. Have you ever reported a post?

    • Yes, I've reported a post to the moderators.
    • No, I've never reported a post to the moderators.
    • I've never reported a post, but I have messaged the moderators.
    • Other (I don't really care about reporting and just want to vote so the results are skewed)

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I reported one ages ago, from the old boards. Remember that gal, what was her name, JGM or JMG or something like that who fed us a line of lies...


I didn't report her. Members of the board posted her real name. When people started posting her home address, I did report that. Her name was one thing, but I felt it was wrong to post her home address in case she (or he) or whomever it was actually had children.



Wasn't it JMGmom? I'll never forget the day she went totally off her rocker and started posting vulgar insults to everyone on the boards. I answered her in a horribly rude way and promptly emailed the mods to remove my post.





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Yep, absolutely. Only for blatant violations of board rules. Reporting a post merely brings it to the attention of the mods -- if they see no problem with the post, of course nothing will come of it. (Though I don't *think* I've reported anything that wasn't eventually deleted -- as I said, I only report something that truly violates board rules, not merely something I disagree with...)


I really don't think reporting changes the *eventual* outcome. It may merely increase the speed with which certain posts are noticed by the mods.

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I remember reporting something once, but I cannot remember what it was for. I have considered reporting someone who has a tendency to call people "ignorant." I think I will the next time I see it. But unless it is a personal attack like that, I enjoy the exchange of ideas too much to report a post.


Oh, there was another post not too long ago where a "gang" of people immediately started ridiculing, and in my opinion bullying, the OP. I was truly tempted to report then, but decided it was just the hyped up emotions of the election, and decided to simply ignore it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't, and (except for the possiblity of spam) never will.


If I don't like what someone says, I can close the message and move on. There have been plenty that I do that to. Plenty more that I don't even "bite" when I see the subject line (though I do often roll over it to confirm that it's about what it seems to be about.)


Have never put anyone on "ignore", either! (Though I often manually ignore certain people!)


Ya'll are imaginary anyway, how can what you post hurt or offend me?:D

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I've never reported a post here or on any other forum in all the years I've been on the internet. Nothing has ever bothered me enough to do so. I'm sometimes astounded by individual opinions, but hey, they're their opinions, they're entitled to them.

This has nothing to do with the OP, but I just HAD to commend you on your use of they're / their / they're in light of the recent grammar pet peeves threads!!!

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Nope. Never even thought about doing so.


(I'm practically perfect in every way. :D)


I've only ever reported SPAM. However, I've been tempted to report some very foul posts, especially when name calling and/or religion bashing are involved. I always stop myself, though, because we still have freedom of speech in this country (maybe not for long, but it's still here now).


Just because I disagree with someone's position on a topic doesn't mean I'm going to report it. Obviously, if I were, I would have already.

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