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Night Elf

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I have to clean my house. I have zero motivation. My family doesn't seem to care what it looks like. I cleaned the hall bathroom today and it took me an hour of psyching myself up to get that done. The kitchen is a hot mess. The inside of the microwave is bad. All rooms are dusty (the furniture). My personal bathroom needs attention. All I keep up with on a regular basis are the toilets and floors. I don't want to clean today!

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Yes, a day off is good. But I have to confess it's been at least several days since I cleaned the kitchen. And I can't remember the last time I cleaned the microwave.


Which reminds me, if anyone is reading this. How can I clean the microwave? I'm afraid to use a cleaning agent in it so I normally just use plain water and elbow grease. Can I use anything in it?

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Yes, a day off is good. But I have to confess it's been at least several days since I cleaned the kitchen. And I can't remember the last time I cleaned the microwave.


Which reminds me, if anyone is reading this. How can I clean the microwave? I'm afraid to use a cleaning agent in it so I normally just use plain water and elbow grease. Can I use anything in it?

I put water and lemon juice in a Pyrex bowl and let it go until it's all boiling and steamy in there, then turn it off, leave the door closes for a while, then wipe! Easy peasy!
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Yes, a day off is good. But I have to confess it's been at least several days since I cleaned the kitchen. And I can't remember the last time I cleaned the microwave.


Which reminds me, if anyone is reading this. How can I clean the microwave? I'm afraid to use a cleaning agent in it so I normally just use plain water and elbow grease. Can I use anything in it?

Heat a wet cloth up in microwave....makes it easy to wipe clean.

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I put a bowl of water in the microwave and zap it on high for 3 minutes. The steam loosens up the gunk on the inside of the microwave. Then I just was it off with water or use 409 cleaner. My microwave has a glass turntable and I run that through the dishwasher when it gets really gross.


I've been laid up with shoulder surgery and haven't cleaned anything really in two months. Well, except for my bathroom because I don't like it dirty. DH cleaned the kitchen a few weeks ago, but it looks like it might need it again soon. I may just hire someone to come in before the holidays because I am not up to tackling the heavy cleaning and no one else wants to either.

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Yes, a day off is good. But I have to confess it's been at least several days since I cleaned the kitchen. And I can't remember the last time I cleaned the microwave.


Which reminds me, if anyone is reading this. How can I clean the microwave? I'm afraid to use a cleaning agent in it so I normally just use plain water and elbow grease. Can I use anything in it?


One of the most helpful cleaning tips I've ever read was for cleaning the microwave:


Put a small glass bowl of water in the microwave for 3 or 4 minutes (until it's good 'n steamy in there).  Let it sit for a few minutes before removing with hotpads - it'll be hot!  Then just wipe down the inside with a sponge.  The steam makes the mess come right off!  No need for any additional product.


ETA:  clearly I'm not the only one who does this!  :p  So many posts appeared since I started typing!

Edited by Miss Mousie
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Yes, a day off is good. But I have to confess it's been at least several days since I cleaned the kitchen. And I can't remember the last time I cleaned the microwave.


Which reminds me, if anyone is reading this. How can I clean the microwave? I'm afraid to use a cleaning agent in it so I normally just use plain water and elbow grease. Can I use anything in it?



Here's what I do when I'm in a cleaning rut (which is all the time).


On separate sheets of paper, or in columns on the same sheet, write the next four days:  Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat.


Divvy up the work that needs to be done onto those four days.  Some jobs will be on every day (dishes).  When you write the jobs, break them down into parts.  Don't write, "Clean bathroom."  Write, "Scrub toilet, wipe sink, sweep floor, etc".  This is for two reasons: to get a handle on exactly how big each job is and also so you have the satisfaction of crossing all these things off the list!  (The best part.)


You probably need to get it all done and it would be awesome if it was all done today, but why kill yourself?  Just break it down into small jobs and work on them throughout the next four days, going easy on yourself.  By Sunday morning, it'll all be done without a lot of angst.

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Instruggle with wanting to clean sometimes as a depression symptom. When I find basic household tasks to be overwhelming or troublesome that's a clue I might be getting in a funk. Your mileage may vary but could some seasonal affective disorder be at play here?


I usually take a day or two off, lounge around, get really good sleep, and then force myself to do it the next day :)

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Thanks everyone! I googled and found a way to use vinegar in water to steam the inside of the microwave. I didn't think to try it without the vinegar. But it sure did work! The gunk came off really easily. Yay!


Separating the work into the rest of this week is probably a good idea. I'll never get it all done today. I did really want the microwave cleaned though so I'm glad I found an easy way to do it. I really shouldn't let it get so bad.


The only other thing I absolutely need to do today is washing my son's work uniform.


I'll make a list of things I want to do. Maybe on some of them, I can get DH's help on Saturday. I need to dust all the shelves on the living room walls and they're up high. I have to use a step ladder to reach them. It's a pain to do and would probably be easiest with two people since I have to take everything off the shelves.

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I cleaned out my fridge yesterday. Took everything out, scrubbed all the shelves, threw away the expired stuff living in the back... it was awful. I am embarrassed to admit it had been bothering me for months and I only finally tackled it.


I might be somewhat motivated by the impending visit of my inlaws and my mil is a clean freak.

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Why are you the one who needs to wash his uniform? He's 20 years old. He can step up and do his own laundry. If your adult children live with you, barring some physical or mental impairment, they can chip in a lot on chores.


I'd make that list and start dishing out chores. Or they can pay you some small degree of rent and you can pay a cleaning service.

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Well...I needed to clean mine but decided it could wait. Then got a call from a friend, her daughter had fallen and broken an arm. She has 4 other kids and really needed somebody to take the others while they sat in the ER. Of course I said yes, but that meant speed cleaning! Really wish I had already cleaned.

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Why are you the one who needs to wash his uniform? He's 20 years old. He can step up and do his own laundry. If your adult children live with you, barring some physical or mental impairment, they can chip in a lot on chores.


I'd make that list and start dishing out chores. Or they can pay you some small degree of rent and you can pay a cleaning service.


He did his laundry yesterday but he's working 4 nights in a row and he has only one uniform. I have a load to do so it's no big deal to toss his pants and shirt in with my things. I'd put off mine for another day but he works tonight so I might as well do it all.

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I'm another who rarely cleans (except dishes, laundry, and if the bathroom needs it).  It doesn't bother us.  It doesn't bother our kids.  It doesn't bother our visitors.  My house doesn't even remotely look like it could be on Hoarders, but I only get to "other" things (vacuuming, dusting, clutter picking up, etc) if "it" gets to me and I decide I really want to.


We're quite happy with that arrangement and the lack of stress from thinking everything "should" be clean is nice.  I don't need my house featured in any sort of magazine and the "verse" 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' doesn't exist in the Bible I read.



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I'm another who rarely cleans (except dishes, laundry, and if the bathroom needs it).  It doesn't bother us.  It doesn't bother our kids.  It doesn't bother our visitors.  My house doesn't even remotely look like it could be on Hoarders, but I only get to "other" things (vacuuming, dusting, clutter picking up, etc) if "it" gets to me and I decide I really want to.


We're quite happy with that arrangement and the lack of stress from thinking everything "should" be clean is nice.  I don't need my house featured in any sort of magazine and the "verse" 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' doesn't exist in the Bible I read.



This is my house!  Dishes and laundry get done and the bathrooms as needed...but I figure showers don't need it as much as the toilet and sink.  I scoop the litter boxes twice a day.


I have stopped the craziness that equates a clean house with morality.  I just simply don't care what anyone thinks anymore.  If it was hazardous and we were getting sick, then I would worry.  But we're not.  And we're pretty moral people, even in our messy home, so I'm ok with it.


I haven't apologized for my messy house in a few years and I never will again, even if I get the urge to say, "Oh excuse the mess..." when someone comes in.  I just won't do it anymore.  Freeing!

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I've never been a deep-cleaning person, though I like things to be surface clean.  There've been times when I've just been overwhelmed though.  I hate cleaning!  A couple times in my life I have hired someone to come in and clean, and then it's so much easier to keep up after that.  (At least for awhile ;))


So that's what I'd recommend.  Even if it's a combination of Christmas, birthday, and Mother's Day, hire someone to come in once to deep-clean.  They'll even clean your microwave.  :)

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You're doing it wrong!  Farm that crap out to the kids!  :laugh:  Listening to them gripe about it is far easier than doing it myself.

I have to clean my house. I have zero motivation. My family doesn't seem to care what it looks like. I cleaned the hall bathroom today and it took me an hour of psyching myself up to get that done. The kitchen is a hot mess. The inside of the microwave is bad. All rooms are dusty (the furniture). My personal bathroom needs attention. All I keep up with on a regular basis are the toilets and floors. I don't want to clean today!


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I must be permanently depressed; I have  never been able to summon enthusiasm for cleaning toilets.

Instruggle with wanting to clean sometimes as a depression symptom. When I find basic household tasks to be overwhelming or troublesome that's a clue I might be getting in a funk. Your mileage may vary but could some seasonal affective disorder be at play here?

I usually take a day or two off, lounge around, get really good sleep, and then force myself to do it the next day :)


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I have such an awesome DH. When he got home from work, I showed him all the stuff I got done today. He was duly impressed but told me I should never feel like I need to do so much in one day. He also said he would help me this weekend cleaning things in high places, like shelves and ceiling fans. I have family coming over on Dec. 17th and I need all the public spaces in the house to be thoroughly cleaned. I figure if I deep clean now then all I need to do is superficial cleaning on the 16th.

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