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Twilight--A Confession

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I was perfectly content in my twaddle-free world and turned up my nose at all the hullabaloo over this book. It is, after all, a book marketed to teens, for goodness sake, and a vampire novel to boot. Girl falls in love with handsome vampire....how original. My step quickened as I passed it by at the local Target and I even flipped my hair in disdain at the thought of reading it.


Then I saw the movie trailer, on accident. Whoa. Instantly, I had to read it. Embarrassed by my own lack of will power, I refused to get it from the library because then the librarian would KNOW. I couldn't order it from Amazon because I needed it NOW. So I went back to that Target, with a hat and sunglasses, and stuffed it in my cart along with a bunch of other random things hoping the cashier wouldn't notice (or would at least think I had a teenage daughter to give it to).


I stayed up half the night reading it last night. I was late to work this morning from exhaustion, and I am sneaking back to Target today to get book 2.


Is there some kind of rehab I can go to so I can break the spell this book has on me?


Now I am also counting down the days until the movie and it is all because I read the thread posted a few days ago about how great this book is. Now I have to take back all the smug thoughts I had and admit that I am hooked. :tongue_smilie:


Question: Does anyone know if the movie just covers book 1 (and maybe there will be sequels) or will it attempt to condense all 4 books into one movie?

Edited by Heather in NC
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Funny! I was (still am) similar to your description. I still have not read the book. I don't know that I will....is it scary? Does it talk a lot about how he wants to suck her blood (LOL)?


I don't do scary, blood-sucking books well. ;)


It isn't graphic...doesn't talk a lot about blood....lots of hinting at and euphemisms. But it leaves you breathless.;)

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I am sneaking back to Target today to get book 2.



Heather, let me give you some advice to save you gas money. Take a deep breath and purchase books 2, 3, and 4 at the same time. I didn't want to admit I was going to read them all right away and had to make 3 different trips to the bookstore in one week to buy them. I thought I was being more frugal with my money by not purchasing them all at the same time. (because, you know, gas is so cheap these days.) I also had to deal with my 13 year old exclaiming "You're going to the bookstore AGAIN?" So I had to bribe my kids to keep from telling dh. I tell ya, the world of addiction and denial is not easy or cheap!

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Oh, you can join my 4 oldest daughters and their friends. They pull all nighters with this one. And they keep trying to get me to pick it up but I don't dare right now in the middle of schooling the younger children because I know what it will do to my family!:bigear: Nothing would get done, diapers wouldn't get changed, mac and cheese for dinner every night. No, I just can't go there right now as much as I want to.:glare:

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It's funny, I don't find the trailer appealing at all! But I was totally hooked on the books too. :) I was skeptical, of course, but then otherwise reasonable adult women kept recommending them (and swooning as they did so), so I finally relented. And, of course, had to go out the next day to buy books 2 and 3 at once! :)


But it's hard to say you're reading (and enjoying!) a "vampire teen romance novel", huh?


"No, no! It's, uh, my cousin's! Yeah, that's it! I'm really reading, uh, um, uh, Calvin's Institutes! Yeah, that! And, uh, also, Michael Pollan's newest book! And for fun, Moby Dick! Yeah!"

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"No, no! It's, uh, my cousin's! Yeah, that's it! I'm really reading, uh, um, uh, Calvin's Institutes! Yeah, that! And, uh, also, Michael Pollan's newest book! And for fun, Moby Dick! Yeah!"


And I am reading "The Complete Works of Shakespeare" along with "A History of Western Philosophy". :D I think I will take one of those dust jackets and cover book 2 with it as I am sitting at piano lessons with my ds tonight. :tongue_smilie:

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In an earlier post I'd mentioned how disappointed I was with parts of Twilight, and New Moon (the second book). Well, I just finished Eclipse (book 3) and I'm glad I kept reading the series! IMO, Eclipse is the best one so far, and I'm dying to get my hands on book four (I'm borrowing them from a friend, and she's on vacation right now so I have to wait....I'm too cheap to buy hardback fiction :lol:).


So, even though it happened late, I'm totally hooked on the series, and I'm interested to see how the movie turns out. I was surprised at the choice of director. She's directed mostly independent-type movies like Thirteen and The Lords of Dogtown. I guess it makes sense though, since both are about teenagers.

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OMG!! I read Twilight in a day and a half and started New Dawn last night and I'm halfway done. I am hooked for sure!! I held out too, and then I couldn't resist when our Wal-mart got them in paperback. I bought the first and second books, and now I've gotta go get #3 and #4! I watched the movie trailer 4 times in a row last night. It leaves me breathless, too, Heather! I wish you still lived in NC, and we would go see the movie together!! I haven't told my husband, yet, that I have a crush on a 17 year old vampire!

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I haven't told my husband, yet, that I have a crush on a 17 year old vampire!


I think that's the problem with these books. They remind us of all the over the top crushes we had when we were teens. I totally felt like I was 16 again reading these books. (and yes, I think I have a crush on Edward too.)

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My BFF (my step-sister) convinced me to read this book. My reaction was pretty similar to yours. I liked the first book and looked forward to the second. I have been really disappointed with the sequals, though. While the first was interesting and did sustain the tension the later books have been, IMO, complete crap.


Don't buy them, see if your library has them.

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Is there some kind of rehab I can go to so I can break the spell this book has on me?


Book 4 was all the rehab I needed. :001_smile:


What does that mean??????? No, don't tell me! But, I cannot stand the suspense!!!!! I have #3 and 4 on hold at the library, but I might just have to go buy them!!!

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Try to lower your expectations for the other three books. I liked the series as a whole, but the first was definitely the best, and there were some kooky plot elements that made me roll my eyes.


BTW, I had a crush on Edward AND Jacob.


I am almost done with book 2 and I think it is GREAT. Yeah, far-fetched but it IS a book about vampires after all. I actually think her writing is better in this one too. I'll be getting book 3 and 4 tonight! :D

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I read all of the Twilight books in rapid succession recent. I don't even want to see the movie because I think it would ruin my little fantasy world where I could be a Cullen too. I've always been an Anne Rice fan and never thought I would find a group of vampires that I loved more....until I met the Cullens. Those books have stuck with me and I'm grateful to have something nice to think about when we're in the middle of spelling! :o)

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I just wanted to add that the book is only over book 1. They hope to do more in the series, but they'll wait to see how the first movie does before making any offers.


I'm nervously awaiting the movie. The trailers and the clips I've seen are interesting, but it'll be hard to top what['s going on in my imagination.


Also, in one of the trailers, "Edward" sounds like he's channeling Brando. ("I could'a been a contendah!") His accent may be good, or it may be very mockable.

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Twaddle or not...my dd who is soooooo book-a-phobic just read the entire book in less than 24 hrs. Hark.... what is that singing? Finally, I think she's seeing the light of what a "good" book will do for her. Plus, I think her devouring that book in a short period of time will give her confidence to take on others.


BTW- She is begging me to take her out and get the second one. Right. Now. "Please, Mommy I'll do anything you want...."

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I've been strong and haven't caved in, yet. But I'm weakening. I think I'll put it on hold at the library, and then have my dd pick it up for me. ;)





You might get to read them in 2010 if your library's hold list is like most. I was fortunate enough to borrow the first three from a friend, and went to the release party to buy the fourth.

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These books left me feeling very embarrassed about how infatuated I could be with a fictional character. :blush: But they are so much fun and so, so addicting.


I am very excited about the first movie! And in case you don't already know, if you go to Stephenie Meyer's website you can read the first half of Midnight Sun, which is Twilight written from Edwards perspective. And you have to visit http://www.twilightmoms.com. The forums there have a ton of news and the discussions are more mature than you will find elsewhere on the web. Although they still say OME a lot (as in Oh My Edward :lol:).


Enjoy! And please report back when you're done!!

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There-now you've done it!!! I was intrigued by your title, so I read it, now I'm wondering what the fuss is about!:lol: I read the bestsellers list all of the time and think "Oh, that is terrible, look at these books-that is what our society is coming to?" (Above it all, above it all)


Now, I am wanting to secretly read it, but not buy it. But we live in a very small town too, and I know all of the librarians and don't want them to think less of me.


I know! Maybe I'll reserve it under my mom's card & have her check it out for me.:coolgleamA:

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You all sound just like my dd and her friends! :D They keep talking about how they want to marry Edward, or Jacob. My dd says she would marry Seth just to be different.


I liked the books too, I guess we never outgrow the teen girl we are inside!:lol:


DD turns 15 this week and all she wants for her birthday is to see the movie the night it comes out.


I have had some misgivings about the books and how they portray relationships, but it has lead to some good discussions. I had to point out that reading each book over and over probably does nothing to stretch her brain though. She and her friends have contests to see how much of the dialouge they can quote.


Happy reading to those of you that have not finished the series. I agree that book 1 is the best.

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My 14yo and I both loved them, and know my 12yo has started Twilight and loves it. We don't think they are exactly great literature, but fun to read.


At first I had misgivings about the relationships, but since I'm on my second read of the series, I like it. It's their first love, they are abstaining, he's a gentleman...it's refreshing.


As for the movie Edward, we remember him from Cedric Diggory in HP4. He's English and may be trying to stuff in an American accent. I'll have to check out the new trailers. :001_smile:

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There-now you've done it!!! I was intrigued by your title, so I read it, now I'm wondering what the fuss is about!:lol: I read the bestsellers list all of the time and think "Oh, that is terrible, look at these books-that is what our society is coming to?" (Above it all, above it all)


Now, I am wanting to secretly read it, but not buy it. But we live in a very small town too, and I know all of the librarians and don't want them to think less of me.


I know! Maybe I'll reserve it under my mom's card & have her check it out for me.:coolgleamA:


Shame your kids are so young or you could claim that you were reading them to check if they were appropriate for them;)

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Could my mature 12 year old read these? Or could we read them aloud with my 12 and 9 year old (dd and ds)?


They are well read and I'm not terribly squeamish about what we read. I wonder if my almost 10 year old son would enjoy the stories as read alouds. I'm pretty sure my 12 year old dd would like them, but I wonder if they're really aimed at older teens?


What do you think?

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Could my mature 12 year old read these? Or could we read them aloud with my 12 and 9 year old (dd and ds)?


They are well read and I'm not terribly squeamish about what we read. I wonder if my almost 10 year old son would enjoy the stories as read alouds. I'm pretty sure my 12 year old dd would like them, but I wonder if they're really aimed at older teens?


What do you think?


I would *not* consider them as potential read-aloud material at all. They're romance novels. Sweet, fairly chaste, obviously intriguing and addictive to many of us... But still romance novels. Definitely geared for older teens (or adult women who can still remember what it was like to be a teen in love for the first time), with little or no redeeming value as a read-aloud.


12 would be borderline for me, and really depend on the kid. The first books are quite chaste, but there's sexual content as one continues through. (In appropriate context, but still -- more than many young teens would be ready for.)


I simply can't *imagine* a 9yo boy having any desire to read them at all. On the other hand, if you're looking for a fun "popcorn" read for a 9yo, ds would highly recommend the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books (beginning with Lightning Thief) by Rick Riordan, or the Alex Rider novels (beginning with Stormbreaker) by Anthony Horowitz.

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I would *not* consider them as potential read-aloud material at all. They're romance novels. Sweet, fairly chaste, obviously intriguing and addictive to many of us... But still romance novels. Definitely geared for older teens (or adult women who can still remember what it was like to be a teen in love for the first time), with little or no redeeming value as a read-aloud.


12 would be borderline for me, and really depend on the kid. The first books are quite chaste, but there's sexual content as one continues through. (In appropriate context, but still -- more than many young teens would be ready for.)


I simply can't *imagine* a 9yo boy having any desire to read them at all. On the other hand, if you're looking for a fun "popcorn" read for a 9yo, ds would highly recommend the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books (beginning with Lightning Thief) by Rick Riordan, or the Alex Rider novels (beginning with Stormbreaker) by Anthony Horowitz.



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I have never read a romance novel in my life. Suddenly, I keep hearing about these books though and I am intrigued. I just don't have time in my life for a new obsession. Something like this should wait to come along until I am a little old lady with nothing else to do but read! :tongue_smilie:

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I think that's the problem with these books. They remind us of all the over the top crushes we had when we were teens. I totally felt like I was 16 again reading these books. (and yes, I think I have a crush on Edward too.)



lol, the books reminded me of the over-the-top, in-over-my-head, overwhelming way I fell in love with my dh. lol All those "new" feelings I didn't realized I'd sort of forgotten came rushing back while reading the first book. The always thinking about... forgetting to breathe... all of it. Pretty much from first sight too, lol. Dh is very happy with my newly recovered memories. :lol: (Edward can't hold a candle to my dh, roflol)


The 4th book, though... :glare: I wasn't a fan. It was all so awkward. :001_huh:

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I have never read a romance novel in my life. Suddenly, I keep hearing about these books though and I am intrigued. I just don't have time in my life for a new obsession. Something like this should wait to come along until I am a little old lady with nothing else to do but read! :tongue_smilie:


At least they are very fast reading. You could easily finish a couple of them in a weekend. They took me one night each to read (mind you, I stayed up, glued to them until 2 or 3 in the morning, but still! :tongue_smilie:).

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