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If you are handy with crafts or a hobby artisan...(frivolous post)


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Nothing important hangs on this post, I just wanted to hear what top couple items you have handcrafted of which you were most proud. :) Sort of just a legal bragging thread. :)


One of the best things I ever sewed was a coordinating set of Christmas outfits for DD and DS when they were maybe 4 and 2 years old. Hers was black velvet bodice dress with a blue tartan skirt and his was a blue tartan vest and black pants. :)


Another that turned out very well was a fairy costume I made for DD when she was around 8.


I also love the Christmas stocking I cross-stitched for DD when she was a toddler. It is still the stocking she uses every year.

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In 1990 The Little Mermaid was released in VHS format and oldest dd wanted to be Ariel for Halloween.  I had no pattern, but I did it. Green lame and all. She's 33 now and still remembers it fondly.  However, her sister is the one who won the costume contest with her dalmatian costume. White sweatshirt and sweatpants with black dots glued on.   Grr..


In 1983 I hand painted a ceramic nativity set and it's been used every year since then. It's not super special craft wise but it's special because I made it and didn't buy it. 


All four grandkids have baby quilts I made just for them, and I also made twin size quilts as they moved into big kid beds. One more little one to make that transition.  I love seeing pics of the kids cuddled in their quilts. It's like a long distance hug since I live 1000+ miles from them. 





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I love quilting. I made a quilt for a neighbor who was being treated for breast cancer. She is now a 13 year survivor. The quilt travels with her everywhere. When I met her second husband he gave me a huge hug because he knew I was the quilt lady.


When my uncle got remarried after his first wife died, I made a quilt for a wedding gift. It is a gorgeous quilt, al scrappy, and I loved making it. It was hard to give away. But my new aunt loved it and said it really made her feel welcome into our family.


I made my mother-in-law a quilt when my father-in-law died. It has a place of honor in her new house. It means a lot to me that something I made her is very important to her. (Don't tell anyone, but I am the favorite of the three daughters-in-law.)

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I cross-stitched Christmas stockings for both my kiddos. Mine was made by my mother, and dh's was made by his grandmother, so we have a beautiful set hanging from the fireplace that I just LOVE! (And we actually have a mantle to hang them from this year -- yay!!)


I'm also proud of the birthday parties I've done for the kids over the years. I really get into decorations and food to go with the theme. I always design and handmake the invitations and matching cupcake toppers, etc. We've done all kinds of different themes -- little pumpkin, Mickey Mouse, construction site, camping, Harry Potter. I think I enjoy them more than the kids!

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I designed a wove a wall hanging for Advent based on the story of the wise and foolish virgins.  It hangs from a herald's bugle, and is called "Wachet Auf" after the famous hymn based on the same text.  It's double weave pick up, and it is a good example of someone being too dumb to realize how hard something is, and going ahead and doing it.

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I quilt, and each new one I do is my favorite for a while. I think the one I am proudest of right now is my son's graduation quilt. I designed it, pieced it, and quilted it all, and it is the first quilt I ever fully free motion quilted, and it turned out really nice, exactly as I envisioned it. But I love all of them.


One I did for my middle son has even been copied -- cool, except the copier didn't credit me with the design, then she blogged it and submitted her version to various fandom blogs that feature crafts made based on the video game. I was flattered she copied my quilt, and thought it super cool my/my son's design was featured, and seriously ticked she claimed to have designed it herself. She (and the various other blogs) have gone in and linked back to mine, once I contacted them.


(Because mine was only the 3rd quilt I ever made, her execution is actually better than mine, but still, my son and I designed it)

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I designed a wove a wall hanging for Advent based on the story of the wise and foolish virgins. It hangs from a herald's bugle, and is called "Wachet Auf" after the famous hymn based on the same text. It's double weave pick up, and it is a good example of someone being too dumb to realize how hard something is, and going ahead and doing it.

Ha! That's a great line! :D

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I made some beadwork jewelry that I'm really proud of.  But no pictures of that, so...


I like to decorate cakes and cookies.  Here are some of my favorites from over the years (not sure about picture etiquette here, hope it's not too many):












There are a few more here: http://www.cakecentral.com/u/911593/Cecropia/gallery


What's funny is that I can make just about any cake in any theme/material/flavor that the kids want for their birthdays, but nowadays they prefer a regular old walmart cake off the shelf, or a dairy queen cake...

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Before I had children, I made a gorgeous silk dupioni Christening gown with pintucks and French lace inserts. Knowing DH and I wanted 4 children, surely one of them would be a girl to wear this gorgeous dress (DH was adamant that it was not for a boy). Then I had four wonderful sons and no daughters, and the dress has never been worn. I'm hoping one of my future daughters-in-law will want to use it someday for a granddaughter.

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I took an American Sign Language sampler and cross-stitched my son a name hanging. I wanted to honor both languages. I added cute trucks to either side and framed it so that he had something like his sisters. It led to me making some for his classmates as well.

(My avatar is an ornament I stitched as well).

Edited by Beaniemom
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I dabble in a lot of artsy/crafty things...I'm most happy when Im creating something :).

I'm relatively new to crocheting..but I really do enjoy it :).  I made this little mouse....

...and this baby blanket for my sister in law...I wasn't crazy about the colors but the choices were limited in the yarn I wanted to use.

I've played around with felt play food as well.  I made this little farmer's market basket for my niece...


...and this for my little guy the Christmas we bought him a play kitchen :).


I like to draw every once in awhile too..not as often as I used to since I took up photography..but drawing was my first love and I still like to crack out the pencils and paper every once in awhile :).


Edited by JennSnow
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You guys are amazing! Love all the crafts. ALL of them!


As for me, I do knitting, crochet, and spinning primarily, but not much of any since having kids. I also restore/service antique sewing machines and sew with them, too. Pictures are on my ravelry but not many are current because of time constraints. I did finish a cute noro knit hat today and begin a crocheted dish towel this evening though :)

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Great photos and descriptions!


Bragging not so much about the end product but the verbal exchange:  My son, archaeologist and avid hiker, prefers socks made by the Vermont company Darn Good or his Mum's handknitted socks.  A year or so ago, when he was decompressing in a hotel with a group of fellow archaeologists, someone made a comment on his socks.  He reported that his mother knits socks for him which got a round of enthusiastic responses, something he told me about the next day.  I love the fact that he appreciates and wears these socks made with a lotta love.


It has been years since I have been in a pottery studio, but I still see pots I've thrown (on the wheel, not at walls :laugh: ) in friends' homes.  It really is nice to see stuff I have made being used.


Unfortunately I'm having trouble uploading photos otherwise I'd show you a recent project that I made, a basket. It is far from perfect as the craft is a new one for me, but I am so pleased with the result.




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I made the train for my wedding dress. I am almost 6 feet tall, but wanted a train on my wedding dress. I wanted it to attach to my shoulders, not waist. So I spent 25 hours rolling the edge of the 4 yards of organza, 45 min stitching it, and no one knew I made it.


Now after posting this, I can't find my wedding album!  That's what a cross country move does for you.  But I did find this snapshot on my computer.  The straps were part of the train, so it was closer to 10 feet from shoulders to floor. ( I didn't want a strapless dress.)


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I cross-stitched Christmas stockings for both my kiddos. Mine was made by my mother, and dh's was made by his grandmother, so we have a beautiful set hanging from the fireplace that I just LOVE! (And we actually have a mantle to hang them from this year -- yay!!)


I'm also proud of the birthday parties I've done for the kids over the years. I really get into decorations and food to go with the theme. I always design and handmake the invitations and matching cupcake toppers, etc. We've done all kinds of different themes -- little pumpkin, Mickey Mouse, construction site, camping, Harry Potter. I think I enjoy them more than the kids!


Adding pics!


Here is the stocking I made for ds. You can see a corner of dd's too. Don't have a pic of hers on this computer.




And here are a couple from parties we've done:








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Peachydoodle, I adore that dump truck cake! How fun.


Thank you!


Wanna know a secret? It was an undecorated grocery store cake and grocery store brownies that I tore up in chunks. The truck was one that ds had already. I loved that we could use one of his beloved toys! And talk about EASY! I like to decorate, but a baker I am not!


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