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Cleaning a "lost" retainer?


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My daughter lost her retainer at a Disney restaurant. A very helpful employee found it and returned it to us.


Problem is that my germ adverse DH doesn't feel like it is clean enough. The retainer was on a plate the waitress cleared, so presumably it was stacked with plates from other tables and then scraped into the garbage.


We ran the retainer under very hot water, scrubbed it with a toothbrush, and soaked it in Listerine (twice). Would you consider it clean? Should we do something else?



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Do you know anyone with false teeth? We bought some of those type cleaner tablets for a science experiment & dd uses them on her retainer once per week or so.


If you watch them work, it really *looks* like it is cleaning, which is really helpful. Good luck! (DH isn't the one putting the stuff in his mouth. This would be more troubling if DD was the germophobe.)

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Buy Efferdent! It's what I have always used to clean things like toothbrushes, retainers, mouth guards and tongue scrapers. They are advertised for cleaning dentures.


The Efferdent tablet sits for like 15 min. in a cup of warm water (I think the box says not to use hot but I use very warm). Depending on how badly I needed my retainer and where I thought it had been, this in addition to scrubbing (as you already did) might be good enough for me and I'm a germophobe. I would clean all the items lol Like the toothbrush she just used to clean the dirty retainer... I would clean that again and then once both items were cleaned I would scrub the retainer once more maybe with a dab of toothpaste.

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Also, did your dd get a container to hold the retainer? If not, I would ask for one or buy one online. That way she could put the retainer in the container during meals, rather than loose on a tray, etc.


Yes, we have a VERY strict rule in our house -- FACE OR CASE... the only places your retainer can be are in your face or in its case!

We bought athletic mouthguard cases in addition to the cases provided by our orthodontist. These ones have a big carabiner type clips on them that we attached to school lunchboxes and or backpacks as needed.


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I dumped my retainer in the trash as a kid, it was on my tray :o


We boiled it and had no issue.


If hear was a concern I'd go listerine for five minutes and call it good.

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My daughter also left her retainer at Disney World. More specifically Holliwood Studios at the SciFi drive in! The server found it in the garbage and ran it through the cleaner. It came back HOT! We just had her put it right in. Lol I would totally wash it and be good to go.

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Oh and for the odd situation where one of our three (all boys, all had retainers at one time or another) didn't have a case we asked for a to-go cup and put the retainer in it and laid it on it's side.... rather than laying it on a plate or napkin. It stood out a bit and was less likely to get cleared by accident.


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