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My brother and his conspiracy theories


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My advice also is not to engage.  My dad was so persistent with the email forwards that my brother and I finally had to block him. It was always worse during election seasons, or during major events such as Y2K. I know he made calls to the FBI, etc. 



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He sent me a copy of a letter from the department of Army with the subject Preparation for Martial Law.


I just can't believe he believes this stuff. It takes 2 seconds to prove it is a hoax.



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Like many assertions, there is a grain of  truth here:  http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-ff-na-jade-helm-20150508-story.html


Military Training exercises and a lot of extrapolation.    I found that in 2 seconds. 



Maybe your brother just finds it all interesting? 


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From what I recall, your brother is unwell. I would just not engage, I really wouldn't. It is so hard. I have a family member who is descending into conspiracy theories, although not as far as he is, and I just thank them for thinking about me and ignore it otherwise.


You cannot reason with someone who is in this state. Any counterevidence is merely viewed as evidence of a conspiracy. 

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Some well meaning people on facebook (friends of friends - not mine) are posting warnings that by the middle of November we will be under 'marshall' law.


Right.  Sigh.  This is why I've narrowed my facebook friends down to the bare minimum.

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Trying to discuss or "prove" to someone who is paranoid will not work and will probably alienate you from him (he may believe you and your family are part of the conspiracy, etc.).


I believe you said his wife is ill? So I am guessing you want to try to be supportive. I would suggest not engaging in the paranoia and try to steer conversation to more appropriate topics.

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among the stuff my brother has sent me . . . was some CERN scientists supposedly opening a portal to  another dimension so now they're on the run from men in black suits who want to kill them.


I did send him the proof it was someone's really *really* REALLY bad attempt at writing unfinished science fiction (and there are websites of people waiting for the rest.  some people  just like really bad fiction. - and they knew it was fiction.)   he ignored me.


I occasionally point out the holes in the garbage, mostly I ignore.  I have a life.  he mocked me for my naivety for not believing the gov't was out to get everyone.

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Some well meaning people on facebook (friends of friends - not mine) are posting warnings that by the middle of November we will be under 'marshall' law.


Right.  Sigh.  This is why I've narrowed my facebook friends down to the bare minimum.


you could do them a favor and correct their spelling.  after all,  correct spelling and grammar go along way in building credibility. /



btw: I had far left nephew  sending me similar conspiracy theories 8 years ago.

Edited by gardenmom5
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I think she is doing well. She told me last night they are letting her combine the 5th and 6th week of treatment so she gets to come home a week early.



Then last night my brother told me that is not correct.  She comes home for one week, then goes back for 7 more weeks.  6 weeks radiation, 1 of chemo. 

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The scary thing is, I know a lot of seemingly normal, educated people who believe conspiracy stuff.  One very sweet, smart homeschooling mom I know was explaining to me how the government was going to be assigning career paths to each child at birth soon, and that her children were probably the last generation in the U.S. who would be able to choose their own.  Another older gentleman I know, another smart, educated man (he is a doctor) was telling me how Obama is not actually a citizen and is in fact part of ISIS, and how could our country have been so blind to not realize this and elect him?


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And the thing is.....I really don't trust any government. I know citizens are lied to often by all governments. But this stuff is just so far fetched.


My brother was once a brilliant person. I dontt know what has happened to him.


I'm sorry.  Perhaps he has an undiagnosed mental illness going on?

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The scary thing is, I know a lot of seemingly normal, educated people who believe conspiracy stuff.  One very sweet, smart homeschooling mom I know was explaining to me how the government was going to be assigning career paths to each child at birth soon, and that her children were probably the last generation in the U.S. who would be able to choose their own.  Another older gentleman I know, another smart, educated man (he is a doctor) was telling me how Obama is not actually a citizen and is in fact part of ISIS, and how could our country have been so blind to not realize this and elect him?


That could be dh's doctor.  Five minutes dealing with the medical issue.  Thirty minutes ranting about government conspiracies.  Smart, well educated man.  Makes me wonder about my sanity.


I've always known there are crazy, phobic people out there.  I just never knew any personally, or that I was aware of, before.  

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I'm sorry.  Perhaps he has an undiagnosed mental illness going on?

If I recall correctly, he has a diagnosis (was it bipolar schizophrenia?) but frequently goes off his meds. Feel free to correct me on that, Scarlett! So sorry to hear that it's getting worse even as his wife goes through treatment. :( I guess with everything else feeling like it's spiraling out of control, it's natural for him to reach out for control in some other way... but that's a scary prospect given his suspicions about people and places in his area. :/

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If I recall correctly, he has a diagnosis (was it bipolar schizophrenia?) but frequently goes off his meds. Feel free to correct me on that, Scarlett! So sorry to hear that it's getting worse even as his wife goes through treatment. :( I guess with everything else feeling like it's spiraling out of control, it's natural for him to reach out for control in some other way... but that's a scary prospect given his suspicions about people and places in his area. :/



Yes he is diagnosed and I really don't know about his meds.  Probably not on them right....although I hear him talk about pain meds. 


The thing is he doesn't sound frantic about this stuff he is paranoid about.  Just believes it and is matter of fact about it all.

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