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Are party favors expected for children parties?

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My son is turning 10 in a couple of weeks and I need to do a simple get together for the kids on the street. I'm thinking cake and icecream with flashlight tag. They play that game all the time in the evenings.


It isn't really a "party" so do I get party favors? I don't really know how many kids will show and there will be multiple age groups.


This party is giving me fits. My son really wanted a party, but I don't see anyway to do it by myself and a nursing baby- and the other little children. I want it to be special for him with not much effort from me...possible? I feel like a loser parent lately.:confused:


Thanks for your advice.



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Well, for goodness' sake, the children are coming to celebrate the birthday child's birthday; they'll get gifts at their own parties. They're getting cake and ice cream (or whatever) and get to play games and stuff. Why should they get "party favors" too?


Don't do it. Good manners does not require it.

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If the children are bringing presents a goody bag is appropriate in return. If no gifts are expected, then cake and ice cream sugar rush is all that is needed.

Happy Birthday to DC!




For a 10yo party, a bag of candies should be sufficient. I also agree with the poster who said a flashlight would be a good favor. I bet you can find them at the dollar store this close to Halloween.


I wouldn't stress over it, but if the kids are bringing presents, I would have a little something for them to take home.

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I hate goody bags. It's all junk and ends up in the landfill. What a waste of resources.


That's a mighty sweeping generalization. Last year at dd's birthday party, the girls got lip gloss, nail polish, note pads, cute pens, and stuff they would actually use. I have never bought cheap plastic toys for our goody bags here. I agree that those things do usually end up in the trash.

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I'm sure it varies - - in my area, it's expected. Because the kids get together and play tag all the time, I do think you might want to add a flourish or two to make it special, because the party idea sounds important to your son.


Don't feel overwhelmed - - it just takes one quick trip to the dollar store! I like the flashlight idea, and glowsticks would work very well also. temporary tattoos are fun, and candy is always a hit. pick just the one thing, and there is no assembling of bags required.


my friend had a smart idea: the kids play a version of 'hot potato' in which the person who gets caught is out as usual, but gets to pick a prize from the prize bag as they exit the game. everyone gets a prize, which doubles as the party favor, and I think the winner gets two or perhaps a special one, can't remember! for 10 yr olds near Halloween, you could do "Pass the Skull" or something, and you have a game and party favor all in one!


Also consider letting the 10 yr old handle most of this - - give him the budget, and let him know that it's up to him what is included for that amount of money (cake, ice cream, party favors, decorations, etc). Let him hop online and check out some ideas at Family Fun.


Why not? He's certainly old enough, and he'd get a great kick out of it, I'm sure!! He can do invitations, make decorations, maybe even bake the cake. Enlist someone to take him to the store for neccesities, and you're done. He can have a party without YOU giving him a party, y'know?

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Cake, ice cream, and flashlight tag sound like a party to me!


I gave myself permission to quit doing party favors over a year ago. In my mind, party favors feed into the materialistic, me-culture that we live in. Kids shouldn't expect a "gift" for attending someone else's birthday party.


If any of my dc's invited guests have missed them, they've had the good manners not to mention it in front of me. :D

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my dc don't have children at their birthday parties, they just have our large extended family over , however, my dc go to a few other kids b. day parties and they always come home with a favor bag so it seems that it is the norm to give out favor bags. I agree that flashlights and glow sticks would be just fine as favors (all kids love them).

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At the age of 10, I'd say no. The little kids, who are really just too young to experience a lot of join in "giving", really appreciate getting gift bags. It is so fun to watch them opening up the cr*p bags full of sugar and toys that will very soon fall apart. They are truly thrilled.


With the older kids, they aren't expecting a gift bag and even if they received one, probably wouldn't appreciate little cheap plastic things near so much as the 5 year olds.


As mine get older, they enjoy planning out their own birthday parties. I supply the cake. They supply the fun. I think your plan sounds perfect for a 10 year old boy birthday!

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We did a party like this 2 years ago for the boys. After going out for dinner as a family we started ringing doorbells up and down the street gathering children for a pinata, cake and icecream. We don't usually do parties for the kids because 1) when we used to the children were so incredibly rude and complained about everything 2)it is stressful 3) it just seems like a gift grab imo. ANyway we gathered all these children and they all had a blast, they got to smash the pinata in the driveway then they and their parents came in for cake and ice cream. No goodies bags from us because a) they had the pinata and b) it wasn't and organized party with invitations, gifts etc. Until spending his b-day in Disneyland my oldest son thought this was the best birthday he ever had, and it was the easiest one by far (it was his ninth btw)

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By 10yo he should be able to guide his own party with minimal help from you, unless he has a bunch of kids coming over.


We have had simple play parties where the kids just played outside. They split into natural groups and played different things. We usually have a huge food component to our parties but that isn't necessary.


If you want to do a little food you can order cheap pizza from Domino's or take and bake from Papa Murphy's. Cheese pizza is cheap and maybe a peperoni. VERY basic is the key.


Capri sun style drinks are great, grab a sharpie and have them write names on them before the open them. These work great because they don't spill and you don't have the mess of cups and juice.


Treat bags can be simple or not at all! I don't do traditional treat bags. I will sometimes buy rolls of Rollos (fairly cheap at Fred Meyers here) and wrap them in tissue paper. I have the kids hand them out as guests leave. I like Rollos because they are easy to share with siblings at home or for parents to divvy up.

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I think that if gifts are brought then a goodie bag is typically expected. I always give a book rather than a goodie bag. This year we are doing a pumpkin themed party on Halloween for ds3's b-day. I found a very inexpensive book to go along at Bookcloseouts.com for only $3 each. That's much less than it takes to throw together a bunch of stuff in a goodie bag and so much easier, imo! :)

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A simple idea sans favors would be to hide something like a box of candy outside and let those flash light waving kids find their treasure. You could dole out hints or make up a crazy map.


This is a fantastic idea! They love this sort of thing. I'm going to do this too.


Tammy, thanks for your kind words too.





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