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Don't tell my DH (or kids) but... UPDATE 2


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...every dinner on this week's menu is NEW/an EXPERIMENT!


LOL, seriously though...
Inspired by the recent "I hate to cook" threads, and UNinspired by our go-to recipes, I'm going all out this week! I usually keep it to one new recipe a week, but I'm going to try FIVE new recipes this week:


1. One-pan Mexican Quinoa http://damndelicious.net/2014/04/09/one-pan-mexican-quinoa/

**Reviewed in post 18**


2. Homemade chicken noodle soup. http://www.food.com/recipe/chicken-noodle-soup-20755?photo=382145

**Reviewed in post #10**


3. A new chili recipe. http://www.food.com/recipe/debbies-crock-pot-chili-45069


4. Crock pot chicken & stuffing. http://www.food.com/recipe/crock-pot-chicken-gravy-and-stuffing-3470?photo=378978


5. Greek chicken and potatoes. http://www.food.com/recipe/greek-chicken-and-potatoes-93596?photo=116613

(Sorry for the big links; on my phone.)

I'm hoping to expand our menu collection through this little experiment. :)

Edited by alisoncooks
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Update #1:  HOMEMADE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP (see recipe link in 1st post)


My thoughts:  too thyme-y for my taste, otherwise pretty good, if a little plain

Family's thoughts:  DH & Oldest liked it well enough.  Youngest refused to eat it (and she's my adventurous, food-lover).  ETA: At being faced with leftovers, Oldest also decided that she didn't care for the soup.  At all.  So...looks like I'll be eating soup every day for lunch...


Overall verdict:  Not a keeper.  It wasn't too labor-intensive but did require veggie-chopping and chicken-pickin' (I used a rotisserie chicken).  If that was prepped ahead of time, it'd be a very easy recipe (and quick).  But since Youngest absolutely would not eat it, that earns it a :thumbdown:.  (For me to choose to make something someone hates, everyone else must absolutely love it...and we were just so-so on this).


Still on the lookout for a good chicken noodle soup recipe...

Edited by alisoncooks
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The quinoa recipe looks like the kind of dish my husband and I will love. My oldest might find it too spicy and my youngest would object to everything being together, even though she likes most of the ingredients by themselves. I think I will make this when we have some other leftovers the kids can eat.

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Update #1: HOMEMADE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP (see recipe link in 1st post)


My thoughts: too thyme-y for my taste, otherwise pretty good, if a little plain


Family's thoughts: DH & Oldest liked it well enough. Youngest refused to eat it (and she's my adventurous, food-lover).


Overall verdict: Not a keeper. It wasn't too labor-intensive but did require veggie-chopping and chicken-pickin' (I used a rotisserie chicken). If that was prepped ahead of time, it'd be a very easy recipe (and quick). But since Youngest absolutely would not eat it, that earns it a :thumbdown:. (For me to choose to make something someone hates, everyone else must absolutely love it...and we were just so-so on this).


Still on the lookout for a good chicken noodle soup recipe...

So hard to please everyone!

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If you like Asian food then pho is absolutely delicious. Here's one easy recipe although I'm sure there are more 'authentic' ones online.



I like Asian food but am not a pho fan! I had heard so much good stuff about it, so DH and I went to a highly recommended restaraunt on our wedding anniversary to try it. I though it was really, painfullu bland. I thought for sure I would love it but not so much.

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Update #2:  One-pan Mexican Quinoa (see recipe link in 1st post)


My thoughts:   Once I got past the slightly grassy taste of the quinoa, I thought this was pretty tasty.  Of course, I loaded mine up with cheese, sour cream, avocado, lime juice and cilantro (and served with tortilla chips), thereby completely canceling the nutritious aspect of this dinner.  Also, this meal saved my bacon today; I forgot to thaw chicken or beef, and this was waiting in the wings, ready in about 30 minutes, start to finish.

Family's thoughts:  DH thought it was better-than-just-edible but not a meal that he'd request I make. Youngest was repulsed and struggled through a few bites. Oldest thought it was kinda gross, but mainly because she doesn't like seeing/eating chunks of tomatoes.



Overall verdict:  Well, I'm 0 for 2.  Won't make this again -- I'd eat it, but I'm pretty sure that by the time I eat all the leftovers over the next couple of days, I'll be tired of it and never want it again.  :glare:  


But for the record, the chicken noodle soup held up well overnight in the fridge; it made perfectly respectable leftovers today for lunch.

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We like this chicken noodle soup recipe. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine/2014/01/chicken-noodle-soup-taste-test/index.htm


I make a bunch of it - just the base (everything but the noodles, and without the additional water) and freeze it. When we want chicken noodle soup, or someone is sick, I can just pull out the base, thaw it, add water, and once boiling cook the noodles. Homemade soup.


I add carrots though. I think chicken noodle soup needs carrots. 

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Update #3: Crock Pot Chicken & Stuffing (see recipe link in 1st post)


My thoughts: Not bad! It tasted very Thanksgiving-y. Chicken was very tender, and though the stuffing was a bit mushy, it was flavorful.


Family's thoughts: DH thought it was very tasty. Youngest ate her serving up, minus a few bites of stuffing. Oldest decided she didn't like the way it looked and dug her heels in ("But Mommy! You eat first with your eyes!"). However, she did try a bit and conceded the chicken was fine but slightly slimy (everything is "slimy" to this kid).


Overall verdict: There must be a way to adapt this recipe so that everyone likes it. It was very easy to prepare, though cleaning was a chore (I should've used those foil crock pot liners).

Edited by alisoncooks
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I like Asian food but am not a pho fan! I had heard so much good stuff about it, so DH and I went to a highly recommended restaraunt on our wedding anniversary to try it. I though it was really, painfullu bland. I thought for sure I would love it but not so much.

Pho is in my top five favorite foods but there is a trick, first, make sure you get pho with brisket and flank steak, chicken pho just doesn't compare. Next you have to properly "dress" it with a little bit of mint, lots of cilantro, bean sprouts, a jalapeño slice or two, hoisin sauce, and sriracha, adjusted for your preferred spice level. I hope you can make yourself try it again. :)

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What?! Chicken already shredded? It might be worth it to get a Costco membership for just that! (I hate picking apart a rotisserie chicken...)

It already shredded! It's their rotisserie chicken shredded. 2lb 10oz in a package. $11.99 ( I think) I usually make a batch of chicken soup and chicken pot pie out of it.

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Pho is in my top five favorite foods but there is a trick, first, make sure you get pho with brisket and flank steak, chicken pho just doesn't compare. Next you have to properly "dress" it with a little bit of mint, lots of cilantro, bean sprouts, a jalapeño slice or two, hoisin sauce, and sriracha, adjusted for your preferred spice level. I hope you can make yourself try it again. :)

I didn't know about all the toppings. Oops. I'll have to give it another try. Thank you!

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