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Poison Ivy on face. And it's spreading. FAST.


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Ack.  I hate, hate, hate poison ivy.  


Eyes are starting to swell.  It's spreading fast.  Dh's planned romantic getaway this weekend will happen with Frankenstein.  Sigh.


Should I go to doctor?  Best treatment?


Weird thing is that I can't recall where I got it.  I am usually so very careful and aware of the stuff, because I know how I react.  I've had a few quiet years with tons of gardening and no serious poison ivy issues.  


Until now.

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Agreed, you need to see a dr if it's on your face and affecting your eyes. But I can also tell you (as a lifelong poison ivy/oak sufferer who is actually anaphylactic to poison sumac) that there's finally a product that works even for me: Tecnu.


I've used it three times in the past few years, and used it on my kids. It really does do what it claims - breaks down the urashiol and stops the spread. It can be used for pets, too. Great product.


If it was on my face I'd go to the dr, even if it meant steroids (BTDT) but I'd also check with the pharmacist whether I could use Tecnu (topical) concurrently. I've always been told yes.

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I get poison ivy every year, and it used to get very bad.  Now, I have jewel weed ice cubes in my freezer.  As soon as I see a little spot of it on me, I rub the ice cube over the spot.  It kills the itch, reduces inflammation and stops it from spreading.


If you don't know what jewel weed is, look it up.  If you have some in your yard, pick it, slice the stem, and apply the juice/resin to your poison ivy.  It should provide some immediate relief as it counteracts the chemicals in the poison ivy.  I had a friend who's DD's eyes also started to swell from poison ivy.  She immediately applied jewel weed and the swelling dissipated very quickly. 


More Info on Jewel Weed

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Go to the doctor and get the steroids.  They will help, but maybe not in time for your romantic getaway. 


My son used to get very bad poison ivy.  The last time he was away at college and he had to miss classes and come home. He couldn't get out of bed it was that bad.  I'm not normally a run to the doctor to get steroids type of person but I make an exception with poison ivy.


For future I find that Rhus Tox (homeopathic) works as a preventative measure. 


Hugs... poison ivy is awful.

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Poison ivy ranks right up there with childbirth and kidney stones for me. I feel for you!


Get a steroid shot at the doctor and take antihistamines continually while it's still flaring up. You might try Zyrtec. Wash the affected areas with Tecnu. 


Hope you feel better soon.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Agreed, you need to see a dr if it's on your face and affecting your eyes. But I can also tell you (as a lifelong poison ivy/oak sufferer who is actually anaphylactic to poison sumac) that there's finally a product that works even for me: Tecnu.


I've used it three times in the past few years, and used it on my kids. It really does do what it claims - breaks down the urashiol and stops the spread. It can be used for pets, too. Great product.


If it was on my face I'd go to the dr, even if it meant steroids (BTDT) but I'd also check with the pharmacist whether I could use Tecnu (topical) concurrently. I've always been told yes.



Is this a product that can be bought without a prescription?

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Ack.  I hate, hate, hate poison ivy.  


Eyes are starting to swell.  It's spreading fast.  Dh's planned romantic getaway this weekend will happen with Frankenstein.  Sigh.


Should I go to doctor?  Best treatment?


Weird thing is that I can't recall where I got it.  I am usually so very careful and aware of the stuff, because I know how I react.  I've had a few quiet years with tons of gardening and no serious poison ivy issues.  


Until now.

I'm sorry!

You need to be seen if it is in or close to your eyes. 

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Thank you so much!  I had terrible poison ivy last year, and I did end up with it on my face and had to go to the doctor, but perhaps with something like this I could have stopped the spread.  I'm going to get this and keep it in our camper.

Edited by Serenade
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Hope you get cleared up quickly.  If you know you are in it, clean up with ammonia, it will get the oils off and you won't break out.  I don't know how long you have after you are in it for this to work though.


We use rubbing alcohol to clean all the oils off everything, but of course you don't want to use that on your face near your eyes.  We do clean objects and shoes with it though. 


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My Dd got poison ivy on her face when she was 5.  It was a nightmare.  We took her to the Pediatrician and they did not mess around.  They gave her oral steroids and a face cream.   I'm not kidding when I say she got roid rage, it was insane!  But it cleared the rash up quickly.  It looked so painful, the speedy response of the medicine was well worth dealing with a crazy 5 year old for a few days. 

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Go to the pharmacy and get Zanfel. Over the counter.


My oldest is very sensitive to poison ivy and got wicked reactions on his face, necessitating steroids and trips to the ER, UNTIL WE GOT ZANFEL. 

It's like a miracle.

The itching and swelling were gone in minutes. No more need for the ER.

The little tube is expensive, but it's far cheaper than a visit to the doctor or the ER.

*Fair warning* -- follow the directions exactly.

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