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Hey! What happened to *my* SolaMichella social group?!

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I asked BeanSprouts to delete it. I'm afraid things aren't going anywhere and I honestly just feel foolish for even asking the man to dinner.


Apparently, I am way out in left field when it comes to figuring out whether someone's interested. He avoided me like I had leprosy last night and I don't know why, but it hurt.


I think growing old with my cats is the safest bet. :sad:

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I asked BeanSprouts to delete it. I'm afraid things aren't going anywhere and I honestly just feel foolish for even asking the man to dinner.


Apparently, I am way out in left field when it comes to figuring out whether someone's interested. He avoided me like I had leprosy last night and I don't know why, but it hurt.


I think growing old with my cats is the safest bet. :sad:


What the???? Well he doesn't know what he's missing!! You deserve someone better! :grouphug::grouphug:

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What the???? Well he doesn't know what he's missing!! You deserve someone better! :grouphug::grouphug:




I'm so sorry things didn't pan out, but I guess it's better that it happened sooner rather than later...


Go enjoy some of that unconditional kitty-love, it's good stuff. :grouphug:

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I asked BeanSprouts to delete it. I'm afraid things aren't going anywhere and I honestly just feel foolish for even asking the man to dinner.


Apparently, I am way out in left field when it comes to figuring out whether someone's interested. He avoided me like I had leprosy last night and I don't know why, but it hurt.


I think growing old with my cats is the safest bet. :sad:



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Oh, that just totally stinks. :thumbdown: Well, I guess it's time for the "I'm blowing you off because you're a loser and did I mention you're a cowardly twit" stage of the "relationship."


Eh. He'll be kicking himself soon enough. Hold your head up high, sweetie. Rejection is the pits (oy, does this ever remind me of high school!). At least YOU had the courage to do something. Too bad this guy can't spot an ocean-sized clue from 35,000 feet. Too bad for HIM, not for you. You figured him out nice and early, before things got all messy and entangled. Be thankful for that.


[sigh] It's hard to rejoice and be content in all of our circumstances, isn't it? :grouphug:

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I really appreciate all the support.


As I told Beanie in a PM, I'm going to just go on as if nothing's wrong, not act all upset or anything and let it go. There could be a million reasons he was like that and none of them could have had anything to do with me, or FOS analysis could be correct. Either way, it's ok. I have a great lasagna in my freezer now. LOL



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This reminded me of a quote someone I know uses in her sig line


"Her life was okay. Sometimes she wished she were sleeping with the right man instead of with her dog, but at least she knew she wasn't sleeping with the wrong dog."


I'll have to dig out who the quote is actually from... but I always thought it was very wise. And it works with cats too.

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Hey. Just to say... he may be a Bashful Prince Charming who got spooked somehow, but it would have been better for him to just turn you down politely, right when you asked, than to say yes and then jerk you around.


He may be a lovable, redeemable loser (I sure hope so, for your sake), but right now the wimpiness is not impressive.

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Hey. Just to say... he may be a Bashful Prince Charming who got spooked somehow, but it would have been better for him to just turn you down politely, right when you asked, than to say yes and then jerk you around.


He may be a lovable, redeemable loser (I sure hope so, for your sake), but right now the wimpiness is not impressive.




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Maybe he's feeling completely embarrassed for making you wait so long. Obviously waiting more isn't going to solve that issue. I rekon you should go and tell him that it's very bad mannered to accept a dinner invitation then never turn up for it. That way he'll know the door is still ajar, and if he doesn't do anything about it, we'll all know he's a big, fat wimp, and no amount of cute pilotness is going to change our minds.

Rosie- sending him 'slap over the head' vibes in the hope they knock some sense in!

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Hey. Just to say... he may be a Bashful Prince Charming who got spooked somehow, but it would have been better for him to just turn you down politely, right when you asked, than to say yes and then jerk you around.


He may be a lovable, redeemable loser (I sure hope so, for your sake), but right now the wimpiness is not impressive.


Yup! I agree.


Michelle...a pox on him and all his ancestors, there, I said it!

You were fine before and you'll be fine now. Sometimes these things don't work out for a reason unknown to us, but if we knew the reason we'd be soooo grateful!


Brenda, I'd rep you for this comment, but I'm fresh out of it! :lol:

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Maybe he's feeling completely embarrassed for making you wait so long. Obviously waiting more isn't going to solve that issue. I rekon you should go and tell him that it's very bad mannered to accept a dinner invitation then never turn up for it. That way he'll know the door is still ajar, and if he doesn't do anything about it, we'll all know he's a big, fat wimp, and no amount of cute pilotness is going to change our minds.

Rosie- sending him 'slap over the head' vibes in the hope they knock some sense in!



I was wondering also if maybe he thought he misread her cues and was feeling embarrassed about it. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to playfully remind him that dinner is still available?

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Ok, here's an update.


As it turns out, someone on this board actually knew him from the past and graciously shared some history with me. Nothing *bad* per se, but some info on previous behavior with women.


I mulled over a bit what was said (again, nothing bad, nothing gossippy, but some good insight) and decided that if I'm going to attend church with this man, be in the same social circle and have the same friends, something needed to be said to clear the air, straighten things up, whatever. I HATE things hanging and feeling weirdness.


So, I called him. I apologized for any misunderstandings and told him that the reason I asked him for dinner was because he'd been so wonderful to me and I wanted to do something in return. I did tell him that I liked him but I'm not out to capture him and that I didn't want to lose a friend over weirdness. And, I do like him, flaws and all. But, to me, I'd rather have a friend who's flawed and know that he doesn't want a relationship and just know that the teasing/flirting/ whatever is in fun than to be angry at being "wronged." Do I think he handled this correctly? No, but it's not a huge thing, in the grand scheme of life, and life is better to forgive and be at peace than to harbor any anger or bitterness. Yes, my feelers were hurt, but overall, I think he's a good man and I do value his friendship very much.


He thanked me for calling, and said he wasn't sure how to deal with the situation and was relieved that I cleared things up. We're still going to have dinner together, but as friends. No pressure, no expectations, just two friends having magical lasagna. LOL


I feel TONS better about it all. He sounded like he did, too. So, now I know the deal. And, it's ok. :)

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Ok, here's an update.


As it turns out, someone on this board actually knew him from the past and graciously shared some history with me. Nothing *bad* per se, but some info on previous behavior with women.


I mulled over a bit what was said (again, nothing bad, nothing gossippy, but some good insight) and decided that if I'm going to attend church with this man, be in the same social circle and have the same friends, something needed to be said to clear the air, straighten things up, whatever. I HATE things hanging and feeling weirdness.


So, I called him. I apologized for any misunderstandings and told him that the reason I asked him for dinner was because he'd been so wonderful to me and I wanted to do something in return. I did tell him that I liked him but I'm not out to capture him and that I didn't want to lose a friend over weirdness. And, I do like him, flaws and all. But, to me, I'd rather have a friend who's flawed and know that he doesn't want a relationship and just know that the teasing/flirting/ whatever is in fun than to be angry at being "wronged." Do I think he handled this correctly? No, but it's not a huge thing, in the grand scheme of life, and life is better to forgive and be at peace than to harbor any anger or bitterness. Yes, my feelers were hurt, but overall, I think he's a good man and I do value his friendship very much.


He thanked me for calling, and said he wasn't sure how to deal with the situation and was relieved that I cleared things up. We're still going to have dinner together, but as friends. No pressure, no expectations, just two friends having magical lasagna. LOL


I feel TONS better about it all. He sounded like he did, too. So, now I know the deal. And, it's ok. :)


Ok you handled this very well. I have to say, on your behalf, I am ticked that he put out this "I like you vibe" and is now taking it back.......:mad::cursing::smash::boxing_smiley:


OK I think I am done for now, and I still say you are better off without him. You don't need a guy who is wishy washy. :leaving:

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Michelle, you are a strong, brave, bold woman. You handled that beautifully--way better than I could have. Good for you for stepping up and saying something, for clearing the air and ensuring that things don't stay "weird." It's more than most of us could have done, I'll wager.


:grouphug: I'm sorry it didn't work out, but it sounds like it wasn't in the cards either way. I'm glad you two can stay friends.

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I'm sure glad I read all the posts on this thread first! I was thinking that a round kick to the noggin would come in handy right about now.


What a class act you are -- you handled that so well! Good for you! I'm *so* glad you're feeling better -- I know I am. :lol:

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