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Do you do anything to make Fridays special at your house?

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At our house Friday is a day to catch-up on all the things we let slide during the week. For the elementary/ middle school kids I don't schedule regular school work. Friday is the day we clean up messes and go to co-op/ park day.


We also have pizza/ movie night on Friday with the whole family.


We love Fridays. (unless it is my week to do a co-op project.)


Amber in SJ

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Fridays are very special at our house...for me. DD6 goes to a classical school for homeschoolers on Fridays. They learn memory work, history, science, art and are working on a musical. She gets to have recess and all the other fun "school stuff." She doesn't do much real work at all--no reading or math. Really, it is a pretty special day for both of us. She is there for a full school day and because she is my only child, I get a complete break. She loves it and so do I.



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Here in the UAE, the weekend is Friday and Saturday ( though some people have Thurs + Fri).


We school, Sun - Thurs and Thurs, is a very laid back day.

They usually work in their English books, but math is a game ( such as Tri-ominoes , Monopoly etc), they have free study time, catch up on whatever they are behind in, letter writing, nature journals etc.)


Friday is a day of rest here, so our day generally consists of working in the garden and then heading out for the afternoon( most places don't open until after the midday prayers)

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We do less-structured but still educational things like instead of a math lesson, we will play math games or read stories from Mathematicians are People, Too.


We also just do spelling quiz instead of learning new words, listen to SOTW CDs instead of a history "lesson".


This is also the day we save for play dates or other outings. And always on Friday nights, we get together with our best friends and have pizza and hang out. It's our favorite way to end the week!

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Friday is a normal school day, but we often plan something fun for the afternoon or evening.


This Friday we are having a "come watch the farrier" party for friends who are scouts, so they can talk to a horse professional. This is our third one. Our farrier is great, she explains what she is doing in detail and lets the kids handle her tools.

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I start drinking earlier. Makes the afternoons more fun.











;) I'm kidding of course.

Fridays are just like any other day. This time of year we are often ushering my husband out the door for a weekend out of town. He's off to New York this week.

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I start drinking earlier. Makes the afternoons more fun.


;) I'm kidding of course.

Fridays are just like any other day. This time of year we are often ushering my husband out the door for a weekend out of town. He's off to New York this week.


LOL I'm sorry you're kidding. I do look forward to my wine on Friday night. My dh just got back from 3 days out of town. I was dreaming about Friday. lol

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Except not earlier. Awhile back, I kind of enforced a new rule in our household to try to save some money. It was that dh and I would only consume wine (our usual, though occasionally we divert to Mikes) on weekends. So, anymore, friday marks the start of the end of our prohition every week.


For the record, I'm not sure dh really follows the rules seeing as how he's got a fridge and a bunch of buddies with different ideas at work everyday. :glare:

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We have a light day, just Bible, Math, Latin, reading and piano practice and then WE'RE OUTTA HERE! (Said with much enthusiasm). We go on a field trip or walk a trail at a State Park every Friday. Since dd8 goes to her dad's house on Friday nights, ds4 gets his special time with me and dh.


If the weather does not permit us to go outside, we still get out of the house and DO something.

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Is Friday a "normal" schoolday or do you do anything special to wrap up the schoolweek?


On Fridays, I go to work after the kids finish their school work. Does that count as special? Otherwise, it is a school day. We do full school 4 days a week, including the day we have our science and preschool co-op. The other day, my second grader is in a cottage school so we don't do lessons at home that day. Friday is just a school day. Saturday and Sunday get the special treatment because they aren't schooldays.

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Friday is our "hands on" days.


Every other Friday the boys work on a history project with Dad in the a.m.


We also use Friday for our science experiments.


The school year just started for us and I am planning to use this day for exploring the surrounding area. We just moved here a month ago and have a lot of things to discover.

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Friday is our project day. We do our projects in the morning and then in the afternoon we go to a ruin or something to do some nature journaling and read aloud (when it's not raining!).


Friday nights is pizza night at our house! We make our own calzones, pizzas, garlic bread, things like that and watch a movie together since we don't do TV during the week.

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I make up a schedule of assignments at the beginning of the week. Friday is typically lighter. This is so we can catch up or I can reteach a topic or two from earlier. Dd is welcome to work ahead and finish it all before Friday. I try to "grade" or correct every assignment Thursday night so we know if there is any reteaching needed.


We do not have a plan to do "special" things on Friday. However, if we do something special it will be on Friday. I have 2 part time jobs and that is the only day of the week I do not work. Sometimes we will go out to lunch. It will be the day we go on field trips. Tomorrow, we have 2 passes for a movie theater, so dd is in a rush to finish so we can do that. Unfortunately, dd has developed a new medical condition, so Fridays are now also a day for appointments, testing, etc.

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Guest cristina

If the kids did good in school that week, I take get them something small as a reward. I am actually still working on setting some kind of reward system that would work for us :)

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It's usually a normal schoolday for us, but I'm thinking about trying to schedule a fun activity for Friday afternoons. Dd has gymnastics from 4:30-7:30 on Friday evenings. Last Friday we finished up our schoolwork before lunch and then went to a homeschool park day after lunch until it was time to go to gymnastics. I'm thinking we might start doing something like this every week, maybe go to the children's museum, the art center, or the park. Tomorrow, however, is very special because it is ds's birthday. So, we'll ditch school altogether and do whatever he wants, which probably will involve hanging out in pajamas, watching tv, playing the Wii, riding bikes, swinging on the playset, digging in the sandbox, and exploring in the yard until it's time to go to the mall for pizza, ice cream cake, and games at the arcade with his friends.

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Friday is sometimes our catch-up day. Tomorrow, Elle will be doing the few things we didn't get around to doing this week because of appointments. She doesn't have too many things to do, but they can be time consuming when she stops working to complain about working on a Friday. :tongue_smilie:


When we're not playing catch up, Friday is usually our fun day. We'll go to one of the museums, bake something, have a game day or movie afternoon or do something else the kids enjoy.

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Fridays are normal school days for us, but Dh works a "compressed work week" so every other weekend is a 3 day weekend for him. The kids look forward to spending that day with Dad, but to make it work they have to compress their school week and get all their work done before the "down" Friday. This week they managed to get all their work done so tomorrow we get to go bowling!


Friday nights are Pizza & a Movie night. That is the only day they get to have soda & eat in the living room...it's a big deal for them and they look forward to it every week!

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Friday represents something different, now that I'm back at work. I can hear everyone just let out a sigh of relief that the week is over. Weekends have become so much more precious, now that I'm not home during the week as much.


What I'd like to do, however, is prepare some sort of Sabbath for Saturday. Sunday is our Christian Sabbath, but for us, it's a work day for Daddy, and we don't have all day like some. A friend of mine is Jewish, and she began honoring her Saturday Sabbath many years ago when she had preschoolers. They prepared during the afternoon by cleaning up, and by making Challah every week to eat during Shabbat (I hope I'm spelling all that and describing it accurately). The kids changed clothes and cleaned up, and it was all so special.

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Fridays are called Fun Family Fridays around here because we wrap school up early and pick out a movie, play games, cook a meal together such as homemade pizza or we dine out. It's some fun activity. My hs group usually had bowling or skating and field trips on Fridays also.

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I try to make Friday a short day.


Math - I give them a real life problem to solve - today they figured out exactly where the new ceiling fans on the back patio should be mounted.


Latin - weekly quiz - 10 minutes, tops


We do poetry and read aloud for Language ARts - no grammar or spelling, or Heaven forbid, handwriting!


We do some sort of art project or nature study.


And we read some library books about our history topics for the week.


We finish early and have fun the rest of the day. Peyton has been working on her new Lego set for a couple of hours, and Luke went to the gym with Bud.

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