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"I woudn't have the patience to homeschool"-Heard this one?

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The thread by Mama Lynx reminds me of the comments I get frequently. I have heard, remarks about knowlege and how they couldn't teach physics, but I usually get, "I wouldn't have the patience to homeschool."


I hear this all the time! I am not typically a patient person, and I work on this daily. (My kids give me lots of practice.) Do they really believe that all homeschool moms are perfectly patient all the time?


Anyone have a good response for this one?

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Yes, this is the only response I ever get. No one ever mentions socialization or anything. It's always, "I could never do that. I don't have the patience!"


I usually respond with something along the lines of, "Yeah, I didn't think I could do it either. In fact I really wrestled with God about it for an entire summer. But He has proved me wrong and we're experiencing a lot of blessings for obeying his direction. I'm amazed how the Lord has changed me!"


Or, if I know the person isn't a Christian, I usually say, "You never know! I didn't think I could do it either, but it's working out great!"

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I get this one all the time too. I just say that I'm not the most patient person either but Homeschooling has really helped me grow in that area.

I still have a long way to go.


I think that something about that statement says to me that they think YOU ARE patient. So, I take it as a compliment that they think I am patient enough to do the job and I encourage them if I think it is what they are needing to hear.


I kwym though - I didn't know how to take this one for a while.

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The thread by Mama Lynx reminds me of the comments I get frequently. I have heard, remarks about knowlege and how they couldn't teach physics, but I usually get, "I wouldn't have the patience to homeschool."


I hear this all the time! I am not typically a patient person, and I work on this daily. (My kids give me lots of practice.) Do they really believe that all homeschool moms are perfectly patient all the time?


Anyone have a good response for this one?


I got that one twice tonight, as well. I can't even respond to that one. I usually just laugh and change the subject.

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Anyone have a good response for this one?


On one particular occasion I was thinking to myself, yeah, I wouldn't have the patience to homeschool your kids either! But believe me I did not voice that opinion. :D I usually just laugh and say "It's hard sometimes but overall I love it, definitely worth the sacrifices."

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On one particular occasion I was thinking to myself, yeah, I wouldn't have the patience to homeschool your kids either! But believe me I did not voice that opinion. :D I usually just laugh and say "It's hard sometimes but overall I love it, definitely worth the sacrifices."


HA!! Great minds and all that - we posted almost simultaneously!

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I used to say it myself! And it was true....


"Well, if it is the right thing, you just do it. If you are supposed to do something, it will be clear and you just do it."


This is where I found myself. One of the major reasons I pulled my dd out of public school (besides that she was a bright kid failing subjects) was her attitude was just AWFUL. What I didn't realize at the time was that I didn't have the patience for her attitude while she dealt with public school. Patience now is still a battle of mine :tongue_smilie: but her attitude and the harmony in our home has changed so much since bringing her home.

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Actually, I used to say this. Seriously, my sister-in-law started homeschooling when both our boys were Kindergarten age. I remember telling her that exact thing many times. I didn't decided to homeschool until my ds was about finished with 4th grade. Now, 10 years later... there are still some days that I don't think I have the patience to homeschool. It has sure been a learning process!

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I have heard that many times but it varies a lot on how it's said. I have had some who say that with almost a regret, like they know they cannot give their children the best because of their faults, with them often just being hard on themselves or overly critical, thinking one must be perfect to homeschool.


At least a few push it up more like a badge of honor and a "get out of good parenting free" card. It's simply their excuse so they can be lazy.


It's when I've heard people claim in front of their children that they couldn't stand being with their kids all day. They'd kill them. (Yes, I've heard it phrased that one more than once by at least one person.)

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OP: My mother said that...said that she didn't have the patience and couldn't stand being home with us, that her fulfillment was from her job. he didn't have patience because she didn't want to have patience, she truly didn't like being around us, and she did EVENTUALLY find a job she loved.


It's a wonder she even had children.

Edited by mommaduck
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The thread by Mama Lynx reminds me of the comments I get frequently. I have heard, remarks about knowlege and how they couldn't teach physics, but I usually get, "I wouldn't have the patience to homeschool."


I hear this all the time! I am not typically a patient person, and I work on this daily. (My kids give me lots of practice.) Do they really believe that all homeschool moms are perfectly patient all the time?


Anyone have a good response for this one?


I get this one all the time, too. I just ask them, "Do you *honestly* think I'm an overachiever in the patience department?!" :lol:

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The thread by Mama Lynx reminds me of the comments I get frequently. I have heard, remarks about knowlege and how they couldn't teach physics, but I usually get, "I wouldn't have the patience to homeschool."



I hear this a lot, and most of the time I say something like, "I'm not a terribly patient person either, but now I have ample opportunity to learn."


Once, though, at a party, a woman was going on and on and finally said she wouldn't have patience to homeschool. She couldn't stand being around her kids all day.


I responded with,"Well then, I guess it's best that you don't."


I feel badly about that now, but it did the trick, and she changed the subject very quickly.

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I have not only have had it said to me, but a few years ago I foolishly said it to my sister in law. I believe that if you are not around homeschooling people you truly believe that it would be harder than it is. I also pray daily for patience. Some days are better than others. Today so far has been good!

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Yes, this is the only response I ever get. No one ever mentions socialization or anything. It's always, "I could never do that. I don't have the patience!"



I'm surprised when I don't get this answer. Actually, surprised isn't the word - not many reactions to learning I homeschool surprise me anymore.


I always wonder at the people who so casually offer up the "socialization" issue and that they think I'm socially retarding my children because they're not in a classroom with the masses. Seriously?! :glare: I do take personal offense to it (even though it may not be conciously meant that way) because it implies that I'm ignoring my kids' social development. I'm obviously a caring and involved parent, closely monitoring their development in other ways. Why on earth would I choose to ignore that aspect? And, on that note, I've painfully watched dd's social development backtrack over the course of last year - her first in public school.


And, btw, I also didn't have the patience to homeschool. Yet, here I am, four years later with argueably 3 of the brightest, most well-mannered and well-behaved kids in the neighborhood (honestly, not just my not-so-humble opinion!). That was, at least until they started public school and got "socialized".

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Perhaps something along the lines of, "It's not about patience, it's about dedication/doing what you feel is best."


I can only speculate, but I don't think people go, "Oh, I am a patient person, so I think I'll give this homeschooling thing a try." Change the emphasis from patience to what is the real driving force behind your will to homeschool, and it will probably lend insight to the people who make the comment.

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