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P & P last night - we couldn't stand it!

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Is there something terribly wrong with DH and I? I know you all love this, and we thought it was so horrible we couldn't get past the first 15 minutes. I love the novel but .....


Our major objects?


- Terrible music - annoying music that played throughout the first scenes.


- Bad camera work - it was shot like a film from the 50's - "Maureen O'Sullivan as Elizabeth Bennet."


- The shreiking of the sisters was unbearable. DH couldn't stay in the room, lol. Maybe because we don't have daughters, but do girls really sound like this?



I'm so sad. I was really looking forward to watching it together and we just couldn't stomach it. Is it just me/us?

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We have seen the entire presentation, and we both really enjoyed it. We felt it was very true to the novel. Yes the sisters are annoying, but they are supposed to be. I seem to be able to tune out the music, although I guess I can see your objection to that. Our son watched it with us last night and he thought it was very funny. He especially liked the wit of Mr. Bennet. He thought Lizzy was much prettier than Jane though, and I agree with him on that point. I hope that they can improve on the color quality it the program is ever re-released on HD or Blu Ray. The film quality does leave a bit to be desired, in some ways it does add to the charm though.

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The first time dh and I watched P&P we were bored out of our minds. We stopped it during the part where Darcy swims through the pond. I got very tired of watching people walking. I don't think I had read the book yet. I read the book and loved it!


Since then, I've given the movie another chance...and then another...and then another. :) My husband I and still poke fun at certain things like, "Oh look, Darcy is wet again!" I love the movie now and realize that the best part comes after Darcy swims through his pond!! :D


I will have to admit that the last two time that I've watched it, I've fast-forwarded through the majority of the Lydia angst. The Bennetts couldn't help but listen to the mother's shrieking, but I can avoid it! :eek:

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FWIW the sisters giggling and chatter is *supposed* to be supremely irritating, and Darcy is *supposed* to come off as wooden and arrogant at this stage. I found this movie to be a wonderfully accurate portrayal of the book. Give it another try--you may find you like it as the plot thickens.



Yes, I know it's supposed to be irritating. It was just entirely too effective, lol. Plus, I don't really think *any* women truly behave that way, but then as I said, I have only boys so maybe I am unrealistic. But it seemed like high school drama class overkill to me.


I see I am more or less alone in this though, lol. I feel like a WTM loner:)

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I see I am more or less alone in this though, lol. I feel like a WTM loner:)


Okay, lol, I'm not really here, lol, but I wanted you to know that you are not alone. I've loved the book since I was a young teenager. Incidentally, I've also loved Colin Firth since I was a young teenager ;) and I managed an illicit viewing of "Valmont" (a telling of Les Liaisons Dangereuses)... And of course I was thrilled when the two came together. But I was pretty disappointed by the result. I like *aspects* of the BBC P&P -- but as a whole, I think it's stagey, over the top (even for Austen!), excessively long, I'm not crazy about the casting (Jane?!? Lizzie?!?)... Despite the changes, I actually preferred the "new" (2005) P&P to the "old" (1995/BBC) one (except that simply dreadful "don't judge me" speech from Charlotte -- ick!)... It was just a much, much better adaptation to film, even if it didn't quite do the book justice.


So no, you're not wholly alone. I like the old one "tolerably well". But I don't watch it obsessively or tell others it's the greatest piece of chick-lit-film ever.


Hm... I may just have to go watch Valmont again though... For, um, old times' sake...

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My husband doesn't watch P&P with me. He can't stand anything Austen. (You've seen the Red Dwarf Austenland bit? That's how he feels about it.) He does do a very good impression of Mrs. Bennett, though. "Oooooh, Mr. Bennett!!"


Anyway, I love the A&P P&P, and those things are supposed to be there, yes. but you don't have to love it, there's no WTM rule! :D

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the elder Mrs. Bennett has to be one of the most annoying characters in all of film-making history, a close second to Jar-Jar Binks in Star Wars (Episodes I-III)!


Keep watching and don't give up! This version of Pride and Prejudice is much better (in my opinion) and more complete and true to the novel than the more recent version with Keira Knightley (sp?)

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I am sure I cannot be the only person on here who misses your input desparately!!!!!


Truly, I can think of many who would feel thus, myself among them. Do return, Abbey, darling!! Please! Return and save us from tripping into P & P speak in our meager attempts to woo you! :)



Carry on with the topic at hand, chaps.



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But I was pretty disappointed by the result. I like *aspects* of the BBC P&P -- but as a whole, I think it's stagey, over the top (even for Austen!), excessively long, I'm not crazy about the casting (Jane?!? Lizzie?!?)... Despite the changes, I actually preferred the "new" (2005) P&P to the "old" (1995/BBC) one (except that simply dreadful "don't judge me" speech from Charlotte -- ick!)... It was just a much, much better adaptation to film, even if it didn't quite do the book justice.


OMG--you leave us for, like, days now; you ignore juicy threads on porn and politics, and, heck, there must be one on the Ezzos by now, and when you FINALLY show up to post, it's to DISS P&P!!! :eek:


I'm just . . .


just . . .


I have no words.



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Is this the Civil War serial that everyone raves about? Bleh.


No - the civil war mini-series was based on a book by John Jakes (I think?!) There is another book by the same title, also made into a movie. Has nothing to do with the US civil war. :)

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Kelli, Doran, Elliana, Karen (and whoever I'm so egregiously leaving out!)...


Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm really trying not to spend so much of the time that should really belong to my family here on the computer. I know for some, this is their only chance to commune with other home schooling moms, but I certainly can't claim that as my excuse. I'm lucky enough to have several chanced each week to hang out with other adults including some great moms teaching their kids at home... And while it's incredibly flattering that some of you think my presence adds something to the board, I still need to be careful that I'm putting my own (occasionally crazy-making) kiddos first in my life for the present.


I'm sure I'll stop in occasionally... Maybe not even just to "dis P&P", Sarah! ;) (And my mom gave me N&S for Christmas, Karen... I still haven't watched it, and now you have me worried! lol...)


Again, thank you all! Your words really touched me. :)



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....I still need to be careful that I'm putting my own (occasionally crazy-making) kiddos first in my life for the present.





We understand, Abbey. Just know how we miss you and that you can visit when you need to. We'll still be here - ignoring our children. :D



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