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Anyone else hate getting dressed up?

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We went to a wedding this evening and I dreaded having to get ready for it. I am a blue jeans, t-shirt, no make up, ponytail kind of person. And I love my flops or tennis shoes!


After I had put on a cocktail type dress, done my makeup, fixed my hair, searched for hose, put on heels, I told my dh that I could completely and totally relate to those squiggling little boys in suits and ties that you can just tell feel trapped in their clothing!!


I am as about sophisticated as a Elly May Clampett!!


Does anyone else feel that way or am I just completely lacking in a feminine gene??


ETA: Ironically, my dd's all love dressing up. My 14 yod has quite a flair for it. Clueless as to where she got it from. :)

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That was one of the best things about giving up my job - no more panty hose and heels. I hate to dress up.


Same here. When I left the office, I almost dropped my panty hose in the waste basket on the way out. I can't remember the last time I wore heels -- I don't even own a pair anymore. If I had to go somewhere "special" it would require a shopping trip first!

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I hate getting dressed up. If I'm wearing nice clothes and shoes I feel like I can't do anything that might mess up my clothes. I am much more productive when I'm wearing my pajamas or comfortable jeans and a t-shirt. Of course, if I'm going to a wedding, productivity is not an issue, but dressing up still makes me totally uncomfortable.

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I love getting dressed up, but I hate shopping for it.


My dh loves to dress well, and loves to go out, so I have a lot of support in this area. I don't have to worry about dressing him as well as myself, and he is very affirming about what I wear, so all's good.


That being said, we were invited to a major hospital charity ball by some of his work contacts and I said no. It was black tie, which would mean buying a tux, long ball gown, etc etc. and I just couldn't see that happening. I think he was a little disappointed, but I just didn't feel up to the shopping, hair and makeup, blah blah blah.


Weddings and Christmas parties I can do, though!



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We went to a wedding this evening and I dreaded having to get ready for it. I am a blue jeans, t-shirt, no make up, ponytail kind of person. And I love my flops or tennis shoes!


After I had put on a cocktail type dress, done my makeup, fixed my hair, searched for hose, put on heels, I told my dh that I could completely and totally relate to those squiggling little boys in suits and ties that you can just tell feel trapped in their clothing!!


I am as about sophisticated as a Elly May Clampett!!


Does anyone else feel that way or am I just completely lacking in a feminine gene??


ETA: Ironically, my dd's all love dressing up. My 14 yod has quite a flair for it. Clueless as to where she got it from. :)


I'm the same way; when I have to dress up for a wedding or another occasion, I'm scrambling around trying to find my best outfit. The last time we went to a wedding, my middle daughter laughed and said, "Oh Mom, that's so '80s!" I looked at it and----she was right. My clothes are completely out of date, except the shorts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, and jeans that I regularly replace! :)

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I'm the exact same way!! Heck, I don't even OWN makeup!


Now, my daughters... I have no idea how it happened, but they love to dress up!! My oldest never leaves the house without makeup and jewelry -- and she never used to care about it until she started taking classes at the community college last year.


And seeing her big sister wear it has made my youngest like it, too. Well, the extent of her "makeup" is fruit-flavored lipgloss, but she LOVES wearing jewelry.

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Me, me, me!!!! I've been a tomboy my whole life....I've always hated dressing up! I wear slacks/jeans to church with a nice blouse. I just HATE the feeling of a dress.


I have shorter hair so I can't do the ponytail thing, but I'm a wash-n-go kinda girl. No fuss for my hair, but I love the cut/style I have right now.


As for make up, I put on some foundation to even out my skin and cover bumps, and I put on a little lip gloss.....takes all of two minutes!

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I have been thinking about this a lot lately. My husband says I have a uniform - khaki pants/capris and a t-shirt with a collar. In fact when my kids color, they ask for the "khaki" crayon! But - dd7 is really starting to notice what I wear and what other moms wear. If a wear a new t-shirt she compliments me. I just got a new pair of shoes - Dr. Shoals, Walmart, 28$ - she got excited and wore them around the house. I may need to make a little more effort.....



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Worse that hate, detest, abhor. When I left my job, I swore off panty hose and make-up. The first pair of panty hose I bought after I left my job was for my mom's funeral. I buy mascara and lipstick in Dec. for my dh's Christmas party and by the next Christmas it's all dried out. :confused: I usually wear nice slacks to church or longer skirts in the summer sans panty hose.


My oldest dd is just the same. Even when she is all dressed up - to the max - she still just exudes tomboyishness. Just the way we are.



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I wear jeans, T-shirts (solid color), and flip-flops to church almost every Sunday. At home I wear gym shorts with T-shirts (I live in TN). My hair is always in a ponytail. I'm thinking seriously about getting a shorter haircut, no ponytail required.


When I go to a dress-up affair, I feel all self-conscious and out of my element. I all of a sudden notice what others are wearing. I hate that!


I am actually hoping, though, that my daughters turn out like many of yours - caring about clothing, make-up, etc. despite (a lack of) our example. Then I can get some solid advice on what to wear/not to wear!

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Ya, me too. I became VERY crabby when we had to dress up for formal night on the cruise. I hate that stuff.


Oh my gosh! Me too. Nothing makes me snappier and meaner than having to dress up to go someplace I probably didn't want to go in the first place. DH wants to go to every wedding we're invited to, and I finally had to just start saying no. We can't afford gifts for former coworkers that he's never going to see again anymore, and I can't stand getting dressed up! We had back-to-back weddings to attend last year, and combined with pantyhose, the best dress I could find that we could afford made me feel like a sausage in jewelry.


I'm a jeans/khakis, T-shirts, and loafers girl myself. In fact, I posted about it a few months ago. I'm so glad to see that I'm not alone.

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Oh, I love it!

A little black dress and heels (no hose, though. Blech!) means I'm going out. With him. Just the two of us. Talking about something other than Latin and business invoices.

And he'll look at me like *that* again, because I'm no longer his secretary and housekeeper, but his Wife.



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