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Okay, now I do feel sad

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I mean, really with the banks and the debates and life, do I really have to come here and find I have "1" friend - and I honestly think that is a "mercy" friend - you know like a mercy date..... sigh, I'm going to bed now, and it won't bother me again - but I just figured it out and ignorance sometimes is bliss :glare:

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Many people haven't figured out how the whole thing works yet. ;)


If you have specific people that you 'hang with' - ie, people that you post stalk, frequently pm with, read/post on their blogs, etc etc...go chase 'em down and add them to your list. It's just a fun little tool to mess around with - you can go leave messages on their profile (cute little pictures, etc) and stuff. It's not designed to make anyone fell left out - go grab the people that you want to add....people will add you back. :)

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And how do we get friends, again? 'Cause Heaven knows I can use friends! :001_smile: And I am feeling a little lonely here!


So tell me, how do I make you lovely folks my friends?


Click the name, click view profile, look to the right. There will be a little tiny link that says "Befriend SFSOM." Click that, then say yes, you're sure, even though you don't necessarily think her choice of toenail polish is exactly seasonably appropriate, you'd like you be her friend. :D

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Click the name, click view profile, look to the right. There will be a little tiny link that says "Befriend SFSOM." Click that, then say yes, you're sure, even though you don't necessarily think her choice of toenail polish is exactly seasonably appropriate, you'd like you be her friend. :D


Ok, Pam, I just tried it with your profile (hope that's okay!). And by the way, I am sure I would love your toenail polish!


I feel like I am writing one of those elementary letters:


Will you be my friend? Check one:

Yes ______

No _______

Maybe _____


And what was maybe all about anyway? Maybe, if you give me enough candy? Maybe, if you invite me to your party? Maybe, if everyone else stays home from school sick one day? Oh, the angst of elementary school!

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I mean, really with the banks and the debates and life, do I really have to come here and find I have "1" friend - and I honestly think that is a "mercy" friend - you know like a mercy date..... sigh, I'm going to bed now, and it won't bother me again - but I just figured it out and ignorance sometimes is bliss :glare:


That's better than 0!


I was gone all day and I came back here after the debates to find all the changes. And I am so not techie, so I clicked around to see what was up for a minute -- ambitious people have loaded lots of wonderful pictures and added friends, etc. Sigh. It feels like high school again...will you sign my yearbook?


So, the economy, debates....and now, are a whole lotta folks here going to feel kind of left out? Good for you, for speaking up, Chris. I guess we'll all have to follow the old adage, to have a friend you have to be a friend!


(Maybe it'll be a new year's resolution to figure out the digital camera upload thingie.)

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I don't get the friend thing. I started out poking a couple of people to be my friends because they are people I regularly PM with and I thought if they were my "friends" perhaps PMing would be easier. Then people poked me and I'm not going to say no to the vast majority of people on here. In fact I think 99% of the people I would refuse to be "friends" with no longer post on here for whatever reason!!! So, next thing you know, I have a lot of friends. But if the friend option was to make PMing easier, somehow it just got more complicated again.


And then I started a social group just to try the function out and there again, it was mostly people I PM with. I thought, "Hey, what's this new feature? Might this save me from the troubling aspects of PMing? No more tedious typing in of separate addresses, no more limit of 5 people per PM!!" But then people started saying it was just like high school all over again with the little cliques. And I HAD, very tongue in cheek, put my name in the title of the social group. So I deleted it because the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt or offend someone or come across as a snot.


I just wanted to be able to pass good natured jabs and jokes back and forth with a few posters who appreciate my warped sense of humor, without forcing the whole board to read it.


So I went back over to Facebook and discussed the presidential debates with a couple of WTM'ers over there. On Facebook you can use all the features and nobody gets upset. And you can have a facebook puppy. And a facebook garden. And you can superpoke people.


And flair, don't forget flair. I love flair.

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Ok, Pam, I just tried it with your profile (hope that's okay!). And by the way, I am sure I would love your toenail polish!


I feel like I am writing one of those elementary letters:


Will you be my friend? Check one:

Yes ______

No _______

Maybe _____


And what was maybe all about anyway? Maybe, if you give me enough candy? Maybe, if you invite me to your party? Maybe, if everyone else stays home from school sick one day? Oh, the angst of elementary school!


OH, horrors. You're right.


I'm just glad rep is gone. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't get the friend thing. I started out poking a couple of people to be my friends because they are people I regularly PM with and I thought if they were my "friends" perhaps PMing would be easier. Then people poked me and I'm not going to say no to the vast majority of people on here. In fact I think 99% of the people I would refuse to be "friends" with no longer post on here for whatever reason!!! So, next thing you know, I have a lot of friends. But if the friend option was to make PMing easier, somehow it just got more complicated again.


And then I started a social group just to try the function out and there again, it was mostly people I PM with. I thought, "Hey, what's this new feature? Might this save me from the troubling aspects of PMing? No more tedious typing in of separate addresses, no more limit of 5 people per PM!!" But then people started saying it was just like high school all over again with the little cliques. And I HAD, very tongue in cheek, put my name in the title of the social group. So I deleted it because the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt or offend someone or come across as a snot.


I just wanted to be able to pass good natured jabs and jokes back and forth with a few posters who appreciate my warped sense of humor, without forcing the whole board to read it.


So I went back over to Facebook and discussed the presidential debates with a couple of WTM'ers over there. On Facebook you can use all the features and nobody gets upset. And you can have a facebook puppy. And a facebook garden. And you can superpoke people.


And flair, don't forget flair. I love flair.


I cannot figure out Facebook. I'm pathetic. I need Facebook for Dummies.

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Anyone remember Rick Flair?




Hah! I had forgotten (on purpose?....maybe) about Mr. Flair, so I did what every concerned WTMer would do, and googled him. Can "googled" be a verb? Doesn't sound very nice, does it?


ANYWAY...here, for your viewing pleasure is the fabulous RICK FLAIR!!


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I mean, really with the banks and the debates and life, do I really have to come here and find I have "1" friend - and I honestly think that is a "mercy" friend - you know like a mercy date..... sigh, I'm going to bed now, and it won't bother me again - but I just figured it out and ignorance sometimes is bliss :glare:


I asked you to be my friend (before you wrote this) because I like you, and I was just moving you over from my buddy list. No mercy anywhere! :grouphug:

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Hah! I had forgotten (on purpose?....maybe) about Mr. Flair, so I did what every concerned WTMer would do, and googled him. Can "googled" be a verb? Doesn't sound very nice, does it?


ANYWAY...here, for your viewing pleasure is the fabulous RICK FLAIR!!



Ohhhh!!!! Where are my rep points??? You've made my day!!! :D



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I love looking over to see I have a new notification. I guess I don't really see it as a convenience tool (although if I had more PM conversations I could really see that) or as a popularity contest. I just see it as silly fun. Maybe I'm not taking this nearly seriously enough to care whether or not someone puts on a picture or invites me to be their friend or etc. Like I said before, I have enough seriousness in my life and I appreciate that I can bring that here from time to time to ask for thoughts but this is generally my play-place and friendzone. Keep it light! ;)

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Click the name, click view profile, look to the right. There will be a little tiny link that says "Befriend SFSOM." Click that, then say yes, you're sure, even though you don't necessarily think her choice of toenail polish is exactly seasonably appropriate, you'd like you be her friend. :D


So I think I have this figured out. I clicked on your name but couldn't find the "Befriend...." After looking around it looks like I'm already your friend. :001_smile: I guess because you're my friend. :001_smile::001_smile: So if someone asks me to be their friend, and I accept, then I'm their friend, too????


This so reminds me of Jr. High. Remember after class, the girl's locker that all the other girls crowded around, or the table where all the girls would try to get a seat to sit by whomever?


I now have one friend, which is what I usually had at any one point during school. My mom would always tell me to go make friends (I can hear her voice), so is it about time I took her advice?



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...that the "friend" feature is not being used the way it *could* be used. On a board where fewer people pass out group hugs, having friends might be more meaningful. (Not that you friends aren't meaningful, but...well...you know). But, here, where we have regular love-fests, and we're all channeling Barney the purple dino or maybe, if we're old enough, Mr. Rogers, we're all friends. Not sure how our little profile pages are going to manage it when we've got 567 friends. :001_smile:

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Well I have my one "mercy" friend too ;) Thanks Siloam!


My problem is that I am a regular, long time lurker who rarely posts. So while I feel I "know" many of you.....none of you would know me from a hill of beans. I know I will get the "well just post more" answer and I usually have really good intentions to do so..but life gets in the way. I don't know how all of you find the time to post, I just struggle to get school done before 4pm many days.:001_huh:


Wow...just read over my post and it sure reads like a big ole whine..:001_smile:


no whining.....just be nice to those of us who you don't know well that might "request" your friendship. :)



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And I do feel sad for you.


I'm sorry, but it really is a bit silly to get upset over friend designations on here when 1) they JUST started, for crying out loud, and 2) when "collecting" friends does not indicate true friendship in any way, shape or form and is meant to be just another fun thingy on these boards. Posts like this simply encourage the club-clique atmosphere. BE a cyber-friend (if you want) and you'll FIND cyber-friends. Really, I've seen very little true animosity and just take it for granted that everyone basically likes and respects everyone here...why oh why can't that be enough??


Sorry, I had to vent a little and it's not a personal thing against you--this is all just so tiresome. :confused:

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And I do feel sad for you.


I'm sorry, but it really is a bit silly to get upset over friend designations on here when 1) they JUST started, for crying out loud, and 2) when "collecting" friends does not indicate true friendship in any way, shape or form and is meant to be just another fun thingy on these boards. Posts like this simply encourage the club-clique atmosphere. BE a cyber-friend (if you want) and you'll FIND cyber-friends. Really, I've seen very little true animosity and just take it for granted that everyone basically likes and respects everyone here...why oh why can't that be enough??


Sorry, I had to vent a little and it's not a personal thing against you--this is all just so tiresome. :confused:








Honestly, I had related thoughts. Mine were along the lines of me being too thick to think that hard about it all. I'm so silly I just ASS-ume that everyone wants to be friends. With me. With each other. So, I just jumped in whole hog (how does one do that exactly??), and started inviting, befriending, accepting, and smiling. I suppose this goes back to being totally easy, which has gotten me into trouble before....:tongue_smilie:

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I love looking over to see I have a new notification. I guess I don't really see it as a convenience tool (although if I had more PM conversations I could really see that) or as a popularity contest. I just see it as silly fun. Maybe I'm not taking this nearly seriously enough to care whether or not someone puts on a picture or invites me to be their friend or etc. Like I said before, I have enough seriousness in my life and I appreciate that I can bring that here from time to time to ask for thoughts but this is generally my play-place and friendzone. Keep it light! ;)


This is how I'm taking it. With the exception of a very few people here, I'm willing to be friends with anyone. Its fun, its another game, another toy, don't stress it. I like that the comments are all visible for everyone to see, we didn't need another anonymous situation. I know some people here better then others, but that happens in real life groups too. And I'm all for getting to know other people better. I love the profile pages, they're great! I hope a lot of people take time to play with them and make them personal.


I think we should all have fun with it, and we're all friends anyway whether its official or not. So shut up, join hands and lets all sing "You've Got a Friend In Me." :D

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Want a bunch of friends? Invite a bunch of people to be your friends. Don't wait for them to invite you, invite away yourself! Kind of works like RL in that way. ;)


It's fun, makes most people happy to be invited, you get to hear that someone "likes" you, you smile. Means nothing of significance but is fun to do. Sort of like "happy rep!" :D No one is likely to turn you down around here unless you are really, really offensive (and then you get banned anyway, so you've got nothing to worry about!).

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Anybody else have that "I can tell that we are going to be friends" song from Napoleon Dynamite going through your head now?



Love Napoleon Dynamite. Mine and ds 14's favorite joke, when he's looking for something to eat: Why don't you make yourself a dang quesadilla. I love that line because my dear daddy is a hick from Orville, OH and he says tortilla the same way the grandma says quesadilla, with the L emphasis instead of making a Y sound. :lol:

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I mean, really with the banks and the debates and life, do I really have to come here and find I have "1" friend - and I honestly think that is a "mercy" friend - you know like a mercy date..... sigh, I'm going to bed now, and it won't bother me again - but I just figured it out and ignorance sometimes is bliss :glare:


It's the weekend. I'm not on the boards nearly as much on the weekends. I haven't added anyone as friends yet except the people who sent me requests. Give it time. :D

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I just wanted to say thank you, I posted that late at night - dh was gone, dds asleep - feeling a bit blue. I hope it didn't sound too pathetic. I love this place and it takes me a long time to warm up to people, but here its so nice - so I just wanted to give you all a big group hug:grouphug:

Have a wonderful night!

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