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I'm sad...


I went to look at my rep this morning and...




WTM powers that be have made changes. They look good, but they took away the REP!!!


I'm gonna miss it because it was an easy way to thank someone and let them know they are appreciated.


I'm not going to miss the complaints about it. At all. And if I feel that way as a poster, I can't imagine how thrilled the admins are going to be that it's gone.

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I actually like it...hoping the new system will prevent rogues from abusing the negative rep...I just learned what reps were and went to read my reps and all were good but one who used it as an attempt to slam my political views...when I came and reported that (not knowing the whole mess about you will be silenced if you bring up negative reps)....my threads/posts were deleted..ouch! Nothing like being censored by Big Brother..just hoping this new program censures those who abuse the system not those who complain about it! :)



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Click on the "Visitor messages" tab. It looks like you can still leave nice messages for your friends, and the feedback form better serves the purpose for the "sell and swap" boards.


I just love new toys :D


You know I am supposed to be at school, not here playing...


Where's the visitor message tab?


Hey, I just visited Mommylawyer's profile page after Beansprouts did! That was weird to see who else had visited it.

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Where's the visitor message tab?


Hey, I just visited Mommylawyer's profile page after Beansprouts did! That was weird to see who else had visited it.


I wish I knew how to do a screen shot.


Here is your profile page: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/member.php?u=3004


In the middle of the page you see a box with a tab that says "Feedback" next to it there are other tabs for "visitor messages", "About me" and so forth. If you click on them it opens those tabs.


Clear as mud?


I REALLY should be schooling my kids...

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Plus when I click on your profile, under the "friends" box it says "Mama Lynx hasn't made any friends yet".


That just seems so sad. I think I feel a Barney moment coming on ...


I love you

You love me

We're a happy family/hive


(hmmm, that doesn't quite work)

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Just when I had the rep system figured out! I hate it when things change cause then I've got to go learn a new system. Plus I was having so much fun leaving positive rep for people. Oh well.


So I clicked on a couple people's names, and it looks like you can see everything everyone might write. Where is the visitor tab and what is that for?



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Plus when I click on your profile, under the "friends" box it says "Mama Lynx hasn't made any friends yet".


That just seems so sad. I think I feel a Barney moment coming on ...


I love you

You love me

We're a happy family/hive


(hmmm, that doesn't quite work)


:lol: I had just clicked on your "friends" tab and it says the same thing! Oh my, no external measurement of our self-worth, AND no friends! :svengo:

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Plus when I click on your profile, under the "friends" box it says "Mama Lynx hasn't made any friends yet".


That just seems so sad. I think I feel a Barney moment coming on ...


I love you

You love me

We're a happy family/hive


(hmmm, that doesn't quite work)


Awwe, that is sad!! I can see Mama Lynx's self worth plummetting by the second. We can't allow this to happen. Let's all go make friends with her right now.

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So in playing around with this thing, you can leave comments, but the comments do not link to a specific post the way the rep system did. I liked the rep system because the comments linked to specific posts and it actually made it easier to keep my place in conversations.


You can also have conversations back and forth on the "comments" form, but apparently anyone can read those conversations. I am not liking that part of it.

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Well, I'll go out on a limb and say I am glad that rep is gone. I don't think it served its intended purpose. I got a lot of rep for posts I made in parenting and political threads ... but those things don't have anything to do with my knowledge of homeschooling or ability to help others in that respect. What does it matter if someone likes/hates my political perspective? So, I'm glad we've moved beyond rep.



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I did attempt "make friends" with you, Gail, but it still says you have "no friends" ...

I feel rejected again :confused:


I "think" that either in your UCP or your inbox, you should have a message saying someone wants to be your friend. You check mark the box on their avvie, and then you can be friends. I "befriended" you too Beans!:)

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Ooooooh! When I clicked on my own user profile just now I saw my Visitor Messages -- right where the reps used to be! How exciting!:hurray:


Plus, now we can see who has the most icons in their "friends" box. Wow, sort of like seeing who gets the most autographs in their yearbook.

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Now, go down to the tag box and instead of clicking on any of the tags, click on the word Tag. You will go to a word cloud of our forums. See that? Total strangers will be able to see what we talk about the most, what we deem important around here.




Quick, lets all go tag threads about Latin, and grammar, and algebra, and logic, and high ACT scores, and the Epic of Gilgamesh, and stuff like that. Everyone spread out. You, you, and you, take the high school board. You, you, and you cover the k-8 board.

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If you wanted to, you could just pm a user. Those stay private!:)


True, but I liked being able to leave a comment about a specific post- even if just to say good post. And I liked being able to click on my comments to take me back to where I was in the thread. Oh well, life goes on.


At least now no one can complain and leave negative rep because they think I have too much rep for my post count. :rolleyes:

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Oh I get it! You have to go into your profile and accept my friendship request. Pretty please!!


"Mom, I'm WAITING to do school! Can't we do school now...?"


See, that's what you get for trying to befriend someone in the clueless crowd -- they don't have the socialization skills/computer skills to figure out how to accept your friendship.


I think I did it, but have no clue if I did it right. Should I see a list of who tried to "friend" me? Or maybe no one has.

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