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Another joy of country life............

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I'm out in the morning, sipping coffee, commiserating with the fat pony who is on a diet and visiting with the skinny Arabian who gets to eat almost anything she wants. I let the chickens out, talk to the cats, wander through the garden and then realize I'm still walking around in my pajamas.


If I had neigbors I'd at least get dressed, and probably get a lot more accomplished.

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I'm out in the morning, sipping coffee, commiserating with the fat pony who is on a diet and visiting with the skinny Arabian who gets to eat almost anything she wants. I let the chickens out, talk to the cats, wander through the garden and then realize I'm still walking around in my pajamas.


If I had neigbors I'd at least get dressed, and probably get a lot more accomplished.

Now *that's* the country life I could handle!!



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I agree with you. I absolutely LOVE not being able to see my neighbors. I can't even see the street our house is on from our house, just the big horse pasture in front. I also like being able to walk around in my pj's and have even strolled around our lake in my pj's on occasion. We don't even have curtains/blinds on most of our windows. No need. I love the sun coming in and the natural light anyway.


Ahh, life in the country is good. However, I do occasionally have a pang for a good restaurant close by. I do miss that, but not enough to move back.

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I'm out in the morning, sipping coffee, commiserating with the fat pony who is on a diet and visiting with the skinny Arabian who gets to eat almost anything she wants. I let the chickens out, talk to the cats, wander through the garden and then realize I'm still walking around in my pajamas.


If I had neigbors I'd at least get dressed, and probably get a lot more accomplished.


Isn't this one of the reasons we live in the country? ;)


When we relocated, we briefly lived back in the city for 9-months. When we moved back to the country, my boys were both most excited about the fact that they could once again pee in the great outdoors if they were playing outside, and were not in the immediate vicinity of the house.



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I'm out in the morning, sipping coffee, commiserating with the fat pony who is on a diet and visiting with the skinny Arabian who gets to eat almost anything she wants. I let the chickens out, talk to the cats, wander through the garden and then realize I'm still walking around in my pajamas.


If I had neigbors I'd at least get dressed, and probably get a lot more accomplished.

Totally jealous! I am SO not a big city girl. We are so close to our neighbors, I could throw things into their house....

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Doing that this morning myself! Well, no horses or any animals for that matter. Just enjoying the quiet morning outside in my pj's.


We do have a neighbor to our right but we can't see them from the front. 9yo Dd was taking care of their dogs a few months ago while they went on a trip. She was delighted that she could walk over there in her bathrobe and slippers and not have to be concerned. :D

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Ummm....I miss that isolated aspect of country life. Dh caught me going out to the clothes line in my undies once. Sigh...being married to a photobug means there is proof. (But also proof that I was once upon a time, quite skinny. :D) Can't quite get away with that here, but I'm working on plantings for more privacy in the backyard. ;)


I enjoy a quiet morning with a cup in one hand and my flowers and critters all around.

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I'm out in the morning, sipping coffee, commiserating with the fat pony who is on a diet and visiting with the skinny Arabian who gets to eat almost anything she wants. I let the chickens out, talk to the cats, wander through the garden and then realize I'm still walking around in my pajamas.


If I had neigbors I'd at least get dressed, and probably get a lot more accomplished.


After reading the "Peeing Behind a Dumpster" thread, you can imagine what I thought you were going to tell us! :D

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Every morning I wake up at 5:00 or 5:30. I brush my teeth and head out to the dining room. I read my Bible and another Bible-related book I'm working my way through. I have my morning coffee. I switch the laundry, wash some dishes, make some toast for myself and wake up the kids. Then I take a daily online trivia quiz and do a morning blog run. Somewhere between 7:30-7:45, I take the kids to school. When I get home, I put my wallet in the house, lock up again, and head out to feed first the two dogs and the goat and then the six horses and eight cats.


The dogs and goat are fed quickly, about 5 minutes unless the goat is harassing me or the dogs. The horses take longer. I dump the premixed grain and vitamins (mixed after the last feeding) into the horses' buckets, throw in a little freshly ground flax seed, add some water (to cut down the grain dust) and apple cider vinegar (for digestion), and mix each bucket with a spoon. The horses are all anxiously waiting for me, so I put them in their stalls and give them their food buckets. While they're eating their grain, I put out the hay and coil up the baling wire from the bale. I lead the new filly out to her pen in the larger corral, check her water, and get her hay. I put the halter and lead rope back in the tack room and then let the other horses out. Next I get all the feed buckets lined up in the barn hallway and ready for next feeding. Then it's time to muck out the stalls (the filly's is a mess since she stays in it during the night) and the area in front of the barn where they like to stand. I mix up the grain and supplements for the next feeding, wipe down the counters, wash the mixing spoon, and tidy up. Finally I feed the cats and walk back up to the house. The morning feeding routine usually takes me an hour to an hour and a half if I do everything. I enjoy doing it and I take the time to do it right.


When I get back to the house, I wash off my mud boots and line them up on the porch. (Why am I the only one who washes the boots?) I brush off any hay and dump it from my pockets. I go inside and have another cup of coffee and maybe look at a few more blogs.


It is probably 9:30-10:00 by this time. NOW it is time to take a shower and get dressed. I have been in my jammies this whole time. I probably have not been wearing a bra and I most likely have been full commando this whole time. (Easier to shake the hay out that way!) I see no point in getting dressed before this on most days since I'm going to go put out hay and scoop manure. I like my routine. Heaven forbid I ever get pulled over or have a flat tire on the way to or from school. Actually, I did have a flat tire last year. I had to stop at the gas station to get air. Good thing I was wearing a bra that morning. It was a bit nippy out:D

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I'm out in the morning, sipping coffee, commiserating with the fat pony who is on a diet and visiting with the skinny Arabian who gets to eat almost anything she wants. I let the chickens out, talk to the cats, wander through the garden and then realize I'm still walking around in my pajamas.


If I had neigbors I'd at least get dressed, and probably get a lot more accomplished.


Sounds heavenly to me!

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It is probably 9:30-10:00 by this time. NOW it is time to take a shower and get dressed. I have been in my jammies this whole time.

That is me, and I live in town. I know my neighbors think I'm nuts when I'm doing a big house cleaning and am dragging trash to the garage in my pajamas at 2:30 in the afternoon. I can't see any point of getting dirty and sweaty in clean clothes.


I also take the dog out and take dh to work on the days I need the truck while still in my pajamas.


I do need to say that in the winter they are flannel I'm covered neck to toe, and in the summer I'm in a tank or tee- shirt and capri length bottoms.

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Ditto..LOL! My boys run around outside in their underwear (w/o my knowledge)..




Well, at least yours wear underwear. I looked out the other day and 3 of 4 kids were running around nekkid. Need I say that we have no close neighbors. :tongue_smilie:


I have been known to go down to the garden or take the clothes off the line in whatever might have passed for pj's the previous night (usually a T-shirt).

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