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I'm getting old

Night Elf

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I've started to nap every day! I nod off while reading or watching tv. I sleep about 20 or 30 minutes. It's crazy! I feel like I'm getting decent sleep at night. I go to bed at a reasonable hour and sleep 8 hours. When I wake up in the morning I feel rested and ready for the day. I remember my grandparents doing the cat napping thing. I'm just middle aged. Am I the only one who does this?

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I've always been a napper. I was always so sad when my kids grew out of the napping stage because it meant my naps had to go away, too!  I always felt naps were like a re-charge, so I figure if the body is offering me an opportunity to re-charge, who am I to resist?  :coolgleamA: I tell the kids I'm staving off the latest respiratory bug, or making sure my hair follicles keep producing, or something else the body does when one sleeps. LOL


My grandmother is in her 90s, and she's like a cat. She sleeps 80% of the day, with the other 20% spread out over ten hours of daylight!  

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Guest freshoceanair

I am a napper. I always attributed it to needing a bit of quiet to reset my brain in the middle of a busy homeschool day. Naps are great if you can fit them in. Go with it:)


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I doze off. I read somewhere that the brain goes into standby mode if not actively engaged in a topic. I often fall asleep while doing the afternoon school subjects with my children. they find it incredibly amusing. I have been woken several times by laughter while reading them their history  :o





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I never nap on the weekends but as I get older I'm finding homeschooling more and more draining. It may be the particular combination of kids I have right now though. The older ones were closer in age and played together. My boy is ASD and needs a lot of hands on guidance compared to his older sisters at that age, and my youngest is just MORE. She has two volumes, off and LOUD. She constantly touches me, pats me, and climbs on me. She had serious attention issues and needs redirection constantly.


But yes, in the past couple of years I find I function better if I can get 45-60 minutes of sleep around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. My thyroid is in great shape, so I'm chalking it up to shifting hormones. Perimenopause for me is feeling a lot like pregnancy did.

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I love to nap!  I did when I was young, I did a LOT while pregnant, and I still do it now.  About 20 minutes is optimum for me.  


I have a vivid memory of starting to doze off during soil science class in college -- it was right after lunch, and I desperately tried to do things to stay engaged in the class, like sit in the very front row.


Speaking of pregnancy, maybe it's a hormonal thing for you? Does perimenopause lead to more napping?


Your grandparents probably did it because they didn't sleep as well at night.  As we age our brains and bodies often change in ways that make our sleep more fragmented -- we spend less time in REM, we wake up (or sort of wake up) dozens more times per night.

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Call it siesta and claim youre celebrating your Spanish side.

I am from Spain so I can legitimately call it siesta, lol. When I started feeling more tired than usual and in need of a nap I also thought it was old age. It turned out to be low thyroid. Nowadays, my napping is usually more due to lack of adequate night sleep or illness.

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I love a good nap. However, if this is a new development for you, you might want to have your thyroid checked.


Is there a specific blood test that would test the thyroid? Or is it more involved than that? As part of my physical in 2013, I had a blood test done that had something like TSH in the title and I remember it had something to do with thyroid.

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