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Nothing New/Mindful Spending Week Two


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new/unnecessary. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!

So, even though I went nowhere today, I still managed to spend over $100. I am trying ever so hard to clean up my computer because it's a snail, so I'm making photo books that have been sitting at Shutterfly for an embarrassingly long time. I finished a 2012 album today (yes, I said 2012!) and, even with the coupon code, it is still in the triple digits because it's like 89 pages or something. I also had bought a Picture Keeper thumb drive, which I used a few days ago, but it gave up after 10,200+ photos. I have over 12,600 unique photos on my computer, or, I did before today. I took some off. I had also culled a bunch over the past few months and dumped my trash a couple times.


These past couple weeks, with DH and BIL dissolving their partnership have been seriously stressful. *Just imagine that I put a bunch more gobbledy-gook right here about how low I feel right now.*


Went to dinner with friends on Thursday and spent $32. I could have saved $7 by not getting the house sangria, but that would just be crazy! If you're going to Laurienzo's, you're getting a sangria. It's in The Rules.


Also spent some money registering for a class about web design. Hopefully that will be a good investment. I have done a web class before but the guy never got past setting up a hosted site. I don't need help with that! Everyone can do that! I want to know how to set up a self-hosted site. So, hopefully I will get that this time.


I didn't buy anything else but gas and groceries.

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Quill, if my week was stressful (like yours is with dh dissolving the partnership) I'd be coping by eating chocolate or something.  So yay you- you're getting through it without resorting to that!


Kudos on the shutterfly book. It takes me forever just to make a calendar - I'd never be able to finish an 89 page book. 


Sangria was worth it, I'm sure. 



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I had an excellent week! Other than groceries, I only bought lunch out with the family. With work schedules, family dinners just aren't happening and we needed some family time.   Lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant fit the occasion and it was lovely.   We used to eat out a lot- we'd get busy or just lazy and ate out often.  Since we stopped that almost two years ago, when we do eat out it's special. An occasion. Even if it's just Panda Express or something.  So pleased that our two at home kids have adopted that mindset and don't default to eating out when they're working or out with friends. 


Had a nice conversation with dd about mindful spending. She brought it up and asked some questions about how I decided where to draw the line and why I'm even doing it.  Guys, this is a big deal. This girl has been such a challenge...she loves to shop and loves her makeup and...it's just been a challenge. But on her own she's decided to rein her spending in not because she can't afford it, but because she wants to. She's downloaded Mint and is creating a budget and setting goals.   This alone makes this week excellent. 

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We went out with friends last night, unplanned. It was $43 for the four of us plus tip. We got water as our drinks. That makes a big dent in the bill--getting water.


We had planned to go out to dinner tonight to celebrate my son getting his new belt in karate, but after the testing my son just wanted to go home and relax...so we stayed home and had spaghetti.


So, the money going out to eat was a wash. We went out when we thought we'd stay in, but we stayed in when we thought we'd go out.


I bought two novels for the boys to read for school. I don't like it when I have to do that. So often the reviews are great but when we read the books we don't like them. I prefer to use the library for unknown books, but the library didn't have them, so...money was spent. But not a lot.

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I took my 6 year old daughter with me to do the shopping today.  We stopped and used a gift card at the local coffee shop for hot drinks, and then I took her to a free (yard sale) give away at a local church.  We got nice selection of books, a lamp, a few clothes, and misc.  

The we headed to Aldi and spent $268 on groceries for the next month, HEB, $10 for pop for hubby's lunches, and got some needed toiletries and cleaning supplies at Walmart.  I splurged on a floor lamp for the dining room and a shade for the free lamp.  (The current dining room lamp is headed to the newly set up office so that I can FINALLY sew.)  

Then we got lunch at Chickfila, and filled up the gas tank for $20. 

Under budget for groceries--that leaves me with about $20 for milk and bananas for a 2nd shop in 2 weeks.  YAY!!  


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Luna is going through painful and expensive testing for possible metabolic and/or genetic diseases. Not to be overly dramatic, but I feel a little like my world is crumbling. This is just too much for me. All of the stress of the last year is just too much. We need a plan to deal with this new medical stuff. It looks like it will be months of testing. Thousands of dollars. And we still have no roof. 

Ok, so, after Luna's Appointment with the specialist, we went to Rainforest Cafe. I ordered the priciest item on the menu, and we got dessert. I don't feel bad at all. Honestly, it was the only thing I wanted. We spent a lot, but D, our kids and I needed a nice time. We really did. In the scheme of things, it wasn't a ton of $$. I didn't ask D for the amount, but I can guess. 


I'm trying to clean up my diet, cut out junk and sweets, etc. It seems I planned poorly, because we have 6 days before I go shopping again and I am out of food. It wasn't really adequate. D bought me some frozen pizzas and I'm reevaluating. I need to do a little shopping. 

I bought a couple of items- laundry soap, a curtain rod, a few other necessities. 

Not really much spending, but huge expenses coming our way. 

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Luna is going through painful and expensive testing for possible metabolic and/or genetic diseases. Not to be overly dramatic, but I feel a little like my world is crumbling. This is just too much for me. All of the stress of the last year is just too much. We need a plan to deal with this new medical stuff. It looks like it will be months of testing. Thousands of dollars. And we still have no roof.


Ok, so, after Luna's Appointment with the specialist, we went to Rainforest Cafe. I ordered the priciest item on the menu, and we got dessert. I don't feel bad at all. Honestly, it was the only thing I wanted. We spent a lot, but D, our kids and I needed a nice time. We really did. In the scheme of things, it wasn't a ton of $$. I didn't ask D for the amount, but I can guess.


I'm trying to clean up my diet, cut out junk and sweets, etc. It seems I planned poorly, because we have 6 days before I go shopping again and I am out of food. It wasn't really adequate. D bought me some frozen pizzas and I'm reevaluating. I need to do a little shopping.


I bought a couple of items- laundry soap, a curtain rod, a few other necessities.


Not really much spending, but huge expenses coming our way.


I can't even "like" this. :( I am so sorry. I know there are many worries with Luna. I hope you get some answers soon and a strategy for healing.

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Hear that rustling?  Must be the sound of cash flying out of my wallet!  Or, in the case of the replacement computer my husband needed when the motherboard on the old one fried, as well as some airplane tickets to a family event next month, I used my airline affiliate card.  I pay it off monthly.


There are some birthdays as well as Valentine's Day on the calendar next month.  I stopped by a pecan processor to buy dark chocolate covered pecans for gifts, part of the buy local thing. 


And I have finally gotten the attention of a contractor concerning some work that needs to be done on the house.  I budgeted for the work last year so the cash awaits. 


One other thing to note:  my husband works crazy hours every late winter/early spring.  He often leaves home with lunch and dinner.  Thus I kick into gear after the holidays to make extra portions of healthy meals which I freeze. 



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Hear that rustling?  Must be the sound of cash flying out of my wallet!  Or, in the case of the replacement computer my husband needed when the motherboard on the old one fried, as well as some airplane tickets to a family event next month, I used my airline affiliate card.  I pay it off monthly.


There are some birthdays as well as Valentine's Day on the calendar next month.  I stopped by a pecan processor to buy dark chocolate covered pecans for gifts, part of the buy local thing. 


And I have finally gotten the attention of a contractor concerning some work that needs to be done on the house.  I budgeted for the work last year so the cash awaits. 


One other thing to note:  my husband works crazy hours every late winter/early spring.  He often leaves home with lunch and dinner.  Thus I kick into gear after the holidays to make extra portions of healthy meals which I freeze. 


This all seems like mindful spending- good for you!  And now I want chocolate covered pecans! 

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Annie, that IS huge! I am still waiting for DD to fully realize this...


Well I fully expect her to have lots of stops and starts...but with adult children I have learned to celebrate every step forward even if I know it'll be followed by two steps back. 


I'm not sure what's more challenging...terrible twos or early twenty-somethings. 

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Oh Desert Strawberry :grouphug: Dd went through some very scary testing last summer, and we're waiting for a genetics appointment in the spring.


This past week-----groceries (I shopped locally!), gas, parking at the airport when dd20 left, 2 inexpensive kindle books for me, and then tonight which blew the whole week! 3 tickets for Star Wars (2nd for me, 3rd for dh and dd) $15 each!!!! because we had only the choice of 3D (vomit) or Xd (larger screen, better sound), plus popcorn because duh, and then dinner at Noodles & Co.


Oh well.

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 3 tickets for Star Wars (2nd for me, 3rd for dh and dd) $15 each!!!! because we had only the choice of 3D (vomit) or Xd (larger screen, better sound), plus popcorn because duh, and then dinner at Noodles & Co.


Oh well.


I've never seen a movie in Xd- is is worth a price upgrade?  


 I totally plan to see SW again in the theater. And of course popcorn is a must!!! We always choose to go when it can take the place of a meal, whether it's lunch or dinner and when the kids were little they felt naughty eating popcorn for dinner. Now they know I just do it to get out of cooking a meal.g


This summer dh and I went to a theater that has waitresses and Real Food.  It's a good thing that theater is 90 minutes away- the service and food were good but it cost us a small fortune compared to our hometown theater. 

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Had to take the dog to the vet- 300 unplanned.   Otherwise, it was a good week. The grocery store had some of their premium hams for .99 lb.  I got a two of those for the freezer.  


 Now this week will be budget draining.  Medical expenses this week.  And I need to take the dog to a new vet to see what is really wrong.  

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Had to take the dog to the vet- 300 unplanned.   Otherwise, it was a good week. The grocery store had some of their premium hams for .99 lb.  I got a two of those for the freezer.  


 Now this week will be budget draining.  Medical expenses this week.  And I need to take the dog to a new vet to see what is really wrong.  


Hope your dog gets a good report- pet problems are no fun at all. 


Good price on the hams! 

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This week has seen me spend $150 on stuff for the new house, such as a bath mat, shower curtains, command strips, etc.


We are going to a gathering tomorrow where there will be food for sale, a raffle, and I'll probably throw in a donation on top of all that. Going to look at my bank account and budget and see what is a reasonable cap, then take it out as cash in the morning. We still have to go grocery shopping and need gas, etc. So it won't be a lot.

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This past week, the zipper on my kid's winter coat broke into pieces, so I had to order a new one.  (It was a matter of time anyway for this coat - repair isn't practical in this case.)  The new coat was fairly cheap as new winter coats go (like $20ish?).  I bought size 12/14 in the hope that it will last a few years.


I ordered a weighted blanket for my dad for his birthday.  He has problems falling asleep, and I am hoping this will help him.  It was not cheap, something like $200, but I am unwilling to try an unknown seller for something like this.  If this works well for my dad, I might buy myself one too.  If it doesn't work for him, maybe I will ask him to give me his.  :p


I ordered some test practice booklets to torture my kids with before the annual standardized testing.


I signed my kids up for kids' day off camp Monday for $32 per kid.  It will give them something active to do while I work.  I think they would rather sit around the house all day, but too bad.  :p


I signed my kids up for summer sleep-away scout camp (one week).  It sounds pretty good and will help them learn some life skills and earn some badges.  The cost is $2XX per kid, but I would be spending money on some camp or other regardless.


Speaking of badges and kids' financial education, today I mentioned to my kids that they are now half-grown and should be halfway ready to live as independent adults.  I started listing categories of things I still need to teach them, and one of those things was money management.  My kid piped up, "we could take care of that by doing the money management badge."  I may well take her up on that.  :)  They have a lot less experience with money than I did at their age, even though I was a lot poorer.

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Another mindful purchase this week was that of local pastured chicken from a young farm family. Yes, more expensive than grocery store chicken but I love putting cash directly in a farmer's hand.


Now making stock from the carcass of one of these local birds. Homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch on this rainy Sunday.

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Oooh, I really need this thread.  Mind if I join in?  I have become very undisciplined with money over the past year or so, just frittering money away.  Even with DH's raises we seem to always be broke at the end of the month.


So... two weeks left and the bank account is lean, BUT I just went grocery shopping and all I'll need to buy between now and payday are a few more groceries to fill in the gaps and a tank of gas to get older DD to her vision therapy.


We did splurge on a few things, but they're for future experiences (a much anticipated concert with younger DD's favorite singer, tickets to a play at the community theater, and registration for DH's next half-marathon), so although that's a lot of money, it doesn't feel like wasted money.


This month's big, huge SUCCESS: we've only spent $10 on eating out.  This is unheard of for me.  We eat out at least once a week.  My strategy was to make sure I always had some super fast, easy meal ingredients on hand so when I'm too lazy/tired/busy to cook, I can just fix one of those meals (spaghetti, bean & cheese burritos, burgers).  That's worked well.   The eating out was $5 because when we were almost to VT DD mentioned that she was hungry and had skipped lunch and $5 because I forgot that younger DD only had a half-hour break between her theater classes and play rehearsal and so I hadn't packed a dinner for her.

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I know it's not time for our next update, but I have mode some progress and need to share :) 


I researched the testing for Luna, and decided that a LOT of it is unlikely to apply to her. I will not necessarily decline, but prioritize it for later. 

I found the diagnosis that is most likely-actually the first one indicated my the initial testing. As much as one can't say a disorder is GOOD, this one is by far the BEST. We are waiting on two tests to confirm, and there are two more. IMO if those come back positive, we can STOP all the other testing and move forward with that diagnosis.

All of the other possibilities are pretty horrific. This one would leave her fully mentally and physically functional, with a full life span, and is treatable.

Hallelujah. I have hope for my baby. 

The tests we will be putting off are the more $$ ones, too, so that's a nice bonus. 


We found out that the garden across the road from us is a community garden. We went to our first work day yesterday. We brought home two bags of greens, herbs, and roots. We are welcome to take as much as we like and there is good, mild, physical work for my boys to do during the day. There's a hammock, humming bird feeders, table and chairs. It's a lovely place for them to just go hang out. I ate a bowl of greens for lunch. YUM. 


We were also invited to a co-op of sorts offering 60 pounds of veggies for $10. I don't know exactly how that will work, but it is local, once a month, and sounds like it will be a big help to us. 

A lot of the problems I'm struggling with (lack of energy, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, depression) seem to be directly related to not having enough good quality food to eat. After eating well for 2 days, I almost feel like I can take on the world again. I definitely need to prioritize my nutrition. Mama always comes last. 


We were offered a large number of wonderful free school books. I'm waiting to hear if I can pick them Friday. Cross your fingers. This would be HUGE for us. 

We are expecting a bit of cash flow (some inheritance from my parents) and hoping for a decent tax return. Which will be WONDERFUL for relieving some of the stress we are feeling around here. 

We have ANOTHER leak, so the plumber is coming out tomorrow. I'm sure it won't be cheap. 


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I kept to the amount I planned to spend at the event, most of it on raffle tickets. It helped that DD's friend that we invited brought money so I didn't have to feed her. I actually left out of there with $20 still in my pocket.


I spent some of that on Girl Scout cookies. DD is selling.


I wound up going back to Target one more time than planned, because DD flipped her sh!t over the fit/cut of her underwear when she tried it on, so we exchanged the bikinis for hipsters. And while there I bought a shower head because DH complained to me in a text about the one in the master shower in the new place.


But I only gave him $50 instead of $100 for the week for groceries/gas, so the budget is still on track, bar fees and all.


I'm requesting to attend a week-long bar review course. If approved, I'll be staying in a hotel and having meals paid for for a week--and maybe gas for there and back, too (I might be required to drive a work vehicle). I generally come out ahead on travel expenses, because I can feed myself for a lot less than $20/meal, I'll stay in a cheaper motel that's within the allowance for that, and my car gets really good gas mileage so I come out ahead on that as well. That's not until March, though--my plan is when I get windfalls like that to put it towards paying off my credit card.

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I was going to take the kids for Chipotle today after swim team, as I am working on about 50 deadlines.  But then I decided to go home and make mac'n'cheese.  They didn't want mac'n'cheese, so I said they could make their own dinner.  They made some parathas (we have frozen flat paratha dough ready to fry in a pan), and ate them with leftover curry and yogurt, with an orange on the side.  Works for me.  :)  Probably saved about $10 and honed some life skills at the same time.  We need to do more of this, if I can ever get my act together.

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I had some unnecessary spending this week.  Dillard's had another round of markdowns, and then an additional 30% off of that.  I added some extras to our fiestaware to the tune of about $70.  They were pieces that I've been wanting to add, and I did; but it was really a want and not a need.  Otherwise spending has been on track. I think knowing that I'll be posting about my spending has helped keep it under control. 

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THanks again Quill, for this thread. I was feeling so down about money that I was going to post that I needed to talk a break from this. But after thinking it over, and writing it all out, things are actually looking up for us. :)

((Desert Strawberry)) I'm so glad for the progress you have made with Luna. What a terribly stressful situation. The community garden sounds so nice!

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Oooh, I really need this thread. Mind if I join in? I have become very undisciplined with money over the past year or so, just frittering money away. Even with DH's raises we seem to always be broke at the end of the month.

Absolutely join in! :)

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Oh Desert Strawberry :grouphug: Dd went through some very scary testing last summer, and we're waiting for a genetics appointment in the spring.


This past week-----groceries (I shopped locally!), gas, parking at the airport when dd20 left, 2 inexpensive kindle books for me, and then tonight which blew the whole week! 3 tickets for Star Wars (2nd for me, 3rd for dh and dd) $15 each!!!! because we had only the choice of 3D (vomit) or Xd (larger screen, better sound), plus popcorn because duh, and then dinner at Noodles & Co.


Oh well.


Yes popcorn is a MUST have   :lurk5:  The big one :drool5:   I love popcorn, especially at the movies.  I don't get to go often but when I do guarantee I am getting popcorn.

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Had to take the dog to the vet- 300 unplanned.   Otherwise, it was a good week. The grocery store had some of their premium hams for .99 lb.  I got a two of those for the freezer.  


 Now this week will be budget draining.  Medical expenses this week.  And I need to take the dog to a new vet to see what is really wrong.  


Sorry about your dog.

Good deal on the hams

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Dh's car had issues again this week---more repairs, but we had budget money set aside for it, and AAA covered the towing.


We had travel expenses this week---again, budgeted money set aside for it, but it was a working trip to cover family issues, and not fun.  We took food in the car both ways and ate out very little.  We stayed with family, so no hotel bill. Still, gas for a cross-country trip added up.


The homemade gifts went over well--so that was a budget save.


We had some huge medical bills happen this week too, so our deductible will be met soon.



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Bought a bed, couldn't put it off any longer with DH's back surgery coming up. We also ordered pizza one day when I realized I can't sand and prep the shower for resurfacing and make lunch at the same time.


I still need to get the rest of the supplies I need for the shower remodel, a curtain, and new bedding. Baseball registration is today. And we need something for lunch because I don't want to cook while painting.


Also I paid the BBC for a new Doctor Who showrunner... (insert that look-shifty-and-run emoji here).

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Quill -- you are doing great with the pictures.  I need to spend time working on mine.


Annie G -- yay for your dd and for your dc adopting ideas


Myblessings4 -- I often go into store for 1 item and spend more.  Not proud but I do. 


Garga -- your unplanned meal out and then not going out evened out


Knoxinsox -- yay for deals!


MomtoCandJ -- you did good on the extra spending


Jane in NC -- yay for cash awaiting a repair & yay for buying direct


Ravin -- fun stuff for house


SKL -- tests for torture :laugh:


Prairie -Phlox -- you have done good


SquirrellyMama -- :hurray:


Shinyhappypeople -- yay for less spending out eating out


Artichoke -- yay for new dishware












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Well we hit a few extra expenses.... Dh's truck needed new spark plugs, wires and I think fuel regulator (less than $200 thank god) and dh had to go to the ED because he got metal in his left cornea when he went for his CDT exam (they didn't have all the guards that dh has at his work) though I think his employer is going to cover the hospital part.

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Spent more than I meant to this week but most was for food items that were on sale.  I justified buying them because 1. they were on sale 2. things we eat all the time and 3. by buying them I can have more meals (goes along with food already on hand).  Also needed a new hairdryer.  My old one died.


Did by some extra items.  I needed some cokes (ok nobody "needs" soda but sometimes they help me through the day)  and bought dss some arrow tips (on clearance.


I am happy to stay home but sometimes dh likes to go places.  We have snow this weekend.  Makes staying home easier ;)



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Spent more than I meant to this week but most was for food items that were on sale.  I justified buying them because 1. they were on sale 2. things we eat all the time and 3. by buying them I can have more meals (goes along with food already on hand).  Also needed a new hairdryer.  My old one died.


Did by some extra items.  I needed some cokes (ok nobody "needs" soda but sometimes they help me through the day)  and bought dss some arrow tips (on clearance.


I am happy to stay home but sometimes dh likes to go places.  We have snow this weekend.  Makes staying home easier ;)


Buying on sale is one of my main practices as far as mindful spending goes. 


I bought a lot of Kraft cheese this week because it's on sale for under $2 for a block.  We do use a lot of cheese and buying it on sale makes sense. I do that all the time- I buy beef and chicken that way, stock up on other things when they're on sale.  It makes grocery buying a bit more tricky to track but it's worth it to save so much money. 

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Our parakeet is looking skinny despite always having lots of food in her dish, so I finally cracked open the parakeet care book I bought.  Turns out the pet store lady told us wrong, or maybe I didn't listen very well.  We need to buy some things, so that will be an unplanned expense, but a worthy one.  In addition, my kid needs new riding boots.  This growing business is ridiculous.  I wonder if we'll need new soccer cleats for spring too ... I guess I'd better check on that.


I put my kids in a gymnastics camp yesterday evening, since we were not going for our usual Friday night dinner.  The cost worked out about the same.  :p  And I was able to get a lot of work done.


I need to sign up for another TKD belt test pretty soon.  Also my kids are outgrowing their original uniform and headgear, so that's an upcoming expense.


A lot of summer camps are already posting dates etc., so hopefully this coming week I will have a tentative schedule.  Needless to say, this will involve $$$$, but the kids need to be somewhere.  They aren't quite ready to be left to their own devices all summer, mainly because they can't walk themselves to many places.  They aren't allowed in the library or rec center without a parent.  At 9yo they should be able to hang at the park and stuff, but you hear horror stories of parents being arrested for that, so no, I don't think that can be our summer solution.  On the positive side, they are now old enough for some week-long sleep-away camps.  I am not sure how many I should sign them up for.  It's not that I want to get rid of them all summer :p but there are some neat options out there.  I think I would have loved to do that when I was a kid, but we couldn't afford it.  My parents took us "primitive camping," which was awesome, but I am 20 years older than they were.  :p


Not much else going on.  We seem to be eating at home more than we usually do.

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I'm doung well on grocery spending, under budget so far for the month. The kids & I met with some other homeschoolers & bowled 8 games total for $14 this week. We met with a cable rep from Comcast last night & locked in a rate that will never change. It's still a little more than I care for, but less than our most current bill. I'm tired of dealing with them every stinking year over rates. We had to add something, so we've added security as well, which we don't really feel we "need" but our homeowners should go down as well.

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D brought home 2 boys' bikes for Aries and Gemini. They need a little work, but are in good shape. $16 for both! 
He just bought a pump and he got a slightly-large-but-fits helmet for Gem for $14. Aries needs one, too. He went to two different stores to find a good price. Unheard of for him. Yay, D! 

I am picking up the free books this after noon. SO exciting!


I went to the co-op and bought 2 boxes. 120 pounds of fruit and veg for $20. We picked up a few other local/handcrafted items for $20. Most unnecessary but nice to meet some artisans and support their work. We walked to a little grocery and bought some sale items-frozen pizzas and duritos for lunch, instead of eating out, and stocked up on some other lunch foods.  I still need to pick up the rest of our groceries. I am thinking that the boxes will save a few dollars. 

No spending, but we are working on the house. D chopped down the two trees in front. I cleared out all of the tumbleweeds around the back door. I put a chair out on the minuscule back porch. Nice. It'll be lovely when we get that together. I mowed a little bit. I'll have to take the pick ax to the rest of the weeds out in back. 


I put the shiny floor stuff on the old linoleum in the living room. Wow! It looks so much better! The difference is amazing. It looks nice!

I rearranged the kitchen again. I think we like it this way. I have a pretty good idea now of what we need to finish it. 

D bought a chimney sweep thingie. We should have the wood stove up and running soon, though it's pretty warm now. in the 70s. I'm not sure if that's going to stay or not. 


I'm crocheting a giant doily to make a rug for the bathroom. It's working out ok, but I need a couple of more packets of cotton rope to mix in with the acrylic yarn to make it absorbent. When this is done, I think I'll make a bigger one, or maybe a motif rug for the living room. Something cozy the kids can lay on. 

I tried to hang the little kid's dressup mirror and shattered it. Oops. 

I'm hoping I can start painting and possibly casting some pavers this week. 




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Wow! Lots of enthusiasm on this thread but I want to note that Quill will start a new thread usually Saturday evenings to report on the past week.  It probably does not matter in the long run but I would hate posts to get lost between now and later.


Cheers to my mindful boardies!

Edited by Jane in NC
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Wow! Lots of enthusiasm on this thread but I want to note that Quill will start a new thread usually Saturday evenings to report on the past week. It probably does not matter in the long run but I would hate posts to get lost between now and later.


Cheers to my mindful boardies!

I know! I kinda hate to spoil this thread by starting my normal Saturday thread. :)

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I'm doung well on grocery spending, under budget so far for the month. The kids & I met with some other homeschoolers & bowled 8 games total for $14 this week. We met with a cable rep from Comcast last night & locked in a rate that will never change. It's still a little more than I care for, but less than our most current bill. I'm tired of dealing with them every stinking year over rates. We had to add something, so we've added security as well, which we don't really feel we "need" but our homeowners should go down as well.

Glad your  annual bickering over rate increases has ended!   I'd rather be a cat and have to lick my own butt than have to deal with Comcast.   Their product is awesome here but the customer service....ugh.   

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