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Please post your weekly plans here...

King Alfred Academy

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I am having a hard time fitting it all in...I only have two kids! I would love to see how the rest of you are doing it. Would you mind posting, linking, or attaching your weekly schedule here? Pretty please?


I am looking specifically for what subjects you do on a given day...ie...how many times a week you do math, how many times a week you do science, ect. As well as the days you do them. I am a very visual person and this will help me out tremendously.


Thank you! :D

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****sorry about the multiple posts...ugh!****


I am having a hard time fitting it all in...I only have two kids! I would love to see how the rest of you are doing it. Would you mind posting, linking, or attaching your weekly schedule here? Pretty please?


I am looking specifically for what subjects you do on a given day...ie...how many times a week you do math, how many times a week you do science, ect. As well as the days you do them. I am a very visual person and this will help me out tremendously.


Thank you! :D

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Mondays through Thursdays












The above plus Piano Lessons (I'm the teacher) at 4 PM












Soccer at 6 or 7 PM

Nature walks 2X week



Art (dh)


We also strive to read a Bible story a week


Lessons are only up to 15 minutes long, except for weekly subjects, which are up to 30 minutes long. Although dh spent an hour making an African mask with ds today -- he loved it!

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We do school four days per week, Monday through Thursday. Friday is homeschool PE and parkday.


We do the following subjects four days per week:








We do science on Tues/Thurs

We do geography on Mon/Wed


We do art, religion, logic when I get around to them, which might be a few days per week, or not at all.

Michelle T

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****sorry about the multiple posts...ugh!****


I am having a hard time fitting it all in...I only have two kids! I would love to see how the rest of you are doing it. Would you mind posting, linking, or attaching your weekly schedule here? Pretty please?


I am looking specifically for what subjects you do on a given day...ie...how many times a week you do math, how many times a week you do science, ect. As well as the days you do them. I am a very visual person and this will help me out tremendously.


Thank you! :D


We do Bible, Handrwiting (dd), Typing (ds), English, Spelling, Reading and Math on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.


History is Monday and Tuesday. Science is Wednesday and Friday.


Thursday is our co-op day.

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I have a 5th grader and a preschooler.


For 5th grader--

MONDAY-THURSDAY before lunch







Once a week each (after lunch)

- History

- Science

- Geography

- Bible


He also takes piano lessons twice a week, competitive rifle shooting once a week, and art once a month.


For preschooler--

3 days a week






He takes gymnastics once a week right now but will increase to twice a week in November.

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Mon, Wed-Friday:


Phonics, Reading, Math, English and Penmanship




Phonics, Reading, Math, and Penmanship and our homeschool co-op


History is done on Mon, Wed, Friday


Science is done on Mon, Thursday


Art & Music are generally done as we live. We listen to classical music during our studies and I talk about the composer. I do read-alouds at lunch and before quiet time.

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For third and fifth graders - both levels unless otherwise noted

Sorry if confusing - I can't seem to fit my schedule into just a list type thing - we manage my doing a lot of stuff outside of "school time"


Mon-Thurs mornings

Instrument practice

Singapore Math

Easy Grammar (5th only)

Sequential Spelling

Writing and/or Science homework from Friday coops

Penmanship (just 2x week)



Writing class weekly

Science coop biweekly



History (read-alouds at bedtime, auido books and music in car, independent reading fit in around other things)

Reading (much of it for history, also science, and lots for fun.)



Artistic Pursuits



Book discussion on selected quality book

Poetry tea, and memorize one poem to recite


Foreign Languages

German - class Sat, homework Fri. afternoon

Spanish - class Mon, homework Wed. afternoon



dd#1 - ballet 2x week, violin

dd#2 and 3 - skating, piano




Weekly stuff they do independently outside "school hours"

Editor in Chief

Punctuation Puzzlers (5th only)

Word Roots

Grid Perplexors (like Mind Benders)

Map Skills

Math & Science Detective (5th only)

& some other stuff

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I can tell you my schedule, don't know how to actually link it. I have dd10 and dd7 that I officially school along with my dd4 (who mainly plays).


Mon- Coop from 9-12, Math, English, Geography, art & literature study


Tues- Copy,Spell, typing, English, Math, Spanish, Latin, History, writing, piano


Wed- Copy,Spell, typing, English, Math, Spanish, Latin, Science, writing, piano


Thurs- Copy,Spell, typing, English, Math, Spanish, Latin, History, writing, piano


Fri- Dict.,Spell, typing, English, Math, Spanish, Latin, Science, writing, piano


I alternate with my dd, for example: I will teach Eng. to one while the other works on Math, then when I am done with the Eng. I go over to my older dd and help with Math. Basically, I flip flop between the two. Their Spanish, Latin, History, and Science are together so that makes it easy. Now, next year I will be having to incorporate my youngest into the mix and that will be challenging:eek:




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Handwriting (Can Do Printing)

Just Write 2 - covers writing and grammar


Lively Latin

TOG history reading



Handwriting (Can Do Printing)

Just Write 2 - covers writing and grammar


co-op music, earth science and geography, girl scouts (alternate weeks we swim instead of girl scouts)



Handwriting (Can Do Printing)

Just Write 2 - covers writing and grammar


Lively Latin

TOG literature or alt-history reading

If we take a field trip, this is the day.



cottage school - science, unit study (olympics now, pioneers next), art, music, spanish, PE

Little one and I go to the Y and swim



Handwriting (Can Do Printing)

Just Write 2 - covers writing and grammar


Puzzles and games and math games


This doesn't count that I read about an hour at night to them and we do IEW poetry or read during breakfast.


Doing two days out of the house drives me batty, but the Tuesday co-op is only two hours except on girl scout weeks and I teach the earth science.


I mostly keep the youngest at the table with me during the table time. And keep her occupied with a whiteboard and letters or with sciccors or art stuff. I alternate between the two during school time, but the youngest is allowed to leave and play quietly.


This year the best thing I have done is to put the most important things first on the list and do them consistently - reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic.

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Well, I was doing it in block scheduling like these others, such as:


Language Arts





And doing those every day (that's just an example - I have alot I like to get done each day within those subjects).


However, the great ladies on this board starting talking about a loop schedule and I'm switching to it. So basically, it will look like this:




RS Math


Zoo 2

Read with DD

Read with DS

States Study

Election Lapbook


If we don't finish it all in one day, that's ok, I'll just pick up where I left off the day before. So if I only get to AAS one day, then the next day, I'll pick up at Zoo 2 and continue through the loop as far as I can. I'll also be setting a time limit on our day - 3 or 4 hours. What gets done, gets done in that time, then we pick up again the next day.


I plan on going through our loop 4 times in a week and then on the 5th loop, we'll do music or art and projects, etc.


This will take alot of pressure off me from feeling like we never get to certain subjects which always drives me crazy and leaves me feeling like we are constantly behind. It should also allow me to give more time to each child as necessary.



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This is what I just printed for Monday for my 7th grader:


O Math – Lesson 91

O Grammar – L48, pg 203, read, discuss oral, do A choose one,B 1-5, C 1-5

O Reading – Quiet, Group, Outloud

O Spelling

O History – SOTW Ch 14, pg 115-120 color,map,questions

O Geography – pg 160 & 163

O Art – pg 16 - 17

O Writing Strands – pg 14, make paragraph perfect on sep paper

O Literature – Read Ch 2 pg 13 -14


Tuesday through Friday are just about the same except history and science alternate. On Friday we do both, though. The 5th graders schedule is pretty much identical except math lessons are different and he doesn't have Lightning Literature. Oh, also, art alternates with logic also. Math includes Saxon lesson, speed math and multiplication run throughs.


Altogether school averages about 4 hours. Hope that helps!

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Here's what's been working for us.


7:30 - 9:30 - violin practice (one boy at a time, they each get an hour and they finish chores and play during the hour they aren't playing"

8:00 - dd (12) starts independent work in Latin, French, and spelling

9:30 - everyone comes together for Bible, memorization, geography, science read-aloud, etc.


10:15 - math. Ds (6) spends 15 minutes in the math lab while I get dd (12) and ds (8) started on their math. They work independently while I do RS math with Ds (6).


11:15 - grammar. Dd (12) works on this alone, I do FLL 3 with both of the boys.


11:30 - lunch


12:15 - boys are tidying up after lunch and then playing. Ds (3) is down for a nap. I spend some time doing CW with dd (12)


After this things get fuzzy. I do AAS 2 and writing with the boys. One day a week I have a TOG discussion with dd. I do TOG read-alouds and projects with the boys. Sometimes we do science. Sometimes we do French. Sometimes we bake or swim. Dd does her TOG and her science and her piano.


I know I have to firm our afternoons up a little, but I'm working on it.

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Here is our Week-at-a-Glance. We do lessons Monday through Thursday.


Session I

Devotion (15 min.)

Math (30 min.)

Phonics (20 min.)

Handwriting (20 min.)

Character Building/Manners (5 min.)


Break & Snack (1 hr.)

I walk dog and ds rides his bike



Session II

Science (30 min.)

Art (30 min.)

Read Aloud (30 min.)


BTW... I posted our week 3 update on the blog (sig. line).



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I have three pages for our schedule every week. Three pages! Each is made up as a table with the days across the top and room for 7 subject areas.


It helps keep me fluid and on track though. I dread routine: doing the same thing the same way all the time drives me bonkers. With my charts and boxes, I can mix things up without "forgetting" something. I check the box off when we're done and I circle it if it isn't.


I have two children--a third grader and fifth grader. We do everything together except where noted. We school 4 1/2 days/week, Tues to Sat.


Saturday I use to catch up on anything we didn't get done during the week (see floaters below) and either science or art--I alternate them. The kids enjoy them and "don't mind" doing them Saturday mornings.


As well, each are required to read from assigned readings: 6 hours a week for the fifth grader (including KHE, literature, science, biography and extra history) and 3 hours/week for the third grader. We keep track with charts and stickers and they do it in 15 minute increments whenever I can chase them down. (Actually, we don't start school until we've been up for about 2 hours and they usually have hot chocolate and read on the couch during that time).


The Core:

Spelling, SWR, 4 days/week

Latin, 4 days/week

Writing program CW Aesop. 4 days a week.

SoTW2 one chapter a week. So it can take anywhere from 2-4 days. 5th grader writes his own narrations, 3rd grader dictates, I narrate a few sentences back, she copies the rest. We try to do this at lunch--listening to the Jim Weiss CD as we eat.

Science 1x week, either Fridays or Saturdays (and sometimes both).

Art 1x/2 weeks. (Alternates with Science)


The floaters:

I tuck these tasks into downtime (as in one of my students is in the bathroom too long!) or as transitions between subjects. This is the plan--I'm not as rigourous about these as the others. It would be rare that each would get done the maximum times specified:


Dictation & Copywork 3x week (I dictate a passage to the fifth grader and assign the same to the third grader as copywork).

Poetry recitation and memorization 4x week.

Bible Study 2x week

Geography 2x a week

Canadian History read aloud: 4x a week.


Subjects done individually:

Math 4x/week catch up on Saturday if needed.

Grammar 4x week.


Subjects done by 5th grader only:

Logic 3x week

outlining 1-2x week

book summary 1x week.


oh--and the kids practice piano nearly every day. My Mom supervises that and her schedule is erratic, which is largely why ours is, too. Whenever one is practising I grab the other for instruction in Grammar and Math.



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Mornings (four hours or so, less time on Day six)


Math - six days

Foreign Languages - six days

Language Arts - five days



Afternoons (two or three hours)


Days 1, 3, and 5 - American History and Science

Days 2 and 4 - World History and Literature

Day 6 - Geography, Art and Music

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How often are you currently doing the subjects you have now? Does your signature include ALL the curriculum you're using? How often does AAS and GWG need to be done? Can they be alternated through the week?


Monday AAS

Tues GWG

Wed. AAS

Thurs. GWG




I don't think my daily routine is going to help you much b/c it's for 1 child and we could end our day at lunch and get all our 'school' work done but I have masterly inactivity schedule too. I'm afraid it's going to appear big on the screen, yuck. Sorry.


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Monday--Read The Big Green Bag (Pocketbook), talk about the number 3, the letter l

Tuesday--talk about the number 4, fill the bag mini-book, animal sort

Wednesday--talk about the number 5, ice cream cone activity

Thursday--finish the lapbook



Phonics--read from Rod and Staff Reader 1

Earlybird math 2b p. 30, 31, 32 and 33 subtraction

Samatha Lapbook--finish reading all the historical pages from the paper doll set, compare/contrast Samatha's time with our own, What did you learn from Samatha's stories, a mini-book on plot, and a few other things.



Composition--writing a letter to a friend


Math in My World--p. 232-233, 268, 312, 354 chapter tests subject to change if we run into problems then we will stop at that chapter and work through it.


Story of the World 2--The last chapter & coloring pages (Yeah!)


Kit Lapbook--Finish reading the historical pages from the paper doll set and finsih up the lapbook which is similiar to the Samatha one.


We are not doing Latin right now but will probably start that again next week or so. We are doing Minimus but are currently taking a break as we figure out how to work language arts. I've decided on having my dd just write for language arts and work with her on spelling and grammar through her writing since worksheets do not work the best with her.


Hope this helps.:001_smile:

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I am having a hard time fitting it all in...I only have two kids! I would love to see how the rest of you are doing it. Would you mind posting, linking, or attaching your weekly schedule here? Pretty please?


I am looking specifically for what subjects you do on a given day...ie...how many times a week you do math, how many times a week you do science, ect. As well as the days you do them. I am a very visual person and this will help me out tremendously.


Thank you! :D


As soon as I firm them up... I sure will! :D we are flying by the seat of our pants and doing math, latin and science right now.....

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I only plan daily.




9-10 math and grammar with me

10-10:30 finish assignments

10:30-11 Science

11-11:30 Spanish

11:30-12:30 lunch

12:30-12:45 read aloud

12:45-1:00 piano practice

1:00-1:30 silent reading for history

1:30-2 write about reading

2-2:45 free

2:45-3 spelling

3:20 leave for swim practice




9-10 math

10-10:30 grammar

10:30-11 science

11-11:30 Spanish

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-12:45 read aloud

12:45-1:15 guitar

1:15-1:45 free

1:45-2:45 government

2:45-3 spelling


dd13b-must fit in piano/violin/algebra in free time


9-10 free

10-10:30 grammar

10:30-11 free

11-11:30 Spanish

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-12:45 read aloud

12:45-1:45 Biology

1:45-2:45 government

2:45-3 spelling


dd15-in free must fit in Japanese, geometry, and art.


10-10:30 grammar

12:45-1:45 Biology

1:45-2:45 Government



Grammar 4 days

IEW 1 day

Biology 5 days

Science (Rainbow) 3 days

Spanish 4 days

Govt. 5 days

all maths 5 days

music practice 4 days/1 day lessons

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for DS5 (who is doing mostly first grade work):


WWE is Writing with Ease and BTS is Building Thinking Skills.



Math, Grammar, Spelling, WWE, History, Spanish, Mindbenders, BTS, Piano



Math, Penmanship, Spelling, WWE, Science, Spanish, Mindbenders, BTS, Piano



Math, Grammar, Spelling, WWE, History, Spanish, Mindbenders, BTS, Piano



Math, Penmanship, Spelling, WWE, Science, Spanish, Mindbenders, BTS, Piano



Math, Grammar, Spelling, Art, History, Spanish, Mindbenders, BTS, Piano


Spanish is EXTREMELY important here because we live in Mexico and most of my husband's family (not to mention the kids in the neighborhood) speaks no English at all.


DS does mindbenders, penmanship, BTS, and the copywork portions of WWE independently.

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We do the same thing every day, aside from one "special" class, which is done once a week. This was his suggestion, actually, b/c they did it that way in his PS kindergarten class.


So, basically, every day looks like this, for our 1st grade:


Math - A Beka, 1 speed drill & lesson (or test) per day


History - SOTW 1, read/discuss/map/color/project


Grammar - FLL 1, one or two chapters per day, depending on what they are


Handwriting - copywork, one page per day, which actually boils down to 1 or 2 sentences on the printable first grade ZB paper from their website, with spaces added


Spelling - SWO A, we stretch this out: first page/front of second page/back of second page/spelling superstar/test


Special - none of these are a curriculum, they're sort of pulled from diff places:

  • M - Life Science
  • T - Map Skills
  • W - Bible Stories/Character Development
  • T - Fine Arts (art, music, extra poetry)
  • F - Cooking

Reading is also every day, but we do it at different times than our 'regular' school. After dinner, we read aloud as a family, and before bed is his "fun reading" time.


Since we do each subject every day, we do shorter lessons, and have lots of breaks. Exercise break, lunch break, play break, snack break, etc.


We also meet 2x a week for PE/park days, and swim, take walks, chase lizards, etc. :) Basketball sign-ups are Nov 1, and he's excited to do that, too.


This is our first year, so we're still banging out the details of what works for us. This week, we're actually doing a review week (we're in week 8) and haven't taken much time off yet.


So, for example, in Science, we've been working on organs in the body, and the next lesson starts on bones, so we're going to review the organs before we start something new. We have gotten through lesson 7 in SOTW, so we're doing the review cards for Chapters 1-7 instead of starting Chapter 8.

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