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We have gas lines and shortages in TN.

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Several gas stations from Spring Hill all the way north to Nashville are entirely out of gas and many of the ones that still have gas left have lines up to mile long. We went to get gas yesterday and there were eight employees directing lines so as to have no incidents. I am in shock. I remember the lines from the 70s and I honestly never thought that I would live to see that again. What are you and what is it like there?:001_huh:

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Here is an interesting blog post about the TN prices.


Just a month ago because of travel I had a chance to compare prices from Texas all the way to Georgia and the prices were the highest in TN. As soon as you cross the state line in either the east or the west the price jumps. My db is paying $3.69 in TX right now and my dd about the same in GA. We are paying between $3.99 and $4.19 and still many stations have no gas. Thanks for the link it really answered some questions for me.

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Knox. area is quite bad in spots. We are out at many stations here in town too. And the prices are running around $4 at several stations. However, I did go in to Knox. over the weekend and found a station that had Regular Unleaded (out of premium and premium plus) for $3.39, I believe! I was thrilled and filled up right away.


Just passed several stations on the way home from a meeting tonight, and saw lots of bags covering the pumps. Don't know what's up with this town!

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many stations are out of gas in the atlanta metro area. i was in Iowa over the weekend and filled my rental car tank for $3.39 a gallon. came home sunday to $4.19 a gallon; my brother called me on my way home from the airport asking if i had enough gas for the week since there had been a run on gas over the weekend. sure enough, every station i drove by had their pumps designated as shut off. fortunately, i do have enough gas for the next week or two. a news report this morning says the supply problem will not be abated until possibly the end of the week.


my brother had to drive to Savannah last night. i should call and ask how gas life is outside of the metro area.

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Yep, I propose a new law... every person elected to public office must take a basic economics class. :D


I second the motion. Seriously, some of my local officials (and some of these are personal contacts and friends even) are totally clueless. I'm no Adam Smith, but I can at least understand a few basics and more importantly ASK SOMEBODY when I am unsure.


Anyhow, I had no idea this was going on in TN. I'm in NC and we have not seen this. There were some long lines before Ike when people knew gas prices were going to be rising again. I will certainly keep my eyes and ears open as I am somewhat close to the situation. YIKES!

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This is insane. We haven't completely filled our tanks in over a week, since the Ike gouging started. So we're puttering around on 1/4 of a tank to E, and DH tells me that he has the money to put gas in his truck, but there's no gas to be had - from Green Hills all the way out to our town. :confused: There's just no excuse for this nonsense, really. It makes me so angry because there's nothing WE can do about it.

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Anyhow, I had no idea this was going on in TN. I'm in NC and we have not seen this. There were some long lines before Ike when people knew gas prices were going to be rising again. I will certainly keep my eyes and ears open as I am somewhat close to the situation. YIKES!


We're dealing with it in Western NC. I have things to go do today which may remain undone b/c we need gas and I can't find any.

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Thus far, knock on wood, we are not seeing this in my part of the state. When Ike hit there were two gas stations that decided to take advantage and one went as high as $5 a gallon. I live in a fair size town, we have plenty of gas stations, so nobody bought the $5 a gallon gasoline and the next morning the manager had come to his senses.


I wonder if this could spread over here? Should I go top off my tank while I still can?

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Knox. area is quite bad in spots. We are out at many stations here in town too. And the prices are running around $4 at several stations. However, I did go in to Knox. over the weekend and found a station that had Regular Unleaded (out of premium and premium plus) for $3.39, I believe! I was thrilled and filled up right away.


Just passed several stations on the way home from a meeting tonight, and saw lots of bags covering the pumps. Don't know what's up with this town!


Ours (Knox) has been going down since the weekend of Ike where we saw $5/gal. prices. I haven't seen any stations out (in the past week) and prices have been ranging from $3.49 to $3.69. I was shocked to see that the Nashville area was experiencing troubles NOW. When we were paying $5 (well not ME, but some people) and running out of gas, there was no shortage or price issue in Nashville, according to my family who lives there.

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Ours (Knox) has been going down since the weekend of Ike where we saw $5/gal. prices. I haven't seen any stations out and prices have been ranging from $3.49 to $3.69. I was shocked to see that the Nashville area was experiencing troubles NOW. When we were paying $5 (well not ME, but some people) and running out of gas, there was no shortage or price issue in Nashville, according to my family who lives there.


That proves it, then. It started in East Tennessee and is moving westward. Like a plague. Like the fog in the movie The Fog. Something wicked this way comes. It's coming here after Nashville and those in Memphis better watch out because it is headed there after my town. I am going out to top off my tank today. And then I am going to hide under my bed. Cue the scary music.


I'm just kiddin'. Just feeling like a little melodrama between my first and second cup of coffee!!


It is odd that there are shortages now. Crazy times.

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That proves it, then. It started in East Tennessee and is moving westward. Like a plague. Like the fog in the movie The Fog. Something wicked this way comes. It's coming here after Nashville and those in Memphis better watch out because it is headed there after my town. I am going out to top off my tank today. And then I am going to hide under my bed. Cue the scary music.


I'm just kiddin'. Just feeling like a little melodrama between my first and second cup of coffee!!


It is odd that there are shortages now. Crazy times.


:lol: Thanks for the laugh. Cheers! I'm in the middle of my second cup, too. I get entirely too excited about my morning coffee.

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No issue here in N. Alabama.



I'm in N. Alabama, too, but the stations near us have had trouble keeping gas on hand. Thankfully, I was able to fill up once at $3.67 (on Sept. 14) before the price jumped to $4/gallon. I've been frugal with the gas, not driving much, so haven't needed to refill yet. This past Sunday (Sept. 21), prices were at $3.85 in my area, if the station had gas at all.

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Ours (Knox) has been going down since the weekend of Ike where we saw $5/gal. prices. I haven't seen any stations out (in the past week) and prices have been ranging from $3.49 to $3.69. I was shocked to see that the Nashville area was experiencing troubles NOW. When we were paying $5 (well not ME, but some people) and running out of gas, there was no shortage or price issue in Nashville, according to my family who lives there.


Weigels near my house has had bags on the pumps for days now. Shell has some gas, but has finally come down to $4 from $5! Weigels had a little for a few days and was more reasonable (down to $3.49), but it stays out mostly. I got some over the weekend in Solway at the RaceTrack place. It was $3.39! They only had regular unleaded though. None of the higher grades.


There's a conspiracy brewing here. The Secret City is so secret that none of the filler tanks can find us to bring in gas, I guess.

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That proves it, then. It started in East Tennessee and is moving westward. Like a plague. Like the fog in the movie The Fog. Something wicked this way comes. It's coming here after Nashville and those in Memphis better watch out because it is headed there after my town. I am going out to top off my tank today. And then I am going to hide under my bed. Cue the scary music.


I'm just kiddin'. Just feeling like a little melodrama between my first and second cup of coffee!!


It is odd that there are shortages now. Crazy times.


:lol: Ok- I am seriously cracking up now. Thank you for the much needed laugh before I start the drudgery of housework.

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