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Please share your favourite non-dairy substitute for butter/margarine.

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Here's another vote for Smart Balance Light. I will use Earth Balance sometimes but it's not as readily available. I can get Smart Balance at any grocery but I must go to Whole Foods to get Earth Balance. The regular Smart Balance does contain whey, so if you're trying to avoid anything remotely diary buy the light version.


I've also found Earth Balance doesn't work as well for baking as Smart Balance. For example, if I bake cookies with EB I use half the recipe amount or they spread out too much on the pan and become too thin.

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I know about Fleischman's no sodium, but I wonder about the cholesterol and hydrogenated fat.


Any other suggestions?




Heck, I love to dip things like cooked vegetables in mayo instead of adding butter. It's even good on potatoes. :001_smile: I guess mayo wouldn't work on popcorn.

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Good old Extra Virgin Olive oil... and if I am baking, some organic virgin coconut oil (no hydrogenation there).


:iagree: But I use a variety of oils... safflower, olive, evoo... baking is best with coconut oil. Depending what I'm making I'll bake with an applesauce/oil mix. But only because I haven't been able to get my hands on any good lard, or on some fat to make the lard... waiting for the piggy butchering time.... (I would use butter more, but my one dd is allergic to cow milk and soy.)

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