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Walking Dead 11/15 -- help me figure it out?


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I got the impression they were working with that group for a long time, and when they left just took the supplies they needed to survive. I could be totally wrong, though. Apparently this group is a huge arc in the comics, which I haven't read.


I want to know if the voice at the end was Glenn! The internet seems to be evenly split as to whether it was Glenn, Rick, or the blonde dude trying to lure Daryl back or something.

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Ah, the insulin maybe. 

I kept thinking do they mean that carving, and if it was so important, why'd they let Darryl keep it?


I don't mind the technique of making us figure out what's going on at the same pace that Darryl learned it. But some stuff didn't make sense.   Multiple armed men with a big vehicle pursuing the escapees, and that armed ambush ( we think the shooting of Sasha/Abraham/Darryl was intended for that other threesome, right?).  And then they just give up because "he only wants 'em when they're willing anyway"?   They could have just said "this guy needs to get back to stop the bleeding".


I think we're all supposed to assume Glenn is dead.  He may come back, but from a narrative POV, he's zombie food.

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I think it was another one of those episodes getting everyone in their place, emotionally as well as physically. Daryl has been kind of on the outskirts since Beth died, now he's taking action. Abraham got his head on straight, and those weird people chose their side. Apparently, it's hard to escape from your comfort zone even with all those walkers. Which I want to know where they all went. Did they just keep on walking? Disperse? What?


I hope we get answers to some of these open questions. But a whole episode with Daryl as the MC, that's all right too. 

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What was up with Abraham propositioning Sasha? I didn't get that episode at all.


I assume he talks that way in the comic, but it gets on my nerves.  I'm like, Sasha, TELL me you are not falling for these lines?!!  LOL  


I don't hate his character overall, but he seems to have picked up some language lessons from Eugene in this episode!  

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What was up with Abraham propositioning Sasha? I didn't get that episode at all.


Yeah, I was kind of lost through parts of it. Especially the parts with Abraham. I was going to rewatch that part to try to figure out what the heck was going on, but then I realized I just don't care.

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I thought it was a very strange episode. Did the writers all switch hats or something? Last week I thought Maggie acted odd (strange lines, strange acting, even when she was walking in the sewer, she didn't look like how Maggie walks/carries herself), and this week it's Abraham who sounded a LOT like Eugene. What the heck? I just don't see Abraham and Sasha as a couple. That is a strange pairing and seemed to come out of the blue.


The scene with Abraham trying to get the grenade launcher and reaching around the dangling & biting walker? Dude--- stab it in the head. Problem solved. It's no longer a military brother.. it's dead. Seriously?


Dude's arm cut off? "walk it off" and no screaming? Guy must have had one HECK of a high pain threshold.


I also thought about rewatching because I felt like I missed some huge shift with the Abraham/Sasha thing, but I just don't care.


The voice on the radio, though.... it REALLY sounded like Glenn, but Norman has come out and said it is absolutely NOT Glenn. I could have sworn it was his voice. I'm guessing it was the guy who took the motorcycle & crossbow. I hope Daryl gets the crossbow back!


I just don't understand these last few episodes. There are only two left before the Christmas break and I'm not all that into it other than to find out about Glenn. I find that sad. :crying:

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Ugh. Why are people so stupid on this show? How does a grown man get bitten by a snarling, trapped walker? And, as soon as they found the bodies encased in glass, I said "They aren't dead. Fire doesn't kill them". How do the people on the show not know that. Stupid.


And Abraham hitting on Sasha?!? On what planet did she give him any kind of sign that she was interested?!?


And, I have $10 that says the voice on the walkie was Glenn.


I hope the writers are thinking "Let's give them two really slow episodes and the BAM! blow them away before the break!!"

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I was so confused by all the dialogue between Abraham and Sasha. And wasn't Abraham with the other girl? Did something happen to her?


And not to nitpick the show, but there's no way that insulin was still good after however long they've all been without refrigeration. Just saying...


And the burned bodies... how in the world has that girl survived this long without knowing you can't just walk up in a dead body and assume it hasn't been zombified?

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I get Abraham.   He had a wife and a couple kid before all this.  He's been living in an action movie ever since.  He found a 'safe' landing place, a photo of a guy with his wife and daughters, he's with Sasha who is his type (tough and no BS: like Rosita) and he thinks --- for the first time since this all started --- about settling down.  I don't really care about Abrahm, but, that's not the actor's fault I don't think.  Just another piece of the tapestry that is this story:  Abraham and Sasha coming down from their self destructive adrenaline high lives.


As for Rosita, I think that _____ (I forget her name, the goofy lesbian) was into her.  But now the doctor has kissed her.  So that'll be the tangle of love lives in that little part of the world.  No clue what will happen to good old Eugene.

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I think they took the insulin. I think we may see them again and that is why Daryl has the carving. I don't know why Sasha and Abraham got caught up in the ambush for them. Weird. But Daryl is looking good.


Yes he looked good but----- I don't remember the last time we saw Daryl with his coat off.  Those arms are BIG. He must always be hungry, is what I thought.


If Daryl was my hostage, the first thing I'd do? Cut those mangy bangs so I could see his eyes.  How can he see anything?

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I get Abraham.   He had a wife and a couple kid before all this.  He's been living in an action movie ever since.  He found a 'safe' landing place, a photo of a guy with his wife and daughters, he's with Sasha who is his type (tough and no BS: like Rosita) and he thinks --- for the first time since this all started --- about settling down.  I don't really care about Abrahm, but, that's not the actor's fault I don't think.  Just another piece of the tapestry that is this story:  Abraham and Sasha coming down from their self destructive adrenaline high lives.


As for Rosita, I think that _____ (I forget her name, the goofy lesbian) was into her.  But now the doctor has kissed her.  So that'll be the tangle of love lives in that little part of the world.  No clue what will happen to good old Eugene.


Rosita and the woman who kissed the doctor are two different people. (I'm blanking on the other woman's name, sorry.) For some reason they've hardly showed Rosita this season. I remember seeing her once. Maybe her actor is leaving the show or something so they need a new love interest for Abraham.

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Yes he looked good but----- I don't remember the last time we saw Daryl with his coat off. Those arms are BIG. He must always be hungry, is what I thought.


If Daryl was my hostage, the first thing I'd do? Cut those mangy bangs so I could see his eyes. How can he see anything?

Leave Daryl alone! I like him mangy.

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Rosita and the woman who kissed the doctor are two different people. (I'm blanking on the other woman's name, sorry.) For some reason they've hardly showed Rosita this season. I remember seeing her once. Maybe her actor is leaving the show or something so they need a new love interest for Abraham.

Tara. I meant Tara likes Rosita but the doc likes Tara. Rosita likes Abraham but Abraham wants Sasha. That's the tangle. I think.

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I was so confused by all the dialogue between Abraham and Sasha. And wasn't Abraham with the other girl? Did something happen to her?


And not to nitpick the show, but there's no way that insulin was still good after however long they've all been without refrigeration. Just saying...


And the burned bodies... how in the world has that girl survived this long without knowing you can't just walk up in a dead body and assume it hasn't been zombified?


I agree with all this. 


This entire season has not been very good. Sure, lots of dying and action but nothing has happened and people are really acting stupid. All the people left have been in a zombie infested world for...what? two years? and don't know how to survive.


How in the heck have they had enough insulin to last long enough to keep that girl alive?

Why were those people and Daryl so cryptic anyway? I watched the episode and still didn't understand what was going on.


It had better of been Glen's voice or I just might stop watching the whole show. They can't kill off Glen.

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I assumed the "help" was an OLD message from Rick, where episodes overlapped. Maybe Rick's voice when he was stuck in the RV or running from the herd. Not sure, though.


I hadn't thought of that but you could be right. All the time jumping back and forth has thrown me off.  It didn't sound like Glenn to me at all. Rick would be a good guess since we haven't learned how he got out of the RV situation. 

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Can I just say that my dh is pissing me off with this show?  LOL  He keeps stating, as fact, "Oh, it IS xyz." after we all give our thoughts and predictions at the end of an episode.  His always seem to be correct and I have a feeling that he's finding out inside information, spoilers, etc. which is, in effect (IMO), ruining it for US!  I really want to slap him.  I can't avoid his mouth like I can avoid Facebook!!!  :P

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Perhaps my mind is in the gutter...but I thought those 3 people...Honey and the other 2...were trading sex for supplies and protection. All the talk about getting *on your knees* and *he only likes them willing*.


I dunno...


Well now there's something I hadn't considered.  But thanks for dragging my mind into the gutter with yours. g

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I still love the show.  But the past 2 episodes have been really silly, inasfar as they're all bumbling around making stoooopid mistakes.  I still can't get over Rick yelling loudly, right next to the wall of walkers about how they have to be quiet.  I end up snort-laughing every time I think of it.


I think that by now, they're all pretty savvy on how to survive, so the show could get boring if they are constantly easily overcoming their troubles.  But I thought that was what the Alexandrians were for: to have a fresh infusion of bumbling people.  I don't understand why Rick's group has started bumbling again. 


The main bumbling thing that really, really bothers me is that they never seem to have a meet-up place if their camp gets destroyed.


They were at the farm, had to run away, no one knew where to meet.  They were at the prison, had to run away, no one knew where to meet.  How much you wanna bet that they'll be at Alexandria, have to run away, and no one will know where to meet?  I'd have 3 backup places to meet in 3 different directions.  And I'm a wimp.  I'd probably be dead within 3 days of the zombie apocalypse and even I know to have a meet up place. 



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Perhaps my mind is in the gutter...but I thought those 3 people...Honey and the other 2...were trading sex for supplies and protection. All the talk about getting *on your knees* and *he only likes them willing*.


I dunno...


You know, that crossed my mind to some degree as well.  I mean, we haven't covered ALL of the horrific things that humanity can sink to in the apocalypse yet...

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I was wondering about the big walker herd they were leading. Did they just disappear after Sasha and Abraham drove off?? I thought they'd kind of disperse and be a big problem for everyone. 


I totally did not pick up that Abraham was propositioning Sasha. I just thought, oh, he wants to get to know her better. That's nice. Then everyone on the internet said it meant he was trying to hook up with her and how do you know?? I guess it's a good thing I'm married and not dating anymore because I still don't get how their conversation meant, "Let's get it on." 


Abraham and the walker was stupid. Kill it!


I don't believe the girl with diabetes would have survived this long unless they had a huge stash of insulin before the zombies came. Then they kill her right away? It's a gimmick. They wanted a character w/ a chronic disease but didn't really want to deal with how to keep her alive so they just killed her.


I thought the voice was Rick and he was going to warn them not to come back to Alexandria yet. 

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Abraham and the walker was stupid. Kill it!




A lot of this season baffles me. I guess I don't really get the whole premise; I don't understand the need to invite catastrophe and the herding of the walkers from the pit. I think it was manufacturing trouble.


That said, I think I get the Abraham and military walker scene. Sasha has noticed his "need" to kill the dead and take unnecessary risks. Like with the one way down the street, going the other way and the one behind the locked glass wall (though the noise would be an issue for me.) I think that killing the military walker would have been an unnecessary risk - there was no way Abraham's life was in danger. When the walker fell, it was a symbol of wisdom for waiting and more carefully assessing situations.


I want to give Daryl a bath. No, not because he needs one. :)



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Perhaps my mind is in the gutter...but I thought those 3 people...Honey and the other 2...were trading sex for supplies and protection. All the talk about getting *on your knees* and *he only likes them willing*.


I dunno...

I may need to peace out on the show if they go too far down that little rabbit trail. I can't handle really dark stuff.


I'm not enjoying this season at all. The writers need a reset.

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A lot of this season baffles me. I guess I don't really get the whole premise; I don't understand the need to invite catastrophe and the herding of the walkers from the pit. I think it was manufacturing trouble. :)

The premise was that more and more walkers were being trapped in the pit either by heading that way or being drawn by the noise of other walkers. They just happened to stumble upon the pit accidentally at a time when so many walkers were moving and the trucks barring their way out of the pit and towards Alexandria were going to be pushed out of the way leaving a path free for all those walkers toward Alexandria so Rick's idea was to get there first and open it but draw them away from town rather than waiting however long for the truck barrier to give then having no way to get rid of all those walkers coming right at them.

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Perhaps my mind is in the gutter...but I thought those 3 people...Honey and the other 2...were trading sex for supplies and protection. All the talk about getting *on your knees* and *he only likes them willing*.


I dunno...


My mind was in the gutter with yours. I thought something like that as well.


Also, I think we will find out what happened to Glenn in this Sunday's episode. My gut feeling is that he's dead. He'll reappear in flashbacks, but that's it. :(


I don't read the comics, and I know the show doesn't follow them exactly anyway. I believe that Daryl (who I know isn't even in the comics)  will die this season. :(

I've also got a feeling that Carol will die this season as well. :(   So there go three of my favorite characters. I hope I'm wrong!


I think an Abraham & Sasha pairing would be interesting. I'd like to see that one play out. 

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 I believe that Daryl (who I know isn't even in the comics)  will die this season. :(

I've also got a feeling that Carol will die this season as well. :(   So there go three of my favorite characters. I hope I'm wrong!




If the writers are going to kill Daryl, they had better write a much better death scene than they did for Glenn or Beth.  But I hope you're wrong...I like my boy Daryl and would like him to hang around a while longer. 

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I don't read the comics, and I know the show doesn't follow them exactly anyway. I believe that Daryl (who I know isn't even in the comics)  will die this season. :(

I've also got a feeling that Carol will die this season as well. :(   So there go three of my favorite characters. I hope I'm wrong!




Hush your mouth :crying:  no talk of the Daryl Carol demise. I still hold out for the Daryl & Carol hook up. 


I do think we will see another major character death this year. Not sure if Glenn was it or not. I do fear Glenn is dead and they're playing it out because otherwise all the worry Maggie is doing has a lessening affect if we know for sure he is gone. 

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Perhaps my mind is in the gutter...but I thought those 3 people...Honey and the other 2...were trading sex for supplies and protection. All the talk about getting *on your knees* and *he only likes them willing*.


I dunno...


I don't think your mind is in the gutter, I think that was a pretty clear implication, what with those two women wearing what basically looked like dirty camisoles instead of shirts. I actually thought the show was going for a  "we don't have to be super explicit with explaining the exploitation / trauma for people to get it" thing (Max Mad: Fury Road style). 


I don't know. By the end it wasn't clear. I don't think they were shown to be more traumatized than anyone else. Bbut I also don't think if they "go there" it would be any darker than they went with the cannibals, or the Claimed Gang, or the Governor and his zombie child and aquariums full of snapping heads, etc.

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Hush your mouth :crying:  no talk of the Daryl Carol demise. I still hold out for the Daryl & Carol hook up. 


I do think we will see another major character death this year. Not sure if Glenn was it or not. I do fear Glenn is dead and they're playing it out because otherwise all the worry Maggie is doing has a lessening affect if we know for sure he is gone. 


I totally do NOT want either of them to die, either. It's just a gut feeling I have. I still want them to hook up as well, but my dd14 says that the time has passed for that....like SHE knows about these things.  :lol:

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