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What is this mystery rash? Chicken Pox?


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DD2 woke up Monday with these spots all over her belly. My first thought was *gasp* bed bugs. But throughout the day she got a few more, Tuesday morning she had even more. The vast majority are on her belly here. She has a handful on her arms and legs. NONE on her back, face or neck.  A few of them look like little tiny whiteheads, which is why yesterday I had decided it was chickenpox and started thinking about how we were going to isolate ourselves for the next little while. But this morning (Wednesday) it is essentially unchanged from yesterday. I would have expected some progression if it were chicken pox.


She hasn't been noticeably sick except for a slight runny nose this morning. She doesn't seem to be itching the spots either.  I'm not worried if it is chicken pox, I'd just like to know if I need to be rearranging my life for the next week to stay home. 


Is this a normal progression of CP? Or something else entirely?


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Chicken pox have a clear fluid center. I don't see that or hear it in your description. Maybe it's an allergic rash (even without itching), or a viral rash.


Eta - you will know in a few days as the rash progresses to the fluid filled rash, then they burst open, then ulcerate (shallow erosion/crater).


Has there been exposure to chicken pox?

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Chicken pox will progress, typically from day to day.  First the little 'zits', then a liquid-looking center, and then the beautiful scabs.  ;)  


We spent May in a state of quarantine, so I remember them well.  I think if you've got the pox, you'll see the progression pretty rapidly. Until you are sure it's not, I would absolutely quarantine immediately until you're convinced that that is not the issue.  

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Yes, by now a CP would have the little clear drop forming I think. Also CP has a fever usually, I think. My kids had it and I remember having it and it involved fever, aches and general feeling craptastic. Now, I think someone could have one and not the other, but no clear fluid, no fever or feeling ill, no spreading of the rash etc all of that together seems like not CP.


When my boys were young they had lots of 'mystery hives'. There are viruses that cause harmless hives. The hives are the symptom of the virus.


Have you given her benedryl to see if it goes away?  What about a cool bath? luke warm or cool-ish, not cold.  A hot bath will usually make hives worse.



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Has there been exposure to chicken pox?


Not that I'm aware of. 


I was *hoping* for more of an obvious progression today, just to be able to determine what this is. But I'm not sure how fast they progress from spots to fluid-filled centers. The internet seems vague. Or maybe it varies from kid to kid?  


We are definitely staying at home until I figure this out. But I'm trying to decide if I need to cancel my appt on Friday and find someone to cover my responsibilities at church on Sunday. 

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Not that I'm aware of.


I was *hoping* for more of an obvious progression today, just to be able to determine what this is. But I'm not sure how fast they progress from spots to fluid-filled centers. The internet seems vague. Or maybe it varies from kid to kid?


We are definitely staying at home until I figure this out. But I'm trying to decide if I need to cancel my appt on Friday and find someone to cover my responsibilities at church on Sunday.

From spot to blister to bursting open should take only 1-2 days, maybe three. So from spot to fluid blister only 1-2 days I think.

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Has she had the CP vaccine?  I've heard that can lead to a very minor infection that doesn't progress typically.


It doesn't look like bed bugs...  those tend to go in lines. 


I'd probably go to the pediatrician.


That is what I have read, too.  Does look like c. pox...just maybe won't get much worse since she had the shot?

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This looks like chicken pox.  (I'm not a doctor; I suggest you go to one.)


One of my dc had chicken pox even though she was vaccinated.  She said it wasn't itchy; it didn't really progress in the normal way.  


And she only had them on one half of her body.  (weird)

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Well, the rash is still unchanged from 2 days ago so I think I can officially rule out CP. (No, she hasn't had the shot for it) I gave her a small amount of benadryl and didn't see a noticeable difference. But she's still acting normal. I don't think this warrants a trip to the dr. I am assuming it will clear up soon. If not, maybe I will take her in. Thank you for all your help!

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I think it's chicken pox. I had it as an adult and gave it to my young children. It started on the belly and looked just as you describe. I was extremely ill, but my children didn't even have a fever and there's didn't progress much beyond the red bumps.

Had your kids been vaccinated? Just wondering if an atypical case is more likely in vaccinated kids.

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Looks like the rash ds7 had over Memorial Day.  Only on torso, a couple on arms.  Did not really progress, no fever.  They did have a fluid center.  I took him to the dr because we were supposed to go camping.  Dr said it was chicken pox.  Ds has not had the immunization.  Dr said that the rashes are so different today and he was not surprised by the look of it.  It lasted about a week and was not even itchy. None of my other kids got it(2 vax'ed, 2 no vax) I did specifically ask about Lyme. He said no.

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Looks like the rash ds7 had over Memorial Day.  Only on torso, a couple on arms.  Did not really progress, no fever.  They did have a fluid center.  I took him to the dr because we were supposed to go camping.  Dr said it was chicken pox.  Ds has not had the immunization.  Dr said that the rashes are so different today and he was not surprised by the look of it.  It lasted about a week and was not even itchy. None of my other kids got it(2 vax'ed, 2 no vax) I did specifically ask about Lyme. He said no.


Did they still burst and crust over? 


On day 2 and 3 some of them had little tiny pin-points of white like a whitehead. But they never looked fluid-filled or progressed any further. The whitehead part seems to have disappeared. Today, they seem to be fading some, so no bursting or crusting over. 


My only concern is whether or not I need to be rescheduling my day tomorrow. Maybe I should just in case. 

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It looks an awful lot like pox. It's possible that she has a mild case, and that's why she isn't getting more. Pox do scab over though, so if it's been a few days and they aren't scanning it's probably not pox.


There's this other rash that one of my kids had called Pityarius Rosea (or they call it the Christmas tree rash) It was all over his torso, and back. It's hard to see from your photo, but if her spots aren't looking like blisters, check out pics of Pityarius Rosea. There's usually one spot that is larger and oval shaped, the rest are small. It's viral and can last 6-12 weeks.

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Did they still burst and crust over? 


On day 2 and 3 some of them had little tiny pin-points of white like a whitehead. But they never looked fluid-filled or progressed any further. The whitehead part seems to have disappeared. Today, they seem to be fading some, so no bursting or crusting over. 


My only concern is whether or not I need to be rescheduling my day tomorrow. Maybe I should just in case. 



They did not really crust over.  I think because they were not really very itchy?  His did look fluid filled though.

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