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Cancel my mother of the year award!


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I just came back from my son's football team's team picnic.  At the team, a number of people came up to me and congratulated me on my son's touchdown last night.  Making a touchdown is a particularly rare and impressive feat, because he's a lineman, not a back or a designated receiver, but apparently they devised some trick play that gave him the ball.  My son said it was quite possibly not a legal play, but since this was preseason they decided to go for it.  Because of the not quite legal aspect, it will probably never be repeated.  So, this is almost certainly the only time he'll score in his football career.  


Why am I hanging my head in shame?  I was at the game, trying my best to follow, and yet somehow I managed to watch the entire game, and then travel home, without noticing that my son scored.  I seriously can not follow the game!  


When I asked my son, "Did you score a touchdown?  He said "Really? I was wondering why you didn't congratulate me last night!"  

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I'm pretty sure all of our HS team's games are recorded, as they use them to review during practice. Maybe check with the coach? I like watching football games for a while (my attention wanes by the 3rd quarter if not before unless it's an unusually exciting game), but especially with the uniforms being what they are, it can be hard to follow who has the ball even when you are trying. You didn't do anything to hang your head over.

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LOL.  Some people are into sports.  Some are not.  I'm not either.  Welcome to the club.


Trust me, I am a life long member of that club.  


I usually work the chains on the side of the field during home games, because that way I can hear when the coaches say "good job DS!" and at least know to say "That was quite a play you made in the 3rd quarter".   But tonight I invited friends to join me to cheer him on, so I sat in the stands.  


Next time, I think I will invite friends who know something about football. I texted the 4 people who were with me and none of them noticed either.  

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The game was recorded, so I will watch at some point. 


I will also say that this represented an improvement in my football watching skills.  The game was a intrasquad game.  They mix up the JV and the Varsity, and then create 2 evenly matched teams from the same school.  Last year, I spent the game cheering "go Gold!" because there was a kid who I thought looked like my kid* on the Gold team.   In the third quarter, another parent said, "Why are you cheering for Gold when your kid is on the Blue team?"  


This year, I cheered for the right team.  


*In my defense, I can recognize my child quite well when he's not wearing a helmet. 

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Well, in those uniforms, they all look alike, right? And you're watching from the side, so you might not be able to see the # on his jersey, right?


My app for this club was thrown out this spring when ds got a good hit in baseball and I yelled to the outfielder, "Get it in!" I got confused for a second which team I was cheering for.  :rolleyes:  Like I'll ever live that down.




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I've done similar things too often to count!  


Just this morning, I was sitting and watching my 11 yods's soccer game.  He scored, which I saw and noted.  After the game I found out that he scored again but I didn't see that one even though I was sitting right there.  Just to even it out, I've also cheered loudly with his name after a goal and then found out it wasn't him - LOL!  Luckily the other parents are forgiving of that particular mis-speak!


My kids still rib me about last summer when I was screaming at my son to get the ball in a baseball game.  He was playing second base and the ball was just rolling around right in front of him and he wasn't moving.  This kid is a good player so I was confused and wondering what had gotten into him.  After it was all over, I realized that it had been a walk for the batter and the pitcher had just missed the thrown from the catcher.  There was no urgency at all because in his league that doesn't constitute a live ball so he was just taking his time.   In my defense my husband was yelling too but,  oh . .  . . . I was so embarrassed!

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Dd was a cheerleader in high school.  We used to go to every game and after the first one, we would bring a sign to show the cheerleaders so they knew if they were supposed to be doing a defense or offence cheer.   They used to get the two confused.  (to be fair they also stood with their backs to the game so it wasn't always easy to tell immediately).

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To be fair, there are so many weird rules in football and so often something that looks like a touchdown doesn't get counted for one reason or another. So really, who's to say?  ;)


Or maybe that's just me, lol. I can generally tell when something good is happening because of the momentum and energy on the field and in the stands. But I never am really sure just *what* happened, so I wait to see what others around me say. I've been known to grumble loudly about a call a ref made just to join in with the parents who seem to know what the heck is going on.

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Awe,  I had a similar experience when I somehow missed my brother throwing a touchdown pass to his best friend at their last home game the year they were seniors. I was watching and watching to see my brother throw his last touchdown pass and it didn't help that both teams were blue and white, so very similar uniforms even though the other teams was supposed to be in their color uniforms. ARGGGG. 

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I just needed to congratulate you! You made it to the END of August before needing to give up the award. I'm pretty sure I needed to drop out of the race early this year.


And, I hope someone got it on video! How cool that he did that!


Sadly, the MOTY award here runs on a school year basis.  I am already out and classes don't even start until Monday.

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Miss E (age 8) told me she made a score in soccer.  (Either her first or second ever - she is not athletic at all.)  I did not see the score.  :/  My other kid has scored a bunch and I usually don't miss hers, so that makes it seem worse that Miss E's didn't get noticed.  :/


But I wasn't in contention for the MOTY award anyway.

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One day last week I had to pick up both my children and the neighbor kids from school (three of mine are in private school this year). So I had seven children to collect from the gym at the end of the day. I gathered them together and set off for the car with a big group trailing behind me. Until one of the neighbor girls piped up, "Where's K?" That's right, I forgot one. It was my own daughter.


Fortunately, her class was late arriving at the gym that day, and she didn't see us attempting to leave without her.

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See that pile of rusty medals and rotting ribbon? Yeah, add yours to the stack. 😄


Honestly, plays like that happen so fast and the only way to tell who's who when they're all dressed alike is to have a clear view of the number on your own's back. Don't feel bad.


That said, I have taken to not sitting with friends and family (must admit, mostly women) at my kids' sporting events. I am interested in watching, they want to chat about cute sandals and haircuts, and I just can't split my attention. I miss less these days, but I'm still not the sharpest rack in the bunch and have to wait for the player's report afterwards.

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