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Fear the Walking Dead: episode 1 *spoilers**


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I thought it was a good opening. The guy playing Nick really had to carry the drama and suspense of the episode, he nailed it, imo. The addict aspect felt like watching a drama, not a zombie show in a few spots. It's interesting to see it unfold through the eyes of someone who already questions their sanity though. 

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We enjoyed it, though it did seem to move kind of slowly even for a first episode.  I also thought that we'd be introduced to more characters so that surprised me.   


So Gloria walked out of the church and nobody notices her walking around LA? 


I heard they have six episodes in this 'season'. Is that really all they're doing or are they just waiting for ratings to decide whether to do more? 



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I felt like it was a very slow episode. I was expecting a bit more, but there are 5 more episodes, so I'm hopeful it will pick up the pace. I read somewhere that we'd get to see how the zombie virus started - based on this episode it seems like it has something to do with the drugs. Would that make Gloria "Patient Zero?"  From the previews for next week's episode, it looks like Nick is ill too. I wonder if he's going to turn.



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It was a very slow boring episode for the most part for me. The mother character has already driven me insane. She just seems too abrasive and non-caring. It's like having Lori and Andrea mixed into one person. Aside from that, the plot seems rather interesting, I just hope it doesn't get weighed down too much by the family drama.

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We enjoyed it, though it did seem to move kind of slowly even for a first episode.  I also thought that we'd be introduced to more characters so that surprised me.   


So Gloria walked out of the church and nobody notices her walking around LA? 


I heard they have six episodes in this 'season'. Is that really all they're doing or are they just waiting for ratings to decide whether to do more? 


If you looked closely, I think the homeless guy with the shopping cart was a zombie. He wasn't pushing the cart the second time we saw him, he was just walking funny. 


I noticed the six episodes things too. I wonder if Gloria and the others went to another building or further in the church somewhere and are stuck. 


I felt like it was a very slow episode. I was expecting a bit more, but there are 5 more episodes, so I'm hopeful it will pick up the pace. I read somewhere that we'd get to see how the zombie virus started - based on this episode it seems like it has something to do with the drugs. Would that make Gloria "Patient Zero?"  From the previews for next week's episode, it looks like Nick is ill too. I wonder if he's going to turn.


Nick is probably freaking out and maybe dealing with withdrawal symptoms. 


It was a very slow boring episode for the most part for me. The mother character has already driven me insane. She just seems too abrasive and non-caring. It's like having Lori and Andrea mixed into one person. Aside from that, the plot seems rather interesting, I just hope it doesn't get weighed down too much by the family drama.


I liked that we are getting a bit more backstory up front with this group. 



I purposely didn't want any pre-show stuff except a few trailers. I didn't want my expectations too high. 

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I thought it was very boring. I wasn't expecting much since they can't start off with full on zombies, but yeesh, it was like the episode that wouldn't end. I was expecting a bit more mention of sick kids/loved ones, news stories of flu, etc., but we only got a few passing remarks. Like, when the kid with the knife expressed his concerns, it was like one line and the counselor said the authorities would tell us"... to me, that was a good place to add dialogue from the kid about how he didn't trust the the authorities and why, or he could mention news stories he had seen on the 'net or something, but no, it just cut to the next (boring) scene.  


I don't like the choice of actress for the lead. She, IMO, doesn't have enough range. She seems angry/stoic all the time. She played the cop well in Gone Girl, but I think she was a poor choice for this role. I would rather have Lori back and she got on my nerves within just a few episodes of TWD.


The boyfriend's dismissal of his son's visitation seemed too short, too odd, and too forced. The ex and son weren't mentioned again for the entire episode (well, I think the lead brought it up once), so I wondered "why bother introducing them at all in this episode? What was the point?" Oddly, the only character I felt drawn to/liked was the daughter. I'm not sure why, but I didn't 'connect' with any of the other characters yet. It also seemed like at times the boyfriend's accent changed, so I was distracted by that... in the classroom he sounded British (?), but he mostly was accent neutral while a few times, I heard a slight Southern twang. I found it distracting.


I will watch the rest of the season to see if it gets better. I really hope it gets better as I was so excited for this show and felt let down last night. I couldn't even watch it when it showed the second time, which is a first for me. I always re-watch TWD episodes for things I missed. I just couldn't watch this one again.


For those who are curious, the first 'season' is only six episodes, which follows TWD's first season of six episodes. Apparently, FTWD has already been picked up for a full second season.


I also was sad at the lack of awesome intro music. LOL.


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I also was sad at the lack of awesome intro music. LOL.


The intro made me sad too. I wanted cool music, and graphics like TWD has (I'm going to miss my lone zombie walking in the field when Season 6 starts up cause I'm sure he'll be removed), but nope. Although I can't really watch this intro, the light flashing is too much for me.

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I found myself not caring for any of the characters and so I'm honestly not compelled to continue watching. I'll watch it because my husband wants to, but the first episode didn't make me want to see what happens to any of the leads. But, tbh, as soon as they announced the name of this, I wasn't impressed, so I didn't expect much going in.

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I felt like it was a very slow episode. I was expecting a bit more, but there are 5 more episodes, so I'm hopeful it will pick up the pace. I read somewhere that we'd get to see how the zombie virus started - based on this episode it seems like it has something to do with the drugs. Would that make Gloria "Patient Zero?" From the previews for next week's episode, it looks like Nick is ill too. I wonder if he's going to turn.

She can't be patient zero since the student who brings the weapon to school says it has happened in other cities and the principal keeps referencing kids out sick

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Did anyone else notice/get the feeling that the hospital knows and is covering up? The fact when the guy coded, and they gave only 60 seconds to resuscitate him, before moving him downstairs...(to the morgue? to where??), and the full on panic/stress it seemed to create.....definitely felt to me like they know, and they are covering it up while trying to figure out what is going on (why these people who die don't actually die). 


Other than that, I really felt for Nick...he seemed so terrified, more of possibly being crazy than of what was actually happening....so sad. :( 


The mom definitely annoyed, though. 


And I thought it ridiculously stupid that, when all heck is breaking loose at the school, she sent her dd home on the bus rather than taking her in the car with herself & the boyfriend. 


Hoping it gets better, but definitely good enough to watch while waiting for TWD to come back on the air. 

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Gosh, I was kinda bored!  :(  I think the mom's character is being written a bit too callous for my taste, but I can understand getting to that point after having a son lost to addiction for so long.  But it bugged me when the stepdad DID believe something bad happened at the church and the mom was like, yeah, probably someone got stabbed or shot, ho hum.  LOL


I realllly wanted to see the beginnings of this virus or whatever it is.  I don't think Gloria is patient zero, so I hope that we get some inside knowledge from some medical person in the future or something!  But we're mainly getting the disjointed, confusing perspective of a "regular" family as this unfolds so I expect to be a bit disappointed in the nerdy details department.  :P

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Did anyone else notice/get the feeling that the hospital knows and is covering up? The fact when the guy coded, and they gave only 60 seconds to resuscitate him, before moving him downstairs...(to the morgue? to where??), and the full on panic/stress it seemed to create.....definitely felt to me like they know, and they are covering it up while trying to figure out what is going on (why these people who die don't actually die). 


I was coming here to post this very thing. My husband didn't catch this and when I brought it up, he agreed with me that obviously *some* healthcare workers know *something.* I'm guessing not all because it didn't seem that the EMTs at the wreck site expected to happen what did happen.

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I was disappointed too.


The mom was so annoying I just wanted to slap her silly.


Oh the authorities would tell us. Ugh. Does anyone anywhere actually think that these days? About anything?

There's this freaky crazy going on, oh hey daughter don't ride with us, get on the bus. What?!


The stepdad was just.. Idk.. Gee you discover the boy really did find a bloodbath - ya might wanna tell the cops?! Maybe? Ya think? No? Instead you'll bring your girlfriend back to it? Bc there's nothing stupid dangerous about THAT?


The sister was the only believable character and she was boring.


I agree it seems like a cover up is going on. The hospital acted odd and the claims that's all those kids are sick at home with a "virus". Also if there is a virus wiping out that many kids at the school, usually the hospitals would be overrun. But they weren't. There was no talk about being short staffed bc of virus cases.


It was really slow. Maybe we will later find they packed a ton of cookie trails in it and appreciate it more, but when it finished I was torn between "finally it's over" and "wait, that's it". And the music was awful. The lack of graphic filming didn't bother me. It can give it a more gritty reality feel. It didn't. But it could have.


Also, I thought this was going to be more of how it started as in literally, the origins, not just an earlier phase of the outbreak in progress. It better get to that soon, as in next epi or it's not worth watching.

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[quote name="TheReader" post="6537483" timestamp="1440511876




And I thought it ridiculously stupid that, when all heck is breaking loose at the school, she sent her dd home on the bus rather than taking her in the car with herself & the boyfriend.



I thought the same thing. I would've glued that child to my hip.

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And I thought it ridiculously stupid that, when all heck is breaking loose at the school, she sent her dd home on the bus rather than taking her in the car with herself & the boyfriend. 





Yes!  And then she and the boyfriend appeared to leave at the same time- while there were still kids there!  

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I really hope any explanation of the virus' origins come from The Walking Dead not this show. It would ruin future Walking Dead episodes for me if they're still living it but don't know and I'm watching it as a viewer but know.


Hmm, hadn't thought about it that way.  I guess I'm just thinking that it's a virus and now everyone has it.  Knowing how it got started wouldn't necessarily ruin The Walking Dead for me, but I can understand that it would be weird to have the knowledge "before" they do! (On WD they have come to realize that everyone who dies WILL come back, I think, right? Or not yet?  Can't remember.)

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Hmm, hadn't thought about it that way. I guess I'm just thinking that it's a virus and now everyone has it. Knowing how it got started wouldn't necessarily ruin The Walking Dead for me, but I can understand that it would be weird to have the knowledge "before" they do! (On WD they have come to realize that everyone who dies WILL come back, I think, right? Or not yet? Can't remember.)

Yes. TWD does know that it is something that is dormant in everyone. They got that from the visit to the Atlanta CDC. The CDC guy had a lot more questions than answers, but he did tell them that much.


If this show continues, I suspect it will dovetail with TWD and if it starts to give more of this type of info, we will see it also develop in TWD shows at the same time. I would hope so anyways, bc I agree that would be annoying otherwise for many viewers who can't take the time to watch both programs in tandem.

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Well, we enjoyed it. Of course, dd loves that Nick looks like a young Johnny Depp! I thought it was pretty interesting and will watch again.


You know, I kept thinking that he looked familiar, and that druggie walk was so weird- I kept thinking Chaplin or something! But now that you mention it, young Johnny Depp is spot on!

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I was disappointed too.


The mom was so annoying I just wanted to slap her silly.


Oh the authorities would tell us. Ugh. Does anyone anywhere actually think that these days? About anything?

There's this freaky crazy going on, oh hey daughter don't ride with us, get on the bus. What?!


The stepdad was just.. Idk.. Gee you discover the boy really did find a bloodbath - ya might wanna tell the cops?! Maybe? Ya think? No? Instead you'll bring your girlfriend back to it? Bc there's nothing stupid dangerous about THAT?


The sister was the only believable character and she was boring.


I agree it seems like a cover up is going on. The hospital acted odd and the claims that's all those kids are sick at home with a "virus". Also if there is a virus wiping out that many kids at the school, usually the hospitals would be overrun. But they weren't. There was no talk about being short staffed bc of virus cases.


It was really slow. Maybe we will later find they packed a ton of cookie trails in it and appreciate it more, but when it finished I was torn between "finally it's over" and "wait, that's it". And the music was awful. The lack of graphic filming didn't bother me. It can give it a more gritty reality feel. It didn't. But it could have.


Also, I thought this was going to be more of how it started as in literally, the origins, not just an earlier phase of the outbreak in progress. It better get to that soon, as in next epi or it's not worth watching.


I was thinking all these things as well. It was very slow moving. With only six episodes, I expected more of the story in the first one. The choices (all the ones mentioned above) were too unrealistic.


Also all those kids sick from school and there is no media coverage (here we have a percentage of kids out of the schools with the flu and the radio and news talk about it). 

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I'd give it a C (and I'm a pretty big Walking Dead fan!); we were totally underwhelmed.  I didn't like the drugs/family trauma/good kid-bad kid/blah blah blah/don't know, don't care.  The writing was stilted and awkward, the acting was uninteresting, and honestly it looked like any other unremarkable mildly suspenseful drama on TV. Wouldn't've given it a second thought if it weren't "Walking Dead."  The only interesting moments were the zombie on the interstate and the drug-dealer zombie in the tunnel.  And, that's not a recommendation because really, I don't watch Walking Dead for the zombies! 


The thing about Walking Dead, and the ONLY reason I watched it at all was, from the very beginning it was unlike anything else on TV.  The pilot was absolutely incredible.  


This episode just totally lacked the Walking Dead feel.


But of course we'll continue watching. :)



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I thought the first episode of TWD was much slower.   :leaving:   Andrew Lincoln walked around by himself for the first half of it!


I also thought Nick looked so much like Johnny Depp...and he had the Jack Sparrow walk down.   :lol:  I wanted to tell him it didn't matter when he killed his dealer/friend.  The silly people don't realize how much their lives are about to change!


I was also really bothered that they sent the daughter home on the bus!  Overall I liked the episode and can't wait to see what happens.  



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I thought that Nick looked like Keanu Reeves. I said the same thing to my husband about them putting the daughter on the bus. Especially when they were leaving at the same time. I'll watch it because there's nothing else on right now. If it had to compete with my regular shows I wouldn't bother watching it. I definitely won't pay for it. We have the season pass on Amazon for TWD.

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I had to watch online (AMC) and the commercials were super annoying.  At one point I had 90 seconds of episode to 8 minutes of commercials, so it put me in a really bad mood, so I hope my opinion was mostly colored by that. ;)  I liked the episode.  I don't mind slow, though. 


We liked it ok - I didn't recognize Nick as young Tom Riddle from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince until I looked him up. It moved a bit slowly and all I kept thinking "Poor Nick - he must be thinking he's on the worst drug trip ever!" 

Really?  No way!  I didn't notice that.


Did anyone else notice/get the feeling that the hospital knows and is covering up? The fact when the guy coded, and they gave only 60 seconds to resuscitate him, before moving him downstairs...(to the morgue? to where??), and the full on panic/stress it seemed to create.....definitely felt to me like they know, and they are covering it up while trying to figure out what is going on (why these people who die don't actually die). 


Other than that, I really felt for Nick...he seemed so terrified, more of possibly being crazy than of what was actually happening....so sad. :(


The mom definitely annoyed, though. 


The mom: She was on LOST!  It drove me nuts until the episode was over and I looked it up. Good catch on the hospital coding.  I thought the same thing.  It did feel like a cover up. 

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I had to watch online (AMC) and the commercials were super annoying. At one point I had 90 seconds of episode to 8 minutes of commercials, so it put me in a really bad mood, so I hope my opinion was mostly colored by that. ;) I liked the episode. I don't mind slow, though.

Odd. I watch online (AMC) as well and had zero commercials. I was prepared for them but they never came.

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Odd. I watch online (AMC) as well and had zero commercials. I was prepared for them but they never came.

It was awful.  I first noticed because I was texting a friend during commercials until I realized I was texting near constantly and started timing it.  No idea.  I had paused it a few times to attend to my kiddos, so IDK if it punishes you by adding more or if it was a glitch?  I won't watch again if this is normal.  I'll wait for Netflix.

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I had to watch online (AMC) and the commercials were super annoying. At one point I had 90 seconds of episode to 8 minutes of commercials, so it put me in a really bad mood, so I hope my opinion was mostly colored by that. ;) I liked the episode. I don't mind slow, though.


Really? No way! I didn't notice that.


The mom: She was on LOST! It drove me nuts until the episode was over and I looked it up. Good catch on the hospital coding. I thought the same thing. It did feel like a cover up.

She was also on Son of Anarchy, if you watched that.

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What is this magic? How come I got so many? LOL It took me over an hour and a half to watch! I saw so many repeat commercials I almost clawed my eyes out!

It's a free app that works on tablets and probably phones. I watch TV and listen to music including youtube without commercials. I haven't seen a comercial in years.

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