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I'd scream but everyone else is asleep.

Night Elf

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I hope this doesn't double post.

I woke up at 1:30am and feel wide awake. I just want to be asleep. I forced myself to stay awake yesterday so I would actually sleep tonight. Yeah, that didn't work. I'm going to be dead dog tired tomorrow, today, whatever, and DH thinks I shouldn't nap in the mornings anymore. I think he's forgetting when my insomnia started. I couldn't sleep but 5 hours a day and that was broken into two sleeps. I don't want to go back to that. I was physically ill. Argh!

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I managed another couple of hours. I have a sleep prescription, but it's a medication meant for another medical condition. It's supposed to make me drowsy. It doesn't really work all the time. It's been over a week since I"ve had a full 8 hours of consecutive sleep. I might nap this afternoon if I feel like I'm dragging. I understand it's not good for me to nap because it can interfere with my night sleep but if I'm not sleeping at night, i need to sleep at some time! It's a horrible cycle I suppose.

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Do you sleep better if you nap in the mornings?


You might read up on serotonin deficiency, because serotonin converts to melatonin at the end of the day. If you have any left, that is. Assuming we've eaten the ingredients, we make most of our serotonin between dawn and two hours after, which means most women will feel better going to bed later and waking up later. That "early to bed, early to rise" proverb really applies to male biochemistry. They are more prone to dopamine deficiency and most of that is made between about 10pm and midnight.

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Do you sleep better if you nap in the mornings?


You might read up on serotonin deficiency, because serotonin converts to melatonin at the end of the day. If you have any left, that is. Assuming we've eaten the ingredients, we make most of our serotonin between dawn and two hours after, which means most women will feel better going to bed later and waking up later. That "early to bed, early to rise" proverb really applies to male biochemistry. They are more prone to dopamine deficiency and most of that is made between about 10pm and midnight.

. That is fascinating Rosie! I too struggle with waking up during the night and I do sleep much better on the schedule you described here.
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Do you sleep better if you nap in the mornings?


You might read up on serotonin deficiency, because serotonin converts to melatonin at the end of the day. If you have any left, that is. Assuming we've eaten the ingredients, we make most of our serotonin between dawn and two hours after, which means most women will feel better going to bed later and waking up later. That "early to bed, early to rise" proverb really applies to male biochemistry. They are more prone to dopamine deficiency and most of that is made between about 10pm and midnight.


Which ingredients are we supposed to be eating?  

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I'm stuck in a similar cycle.  Summers are the worst for a good night's sleep.  I got about 3-4hrs of sleep the night before last... I purposely didn't nap yesterday... and was still wide awake at 1am! I slept fitfully most of the night, up and down a few times... but did manage to sort of sleep until 7am... which isn't too bad...

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I don't think I've had a full 8 hours of consecutive sleep since I was pregnant with my oldest.  I sympathize; I think getting older, medications for some, pms and diet can play havoc with many a good nights sleep.  Also a good mattress is a must for many along with a little exercise and sunlight.  


I hope you find a way to feel well rested.  Many nights for me, include a sleep intermission; I just make sure to get to bed early enough to allow for the hiccup.



I managed another couple of hours. I have a sleep prescription, but it's a medication meant for another medical condition. It's supposed to make me drowsy. It doesn't really work all the time. It's been over a week since I"ve had a full 8 hours of consecutive sleep. I might nap this afternoon if I feel like I'm dragging. I understand it's not good for me to nap because it can interfere with my night sleep but if I'm not sleeping at night, i need to sleep at some time! It's a horrible cycle I suppose.


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Do what makes you functional. My DH has many opinions about my sleep (at least he has ever since we had children), but I ignore him (or, occasionally argue with him, which is never effective). He sleeps through the night. I haven't done that in 7 years. He also doesn't breastfeed or otherwise donate his body to grow other humans. I love him, but his opinions about my sleep patterns are irrelevant.


I'm sorry you are having so much trouble!

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Google foods containing serotonin and you'll come up with plenty to read.


I keep dates in my bedside table drawer if I'm going through an insomnia phase. Often they'll help. 


I started with a nutritionist years ago when I had ugly insomnia, and that was one of the first things she did, putting me on dates every day. I just knew I liked them and enjoyed eating them, didn't know why.  :)

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Sorry -- my mother has had similar insomnia off and on throughout her life.  One thing we've recently discovered is that many of us have PCOS in our family.  For sure my mother had it too throughout her lifetime, because of her very irregular periods.  What I've learned is that PCOS can cause elevated cortisol levels, which in turn can cause insomnia.  We're just exploring all of this now, but it's maybe something to look into.


I hope you get some good sleep soon!

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