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What is your opinion of "shhhhh!"?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What is your opinion of "shhhhh!"?

    • Own and glad I do
    • Own but find it useless
    • Don't own but have considered
    • Don't own and have no desire to do so.
    • Other (always!)

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Y'know, anj, come to think of it, in the context of THIS particular thread, I'm not sure I wanna be trackin' any of y'all's "vibes." :smilielol5:


I hear ya! I'm already trying to scrub the image of the lady at the Goodwill store out of my brain. Yikes!


SO... she reads 19 pages to inform us that she's not in this thread...




Listen here, I'm doing a research paper, yeah a research paper. And I'd like to tell you more about it but ummm, it's for the government and um, uh, it's top secret...yeah top secret and I'm not who you think I am. I am really a 62 year old bald guy with a pot belly and a cigar and this is just a...a...shall we say...educational exercise for the good of all.


Oh, she's been tracking our... stuff all along. I know. She signs her rep... heh, heh, heh.... :D



Oh, that's right! She does! It's been so long I'd forgotten...


Go check your pm box. Don't you feel it vibrating?




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Apparently not long enough. I tried to rep you earlier tonight for something and I couldn't. So there.


Well, I was referring to *anj* in that post (and only because I know she can handle my sense of humor) but if you've been "spreading" properly, you should be able to get me again on the 10th. Ya know, in case you were wondering. :D

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People. People, we're getting a little off track here.


First off, don't you have children to educate and accomplishate during the day? It's been killing me, all day long, doing our school work, knowing the tea discussion would still be brewing - and it has been!


But so many, many unanswered questions! 37 some-odd percent of you voted "don't own and have no desire to own" and what does that mean? Does that mean that all you people can produce a cup of tea, heck, some of you are talking POTs of tea, with no electrical appliances, and never have? All your lives? How the Sam Hill did you figure that out?




I am finding this whole notion entirely incoceivable. You have rocked my world, ladies. Clearly I have not been reading enough women's magazines or something. I have to go back and look through all those links to tea making instructional websites.


And who was it who said 10 or more appliances?! Bless you! It never occurred to me that a person was allowed a collection. To me, it would have seemed like owning more than one dishwasher. I see now I was wrong.


I have more questions, but they may need to go in their own threads.


I am reeling. Really. A new day is dawning. You have no idea....

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I'd be afraid little ones would find it. They have a nose for things they shouldn't have I think. Do you know how many Werther's Originals have disappeared from hiding!!!





That's what is so great about The Wand, you can leave it right out in plain site and the kids are none the wiser. Mine is plugged in right beside my bed. That way it is ready at a moments notice because you know, sometimes when you have kids that's all the time you have. ;)


When the little ones have asked what it is and what it is for, I told them it was a back massager. I am sure the teen girls realize that it may have other purposes.

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I hear ya, Nicole. Today at the checkout stand I saw Oprah's magazine. I see it every time, but today it was just staring me in the face:










I thought that was overstock.com?? :lol::lol::lol::lol: I certainly don't want to think of Oprah!!!!!

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Bless you! It never occurred to me that a person was allowed a collection. To me, it would have seemed like owning more than one dishwasher. I see now I was wrong.


Oh so very wrong, indeed, were you. They are NOT created equally. Some are purely utilitarian. Others are more fun to watch and listen to. Others are good in concept, but not in reality. Some break after the first rinse cycle. Then there are those that help you find your way in the dark.


And the funny thing is, no two people will likely agree on which falls into which category. If you've only tried one kind, you just might not know what you're missing.

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But so many, many unanswered questions! 37 some-odd percent of you voted "don't own and have no desire to own" and what does that mean? Does that mean that all you people can produce a cup of tea, heck, some of you are talking POTs of tea, with no electrical appliances, and never have? All your lives? How the Sam Hill did you figure that out?




You do realize, Nicole, that as the author of this post, I basically admitted to having lived this long (married almost 18 years, hormonal since...???) with no instant hot water tap, no dishwasher, and the need to make a fire under my tea kettle by using the age old method of rubbing the fool out of some wood and a little bit of fluff? :tongue_smilie: Some of us do manage without appliances. Laura Ingalls' got nothin' on me, sista - I'm like a flippin' PIONEER! And, for the record, I have to clarify that it's not smoke & mirrors we're talking about. No way. If mama ain't happy, daddy ain't done. :D




And who was it who said 10 or more appliances?! Bless you! It never occurred to me that a person was allowed a collection. To me, it would have seemed like owning more than one dishwasher. I see now I was wrong.



Right. So, I figure I've arrived. It's the 21st century, I'm nearly a half century old, and I've decided it's time to throw caution to the wind! Therefore...I have Jennifer of the Ten Appliances on retainer. We are no longer tracking vibes. We are COLLECTING them!



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Does that mean that all you people can produce a cup of tea, heck, some of you are talking POTs of tea, with no electrical appliances, and never have? All your lives? How the Sam Hill did you figure that out?



Well I used to like to think that it had something to do with libido because every women I knew that could do this had a very high libido. So I figured it came with the territory. High libido = quick and easy cups of tea. Unfortunately my oldest dd disabused my of this idea. Her libido sounds like it is exactly the same as mine but she can brew a cup of tea in five minutes flat with no electricity what-so-ever.


I finally decide it must be my type A personality. I am a goal oriented person. I know what works fairly quickly for me and I want to accomplish my goal and move on to the next task. I don't want to take the time to learn a new method of brewing tea. I do sometimes worry though: what would I do if I had an emergency tea brewing need and no electricity? I guess that would give me the motivation to figure it out, eh?

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I'm telling you, you ladies who have very slow brewing tea and want more instant tea or you ladies who would love to enjoy many cups of tea in one visit really deserve to educate yourselves. Whether electric brewing or not (preferably both) I really recommend serious education and exploration. There is so much out there in the tea world for us ladies that IS indeed possible. I spent years saying, "I'm happy with my 2 hour-waiting one cup of tea every so often. I'm fine" only to find out there's a plethora of options. It's very possible to do miracles for your married life too; sharing more than just the same old fine cup of tea. ;)


Arm yourselves with education! (only if you're interested)

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People. People, we're getting a little off track here.


First off, don't you have children to educate and accomplishate during the day?


Well, yes, but we also have a small family business, and when we say, "Boys! Go read in your bedrooms, we have work to do!" they listen. :D


37 some-odd percent of you voted "don't own and have no desire to own" and what does that mean? Does that mean that all you people can produce a cup of tea, heck, some of you are talking POTs of tea, with no electrical appliances, and never have? All your lives? How the Sam Hill did you figure that out?





Hmmm. I don't know that it was something I ever had to 'figure out'.

My question to you is this. How do you slip into bed, every single night, next to the man you love and desire without...feeling...ready? How does it not...just happen...when skin touches skin? When we...are together.


Or when you wake up next to that same desireable man? How do you wake up and not...?



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OK - which one of you made a bumper sticker last night? I tried to get a picture with my camera phone, but missed it! We were driving home from the boys' tkd practice this evening and stopped at a red light behind a minivan with the bumper stick "MAKE TEA, NOT WAR" -- I kid you not! Fortunately my son was driving or I surely would have slammed right into that back of that car for laughing so hard.



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My question to you is this. How do you slip into bed, every single night, next to the man you love and desire without...feeling...ready? How does it not...just happen...when he does what he does? When we...get together.


Or when you wake up next to that same desireable man? How do you wake up and not...?




Ah, that is the question!

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Laura Ingalls' got nothin' on me, sista - I'm like a flippin' PIONEER! And, for the record, I have to clarify that it's not smoke & mirrors we're talking about. No way. If mama ain't happy, daddy ain't done.



Oh, my word. I always wanted to be Laura Ingalls. I'm inspired now to try the pioneer life. And the mama ain't happy... Rules like this can go a long way to make tea time mutually satisfying, I'm sure.


We are no longer tracking vibes. We are COLLECTING them!




That should go in your signature line, little missie. And mine too, come to think of it!

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...(see? inclusive language even though I'm guessing the guys on the board are avoiding this thread like it's a flea-ridden rat during the dark ages)


Hey. Psst! Mrs. Mungo! Did you read Spy Car's post in that other thread about politics? Not only did Bill (dear Bill) say that he's had "what the world needs now" stuck in his head all day, but he wrote out the whole blinkin' thing! All the lyrics! So much for the flea ridden rat....


I wondered whether some of the menfolk here might not just, um... slurp this whole conversation up. :D

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Ah, that is the question!


:tongue_smilie:For me there are many reasons that I'm not always "on" or "ready" for tea. Eliana covered some of it. It's hard to find time to talk and feel connected sometimes. I need that. There's also my insane hormones lately - the ones that get me all worked up because I think dh is breathing too loudly (yes, you read that right), or that I roll over in bed in the morning and realize that dh must have eaten an entire garlic bulb sometime during the night. Not nice, not rational, but that's my life.


Also, I'm pretty high-strung - not so much outwardly, but definitely in my head - it takes me a long time to switch gears and stop worrying about everyday things like money, one son's allergies, my running list of things to do and on and on.


I think that's why tea seems so much better and more available when we're on vacation away from home and the daily worries (for me anyway!).

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Hey. Psst! Mrs. Mungo! Did you read Spy Car's post in that other thread about politics? Not only did Bill (dear Bill) say that he's had "what the world needs now" stuck in his head all day, but he wrote out the whole blinkin' thing! All the lyrics! So much for the flea ridden rat....


I wondered whether some of the menfolk here might not just, um... slurp this whole conversation up. :D

Not just the menfolk; this thread has made it into the Top 20 most viewed threads.

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Ah, that is the question!


A situation can develop like Needleroozer's when very different people have very different needs, and when, back when tea making was a new activity, years ago, the fires weren't tended properly and only one party knew how to make tea and was threatened by the electric kettle; communication can break down, negotiations stall. Next thing you know, somehow a tea making boycott develops and can last for years. In this case, however, education and communication seem to be the answer. Old habits die hard, though.


But really, in all honesty, I thought that there was a sort of design flaw in the pot. The "on" button is way the heck around the corner from the place where the tea bag does its dunking and sheesh! I guess I don't have a very creative partner (is that too PC a term?) because we / I simply did not figure that out without assistance. One of you in my rep box commented that a DH has to be a good multi-tasker and that makes a lot of sense to me.

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Nicole, may I just publicly THANK YOU? First, for the tea analogy, and second, for being so honest and curious. I know that many of us have the same questions you have. At least at Chez Leila, life is exhausting, and sometimes when I get in the bed, I don't want a cuppa. I want my pillow. All of your questions and the ensuing answers have been...enlightening for me.


Now you just need to bind and publish all of the PMs you've gotten into one handy-dandy e-book, and you're in business! Put me down for a copy. ;)

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OK - which one of you made a bumper sticker last night? I tried to get a picture with my camera phone, but missed it! We were driving home from the boys' tkd practice this evening and stopped at a red light behind a minivan with the bumper stick "MAKE TEA, NOT WAR" -- I kid you not! Fortunately my son was driving or I surely would have slammed right into that back of that car for laughing so hard.




Oh my goodness! I believe I would have wrecked from laughing! That is wonderful. Keep your eyes open for this car again and yell at them through the window until you can find out where they got it. That's too good!

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Nicole, may I just publicly THANK YOU? First, for the tea analogy, and second, for being so honest and curious. I know that many of us have the same questions you have. At least at Chez Leila, life is exhausting, and sometimes when I get in the bed, I don't want a cuppa. I want my pillow. All of your questions and the ensuing answers have been...enlightening for me.


Now you just need to bind and publish all of the PMs you've gotten into one handy-dandy e-book, and you're in business! Put me down for a copy. ;)


Aw, shucks. Good thing I'm not a cat, or I'd be dead. Or at least on one of my last lives.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm gettin' me quite the education here, no doubt about it. I'm glad this has been edifying for others as well.


But get this! No PMs! Not one! Just little snippets in my rep box. But did you really mean I'd be in business??? :lol:


And check out my little greenies. A mere 24 hours ago, I had only two. :D

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OK - which one of you made a bumper sticker last night? I tried to get a picture with my camera phone, but missed it! We were driving home from the boys' tkd practice this evening and stopped at a red light behind a minivan with the bumper stick "MAKE TEA, NOT WAR" -- I kid you not! Fortunately my son was driving or I surely would have slammed right into that back of that car for laughing so hard.




I am not a bumper sticker person, generally, though I do have a sticker on my bike that says "one less car." That one, though, make tea not war.... I think I NEED that bumper sticker.


And I want to thank Amy Loves Bud for giving me the language to discuss my burning questions. No, wait, my questions were smoldering, waiting to.... Oh, shoot. You know what I mean. I'm all out of euphemisms. I've done my duty in the board lore department, right? Anyway, thank you Amy.

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I'll point out this is my first post in this thread.


I had a hint this thread might be coming along, but I had a busy day yesterday and at the end of it I was done in. I started running the bath, came in here to check messages, saw Doran's tag line and said, "what's this???"


I sat down and became immediately...um....absorbed.


Five minutes later, I see dh run past at top speed. Whoops!!!! the tub! I forgot all about it.


It was within an inch of overflowing.


Dh was slightly perturbed, but he had a good laugh when he found out what I was reading. And he was pretty happy later on.....


Ladies, you rock.

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OMG, I just spent nearly an hour reading all the posts in this thread! YALL ARE HILARIOUS!!


I also responded, and my answer was yes. I am pretty sure I can't do the tea analogy well at all, but, suffice it to say that my dh brews his tea WAY too quickly for my liking most of the time. The tool comes in handy when that is the case. We are able to work on the project together if the need the use the tool arises.


I am apparently a slow-brewing type (which doesn't bode well with the "instant" variety, aka "minute-roast").:tongue_smilie:


I was also intrigued by the posts discussing what to do if your hubby wants to try things that you don't. What if YOU want to try things that your hubby doesn't?? Any ideas on how to broach that subject?? (I'm not talking really raunchy stuff here - just need to know ways to bring it up.) no pun intended

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But so many, many unanswered questions! 37 some-odd percent of you voted "don't own and have no desire to own" and what does that mean? Does that mean that all you people can produce a cup of tea, heck, some of you are talking POTs of tea, with no electrical appliances, and never have? All your lives? How the Sam Hill did you figure that out?




I am finding this whole notion entirely incoceivable. You have rocked my world, ladies. Clearly I have not been reading enough women's magazines or something. I have to go back and look through all those links to tea making instructional websites.


I dip into the discussion to share that making oneself a cup of tea occasionally can really help understand the flavours and how to get ones DH to make it quicker. It sure worked for me. It was a revelation of tea making.


And I also can't believe I just shared that :lol:

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And check out my little greenies. A mere 24 hours ago, I had only two. :D



I guess it pays to ask questions. Plus I am sure that you got quite a few rep points for the great analogy.


I have gotten quite a bit of rep today as well but certainly not enough to get me another green box. I haven't gotten any PM either so if you want to share any particularly enlighting bits of info that you got in rep you can PM me with that info and I think maybe Doran as well.

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I was also intrigued by the posts discussing what to do if your hubby wants to try things that you don't. What if YOU want to try things that your hubby doesn't?? Any ideas on how to broach that subject?? (I'm not talking really raunchy stuff here - just need to know ways to bring it up.) no pun intended
You could tell him that some fellow homeschoolers have been doing research...
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I was also intrigued by the posts discussing what to do if your hubby wants to try things that you don't. What if YOU want to try things that your hubby doesn't?? Any ideas on how to broach that subject?? (I'm not talking really raunchy stuff here - just need to know ways to bring it up.) no pun intended


HA! At the pun comment!


I think just opening the conversation when you're both nice and relaxed, you've had a glass of wine/mike's or three and just say it: "you know, there is something that I really think would heat my water. If you're willing to give it a try, I'm willing to do likewise for you."


There are things my husband likes that I'm ambivalent about and vice versa but we do them for each other because we love the cups of tea that result. Now if one of us was *uncomfortable* with an idea then we are OK with saying "I'm not comfortable with that but how but we try this..."

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We don't, even though in theory I don't have a problem with the idea. If I were to want one, I'd be way, way, way too embarassed to get one (and not many things embarass me anymore).


Good Vibrations. They are woman-owned, they have tons of reviews on their site, they use a generic name to charge your credit card, the package arrives in a plain box, they *don't* sell your information (BELIEVE ME, this is important!).


Julie-I think all long-term couples go through negotiations because everyone is wired differently.


I just have one comment, just because it's cream filled, doesn't mean it tastes good!



I couldn't resist.


Anyone have issues with this?


Have him eat pineapple (actual, fresh pineapple), it helps...if you're looking for help. *hesitates to add smiley lest I taint the smiley*


Nicole-good point about SpyCar and his lyrics. :tongue_smilie: Maybe it will prove informative for all. eta: SpyCar-did you get that last tip?

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But so many, many unanswered questions! 37 some-odd percent of you voted "don't own and have no desire to own" and what does that mean? Does that mean that all you people can produce a cup of tea, heck, some of you are talking POTs of tea, with no electrical appliances, and never have? All your lives?



That is all.


ETA: I usually help with brewing my cup though - just no electrics.



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My question to you is this. How do you slip into bed, every single night, next to the man you love and desire without...feeling...ready? How does it not...just happen...when skin touches skin? When we...are together.


Or when you wake up next to that same desireable man? How do you wake up and not...?





My husband and I often wonder about, wrangle with, and hurt over the same questions. It does happen, even between people who love and desire each other very much. :crying:


Ours is the more "classic" dilemma of him wanting more tea than I can tolerate, plus the fact that I require slow brewing. Amy in Orlando described it well.


Enter the Explorations of Mid-Life! I'm not out of the house working (yet), but my children are in school all day. Dh often stops home for lunch. I'm thinking some sweetened condensed milk might go well with that tea. :tongue_smilie:

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That's what is so great about The Wand, you can leave it right out in plain site and the kids are none the wiser. Mine is plugged in right beside my bed. That way it is ready at a moments notice because you know, sometimes when you have kids that's all the time you have. ;)


When the little ones have asked what it is and what it is for, I told them it was a back massager. I am sure the teen girls realize that it may have other purposes.


You know one day they're going to figure that out...

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Enter the Explorations of Mid-Life! I'm not out of the house working (yet), but my children are in school all day. Dh often stops home for lunch. I'm thinking some sweetened condensed milk might go well with that tea. :tongue_smilie:


Here's a little something that might interest you in the sweetened condensed milk department. I did finally receive a PM with information about this pillow:


An alternative to the multi-tasking you mentioned is to alter your positions - a really wonderful tool for that is a little wedge shaped cushion. It is made by the Liberator company - but their website is really p*rnographic (imho). You can find it here without the explicit images. Their cushions are *expensive*, but well worth it.


The woman requested that she remain anonymous. Curiously (or not!) I had just discovered this item during some research time a few weeks ago and was intrigued.


In your lunch situation, Doran, I think an electric kettle or some other appliance would be entirely appropriate and useful. And if you invest in this wedge, you'll have to come up with a good euphemism to report on its effectiveness, eh? :D

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Have him eat pineapple (actual, fresh pineapple), it helps...if you're looking for help. *hesitates to add smiley lest I taint the smiley*


[Edited! Whoops! It's not even 6am here, so yes, I did miss something. The pineapple helps?!]


Did I miss something in the cream-filled discussion? What does the pineapple do? I'm guessing... staying power?

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Here's a little something that might interest you in the sweetened condensed milk department. I did finally receive a PM with information about this pillow:


An alternative to the multi-tasking you mentioned is to alter your positions - a really wonderful tool for that is a little wedge shaped cushion. It is made by the Liberator company - but their website is really p*rnographic (imho). You can find it here without the explicit images. Their cushions are *expensive*, but well worth it.


The woman requested that she remain anonymous. Curiously (or not!) I had just discovered this item during some research time a few weeks ago and was intrigued.


In your lunch situation, Doran, I think an electric kettle or some other appliance would be entirely appropriate and useful. And if you invest in this wedge, you'll have to come up with a good euphemism to report on its effectiveness, eh? :D


Well if it is wedge shaped wouldn't that be a cake then?


*slinks back into lurkdom...you guys have been cracking me up*

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I was also intrigued by the posts discussing what to do if your hubby wants to try things that you don't. What if YOU want to try things that your hubby doesn't?? Any ideas on how to broach that subject?? (I'm not talking really raunchy stuff here - just need to know ways to bring it up.) no pun intended


Have you read the book, Women's Experience of Sex by Sheila Kitzinger?




Apparently it is out of print, but it does have a chapter that deals specifically with this issue, talking with your hubby. You can probably find it at your library.

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So, I decide that I am spending too much time on here and sort of disappear. I wake up this morning and find this thread. OMG! Can you see how red my face is through the screen? Gah, could I be any more repressed? This has me slightly uncomfortable, embarrassed, feeling very inadequate, in total awe, and laughing my behind off all at the same time. Man, that's quite a feat!:lol:

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