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So, I'm starting a Whole30 tomorrow...

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Any words of wisdom?   :D


Tomorrow's menu:


Eggs, bacon, cherries


Tuna salad with homemade mayo/tarragon vinaigrette, slivered almonds, celery, halved red grapes, green salad


Slow cooker citrus pork carnita meat, roast bell peppers and onions, guacamole, salsa.  


I've got olives, nuts, and fruit if I feel like I need a snack.


I attempted a Whole30 a few months ago, and lasted a Whole4Hours because I didn't plan at all.  Now I've got a pretty good menu plan for the week and ideas for the following week, and I've subscribed to the Whole30Daily.  

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Roast a bunch of sweet potatoes and have avocados on hand. Many of my meals were very simple - sweet potatoes with clarified butter or a split avocado eaten from the peel with a spoon. Grill or roast meat ahead of time (like you're doing!) - always keep a few steps ahead of the next few meals. Buy clarified butter (ghee) or make a batch. Unsweetened iced tea and instant coffee (Nescafe Taster's Choice) got me through cravings without upsetting my stomach. Keep snacks in your purse and the car because eating out is difficult and you'll be out somewhere and suddenly need to eat.

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I liked keeping some nuts or a larabar in my purse if I was unexpectedly kept out.

Plan ahead.

A giant salad with meat, nuts, avocado and tons of veggies is a great emergency meal. If I had no meat I'd add eggs.

I sometimes made a banana coated with pub and rolled in sunflower seeds breakfast when I couldn't face another egg.

Make a giant pot of vegetable soup and freeze in portions. Again, it covers emergencies when the rest of the family thinks pizza is a great idea.

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I'm looking to do another one here soon.  We've essentially been camping at our new home without a kitchen and our food choices have been terrible!  I can't wait until the renovation is done!


Nom Nom Paleo has some great W30 meals too.  We did a lot of sweet potato hash a la NomNom! Trader Joe's had a good ghee that was rather inexpensive.  They also have a cashew butter that is w30 compliant, but I can't keep it in the house.  Totally food without brakes for me. :)


We also did a bunch of bone broth batches and would use that for a snack with some crunchy veggies.  Homemade ranch with coconut milk for veggies was great too.  I had never really used coconut milk before our w30, but I replace dairy with it all the time now!

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I lost a bunch of weight and my sugar cravings.  It's amazing how quickly things that aren't really sweet suddenly are!  Hot sauce was so sweet to us! :)  Like I said, our habits are terrible right now without a kitchen and we can't wait to do another w30.  We felt fabulous afterwards and kept up the program in a modified way until our house sold and we moved in with the in laws.  

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My biggest suggestion is you need more veggies. A heaping pile of veggies at every meal will make your whole30 easier.


For me having nuts as a snack is a bad idea. It doesn't break that snacking habit. If i feel like i need a snack I make a small meal including fat, veggies, and a protein instead. The whole 30 I decided to not snack was the best ever. I really learned what my body needed throughout the day

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My biggest suggestion is you need more veggies. A heaping pile of veggies at every meal will make your whole30 easier.


For me having nuts as a snack is a bad idea. It doesn't break that snacking habit. If i feel like i need a snack I make a small meal including fat, veggies, and a protein instead. The whole 30 I decided to not snack was the best ever. I really learned what my body needed throughout the day


Thanks for the tip! I'm going to go pop some sweet potatoes in the slow cooker so they will be ready in the morning!


I'm going to try not to snack. I'm not a slacker currently, aside from the after dinner chocolate frenzy.

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A little update:  Day 5, and I'm doing really well!  I have not had a lot of the ups and downs that are apparently typical.  Tired of eggs, but I've found a few alternatives.  


The first 2-3 days, I had a sort of nagging sensation that I was forgetting something... I was forgetting to snack.  Typically, I could not pass through the kitchen without a "little something" as Winnie the Pooh might say.  I am still missing it, but not tempted in any real way (yet).  



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Good luck to you! I've done a couple of Whole 30s and then have been on the auto-immune diet for the majority of the last year, with some indiscretions during the holidays. I feel the best when I eat tons of veggies and a good amount of protein and fat. I sleep best with moderate carbs, too low and I can't sleep and too high and I can't sleep either.

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Day 16 people!!!


I am feeling really good- very balanced mood and energy, despite baby still waking me up 2x a night.  


Not quite to what they call the "Tiger Blood" stage, but very close.  When baby woke me at 6am, I did not go back to sleep after nursing him and tucking him back to bed, I put on an exercise DVD, then unloaded the dishwasher and got started on breakfast!!!  Amazing.


Anyway, if anyone is considering a W30, I say go for it.  :-)  

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I am on day 9.  I am hungry today but like yesterday don't really want to eat.  I am so sick of salad (I have been eating a chef's salad for lunch everyday at work), and eggs(which I never liked much even before this).  But for the first time in my life I have been able to have will power over my cravings, when we were out of town saturday I even managed to stand inside a burger king and order food for my kids and nothing for myself.  My digestive system is still trying to figure out how to handle the increase in produce and lack of grease lol.

I know you are not supposed to weigh yourself until the 30 days are done, but I am part of a weight loss support group and we have weekly weigh ins so I weighed myself once since starting.  As of today I am down 7 lbs in those 9 days.  I have struggled with weight loss enough that even the dr was stumped, the endo I was sent to said I had insulin resistance but it should not have made it so incredibly hard to lose.  I just kept going up and up. This is the first loss of this size in 7 years.  THat is huge to me and is motivation to keep me going even if all I want right now is a croissant.  

I hope when I make it to day 16 I can be feeling as positive of it as you are.

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That is fantastic!!! Paleo is a great option for people with insulin resistance. I have PCOS and am hoping it helps with those symptoms, but no way to know yet as I'm breastfeeding so no cycle. Sorry tmi...lol.


The whole 30 forums are good and if you feel you are not sure what to tweak to really get to feeling good, the mods over there are very helpful.


I am on day 20 and having no issues resisting temptation. My concern is what will happen when the 30 days are up! I fluctuate between wanting to continue, wanting to go cheesecake crazy, or finding some happy in-between.

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I'm on day 25. I spent a month trying to convince myself to do it (or maybe NOT to LOL). I was telling a friend about Whole30 and that I was thinking about doing it. She had never heard of it but decided to start the next day. That gave me the push I needed. I started on June 1, also a Monday so a perfect day to start something new :-). It hasn't been nearly as difficult as I expected. I've had a few cravings but not too bad. My skin is clearer, my clothes fit better, I have more energy so all in all a great experience so far. I have 5 days left. I guess I should figure out a plan for when I'm done. I don't want to go crazy and let the bad habits take over again.

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ANd back to day 1 tomorrow. Year end staff dinner out, not at a regular restaurant, so no choice in foods or how they are prepared other than my steak. Delicious dinner, completely off protocol, so back to day 1 I go.

Oh, I know!! Dinner meetings, holidays, family reunions, husband buying ice cream...they can all be stumbling blocks for me. Btw, I am only on Day 2 today. I have time to get it done before we go on vacation.

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OP here... I'm actually only going to end up with a Whole29, as our ten year wedding anniversary falls on day 30 and we are spending a day out WITHOUT THE KIDS!!!   No way am I not going to eat a dessert in honour.  :-)  Later in July, we have dh's birthday, ds's first birthday, and The Swiss national holiday Aug 1st.  I think Aug 2 I'll start my second W30.  


I'm on day 22 today and still feeling great.  We are having baked sweet potato fries with breakfast every day and the kids love it too.

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OP here again... I made it to day 25, and then totally ruined it.  LOL.  I'll be trying again in August.  Here is my sad story...


I made a big batch of slow cooker paleo chili, full of beef and veggies.  It smelled so good all day.  

An hour before dinner, I went to taste and adjust, and make cornbread for the kids and dh.  The chili was WAY too spicy and the meat had turned to rubber instead of softening and shredding!  It was a total disaster, like as in I threw it all away.  LOL.  There was basically no other food in the house, as all the veggies had gone into the chili, and I had planned on shopping after dinner tonight.  So I pulled out frozen hamburger patties and made burgers.  I went to make the cornbread anyway and discovered I had no eggs left.  I'd already mixed everything, so I put it in the oven anyway.  lol.  


So for dinner, we had burgers and flat cornbread.  And while I could have salvaged it and just eaten the meat and gnawed on a carrot or something... I didn't.  I ate a burger, with ketchup, with bun, and a slice of flat cornbread.  


AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!  So close!  LOL.  I will be doing it again starting August 2nd.


I did weigh myself a few days ago, and I did lose 7 pounds- not too bad for me height and weight (5ft1in, final weight 121)  I would like to take off another 5lbs or so, but that is probably not realistic until I get my exercise going.  


Lessons learned:

- avoid carbs!

- avoid dairy! 

- BIG breakfast to feel good all day.


I felt so, so, so good on this diet.  Now it will be time to play with living this as a lifestyle long-term.  Then do a reset in August, then fine tune again.  


Good luck to the rest of you!!!  

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I may need to try this. My husband is doing a 21 day challenge with a group at church and I'm unofficially following along. I think it's similar to whole 30 but you can have a serving or two of dairy each day. The dairy is only plain greek yogurt and organic skim milk so it's not much of a temptation for me.


I've lost 25 pounds over 6 months but I've stalled out in the last 6 weeks even though I have more to lose. I think shaking things up would help.

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I may need to try this. My husband is doing a 21 day challenge with a group at church and I'm unofficially following along. I think it's similar to whole 30 but you can have a serving or two of dairy each day. The dairy is only plain greek yogurt and organic skim milk so it's not much of a temptation for me.


I've lost 25 pounds over 6 months but I've stalled out in the last 6 weeks even though I have more to lose. I think shaking things up would help.

If your previous approaches have been fat/calorie restrictive, then you will probably love whole30.

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Tomorrow is my last day. I don't know what I'm going to do after. On the one hand, life would just be so much easier if I could just grab some cheese or bread when I was hungry instead of having to think out a compliant meal. But on the other hand, I don't necessarily want those things anymore. My cravings are definitely down which is great!


I'm thinking of sticking with it a few more weeks. I feel like I'm just now starting to get the healthier eating part figured out - specifically vegetables at every meal. I'm not sure I want to stop before these changes become habits. I'm afraid I'll revert back to my old habits too quickly.


I'm excited to weigh and measure myself on Wednesday. Those results may be a deciding factor in how much of this I stick with.

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Tomorrow is my last day. I don't know what I'm going to do after. On the one hand, life would just be so much easier if I could just grab some cheese or bread when I was hungry instead of having to think out a compliant meal. But on the other hand, I don't necessarily want those things anymore. My cravings are definitely down which is great!


I'm thinking of sticking with it a few more weeks. I feel like I'm just now starting to get the healthier eating part figured out - specifically vegetables at every meal. I'm not sure I want to stop before these changes become habits. I'm afraid I'll revert back to my old habits too quickly.


I'm excited to weigh and measure myself on Wednesday. Those results may be a deciding factor in how much of this I stick with.

Hooray! That is so great!!!

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Follow up:  


I've now been "off plan" for a week or a bit more.  And I feel.... HORRIBLE!!!




I think the Whole30 ruined me for "normal" food.  I've had headaches every day, the 3pm slump 

 nap on couch, brain fog...  Terrible!!!  


So I'm going back to paleo.  Probably not quite so strict as the W30 for the next few weeks, but I do plan on doing a full Whole 30 again starting in August.  



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UGGHH..  I've looked at the recipes and they all look horrible...  How do you eat that???




Are you vegetarian?


Steak, sauteed mushrooms, salad.  Yum.


Roast Chicken, oven roasted veggies, salad.  Yum. Use carcass to make homemade chicken soup.  Yum.


Pork, sauteed veggies.  Chef Salad.  Yum.


Egg or tuna salad (w/homemade mayo) lettuce wraps.  Yum.


Giant veggie omelets/ or crustless "quiche".  Yum.


Kielbasa, cabbage, onion.  Yum.


Stirfry.  Yum.


Shall I go on?  LOL It's food - just without sugar or grains. No fancy recipes necessary.

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Follow up:  


I've now been "off plan" for a week or a bit more.  And I feel.... HORRIBLE!!!




I think the Whole30 ruined me for "normal" food.  I've had headaches every day, the 3pm slump 

 nap on couch, brain fog...  Terrible!!!  


So I'm going back to paleo.  Probably not quite so strict as the W30 for the next few weeks, but I do plan on doing a full Whole 30 again starting in August.  


Yes, get back to paleo so you are energetic enough to post some more blog posts.   :toetap05: <wink, wink, nudge, nudge>


Errr, I mean I hope you feel better soon.  :grouphug:  :laugh:

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UGGHH..  I've looked at the recipes and they all look horrible...  How do you eat that???


Really?  What is it you don't like?  I had two "flop" meals while doing W30...  everything else was sooooo good.  It was rare that I used a specific W30 recipe though... I mostly just modified stuff I already cook..


Roast chicken- I just subbed ghee for butter.  Delish.  Tarragon pan sauce from NomNom Paleo- All SIX of us were licking our plates clean, it was so good.


5 Spice Ribs- so good.  


Chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad... w/homemade mayo- yum.


Steak.  Need I say more?  lol.  


Paleo meatballs- yum.  They are just regular meatballs without the breadcrumbs.  With tomato sauce.  Kids had them with pasta, I just had the meatballs, which I had loaded with veggies.  Yum.  


Taco salad minus the tortilla chips- yum.


Citrus pork shoulder carnitas, guacamole, roast peppers... yum!  


Pork chops smothered in caramelised onions- yum.


Green salad, broccoli salad, sweet potato oven fries, yum yum yum.


3 egg omelet with leftover roast potato, sautĂƒÂ©ed shallot, spinach, salsa... yum!


Hawaiian burger- meat, grilled pineapple ring, red onion, homemade garlic aioli...  yum.


Stir fried chicken and veggies in coconut milk curry with pineapple and banana chunks- yum.


And so on.  I definitely did NOT suffer from lack of good food on the W30, or I would not have done it.  In fact, the "diet" aspect is great because you feel totally satisfied at all times with hearty, healthy foods.  I was never hungry, not once.  Before choosing the W30, I did look at a few videos for the 21 Day Fix.  After seeing what sort of "food" I would have to eat (a.k.a. low fat Greek yogurt, low fat cheese, skinless boneless chicken breast, salad with the barest touch of dressing...) I thought NO WAY!  I want to eat food that actually tastes good and that hasn't been modified in a lab somewhere.  :-)  


But maybe the meat/veggie/fruit/healthy fat is just not your thing?  It would kill my dad, for example, as he only eats meat and refined carbs basically.  My husband would struggle with it, because he is allergic to a huge range of raw fruits and veggies, which would really limit his meal options.  

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Follow up:  


I've now been "off plan" for a week or a bit more.  And I feel.... HORRIBLE!!!




I think the Whole30 ruined me for "normal" food.  I've had headaches every day, the 3pm slump 

 nap on couch, brain fog...  Terrible!!!  


So I'm going back to paleo.  Probably not quite so strict as the W30 for the next few weeks, but I do plan on doing a full Whole 30 again starting in August.  

I noticed this too.  I was only on W30 for those 10 days, but ever since everyday I feel nauseous and achy after I eat.  My headaches are back (never had one during those 10 days).  I am going to go back on it, just waiting until after my period is done (combining af with no bread is not a good mix for anyone who values living lol).  So next week, back onto a full W30 and then I will have to see about making it a permanent lifestyle for me.


I have spent a couple years getting testing done at the dr because of feeling sick all the time, extreme fatigue etc.  For a while there they even thought I had cushing caused by a pit tumor.  Last testing ruled that out.  The endo could not figure it out.  All they could see was I have crazy low vit d, and mild anemia, but those numbers were not so low when testing started.  Those 10 days on W30, I had no fatigue(not high energy just not exhausted), no headaches, no body aches, I felt like a human being for the first time in 3 years.  I have been back on regular food for a couple weeks and I feel like a zombie again.  Clearly something I am eating is affecting me, even if it never showed up in my blood work (they ran for allergies etc and nothing came up).


So on one hand I am dreading starting up again just because it doubles my food prep (making food for my kids and then separate W30 meals for me), but at the same time I am looking forward to not feeling like crap anymore. 

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I noticed this too.  I was only on W30 for those 10 days, but ever since everyday I feel nauseous and achy after I eat.  My headaches are back (never had one during those 10 days).  I am going to go back on it, just waiting until after my period is done (combining af with no bread is not a good mix for anyone who values living lol).  So next week, back onto a full W30 and then I will have to see about making it a permanent lifestyle for me.


I have spent a couple years getting testing done at the dr because of feeling sick all the time, extreme fatigue etc.  For a while there they even thought I had cushing caused by a pit tumor.  Last testing ruled that out.  The endo could not figure it out.  All they could see was I have crazy low vit d, and mild anemia, but those numbers were not so low when testing started.  Those 10 days on W30, I had no fatigue(not high energy just not exhausted), no headaches, no body aches, I felt like a human being for the first time in 3 years.  I have been back on regular food for a couple weeks and I feel like a zombie again.  Clearly something I am eating is affecting me, even if it never showed up in my blood work (they ran for allergies etc and nothing came up).


So on one hand I am dreading starting up again just because it doubles my food prep (making food for my kids and then separate W30 meals for me), but at the same time I am looking forward to not feeling like crap anymore. 


Food allergy/intolerance is such an easy fix... in theory, but such a hard fix in practice.  I hope you find out what is bugging you, remove it, mourn it, and then move on feeling much, much better!!!  



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I'm starting my Whole30 tomorrow, I'm actually not too worried about it except the lack of oatmeal and beans. I know I can go a month without them but it may get boring.



I'm starting on the 20th. My husband's schedule changes that day and it will make more sense to start then rather than now.


Yay!  I'm so happy for you both!  I hope you have great W30s!  


I am thinking I won't wait until August 2nd to get started again.  I will just jump in, have a planned "fall of the wagon" for my little guy's first birthday party, then do a full 30 after that day.  So sort of a W15-day off- W30.  :-)  I'm just ready to get that good feeling back, and I find that I am not good at moderation.  


I'm reading Happier At Home by Gretchen Rubin (great book.  All her books are great!) and she mentions that she is an abstainer.  She feels happiest and is most successful with total abstinence from those things she'd like to avoid.  She is no good at "exceptions" or "all things in moderation".  I find I am the same way.  It is actually very easy for me to have a clear cut, well defined rule, i.e. NO DAIRY, than to tell myself "occasionally is ok".  I find myself asking 10x a day, "Should I make an exception?", "Is this exception worthy?".  Since ending the W30, I have totally failed at moderation.  I just can't do it.  It causes me to constantly test my will power.  When on the W30, it was easy.  I had rules, I followed the rules.  Perfect.  


I'm wondering if I should just plan out my exception days on a calendar in terms of a "Whole Life" (post W30) approach.  Like, mark off birthdays, travel days, and our anniversary or our very rare date nights.  And I know if I'm not on that day, I'm paleo.  


I dunno, still giving it some thought!


Please keep us posted as you progress through your W30s.  If you have the extra $5, I recommend the daily email newsletter- I found it encouraging and gave me a "reward" for each compliant day.  I saved them all in a folder in my emails so that I can re-read them as I repeat the journey.  

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Day 1 went fine. I did snack on fruit a couple times, we didn't have any raw veggies on hand like I thought we did. I did have a pretty bad caffiene withdrawal headache, but I expected that. I switched from a daily Diet Mountain Dew to a cup of coffee a couple weeks ago but today was my first day without anything.


Breakfast was eggs, a nectarine, and red pepper slices, lunch was a sweet potato hash, and for supper I did a salad with tuna. I had fruit and unsalted cashews between meals. I don't usually snack but today I needed it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on day 4 today. I really wanted iced coffee and a smore yesterday, but I survived. Making all this food is a pain in the butt. I'm going to plan next week and do all of the prep work on the weekend. I normally would make a heaping quinoa salad for my lunches for the week. I look and feel significantly thinner. I believe it was a gluten that was making me bloated but I never realized it. I know I have a gluten intolerance, but I didn't think it was that bad.

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You all are inspiring me! I've got to try to knock off a few more baby pounds before we decide to get pregnant again.


It's going to be a series of Whole10s and While 15s, because we have travel planned. I'm not turning myself inside out on a trip about whether my salad dressing was compliant. But I don't want to wait until mid-October to start, which is when I will get my first stretch of 30 uninterrupted days.


I'm starting on Tuesday because we are (surprise!) out of town until Sunday, and I need Monday to shop.


Favorite recipes/meals?

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You all are inspiring me! I've got to try to knock off a few more baby pounds before we decide to get pregnant again.


It's going to be a series of Whole10s and While 15s, because we have travel planned. I'm not turning myself inside out on a trip about whether my salad dressing was compliant. But I don't want to wait until mid-October to start, which is when I will get my first stretch of 30 uninterrupted days.


I'm starting on Tuesday because we are (surprise!) out of town until Sunday, and I need Monday to shop.


Favorite recipes/meals?


My surprising favourite was probably a burger made with lettuce bun, homemade garlic mayo, red onion, and a slice of grilled pineapple on top.  


5 Spice slow cooker ribs- yum


Oven sweet potato fries (hint: call them sweet potato "chunks" or else you'll get beat up in the Whole9 forums...  lol).  We had these almost every single day with our eggs for breakfast.


Pan seared salmon with a dill mayo


Lots of tuna, chicken, and egg salads with homemade mayo...  


Whole roast chicken with tarragon pan sauce.  We licked our plates clean for this one.  (I butterfly my chickens before roasting, so I skipped two-thirds of her tutorial and went right to the pan sauce part...)



Paleo meatballs (I just sort of made up a recipe) with tomato pasta sauce.  Family ate with pasta, I just ate meatballs and sauce.  Not spaghetti squash season, obviously...


Citrus pork shoulder, roast peppers/onions, wrapped in romaine with homemade salsa and guac.


Steak.  It's what's for dinner.  :-D  


Chicken.  Sooooo much chicken.

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Why can't you have dairy and beans on the Whole30?  That would make me seriously sad to give up full fat plain yogurt and hummus....


The idea of the Whole30 is to give up every single food item that is a high allergen or than can be inflammatory or irritating.


Dairy is a major irritant for many people, and many people don't actually realise they have an issue, be it a lactose intolerance or a protein allergy.  The day after I finished my Whole25 (fell off the wagon...) I drank a glass of milk.  Three minutes later, I had swollen sinuses and a mean headache.  Note that during the Whole30 I did not have any of headaches.  Prior to W30, I tended to get several per week and have always been bothered by "seasonal" allergies that were essentially all year round.  Hmmmm.  Trust me, I'm very sad!  I plan to do another Whole 30 and then try AGAIN with dairy and see if the results repeat themselves.  


Beans are considered inflammatory due to their high content of anti-nutrients (overnight soaking removes most).  Again, it's only for 30 days, then you can put them back in and make sure your body doesn't react negatively.  They are also relatively nutrient  poor compared to meats and veggies.  


It's only 30 days!  

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I'm definitely not a person to be ruled by the scale, so out of curiosity I got on this morning. I've lost 4 pounds in 4 days. Something was definitely messing with my system. I should eat a hotdog and take before and after photos. I would probably never eat a hotdog again.

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I'm definitely not a person to be ruled by the scale, so out of curiosity I got on this morning. I've lost 4 pounds in 4 days. Something was definitely messing with my system. I should eat a hotdog and take before and after photos. I would probably never eat a hotdog again.


Depending on how much processed food you were eating before, it can also be water loss from excess salt in processed foods causing you to retain water.

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Checking in for day 6. The chronic nausea and itchy feet I've dealt with for years is gone. Also, I think I'm finished with withdrawals. I had a dull headache from day two until yesterday morning, but starting yesterday afternoon I felt great. I still want our regular Saturday chocolate and peanut butter pancakes though. :(

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So *I'm* starting Whole 30 tomorrow, for the first time ever.  And another round of P90X3.  I'm reluctant, too, but I just haven't been feeling like myself.  I feel 20 years older than I am and I'm always so tired, like I could just go crawl back in bed even though I sleep well at night.  I've been a couch potato for the last 6 months and eating like garbage.  Time to take control!

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I am so tired of whole foods. I used to only eat one big meal a day. My stomach has felt heavy for days. I gave up and got smoothies, apple chips, and cashews. All of the ingredients are whole30 compliant, but I don't have to eat heavy meals if I don't want to!

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