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Deeply regretting not wear gloves...please advise


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I didn't intent to start pulling weeds, but as I walked around my house, they taunted me. Seriously. I tried to let it go and walk on by, but they leered at me from my once immaculate flower beds and bragged and boasted about how nice and tall they had grown with all this miserable rain. Big ole nasty weed bullies crowding out my day lilies, petunias, roses, and all other civilized plant life. So you can see how I couldn't just let it go. Unfortunately, I should have stopped for the gloves...and pruning shears. I have learned my lesson. One of those foul green beasts refused to be uprooted and when I broke it off, it realsed a disgusting stinky liquid that appears to completely resistant to soap. Irish Spring? Didn't work. Dish soap? Nope. Thought I had it with my lovely Bath and Body fragrance and proceeded to rub my eyes. My hands are still stinky and now my eyes itch.


I may have to change my name from "Bensmom" to "stinky-hand mom with red, itchy eyes"


Contemplating soaking my hands in vinegar. Any better suggestions?

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How about washing in salt? 


If that doesn't work you can try vinegar. 


Baking soda is a good odor remover. I had spilled gasoline in my car and several days of baking soda has almost eliminated the odor. 


Let us know what works. 

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Ammonia works on tree sap, so that's what I'd try next - windex or any other window cleaner will do.

Or she could pee on her hands. Just consider what will make a better story in a year :D

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And the winner is........fraidycat. Tried vinegar first. It helped some, but not completely. I just rubbed vinegar on them and didn't soak, which may have worked. Moved on to lemon. My hands are now lemony fresh.


Sorry Arctic Mom, I really couldn't bring myself to pee on my hands. Now if they had been burning/stinging or something and pee was the only option, I would have gone for it, but I did want to risk becoming "the mom who pees on her own hands"...although it probably wouldn't have smelled any worse than the vinegar;)

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And the winner is........fraidycat. Tried vinegar first. It helped some, but not completely. I just rubbed vinegar on them and didn't soak, which may have worked. Moved on to lemon. My hands are now lemony fresh.


Sorry Arctic Mom, I really couldn't bring myself to pee on my hands. Now if they had been burning/stinging or something and pee was the only option, I would have gone for it, but I did want to risk becoming "the mom who pees on her own hands"...although it probably wouldn't have smelled any worse than the vinegar;)

It may be that Arctic Mom wanted her own cool story for later..."Remember that time I convinced someone on-line to pee on her own hands?..."



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By the way, this thread title exactly matched my feelings the one time I decided to process a bunch of Jalapeño peppers for canning without taking seriously the multiple warnings to WEAR GLOVES! I thought my hands would spontaneously combust. Then I rubbed my eye...

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It may be that Arctic Mom wanted her own cool story for later..."Remember that time I convinced someone on-line to pee on her own hands?..."





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By the way, this thread title exactly matched my feelings the one time I decided to process a bunch of Jalapeño peppers for canning without taking seriously the multiple warnings to WEAR GLOVES! I thought my hands would spontaneously combust. Then I rubbed my eye...

Oh man, major ow.

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By the way, this thread title exactly matched my feelings the one time I decided to process a bunch of Jalapeño peppers for canning without taking seriously the multiple warnings to WEAR GLOVES! I thought my hands would spontaneously combust. Then I rubbed my eye...

I did that once! Truthfully I don't remember any warnings and did NOT think things through about those wickedly hot peppers.

I had to have my husband take my contacts out that day--touching my eyes would have been a nightmare.

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Glad the lemon juice worked!  So I guess its acid helped to neutralize the basic gunk from the weeds.  That probably means that the ammonia and/or urine, which are basic, may not have worked.


Or maybe the lemon juice just smells better.


I made salsa once without putting on gloves before prepping jalapenos.  Never again.

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