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When you are severely depressed-


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When I was in the worst of PPD, scheduling sleep, eating, and exercise/fresh air helped.  Later having a creative outlet was helpful. 


However, meds were VERY helpful initially.  And I've been off them for years and years so it's not like you necessarily do need to take them forever (though some do).

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Fake it till you make it.*


But mostly, MEDS. Also, depression often stems from anger and/or anxiety. So, figuring that out and standing up for yourself/overcoming some anxiety/fear can help too. Spend time outside in the sun, exercise, eat healthy, get enough (but not too much) sleep.


*As in, keep doing things, rather than lying in bed all day and night. It's okay to say you're feeling depressed - you don't have to lie.

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It depends on if I can determine the trigger for the depression; different types of depression require different intervention strategies.  If it's a general depression: getting outside and moving around. Activities that require forward movement and in which the scenery is constantly changing help the most; activities like walking, hiking, running, etc.  Not stationary activities like gardening; these allow me to think too much and focus on negative thoughts.


 When I am depressed, I have to stay off of the computer.  As much as I love FB and WTM forums, I have to stay away.  Reading about everyone's good times and life experiences makes my depression worse via my neg. expressive style. I have to work constantly on my expressive style and negative trains of thought.


I also make sure I cut back on sugar and carbs.  I eat when I am depressed  - I crave things like chocolate, chips, bagels, etc - and those foods just make me feel worse.  I have to purposely watch my diet.  If I am unable to think this through, my husband or daughter makes sure there are good proteins and fresh fruit around. 


I also give myself "Grace Days" in which I am allowed to sit around the house, wear sweats or yoga pants, watch TV, and cry/mourn for whatever pops in my head.  My brain/unconscious/ego is obviously needing to deal with something so I try to let it out and then work on becoming productive again.  I usually treat myself with a pedi, a chai from the local coffee shop, or some new gluten free treat I have found (the treat depends on my finances).


I think what helped the most was acknowledging that I suffer from chronic depression and, no matter how much I try, there will be days I cannot cope and will need help from those who love me.

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I am already on meds, not against them...oops.  They usually help but the last few months I have been kinda a mess.   Plus I need to get moving today. 


I think the trigger is I have to leave my family. My dad was killed 6 months ago and since then it makes me really anxious to leave them bc I get this thoughts like what if something really bad happens to them? I mean he-my dad- was just basically walking in his back yard and was shot so.....


I do not want to go and feel paralyzed.  I have left them for a weekend and once I was gone, it was fine. It is the leaving part that made me nutty so I am hoping once I am there I will not be this sad.  


I need to go bc my oldest is moving out of the country and she needs me to help her set up, etc. 


My dh is at work, but I think I am going to tell him when he gets home that I really need his help with packing.  



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define severely depressed.


sometimes, that mean's rx and outside support/help.

I have a genetic predisposition - and take 400mg of 5-htp regularly.  (vit. d3 also helps and most people tend to be low). and a high quality b-complex with only the most bioavailable forms of b-vitamins. (there are a lot of not-worth-your-money ones out there.)  I take a low dose of 5-mthf (thorne brand) because that is all I can tolerate and I don't produce/use it effectively.


I'm very snobby about brands. (e.g. they must do testing to prove they contain what they say they contain.)


I do yoga, and walk.



eta" what you are describing sounds like anxiety.  my son's ND just put him on ashwanghanda (ginseng) from douglas labs (brands matter. percentage of active ingredient varies by brands too.) - and from the very first dose I was amazed at the difference in his anxiety levels.  I started him at  300 2x per day.  he takes 600mg 2x per day.

you can get it at a better quality naturopath-type pharmacy, or amazon.

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I am already on meds, not against them...oops.  They usually help but the last few months I have been kinda a mess.   Plus I need to get moving today. 


I think the trigger is I have to leave my family. My dad was killed 6 months ago and since then it makes me really anxious to leave them bc I get this thoughts like what if something really bad happens to them? I mean he-my dad- was just basically walking in his back yard and was shot so.....


I do not want to go and feel paralyzed.  I have left them for a weekend and once I was gone, it was fine. It is the leaving part that made me nutty so I am hoping once I am there I will not be this sad.  


I need to go bc my oldest is moving out of the country and she needs me to help her set up, etc. 


My dh is at work, but I think I am going to tell him when he gets home that I really need his help with packing.  


You may (temporarily or permanently) need a meds adjustment. You may also benefit from talking to a therapist about your loss and your reluctance to be away from your family. If you were fine last time you left, odds are you will not be paralyzed while you're gone. If you are paralyzed while you're gone, could you just return early? If you can make a deal with yourself that you go, and will go back home after a couple of days if it's too difficult, would that help? Odds are you'll turn out fine and will be able to help your dd for as much as she needs help.

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I think you are dealing with more than just depression; this sounds like severe anxiety, which is just as debilitating.  You are also still in mourning over the loss of your father which occurred under tragic circumstances.  Your emotions are understandable.


I would create a step-by-step plan of what needs to be done including a schedule of when to contact your other family members.  This would include things like hourly text messages just to check in, phone calls every few hours (if possible) for voice confirmation that everyone is fine and possibly scheduled Skype conversations for visual confirmation. 


I would take a journal and write via stream of consciousness whenever possible.  Get a good book, a  book of sudoku puzzles, or coloring books/colored pencils, something that you can do to distract yourself during the times you are most likely to have negative thoughts while traveling.


Look at your route and find a nearby spot where you can stop and visit or get a treat; something that you can look forward to that will distract you from your immediate discomfort.

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A few things I do when I am depressed. Note that I am on antidepressants so my lows are not what they used to be


1. I tell a few friends, at least through email, and ask them to pray for me. If I can manage it and think I need it, I call someone. There is at least one other friend that struggles with depression too, so she is great about replying and praying.

2. Make myself do something. Clean, go for a walk, exercise. Something that increases my serotonin naturally. Going for a walk outside is one of my better options but it depends on time of day, etc.The key is to be active. Get your pulse rate up and get that serotonin flowing.  



Sometimes I will take another anti-depressant pill. My script allows me to take one or two a day.  


My depression is very cyclical. Usually I have a few low days followed my many other pretty normal ones. It is related to my PMDD. So I know that I just need to muddle through a few days and it will lift. It is harder when you don't have that.


I will send up a prayer for you.  



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I am already on meds, not against them...oops.  They usually help but the last few months I have been kinda a mess.   Plus I need to get moving today. 


I think the trigger is I have to leave my family. My dad was killed 6 months ago and since then it makes me really anxious to leave them bc I get this thoughts like what if something really bad happens to them? I mean he-my dad- was just basically walking in his back yard and was shot so.....


I do not want to go and feel paralyzed.  I have left them for a weekend and once I was gone, it was fine. It is the leaving part that made me nutty so I am hoping once I am there I will not be this sad.  


I need to go bc my oldest is moving out of the country and she needs me to help her set up, etc. 


My dh is at work, but I think I am going to tell him when he gets home that I really need his help with packing.  



If I was in your situation, I would not hesitate to seek some talk therapy. You have been through a trauma losing your dad that way, and the anxiety you are experiencing is completely normal.  There may be a group you could join that would help you process through this, or individual counseling.  


Another thing you could consider is a journal. Write down how your feeling. Give yourself an outlet for the anxiety. Maybe this isn't so much about getting over your depression as processing through the very hard thing that is triggering it.  My depression is completely hormonally driven--it sounds like you have a real reason to feel some anxiety. I just want to validate your feelings--this is hard stuff you are processing through. 

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Hugs. All the above advice.


If you can get someone to help you make a comfort kit - I was advised to make one on an up day, but it sounds like you could use one now. Get a box and find comfort items for all senses that you can use on bad days. Mine had things like a silk shirt, bubble bath, a nice scented candle, a package of hot chocolate, a CD with uplifting songs....


Also get outside everyday for at least an hour

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Putting myself in another world whether it is books or TV shows or movies.  It gets me away from things for a bit and I calm down enough to deal with life for a while.  Also knitting but only once you learn . The learning to knit process can be very frustrating but once you can knit well, it's very relaxing and helps relive the stress. 

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


The only thing that helps me when I'm really out of it is travel - to somewhere new.  The complete change in focus of the brain with schedule, what it sees, what I eat, and what's going on helps me forget/ignore or hide many things.  Active travel (with hikes or things to see/do) is better than passive travel (simply laying out on a beach or whatever).  When I come home, it's usually not as bad, but the longer I stay away the better it is.


In your case, I'd want to be traveling with my family as I'd be anxious about leaving them too.


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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Thank you for your kind words. Some of them even made me cry.  



I like all of these suggestions nad will get/collect the journal, sudoku, book for my trip.  I forgot my friend gave me a sketchbook for zentangles.  The other things will be helpful at home.

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Benadryl at night, because sleep is magic. :) 

gardening (making pinterest garden boards, ordering seeds on ebay, babying seedling)

reading happy books/audio books. I just finished and loved Farm City on audio. Stockard Channing does the reading, and because my kids ave always listened to Ramona audio books with Stockard, I find her voice soothing and comforting. 

restoring something old and dirty

watching chick flicks and crying

eating cake and crying

hot water bottle on my body all day and night

using a super cozy throw to wrap around myself and cinch it into a warm fuzzy hug squeeze :)

making apple butter in the crock pot

Christmas movie marathon

Aura Cacia Panic Button misting spray

:grouphug: hth

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I would try to make an appointment with your doctor for a possible med adjustment and/or something for anxiety.  Then schedule with the therapist again.  Do you have a friend locally that can help you out---maybe driving you to and from appointments, etc?

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Suicidal thoughts don't necessarily mean severe depression - they can be OCD-ish (BTDT).


Not everybody with a panic attack thinks they're having a heart attack. It sounds like you may have had a panic attack (but I'm not a big expert on panic attacks - I prefer to take my anxiety chronically, ahem).


Talk to your psychiatrist, and talk to your therapist or find a different therapist if this one isn't helping (is this the same one that was helpful in the past or no?).

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Severely depressed is usually can't get out of bed, want curtains drawn, over- or undereating. Dysthymia is more mild depression where things that "should" be fun just aren't. Things that "should" be funny, aren't.


I'd go for meds. A friend has told me repeatedly that Welbutrin has helped her.


My grandpa had bi-polar back when they could control his mania, but not his depression. He would run towards meds for depression today. He suffered big time.


He was told to walk every day for at least thirty mins. (And my grandma made him.)


For the blues: Being creative helps me. Watching comediennes like Seinfeld on stage. Watching my favorite performers on You Tube.


Hang in there. Depression is serious business.



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If you don't have a therapist and you are having those thoughts, let me just encourage you to get yourself into a group where you can share your burdens or get yourself some individual talk therapy.  You need to make that a priority.  You are important, and the care of your soul is important.  Your spirit is being crushed under the weight of the burden you are carrying.  We are not intended to wear these heavy backpacks we sometimes force ourselves to carry.  Do not be ashamed to get some help and have someone walk with you through this.  Hugs.

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