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Day 10 today of the "Master Cleanse" (aka lemonade diet)


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5/26 - Update in Post #26


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I've been doing the Master Cleanse the past 10 days (aka "the lemonade diet" -- although I don't like the word "diet" here because it's a cleanse; it's not necessarily about weight loss).  You drink 6-12 glasses of the lemonade drink each day; the recipe includes fresh-squeezed organic lemon juice, some Grade B maple syrup and some cayenne pepper.  You also use some laxatives, laxative tea and/or a "salt water bath" (drinking a quart of warm water with 2tsp of salt in it) each day to keep the bowels moving since the point is to keep the colon cleaned out so it can rest.


I feel fantastic!  It was far easier than I thought it would be and my energy level has been through the roof most days.  Day 1 was the hardest day because I had to get used to the drink (it's not awful by any means because it's basically a maple-syrup tasting lemonade, but it has something of a kick on that last swallow!).  I felt grumpy on Day 7, but other than that, it's gone very well.  The drinks provide from 500-1100 calories a day, so it's not a starvation diet.  I've kept up with my 3-days-a-week half hour strength-training workouts at the gym and have done some 2.5 mile power walks as well.  Where I used to sit a bunch of the day, I've been busy, busy in the kitchen getting a lot of different things done (my daughter does 95% of the cooking, so usually I don't do much).  Tonight I'm making homemade yogurt, 14 pints of strawberry jam and getting some bread started for morning. 


I'm also doing a parasite cleanse at the same time; that's just been these last five days and my energy was spiked before this so I know the cleanse has provided the uptake in energy. 


The minimum number of days for this cleanse is 10 days, and I think I'm going to to take it through the weekend, so two more days.  I think it'd be hard to come off it slowly at events (like church on Sunday) where there's going to be a lot of good food.  I'll ease back into eating starting Monday. 


Oh, as for weight loss, I did lose 5-6 lbs so far (actually expected to lose more at first because it was a pound a day the first six days, then tapered off), but again that's not the point of the cleanse.  I think if I stayed on it another week, I'd lose a bit more.  I plan to use this "burst" to keep going but we'll see how that plays out. I try to eat according to 5:2 principles, and I may begin using this drink on my "fast" days. 


I recognize that not everyone might have the same experience as me, but I'm posting to encourage anyone who might have considered a cleanse like this. The one thing that got me going?  I ordered 10-12 lbs of lemons from Amazon and I'm too frugal to waste them!  Lol.  (Oh, and we also got a a cup or so of lemon zest out of the deal!)

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If I hadn't done it myself years ago, I wouldn't have believed that you could have a lot of energy on the cleanse. If I miss a meal, I am a raving lunatic. And, I certainly was miserable for the first two days. But, after that, I couldn't believe how easy it was. Congrats!

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So, no solid food? Sorry for the gross question but are you just sitting on the toilet all day? What is this supposed to cleanse your colon of? I'm so tired of being tired, I'm willing to give it a try!

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However, 500-1110 calories per day for 10 days is a starvation diet.

Nah, I don't agree. I usually only eat 1200-ish calories a day when I'm not cleansing and that's where I *maintain* (and that's with working out as described above). If I average more, I gain. As I've gotten older, I just need less and less food. Starvation diets to me are water fasts and maybe a couple hundred calories. Of course, it'll be different for everyone.


So, no solid food? Sorry for the gross question but are you just sitting on the toilet all day? What is this supposed to cleanse your colon of? I'm so tired of being tired, I'm willing to give it a try!

Yes, no solid food and no, not on the toilet all day. There's not a whole lot in there after the first couple of days; in the bathroom more than usual, yes, but not constantly. When I have a bm right now, it's liquidy with not much in it. I have been doing the salt water bath almost every day because I'm not going to the bathroom as much as the book says would be good. You drink the swb within about 15 minutes and then about 1/2 hour to an hour after that, it all starts coming out your bum over the next hour or so; several trips to the bathroom). So at that point, you do need to be near a toilet until that's done. It's supposed to be cleansing a lot of toxins from the body, including the colon, from where, apparently, a lot of illness can begin.

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I'll start with orange juice the first day, and then fruit salad and veggies/broth the second day.  And then my plan is yogurt, salad and quinoa after that until back to regular eating. I am looking at this as a kick start for better eating habits; that will be harder than the cleanse!  I also plan to do the cleanse 2-3 times a year. 

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Thanks for sharing  your experience.  I've heard of this cleanse, but I'm not convinced that I could stick to it for 10 days.  I'm on day 2 of a water fast.  I try to do a 3 day water fast a couple of times a year.  I prefer to do it when my husband is away so I don't feel guilty about not preparing/eating food with him and when I am on-call for work (as a programmer) because it keeps me distracted.  I do find it is helpful for changing the direction if my eating habits are on a downward slide.  

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 I've heard of this cleanse, but I'm not convinced that I could stick to it for 10 days....  


I was worried about this too.  You know what helped me?  Telling people I was doing it, especially my at-home kids, but a couple of others, too.  I didn't want to be a quitter in the eyes of my kids, so kept going and once I was 2-3 days in, it wasn't all that hard to continue.  I realize, again, that every experience will be different but that's how it played out for me. 

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I was worried about this too. You know what helped me? Telling people I was doing it, especially my at-home kids, but a couple of others, too. I didn't want to be a quitter in the eyes of my kids, so kept going and once I was 2-3 days in, it wasn't all that hard to continue. I realize, again, that every experience will be different but that's how it played out for me.

I do the same thing. Hey mom, I signed up for a 5K, hey honey, I signed up for a 5K, hey hive... I do the same thing with my in home fitness programs. I've heard it's obnoxious when people do that, but I don't think I'm over the top with it. If so too bad. :P What inspired you to do this? Do you know anyone else who has?

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What inspired you to do this? Do you know anyone else who has?


No I don't know anyone else who has done this cleanse.  There were probably several things that inspired me.  Just thinking a cleaning out would be a good idea (we shower, wash our cars, clean out the fridge, etc. so why not our insides?  And I've treated my insides poorly when it comes to food choices these past 30-35 years so I'm sure a good cleanse would be beneficial).  Yes, wanting to lose weight was a  part of it, too (that may be different than what I said above, not sure). I decided last summer I wanted to try and be "fit by 50," which is next summer.  I've been working out at the gym, strength-training, three times a week and do definitely feel stronger, but I haven't lost any weight (I'd like to lose another 10-ish pounds after a 25 lb weight loss a year and a half ago).  I think the biggest reason  I've done it, now that I've been doing it this last little while, is to chip away with a little more effort the hold food can have on me.  I have definitely noticed how focused I can be on eating sometimes. My daughter, who does most of the cooking, is an awesome, adventurous cook and not getting to eat her food these past days has shown me a little bit how addicted I feel sometimes. So it's been good for my inner self to say "No" for a time.  I'm seeing that I don't have to eat just because food is available, that more good food will be available again another time.  I don't know if that makes sense.  I don't expect all my food struggles to be gone through this cleanse; I do think it's a step toward wholeness and that (in planning to do this maybe three times a year) I'll keep moving forward and on. 

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I'm glad it worked for you, but those types of cleanses aren't safe for everyone.


I feel like the fine print on an infomercial, but people really should speak with their doctors before doing a cleanse, particularly one that is done for such a long period of time.

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I've done this cleanse, or attempted to do it would be more accurate, twice.  I never made it for the entire 10 days either time.  I did not feel good; in fact, I was dizzy and sick/nauseated feeling with a headache.  Plus my family said I was cranky - worse than usual. :lol:   I was told that would only last the first few days and let up.  While it did lessen, it didn't let up entirely.  I think I made it about 8 days the first time; not as long the second time before I threw in the towel.  I was really into cleanses at the time and had used ones you can buy in health food stores.  This one sounded like the best cleanse you could do.  But it wasn't a good experience for me.


My sister-in-law has done this one numerous times and didn't share my experience as well as others in this thread.  Based on my experience, I couldn't make a blanket recommendation.  You might be fine with it; then again, you might not.

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I think the biggest reason  I've done it, now that I've been doing it this last little while, is to chip away with a little more effort the hold food can have on me.


Thanks for sharing.  I can relate to this.  I find that I eat regularly when I am not hungry.  I am bored, lonely, sad, tired, etc.  I am aware of the behavior, but don't always handle it in a productive manner.  Fasting is one way that helps me realize that I CAN live without food for a length of time.  A couple of years ago, I did a 7 day water fast at a fasting center.  Actually, it was very mixed experience.  When I returned home, my body wanted nothing but chips and ice cream.  I don't think I'll do that again, but 3 days helps to get me back on track.


Best of luck on your journey.  You are actually quite inspiring.  :thumbup1:


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I've wanted to do something like this, but I think this one in particular would kill me..lol.  Lemonade gives me ridiculous heartburn on a good day.  

Do people that do liquid fasts/cleanses like this not have problems with blood sugar drops when they don't eat?  I have never been able to go much past 1 or 2PM without eating something with protein.  (the only exception has been when I was too sick to get off the couch, let alone eat)  I end up incredibly shaky, dizzy, with a headache and get to the point that I can't really function.  It doesn't matter how much water/liquid I drink.  

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Do people that do liquid fasts/cleanses like this not have problems with blood sugar drops when they don't eat?  I have never been able to go much past 1 or 2PM without eating something with protein.  (the only exception has been when I was too sick to get off the couch, let alone eat)  I end up incredibly shaky, dizzy, with a headache and get to the point that I can't really function.  It doesn't matter how much water/liquid I drink.  


I have no idea what my blood sugar is on a daily basis.  When I have been tested for an annual physical, it's always fine (81 last time).  I don't know about protein, but I have heard that many of the early negative side effects are withdrawal symptoms.  For me, I realized that the shakiness, irritability, headaches are from sugar withdrawal, not hunger pains.  They subside after a few days after the toxins have been removed from the body.  Many have withdrawal symptoms due to caffeine.  I mostly drink water.


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I'm using ParaGone for the parasite cleanse -- no reason other than it's what my health food store had in stock. I'll report back if I see significant results from that.

Can I ask why you would do a parasite cleanse? Have you recently been to a developing country or have you been drinking contaminated water?


I ask this because I've heard of people in this country having parasites, and I've wondered how that's possible.

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Can I ask why you would do a parasite cleanse? Have you recently been to a developing country or have you been drinking contaminated water?


I ask this because I've heard of people in this country having parasites, and I've wondered how that's possible.

Indoor pets. Gardening. Nature.

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Can I ask why you would do a parasite cleanse?


From what I've read, it's more likely that more people have parasites than don't. Some even say 90% of the population has parasites (and then others say that's low by 10%). I've had some symptoms that have indicated I could have some.  Whether the estimates are true or not, no harm, no foul in attempting to get rid of any that might be in there. 


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UPDATE (for anyone interested):


Today is Day 14, and it's my last day.  I'll be starting the ease out tomorrow.  Day one will be orange juice all day with some mango and banana in the evening.  Day two will be veggie broth in the morning and veggie soup in the evening (orange juice throughout the day).  Friday will be some bread in the morning and quinoa salad in the evening.  Saturday will be creamy beef broth with mushrooms and then an egg later in the day.   After that, I'll be ready to eat normally again I think (although hopefully more healthfully and with more moderation). I plan to eat a bunch of yogurt and other probiotics for awhile, especially once finished the parasite cleanse regimen next Monday. 


My experience has remained positive.  I definitely plan on doing it again.  My energy is still pretty high; if I get grumpy, I have a drink; I lost 12 pounds in the two weeks.  I do know that I could likely gain some back and that's fine.  I do feel like my body benefited from the digestive rest. 

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