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So proud yet sad---The Boy will be moving to the opposite coast


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Wow, congrats to your son! Those interviews are notorious ... :)


Mountain View is nice. I'm glad he has friends in the Bay Area. It does attract many of the best and brightest from all over. And there are several kids of East Coast WTMers here. :)

Now, if he could just bring a little rain with him ...


And kudos to your son for graduating debt-free!


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Congrats to your son.


Welcome to the massive traffic jam at Shoreline, especially if his company is located near the Amphitheatre.  Hubby was ranting all the way from Mountain View to Palo Alto yesterday evening as he needed to pick us up after his work from my kids outside class  (one driver family). We took a roundabout way home to avoid Shoreline.


Most MV companies have company shuttles.  There is also a free Mountain View shuttle MVgo to the companies.   My former office is on the East Bayshore route.


Rents in MV itself has gone up.  Is the HR offering any help?  He would probably need to get a letter from HR so that he can get the three month rent deposit waived.



Now, if he could just bring a little rain with him ...


:lol:  we do need the rain



Bike map of the region if he likes biking to work  http://www.vta.org/projects-and-programs/planning/bikes-bikeways-map-effective-april-2011

Mountain View Downtown.  Food is nice, Parking is free.  We like the library (and the librarians) and the farmers market.  If he plays an instrument, West Valley Music has good service for selling and repairs.


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:party: Congratulations to your son on his new career!!


And :grouphug: to you on the distance between coasts. I know that feeling only too well myself! But my CS guy loves the Bay area, and yours will, too, I bet. There's plenty to see & do when we visit. Just don't look at the rents out there.... :mellow:

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He just accepted the (omg way generous) offer from a company in Mountainview. He was contacted by a recruiter last month, had two levels of phone interviews, and then flew out for a killer interview session two weeks ago.


He is thilled. Dh and I are thrilled that he will have such a good start to his career. Dd15 pulled up the Southwest website to check on airfare to San Jose :lol:


But but but but


That's so far away *pouts*


However, he has friends from high school in the Bay Area. All of my relatives (except my sisters) live in California. My aunties are so excited to see more of him :)


For those who don't know, ds is a computer science major at the University of Delaware (will delete this later). CS is part of the College of Engineering which ranks highly for at least one "flavor" of engineering, ChemE. I don't know how the CS dept is ranked. Ds followed the merit money to UD so as to graduate without any loans :D He has worked on-campus as tech support for one of the other colleges. Last summer he held a well-paid internship with a major tech firm at their Baltimore-area location.


Choosing merit money at a state university worked very well in his case :party:



:001_wub: I love everything about this post. Congrats to you and your son, Luckymama!

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Thanks guys :)


HR will offer oodles of help. I cannot believe the benefits!


They have a free shuttle from SF and also offer a free Caltrans (?) pass. He has a very generous relocation allowance, which is good because he was trying to figure out how to get his stuff there in Corolla :lol:


He's been to a friend's apartment in the area and knows how much rent will be for something comparable (a decent 1 br). I don't know how far from MV he will end up living.


Arcadia, I'll pass on that map to him. He loves biking :)

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Yes, now you will have to go visit him. And while you're out there you will have to go see the surrounding areas.

With a mother from Sacramento and a father from San Diego, I used to spend weeks of my childhood driving from relative's house to relative's house. I swear there was a relative or an old friend for every single meal or overnight from way north of SF to San Diego :lol:


Most of my cousins (and dh's, too!) are now clustered from Napa to Davis to the Sierra foothills :)

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Luckymama, this means that at some point you too, will have to come west.


If you go that far, you might as well take a little jog north.. :D :D :D


We should have a West Coast WTM-ers meet up! :D


Congrats Luckymama! And yes to the rain! Pretty please, we need more rain!

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Congratulations! You (and he) definitely have a meal here in San Diego (and a day sail aboard S/V Sea Conquest, if you'd like). :)

We should have a West Coast WTM-ers meet up! :D


Congrats Luckymama! And yes to the rain! Pretty please, we need more rain!


Yes please!!!

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:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:

It is hard having them so far away, but you do somehow get used to it.


That is the TRUTH!


My dd1 lives 600 miles northwest of home. My ds2 lives 800 miles north-north-east of home. (All mileage done by car, not as the crow flies.) I miss them, but they are doing well and I rejoice at the lives they have set up. Of course, when they left two days ago after being home all week to celebrate ds1's graduation, I cried and cried. But they are happy and following good paths, and that is what matters.



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Congrats to your son; hugs to you and the rest of your family as you prepare for him to be so far away.


This post is timely as my daughter will be interning in Mountain View this summer.


She is working on packing for CA and packing up all her college stuff to be ready to go back for fall. She will fly home less than 48 hours before her first fall class. So when she asked if she should bring her rain coat, I was able to say I don't think you will need it thanks to this thread.


I forwarded her the bike info. The company offers the interns bikes, and she requested one. She is living about a mile from where she will be working and wants to bike there. If Luckymama's son does bring the rain, she can ride the company shuttle.


When people have heard where she is going for the summer, they have asked how I feel about her being so far away. I say I'm excited for her. However, it is just for a summer. She just finished her sophomore year, so she will be back "near" home soon.


Of course, she could fall in love with the area, and I will be happy for her & sad for us. She doesn't know anyone there or have any family in the area. I totally accept that it is her life to live as she sees fit, so I will deal with that if and when it comes.


The COL in the area does scare me. My husband worked in that area for a while, and his 2BR corporate apt in the area was 2.5 times the rent of our house. And, that was nearly 20 years ago.


She also goes to a big state u. Her pay this summer will pay her housing for her final 2 years of school. Scholarships cover the rest. Two of her roommates, fellow interns she has not met, also go to (different) state schools also. I don't remember where the 4th goes.


Tell you daughter that we found the tickets cheaper to fly into San Francisco rather than San Jose.


More hugs.

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So happy to see your son making his way in the world, but I also would pout about the move.


I've been listening to the song, Ready, Set, Don't Go recently and, putting aside that it's a duet with Miley Cyrus and her father, who are not so favored now, those lyrics really nail the conflicting emotions.


ain't no room in that car of hers, even if she asked me to tag along... i see that as metaphoric as well as literal - at some point, we're not in the driver's seat of our kids lives and there may not even be room in the passenger seat. Happy. sad. happy. sad. Repeat.

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Congratulations!!  That's really great!  I know my kids will live all over the place;  in fact, they already mostly do.  I usually only have two in our home state at a time.  (This year was different and I actually had three!)  But usually one or two is living abroad and a third one out of state.  I can't believe the number of times we have managed to see each, spend time together, plus Skyping, texting, calling on long car drives, emailing...  There are so many ways to keep in touch these days, it is incredible. 


I know it's not the same as living right near each other, but it sure helps.  I actually have a daughter who moved to the bay area last fall.  I can't believe the good flight deals we have found into and out of SFO!  That helps too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few more resources I've been meaning to post:


Pretty comprehensive list of cycling routes near Stanford:



Guys in my dorm used to do big rides on Saturdays ... One lovely (strenuous) ride is up to Skyline (on the top of the ridge between the ocean and the bay), along Skyline to Hwy 92, down to Half Moon Bay, ... hmmm, I don't remember how they got back, but it was a nice big loop. ETA: Must be Hwy 1, along the coat, then back via 84 (La Honda) to Woodside. Oh, I liked Sand Hill Rd (now lots of VC, closer to town); you bike right past SLAC! A nice, shorter loop is out Sand Hill, then back through Woodside (lovely hamlet) on La Honda.


I used to ride up to Skyline for the view, but never did such a big loop.


Some of the roads on the ridge (Skyline? Definitely La Cañada) are closed to cars on Sundays – only bikes and walkers allowed. You might want to check out Filoli, on La Cañada. Lovely house and pretty gardens.



Running by the Dish is fun, too.


Another plug for Friday Night Waltz, if he's at all interested in ballroom dance, or just in meeting people. People (mostly youngish, like 20–30s) come from all over. There are always more men than women (b/c of Stanford grad school & Silicon Valley types), but people are very friendly; no partner or experience required. The beginner class is excellent.


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the cost of living is of course ridiculous in that area, but salaries are also higher, and conceivably the gap between salaries and costs is not that much worse than what the rest of us face wherever we are, i.e. it is always a struggle, but we manage.  And the plus side is that there are so many assets available in that area, good weather, good food, good restaurants, good local wine, rich diverse cultures, beautiful spots to visit, great intellectual opportunities (math circles, higher ed,...).  Our son moved there in 1991, is still there, and has never regretted it.  Good luck and congratulations to your son!

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