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Constipation problems In child... Dr. Hive?


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First of all, I already have a call in to this child's gastro doc. I am waiting for a return call from the doc on call because his doc is out this week. But I am already working on getting a truly professional opinion.


Now, this child is on a daily dose of 3 caps of miralax. He had leak problems yesterday and is in his words 'pooping rocks' today. I am concerned. Both because he managed to get constipated on such a large dose of miralax and because I need to know what to do now. He had not had a problem with leaking today.


Any ideas for me? He saw the gastro doc in person about two weeks ago and we thought things were going to be okay, but it isn't. Things are getting progressively worse. The necessary dose seems to be going up and I can't keep up. He is eating lots of fiberous veggies, mostly cauliflower and is drinking as much water as I can get into him.


He also has a friend visiting from out of state this week and we don't want to have problems while we are out doing stuff. Just for extra anxiety from me...


Child is 11 years old. And male.

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A friend of mine has a son who battles with it when he eats wheat and dairy.  When they are lax in his diet, they've had to get a prescription from the dr. for a total clean out.  When things are really bad, he has leakage more often because the compacted bowels stretch out, he looses the sensation that lets him know he needs to go, and the liquidy poo comes down around the compact...at least, that's what her dr. explained to her, and, then to me.

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That does sound concerning. Did they do any work up to try to find an underlying issue?


My son's GI had a protocol that included suppositories (I think one every 12 hours for one day) for major constipation. I remember the sheet had it with oral medications too. This was part of an initial clean out period, and then the maintenance came in. Did they completely clean him out with other things, or just start Miralax?


I imagine clean out procedures are online. I think it's pretty common GI treatment for severe constipation/impaction.

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I agree that you need a consult as he might have an impaction which needs dealing with.

but for additional things to do: in addition to aerobic exercise (even brisk walking will do), yoga. There are a whole bunch of yoga positions and movements that help with digestion and bowel function. I'd try to find a video routine and make it a daily practice.

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The boards went down before I could respond last night. The on call doc did get back to me and suggested magnesium citrate if things did not improve by morning. Things did improve this morning so I am not giving him the new med. The side effects are 'traumatic' according to the on call doc and I don't want to do that to him.


Child is getting exercise and eating veggies. I am trying to get as much water into him as I can. It is hard though.


It seems that this cycle happens about every four to six weeks, a day of leaks then pooping rocks for a day, then everything back to normal. The cycle is just long enough for me to think everything is okay and then it isn't. I will follow up with his normal doc next week when she is in the office.

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Prune Juice.....   Guzzling a big old glass can for many bring relief within an hour or so.  Do not leave home if he drinks it, until the bathroom trip(s) are over.  Pears and pear juice are also helpful and some find them more palatable, but prune juice can work pretty darn quick.


Poor kid.  

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In general, I would try to pump up his liquid intake (in whatever form you can--Popsicles, water, soup). Miralax works by pulling water out of your system to keep poo more hydrated, and less difficult to pass. Also, from what we've been told by DS's GI, Miralax doesn't make a person "go", it just keeps things softer. Perhaps talk to the GI about Senna or something of that nature? Maybe a food, anxiety, and poo journal?

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I'm still sorting out a good schedule for my daughter who has similar issues (leakage). She's non-verbal, so it's a bit hit/miss at times. I give her about five capfuls of miralax to "clean out" with 32 oz liquid to drink. Our gastro suggested a stool softener as well (dulcolax) but she can't take pills so we skip it. I also try to give her a small can of prune juice daily. I'm about to go back to miralax daily to see if it helps. 

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I will try the prune juice after we get to the grocery store tomorrow. And the Popsicles would be a welcome treat after having to tell him no to so many other things.


His gastro doc also wants to get him eating better and ultimately losing weight. The hope is that if he weighed less that the constipation would be improved. And maybe the prune juice will palatable with the miralax. A double whammy!

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FWIW, magnesium citrate - the lower-dose powder or capsule form, not the big-dose liquid - works well for us on an ongoing basis.  However, I wouldn't hesitate to try the big-dose liquid in a "situation."  (We did not find miralax as helpful or as easy to use.)


Also on an ongoing basis, certain types of probiotics seem more helpful than others.  In particular, surprisingly, culturelle (GG, aka l. rhamnosus), the one that doesn't come with inulin if possible (there is one such form of the culturelle brand; oddly, inulin and other types of fiber aren't always helpful in all types of people).  We use a wide variety of probiotics including lots of expensive kinds, but for constipation in particular, this seems to be the most helpful.


(My ds's constipation is secondary to a number of other issues, including but not limited to a prior tethered cord)

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I will try the prune juice after we get to the grocery store tomorrow. And the Popsicles would be a welcome treat after having to tell him no to so many other things.


His gastro doc also wants to get him eating better and ultimately losing weight. The hope is that if he weighed less that the constipation would be improved. And maybe the prune juice will palatable with the miralax. A double whammy!



For popsicles, you can be a bit devious about it. I throw peeled peaches and a bit of apple juice into the blender and then make freezer popsicles. Not bad on the refined sugar, at least. Also, the Odwalla Mango Tango "smoothie" turns into mouth-watering popsicles. I do tend to make popsicles in the evening so no one is the wise about what is actually going into the popsicles, if you know what I mean... Popsicles are *delicious* while most fruit is icky (at least for my kids).


You could mix a few infant prune purees with prune juice (with Miralax) and then freeze those as well. The puree makes it feel less like "ice" and more like a treat.


My kids are also strange in that they like the Pedialyte popsicles. 

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I would try a daily magnesium supplement.  I think Natural Calm powder is the one most people like?  I take inexpensive magnesium oxide in pill form and it helps my IBS tremendously.  The key is that you start out with a low dosage and work up until you get results.  If you get diarrhea then back the dosage down a bit.

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I linked this book in another thread

It's no accident


Some things I can remember and not already mentioned:

1. Use the bathroom every two hours, basically so the child can't 'hold it' which us not good for the muscles down there

2. Squats to stretch/relax the PC muscles


I also give my son an herb if he has trouble

Kid-e-reg bowel tonic

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Sunweet is the better tasking prune juice.  Also you can puree prunes and add them to things like brownies.  Sunsweet Ones, the individual prunes are surprisingly tasty.


Benefiber (if allowed by his doc.) was rec'd by one of our local gastro specialists.  Dh drinks it daily in his orange juice.

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Thank you, all for the good thoughts and ideas.


I will see about the prune juice at the grocery store. And then see about trying the magnesium after I talk to his doctor. I am not comfortable with the supplements without backup.


I will try to keep up with the water and fruit and other high fiber stuff. We have chia seeds but I haven't used them yet. And I think we got busy and didn't remember to get his smoothies in. That would help too.

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Miralax never has worked well for me.  I have IBS.  Flax based fiber in a smoothie or whole fruit juice and daily probiotics (forever) are what have worked best for me.  With this stuff - start with small doses and work your way up.  1-2 TBSP of ground flax are what work well for me, but I would start with a tsp.

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I would try a daily magnesium supplement. I think Natural Calm powder is the one most people like? I take inexpensive magnesium oxide in pill form and it helps my IBS tremendously. The key is that you start out with a low dosage and work up until you get results. If you get diarrhea then back the dosage down a bit.

Same here. Magnesium is what I and my kids need to keep things regular. I use Natural Calm, but also, most nuts and seeds are good sources of magnesium. One of my children was constantly backed up, though drinking prune juice every day. The dr. Kept pushing fiber, but it did not help. Then, a different doctor suggested nuts for magnesium. Nuts ended this child's constipation for all time.

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