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Prom preparations. Update, photo link in post 11

Night Elf

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My dining room table looks like a makeup counter in a department store. Between both of my girls, they have spread out so much and are trying to decide what colors will look best. Picture taking starts at 4:00pm at my house. Then the whole group going together will take pictures although the kids are arguing where to take those pictures. Yes, they've waited until 1.5 hours before they are getting together to decide where to go. Some want to do it at the restaurant although none of us knows what the restaurant looks like. Pictures in a parking lot with cars in the background is so not an option. Maybe the building itself looks nice but still, pictures against a brick wall doesn't sound much better. My dd and two others want to do it at the teen's house where they are leaving from. At least they have trees. And the limo fell through at the last minute, but one father was able to get two Lincoln Navigators so two parents are driving them downtown to the hotel where the prom is being held. Then they have to go back and pick them up 3 hours later. I think it's going to be a hot mess. And my dd's girlfriend's parents are going to pick them up when they get back to the house and take them to Waffle House for a midnight meal. I'm trying to picture two girls in formal dress in a Waffle House. Oh well. At least I'm not doing any of the driving. I'm very thankful for that. I'll see if I can figure out how to post a picture from my phone so I can share how awesome my dd looks!

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Last week was our prom.  We had plans but everything had to be changed last minute.  Over an inch of rain fell in the 2 hours leading up to prom and an additional 1.5 inches fell during prom.  Everyone was drenched and there was flooding everywhere.  We had to improvise and it all worked out.  Pictures were done indoors and a group of them ate at our house.  The kids all brought a change of clothes so they could go directly to after prom instead of changing at friend's houses.  There was also lots of carpooling or parents driving since low profile vehicles had a hard time getting around.  I am sure that they kids will have a great time.

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I've checked back a couple of times hoping for pictures. They probably won't be the only prom kids at the Waffle House! 


I didn't get a good picture with my phone. Older dd took lots of pictures with dd17's phone so I'm hoping one will be good enough to share. They aren't home yet, but I did get some texts and they had a wonderful time. I am sure they will come in and talk a mile a minute for an hour. I won't get to bed until after 2:00am.

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