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I know this will sound pathetic to most of you, but I am really excited to tell you that I haven't been hanging out here today. We had our first day of school, which went really quite well despite the fact that The Golden Goblet disappeared for about a half hour, only to reappear in a spot I'd already checked.


This morning I got up, prayed, read my Bible, finished some prep work, made breakfast, and taught school. I will admit that I did check it out while eating lunch and I responded to a couple of PMs, but no posting!


That's pretty good.

And we really got some things accomplished today.



I think that we should have an accountability group. We can say "Hi, My name is (Angela) and I am a WTM forum addict." :D:D:D

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I think that we should have an accountability group. We can say "Hi, My name is (Angela) and I am a WTM forum addict." :D:D:D



Is there going to be an entrance requirement? 3000 posts or more? 5 rep squares or more? Dropping test scores of 10% or more, LOL?


Or maybe we should have levels.


1000 posts--level one addiction

2000 posts--level two

3000 posts--either level three, or a 'practically SWB' banner...



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Is there going to be an entrance requirement? 3000 posts or more? 5 rep squares or more? Dropping test scores of 10% or more, LOL?


Or maybe we should have levels.


1000 posts--level one addiction

2000 posts--level two

3000 posts--either level three, or a 'practically SWB' banner...




:001_smile:Nope, each member is on his/her honor because it looks different for everyone. I can only say what qualifies me for membership. ;)


And I just know there are others here who are in the same boat! :D

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Hey Miss *Anj*! I was wondering where you were today!


I think that we should have an accountability group. We can say "Hi, My name is (Angela) and I am a WTM forum addict." :D:D:D


Can I join? I recognize an addiction and I'm not even at 500 posts yet. :lol:


ETA: Oh yeah, glad to hear school/your morning went well - such a great feeling!

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Hi my name is Angela, but everyone calls me Angel, and I'm a WTM forum addict:lol:


I couldn't resist :D


I'm so glad your first day went well. We are in our 2nd week and dd13's new workload is grueling...only because we are used to being done at 1:00 with everything but reading...and she's hating her 1st Sonlight reader:glare:


By the way, I do LOVE your avatar. Jack would get my vote in a heartbeat. He knows how to deal with everyone!!

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Congratulations Anj! That is so great! I'm trying to get my night owl daughter, whose clock is totally messed up from being sick, and who has been staying up late and getting up late, to stay awake--not a fun task. So, no school, no chores, nothing here! Just my ignoring her whining while I type away here!


Hmmm, & I haven't quite hit 1,000 posts, so I'm not an addict, right? (Don't look at how long I've been a member, OK? Oh, man, you looked! But I am not an addict! Really, I'm not! No way, no how! &, when I posted this, I didn't have 1,000 posts, I think! ;) )


Oops, I just checked, 1,003 posts. So maybe I am an addict. Ah, well--and proud of it, baby!!!

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I'm proud of you! :D Even though that's so weird to start in the middle of the week!


Somehow my TOG weeks got realigned to Mon-Fri, but we're still Fri-Thurs for Lit. I guess I'll go with that. You'll be all mixed up by the next holiday, too. :D


I don't find it tempting to get on during the day, but oh so late at night is the downfall for me. Unfortunately, there's no one here to tell me to go to bed.

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I know this will sound pathetic to most of you, but I am really excited to tell you that I haven't been hanging out here today. We had our first day of school, which went really quite well despite the fact that The Golden Goblet disappeared for about a half hour, only to reappear in a spot I'd already checked.


This morning I got up, prayed, read my Bible, finished some prep work, made breakfast, and taught school. I will admit that I did check it out while eating lunch and I responded to a couple of PMs, but no posting!


That's pretty good.

And we really got some things accomplished today.



I think that we should have an accountability group. We can say "Hi, My name is (Angela) and I am a WTM forum addict." :D:D:D


So I'm taking it you didn't haul them around the corner by their ears a few weeks ago and enroll them in school? :D It must be soooo tempting to threaten them with it everyday, given the proximity!



I don't find it tempting to get on during the day, but oh so late at night is the downfall for me. Unfortunately, there's no one here to tell me to go to bed.


I'll tell you if you'll tell me. Somehow it's so much easier to loaf on here than it is to get up, shut off all the lights, set the alarm, brush teeth, put on jammies, check on the kids, and get in bed...



I cannot imagine such a thing. :confused: I don't get it. *I* can quit Any. Time. I. Want.




Yep, me too. I don't have a problem. EVERYONE ELSE HAS A PROBLEM.

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:001_smile:Nope, each member is on his/her honor because it looks different for everyone. I can only say what qualifies me for membership. ;)


And I just know there are others here who are in the same boat! :D


Alright, quit talking about me. (Where's the angry eyebrows smiley?)

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I'm proud of you! :D Even though that's so weird to start in the middle of the week!





The schools over here started on Thursday. That's today! And they had a half a day. So, I have had a light week this week. We are starting with SOTW and Math. We, then, added Science.


Congrats, Anj for staying away. My sons yell at me and say, "is that all you do all day?" Major league conviction.


Blessings to you in your homeschooling journey!





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and I know it doesn't LOOK like I qualify, but really there are days......sigh.

ANyway, today was a good day for us too. First official day of school. Accomplished some good stuff and then went to the beach. I can't recall if I was on briefly this morning, but then not again until tonight. Sad, that this should be an accomplishment.:001_smile:

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but also made me cringe. I really have spent a lot of time here this summer, but then realized that once I had my plans worked out, I was still spending so much time here that I wasn't going to actually carry out those carefully researched and created plans.


Is my goal to get the next green square and move up to the next hive label? Or is it to homeschool my children with excellence? Yes, I would love to have another green square - I'd do a little snoopy dance! - but I'd love to paint and read and learn and explore with my babies more.


That's my discovery for this last week. Glad to see your post, Anj.

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