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Survey or poll: Car insurance cost?


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How much do you pay for multiple vehicles and teenager(s)?

I currently have myself and a 20 year old (male), with 2 more teens coming.


I am insuring 3 cars, one the minimum because it is not being driven.


I have State Farm, live in a major metro area, and pay $463 per month.

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Wow, Joanne. We have the same company, tho we've been with them for over 20 years(home and car). No accidents or claims, luckily. Three cars, 2 ancient and one 3 years old. Three drivers, one close to your son's age. Cost is barely more than 100/month.


On the other hand, we have just two cars (one eight years old and the other four), just two drivers, no licensed teens. (My son has a learner's permit, but apparently we don't get charged extra until and unless he gets an actual license.) We've had a few claims over the last 10 years, in only one of which I was at fault. I haven't actually seen our premium go up as a result of those, though. Nonetheless, we pay just under $300 per month.

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2 cars, 4 drivers (2 teens, one male with a ticket, one female, brand-new driver), 2 accidents in the past 6 years. A fender bender (my fault on snow) and one later determined to not be dh's fault. Debris on highway. Cars are not new, 2005 and 2008.


Ameriprise, through costco, $270 a month. The teens have added about $140 a month.

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Wow, Joanne. We have the same company, tho we've been with them for over 20 years(home and car). No accidents or claims, luckily. Three cars, 2 ancient and one 3 years old. Three drivers, one close to your son's age. Cost is barely more than 100/month.


I have been with SF for over 20 years, too.


I do have that major accident. Adrian had at least one accident - does that stay with my file or did it go with him?


Cars are: new, 2007 and 2006


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When I had my very minor accident (with the ticket reduced to a non-moving violation) and no teen drivers yet, our insurance doubled. We shopped around, but the best we could do was about 25% more. This was after 25 years of safe driving and no tickets.


I think it pays to shop around on a regular basis, but an accident (unfortunately your fault or not) can wreak havoc on your rates.

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We used to have State Farm (for nearly 20 years) with all of the good driver/multicar discounts, etc.  I priced out a bunch of other options when ds#1 was approaching driving age, and cut our bill in half with Progressive which includes road side assistance too.

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You probably know this already, but it's not entirely useful to compare what you are paying with people who live in different states.  When we moved from one state to another the exact same coverage with the exact same company went down $400 simply because we were in a different state.  Quite bizarre, but just saying that some factors are completely out of your control.  Of course it never hurts to shop around! 

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How much do you pay for multiple vehicles and teenager(s)?

I currently have myself and a 20 year old (male), with 2 more teens coming.


I am insuring 3 cars, one the minimum because it is not being driven.


I have State Farm, live in a major metro area, and pay $463 per month.

Ouch! We have three vehicles all at full coverage. Currently we insure one teen (girl) with good student discount. We pay $201 per month. However, if we were to get Christian (16yob) his license rather than permit it would go up approximately $120/mo. :(


ETA: We also are with State Farm and they bought my loyalty long ago when we had a major, hit a bus, my fault, kind of an accident.

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We have 6 drivers including 4 very young adults, one a teen boy. 6 vehicles, two do not have comprehensive. They are 2014, 2013, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2000, and 1996. Oops, that is 7. Forgot about the truck. One is considered a sports car. Allstate with a no rate change for accident policy. $605 a month. The boy is $60 a month to insure on one of the cars w/o comprehensive insurance. We keep that vehicle only to put him on insurance on because it is so low.

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Try GEICO.  If you have more drivers than cars, ask for some drivers to be part time. Designate two teens to one older car. We did, it helped a lot.


Our experience with Geico is that their premiums are less because the coverage they quote you is also less.


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