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This sounds familiar. I have one that would argue that the earth is flat or the sky is orange...just cuz that is how he rolls. I regularly have to remind him of the hierarchy here. Love that kid.

Well, not to be argumentative, but...


The earth IS flat (in some places).

The sky IS orange (sometimes, depending on the position of the sun relative to the angle of the particles...blah, blah, blah).


Sigh. I was one of those kids. I am one of those adults.

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Well, not to be argumentative, but...


The earth IS flat (in some places).

The sky IS orange (sometimes, depending on the position of the sun relative to the angle of the particles...blah, blah, blah).


Sigh. I was one of those kids. I am one of those adults.

Why does this not surprise me? :lol:

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Ds15 and I are both arguers.  It is not good.


Renai, why are you putting your furniture in the yard?  I think I missed something.


Spring cleaning. I actually only have one piece of furniture outside - a toy shelf. Everything else is stuff. Mostly books and toys. The shelf has stuff in it though that I need to go through. There's a lot of toys she doesn't play with any more. It's easier to work outside since there is so little room in my apartment. (659 sq ft)


ETA: I live in a triplex, so we have our own yard. There is coyote fencing all around, so it's mostly private.

Edited by Renai
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Seriously, accept the kind of mom you are, whatever that means. Kids are not homogeneous, and neither are moms. There are benefits and drawbacks to any personality type or parenting style. There is no one size fits all.


I am such a goofball. I embarrass my kids. I am silly. I don't care what people think in public. I tell them that this prepares them for life - having such a goofy, odd mother. Who wants to be socially acceptable all the time anyway?


If you have seriously made a mistake or said or done something you regret that is truly off-base or mean or in anger, then do apologize. Don't explain "why", just apologize. Say, "I'm sorry. I should not have said/done that."


Kids are not screwed up by normal, loving parents who are trying to do their best. I promise you, they are not. Some are born screwed up. Some are screwed up by true abuse or neglect. I have some kids with problems. I did not cause these problems. Some are caused by genetics. Some are caused by their own choices. Me not being June Cleaver never caused anyone any problems. I promise you that.


*This parenting moment has been brought to you PREDNISONE. You're welcome.*

I needed to hear this, too!
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Did anyone's kids detox when they went to a GFCF diet?


We're on day 1 of fully GFCF and it's been a rough day for one of my kiddos.  I would've expected it day 4 or so, but it hit mid-afternoon.


ETA: it's meltdown Monday Booya(h)!


The first few days of being gluten free were awful.  I literally locked myself away in a room and called dh to come home.  I was angry and miserable.  Imagine a drug addict going through withdrawal.  It was really bad.

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Spring cleaning. I actually only have one piece of furniture outside - a toy shelf. Everything else is stuff. Mostly books and toys. The shelf has stuff in it though that I need to go through. There's a lot of toys she doesn't play with any more. It's easier to work outside since there is so little room in my apartment. (659 sq ft)


ETA: I live in a triplex, so we have our own yard. There is coyote fencing all around, so it's mostly private.


:lol: I was imagining people coming by thinking it's a yard sale.  Good luck on your spring cleaning.

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Dh loves biscuits.  His mom used to make them for him and she has been gone for several years now.


I told dh when I married him (before his mom passed away and before I was gluten free) that I was totally done making biscuits and if he wanted biscuits he would have to make them himself.  :)


When I was in high school I worked at a McDonald's.  It was often my job to make buttermilk biscuits.  Something like 20 dozen.  


I've probably made close to 50,000 biscuits.  I think that's enough for a lifetime.

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DS9 is very much like me.  He's like looking in a mirror...except he resembles his father in physical features.  Well...not so much now but he did.  


Anyways...I'm a pretty good arguer...I can debate with the best of them.  There are few folks that have been able to out-argue me.  But he can.  He leaves me so stupidly flummoxed.  Because most of the time his argument holds logic and is right!  


It's because of him I don't argue anymore...lol.  He's too young to be so good at it.  



Now my husband, on the other hand...you know, I love this guy.  I really do.  But I cannot argue with him because logic means NOTHING to him.  Nothing.  I could come up with the most sound, airtight argument that would win over the Supreme Court.  And he'll counter with something COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the discussion.  




Example...he wanted to rent a car for our trip to RI, because he didn't want to take our Suburban (it needs work).  I told him we'd send it to the mechanic and have the work done.  Car goes into the mechanic...boom...$900+ later.  It had a bad rear axle or something.  Hubby's all..."SEE!  It's YOUR fault we're spending so much because you insisted we take it to RI!"


Me: "Uh...IT NEEDED TO BE DONE ANYWAYS YOU DOOF!!!  And pluuuuuus...if we rented a vehicle...we'd have paid approx $600 for the rental ON TOP OF PAYING THE REPAIR BILL!!!"  (See...logic)


Him: "Well I could have done it this summer!"


Me: "No you couldn't!  You specifically said you couldn't do this repair!  And hello?!  It would have still cost us $600 for a rental on top of the cost for the parts!"


Him *huffy* "Well it's all because YOU insist on taking it to RI."  





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Just got off the phone with Stepmother.


Some passive not so subtle shade was being thrown about how they're only going to get to spend a couple of hours with us and "we invited everybody to come see you guys, but it's 5pm on a Saturday so most people probably can't come...if it were EARLIER..."


Folks...it was SO VERY HARD to not express my true thoughts.  YOU COULD HAVE HAD US THE ENTIRE WEEKEND!!!!  


I've been posting in ALL CAPS too often lately....I think I need a break from life.  Who's with me?  

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Oh my god you guys. If every generation just has 1.5 kids per couple, do you realize how much stuff each adult will have by the time the grandparents die??? A LOT.


Don't get me wrong. It is the nicest stuff we have. And we are so grateful for our lives, our quality of life, and our home.

But mother of pearl this is a lot of China.

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I have my grandmother's dishes -- but I also have 5 girls who will each get some of them.  They shouldn't be used for eating -- lead paint -- but some of them are currently decorating my kitchen.


This is what they look like: 51QM210NHWL._SX300_.jpg




We also have dmil's dishes.  I don't know what we'll do with those.  That's dh's call.

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I have my grandmother's dishes -- but I also have 5 girls who will each get some of them.  They shouldn't be used for eating -- lead paint -- but some of them are currently decorating my kitchen.


This is what they look like: 51QM210NHWL._SX300_.jpg




We also have dmil's dishes.  I don't know what we'll do with those.  That's dh's call.

Oh, good gravy, these look like Nan's dishes which the whole family ate off of for their whole lives.   :huh:  

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Oh, biscuits! Yum.

I'm having a serious craving for mashed potatoes, turkey and gravy. Biscuits fit right in there.


My grandmother, mother, and aunt made the best buttermilk biscuits. Sadly, they did not teach me or my cousins how to make them. I had to find--dare I say it--a RECIPE. And they're so simple--self-rising flour (so you don't have to mess with measuring baking powder and whatnot), Crisco, and buttermilk. It must be Crisco or they won't taste right. :-) So I have made them a few times, and I almost have them perfect. So, my cousin (his mother and mine were sisters) says he cannot tell the difference between biscuits-in-a-can and the real biscuits. I.can't.even. He and his wife will be visiting for a couple of days in May, and so of course I will make biscuits. Which I cannot eat, because gluten free. I am willing to make that sacrifice, however.


That is all.

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I won't make gluten stuff, either. I will make a great gf substitute, and folks can eat it or not.

My Granny had celiac disease, and she still made gluten yeast rolls every Christmas because they were tradition for the family. I really respect that now.

Edited by texasmama
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There are some foods that I can't make.  I have a wheat allergy and I will react from even touching wheat.  So I can't knead dough or roll out biscuits.  Unless I wear a Hazmat suit.


My kids can't eat instant oatmeal if I'm home, because even the smell of oatmeal will make me sick.  Baking bread will also make me sick.   :ack2:

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There are some foods that I can't make. I have a wheat allergy and I will react from even touching wheat. So I can't knead dough or roll out biscuits. Unless I wear a Hazmat suit.


My kids can't eat instant oatmeal if I'm home, because even the smell of oatmeal will make me sick. Baking bread will also make me sick. :ack2:

Can you get gf instant oatmeal for them or are you also oatmeal sensitive?
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Oh, good gravy, these look like Nan's dishes which the whole family ate off of for their whole lives. :huh:

Yes. They all got the same Sears catalog, which means that we have two of some of these things, including some sets. Two Betty Crocker cookbooks from 1969. Two mixing bowls with pink and blue stripes. Two crystal cookie platters.


Bless them, they took the liquor and the iron pan. I'd have done the same.

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Sonlight catalog came!  :001_wub:


I still like My Father's World better. We're using FIAR next year though. Because baby.


I ordered The Story of The Orchestra from the library.


I tried using FIAR when I had Gymnast because I thought it would be easier to handle. It was actually more work and very little got done. I went back to...whatever I was using (either MFW or SL).

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Okay.  I just spent an hour and a half in the dark searching for a runaway child (not mine.)  It's really, really dark tonight and pretty darn cold.  Thank you, God, for watching out for her.  Because she was picked up on the highway by two men.  Two very scruffy, scary-looking men, apparently, who were fantabulously awesome human beings.  They scooped her up and took her to a friend's house nearby where they called the Sheriff. Holy crap, what a night. :huh:

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Junie, love those dishes. I think I almost bought a set like that at the antique mall.


Tex, love the animal pictures. I love tabby cats. We have three. And then our piebald cat, Snowflake, whose hobby now is chasing plastic Easter eggs all over the back yard.


And JJM, how totally scary. I am so glad it all turned out fine!


And now... I am going to bed. Had my chamomile tea, let the elderly kitty into the garage, bringing in the raccoon food (aka food for the other cats). It's so nice and quiet in here with everyone asleep, I hate to waste it by going to bed, but I am tired.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good Morning!


Braindead Tuesday for Susan.  4 left?


Tex - nice pants!


Dawn - you are a rock star!  (I try not to feed people if I can at all help it.)


Ellie - I make homemade biscuits, but not buttermilk.  I agree it must be with crisco.  (I use a recipe, because that's the only way I know how to cook anything, lol.)


Renai and Slache- I agree about FIAR being MORE work, even though my experience is limited.  (I only tried Before FIAR many years ago and it wasn't a good fit for me or him.)


JJM - that's a beautiful piece of writing!



It's a Brain Dead Tuesday Morning BOOYAH!



Edited by Another Lynn
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Okay.  I just spent an hour and a half in the dark searching for a runaway child (not mine.)  It's really, really dark tonight and pretty darn cold.  Thank you, God, for watching out for her.  Because she was picked up on the highway by two men.  Two very scruffy, scary-looking men, apparently, who were fantabulously awesome human beings.  They scooped her up and took her to a friend's house nearby where they called the Sheriff. Holy crap, what a night. :huh:

GAH!  How old was this child?  Her poor mom.  This reminded me of the time my (scary-looking scruffy beefy) husband was driving his big Airgas rig down the road and nearly hit a 3 yr old on a tricycle riding down the middle of the road.  Scared the bejeebus out of him.  So he pulled over and scooped the little boy up and brought him home to his now hysterically screaming frantic mother.  It really messed with his head for a bit.  Sometimes, those scruffy guys are the softest in the center.  






Oh, and I was putting together Jo's writing portfolio for the year earlier.  I missed this gem about our trip to <former home town.>


As we turned down the road onto my old street....


This was SO good!  Your DD wrote this?  You know...we're staying for a couple of days in the neighborhood that I grew up in.  A neighborhood I haven't slept in in since 1998, lol.  As I was reading this piece, all of my childhood memories were flashing back.  The rope swing in the woods...the cul de sac where we raced our bikes...the inlet where we played baseball...the mean old man that would chase us if the ball so much as rolled into his yard.  


Ahhh...memories.  :-)  

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