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I'm sorry, Critter! Dd9 has complained of not sleeping and bad/weird dreams and then I realized I have been giving her an antihistamine before bed for allergies. We are skipping it tonight to see if she sleeps better, even though she has a headache and feels bad.

Sudafed gives me bad dreams, I was on..... Oh, some prescription allergy meds once that gave me nightmares. Benadryl works for me.
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Checking in after a long day at work. It does feel good to know I'm not alone in bad dreams. I've had them all week, and my attempt to avoid them last night by taking a hefty dose of antihistamines backfired and I had the worst one all week. I'm now nervous about going to sleep. Terrified I'm going to get stuck in another nightmare and be unable to get out of it. But I have to go to sleep. I have work tomorrow. 

I did have a good dinner, plan to read to the boys and take a different kind of sleep medication. I was so tired and miserable today. Close to tears all afternoon for no reason at all other than exhaustion, I think. 

Wah, poor me.

Could be worse.

But I hope it isn't.



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Good luck Tsuga!


:grouphug:  to those who need them. Gymnast prays for chocolate dreams. Maybe that will work?


Thanks for the feedback on the advanced class. Now, I need to figure out books to use.


Tex, I wish you were near. Dd16 has done 0 writing this year. And apparently, I can't make her. She would have done better going to school, frankly.

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I was expecting an email from the Mathcounts people, but it never came.  So, neurotic that I am, I began travel preparations.  Good thing that I did, too, because there were only 3 rooms left in the "guest block" where the competition will be held. AND they will extend the rate through the 14th.


Yay, Me!  (Hotel rates is DC are terrifying.)

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I was expecting an email from the Mathcounts people, but it never came.  So, neurotic that I am, I began travel preparations.  Good thing that I did, too, because there were only 3 rooms left in the "guest block" where the competition will be held. AND they will extend the rate through the 14th.


Yay, Me!  (Hotel rates is DC are terrifying.)


I'm so glad you got that worked out!!!

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Good luck Tsuga!


:grouphug: to those who need them. Gymnast prays for chocolate dreams. Maybe that will work?


Thanks for the feedback on the advanced class. Now, I need to figure out books to use.


Tex, I wish you were near. Dd16 has done 0 writing this year. And apparently, I can't make her. She would have done better going to school, frankly.

She would be welcome in my class. I can't make anyone write, either, but they mostly comply due to my winning personality.
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JJM, You mentioned your upcoming trip over on the scary board. ;)  What kinds of activities do you and Jo (and JoJo's Dad) like to do?


We are geeks.  Hardcore.


My only requirement is the Supreme Court.  We will go or no one in this family will eat home-cooked meals for the rest or their miserable, short lives.  (No pressure on them, though. :)  )


I want to go to all of the Smithsonians and stay forever.  That might not be realistic.


I think I want to make sure that Jo sees Arlington.


What do you think?


(BTW, Jo is a Shakespeare fanatic.  With that in mind, is the Shakespeare Museum still a no-go?  I appreciate the advice, because I really don't want to waste the little time that we'll have.)



I'm so glad you got that worked out!!!


Me, too! :blink:

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JJM, You mentioned your upcoming trip over on the scary board. ;)  What kinds of activities do you and Jo (and JoJo's Dad) like to do?


Note that I only ventured onto the General Education Board.  I'm not so desperate that I was willing to brave the Chat Board!  :lol:

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Definitely the Smithsonians.  And the Lincoln Memorial.


I haven't been to DC in a while, but these are the things that stick out in my mind as "must see".


I've never been to Arlington.  Or the Supreme Court building.   :leaving:


I've heard that the Spy Museum is pretty neat.  Kind of pricey though.  (Especially with 6 kids.)





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Good Morning!


Hi Dawn.  :seeya:


GYMNAST had the prayer for chocolate dreams, not one of Junie's kids like I mistakenly posted a while back.


:grouphug: (((Critter))) hope you slept fabulously last night - like a log!


YAY for Tsuga and the job opportunity.  :hurray:


YAY for Ikslo's niece.  So cool!  :hurray:


YAY for getting ds's application completed for Community College, Jean!  :hurray:

Edited by Another Lynn
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Well, I'm all caught up on the tv show Nashville. The kids are still sleeping. My brother and his wife are coming today. I am supposed to cook dinner, and I don't wanna. But I will. But I have no idea what to cook. It depends what is available at the grocery store. In which, I need to get going to. It is raining, and it is cold. I think UK vs. IU today in NCAA playoffs for the first time in so many years. Dh and his brother are die hard UK fans. Their family is from Kentucky. My family has always been here in Indiana for centuries. :D But it doesn't matter to me much who wins. Honestly, I would like to see Yale take it all. :D

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Lynne...did you recently add that tagline, "It's exhausting being the frontal lobe for the entire family"?


Because LMBO!  Good lord, that's pretty much how it is in my home!  


I've had it there for a couple weeks or more.  I stole it after we posted it in the thread, lol.  Yes - that is my life.  Better to laugh than to cry, right?

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I've been up for hours. I was in denial believing I could get back to sleep but alas, I am still up. I did some tai chi and now I'm exhausted but the kids will be up any second. Poor planning on my part.




I was up all hours, as well. Such is life. :crying:

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Today the weather is *cold*. I'm excited, because we didn't get winter this year, and we've had several days of 80s temps, and I was thinking we were going to have a long HOT summer, but I'm now hopeful that we'll have a *regular* hot summer. If that makes sense...

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Today would be a good day for going down to San Antonio and the River Walk. However, Mr. Ellie needs to finish the cabinet he is building for our TV. He is v.e.r.y.s.l.o.w. I'm beginning to get a little, um aggrieved. I want my garage back (he's building it in there, so my car is in the driveway), lol.

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Just popping in to say Hi before I go back to bed. 


Ds has had this cold/cough thing for ten days now.  He just finished his antibiotic (for an ear infection) today.  He's coughing so much that his neck hurts.  (He doesn't have meningitis - it's just from coughing and coughing and coughing.)  He still has a croaky voice too.  I wish there was more that I could do for him. 

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Good morning, Ladies! Sorry to those who were up early. I slept till past 7:00. Heavenly.


Busy day here. Meeting at Starbucks with my cousins. We're in charge of the H Family Reunion this summer. Woohoo! I'm going to try to pop in to Walmart first, little DDs' t-ball coach called, gotta get another mitt. We have a hand-me-down, but we need another. And then I'm getting my hair done @ 11:00. Then I run to my mom's house and scrounge Palm fronds from her sego Palms for church tomorrow. The kids are doing the Palm branch processional. And then it's off to the cheap shoe store for sandals for the girls. I'm tired just thinking about it. I hate busy Saturdays.

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Good Morning.


Another ITTer here who didn't sleep well.  And who had weird dreams.  In my dream I got to meet JoJo'sMom and family -- because they're coming to the East Coast, y'all!!!


Then the dream morphed into cooking pasta.  For some unknown reason I was cooking regular pasta and gluten free pasta in the same pot.  But they were different shapes, so I could separate them after cooking.  Even in my dream I realized this was very, very wrong and I would get very, very sick.  And I woke up.  With a headache.

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You know....I too, was up early.  But on purpose.  I got up at 4 so I could have some quiet time to regroup and get started on finishing my science curriculum.  Course...here it is 10:50 and I'm only just now starting that science curriculum but...


It isn't as though I didn't get anything else done, you know.


Anyways...where were the rest of you when I was checking in at 4AM?!?



**Side note...I went to wake hubby up at 8:30.  Dude had the nerve to roll over and grumble about having to "get up so early on his only day to sleep in."


Really dude?  Really?  Needless to say...he was not on my favorite person list.  He realized his error when he fully woke up...lol.  I guess I shouldn't be too angry...I can't always be held responsible for the things I say or do when I'm just stumbling out of slumber.  

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:grouphug: to all that slept poorly. I think that maybe everyone except Krissi. She gets a hug too for a busy day.


I'm back from the grocery store. We're having roast chicken and strawberry pie. I wish that was all, but there will be other stuff too.


You know, I have never been invited to my brother's house. Never. Not once in the 10-15 years he has been married. Weird!

Edited by Openhearted
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you guys will hate me but I almost always sleep well. It's my one talent. I fall asleep fast, I rarely wake up at night except to deal with pets or kids & when I do, I fall back asleep quickly. 

I rarely have bad dreams. I have boring dreams. Like that I'm going grocery shopping. That's probably why I sleep so well - I bore myself into sleep.  :lol: 

Long ago, just after uni I used to have the 'late for exams / meant to drop a course but didn't and now there's a final right now & I can't find the room' but they stopped. 

Then I had a recurring dream of driving my little sporty coupe with a standard transmission. I zippily backed up out of a spot in the underground parking of our condo, & it got stuck so I was accelerating & couldn't stop while driving backwards & trying to maneuver in the circling parkade & eventually I was going to reach the end concrete wall. Told dh about it and he said, "oh, just pop it out of gear and yank the hand brake". That was the end of that dream. 


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