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:seeya:  I looked at my calendar today after church and it's super crazy for the next eight weeks. Does anyone feel like all events are scheduled for spring and fall in an attempt to avoid bad weather? In any event, in sketching out the next two weeks of my life, it looks like my ITT time is going to be short. :thumbdown:   I wanted to give a heads up while I'm thinking about it so that no one sends out a search party with the elephant ninjas & bazookas.



YES!  People ask us, "Oh hey...you want to get together?"


I'm like...in April?  May?  June?  Nope...sorry!  Put a pin in that idea and come see me in July.  


Between Little League, karate, yard responsibilities...et al.  


This year shouldn't be too bad though.  I managed to get all four of my kids on the same baseball team!  We're half the team, LOL!  It's DDs first year playing and she should technically be in the next division but her skill level is well behind the other kids in that league.  And our softball league only has two teams--->much traveling.  So I requested she be with her brothers.  


But we had one year...man...I had two boys on one team, another boy on a different team.  They had art lessons, AWANA club, piano, the youngest boy had speech therapy.  And hubby was still working over an hour from home which meant guess who got to run all over the county?  That's right...lol.  I can remember a few nights...I'd have to run one boy to the baseball field for a game...run DD to the church ten minutes away to drop her off for AWANA...run BACK to the Little League fields and drop off the other two boys at their game on a different field...run back and forth between the fields (because heaven forbid Mom misses a kid being at bat), pick up eldest DS after his game, run him up to the church, run back to the fields, pick up the two little boys, run them back to the church.  


It was insanity.  

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The storm dumped a bunch of rain on us (creek is roaring) and we got small hail, but no damage. All at home now and the frogs are calling down in the low spots. Won't be long until we have Chuck-will's-widows singing at night. :001_smile:

I ran to school during a break in the rain. Got all my plans done, copies made, etc. Then, full on gully-wash just as I needed to leave. I was soaked. :/ 

This town has some of the worst drainage as well. Almost every intersection between school and home is high water. 


What are chuck-will's-widows? 

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Well...today was opening day for "spring training", lol.  They started their baseball clinic at 12, which meant we had to quietly leave church about fifteen minutes early.  I hate doing that and normally would not skip out on church for sports....but the kids needed to meet their coach.  


While we were there, hubby and I were sitting next to this guy...we randomly struck up a conversation with him and lo and behold...he and his wife are homeschooling their five kids!  I was shocked to find another homeschool family in our County that I didn't already know about...lol.  


His son is the same age as my eldest, which is great...because my eldest boy has been looking for a guy chum to hang out with that's his age.  Apparently, his brothers (only a year and then two years younger) do not qualify as guy chums.  


This was otherwise not as productive a weekend as I would have liked.  My garden plans still need finalizing...I need to make a list of all the plants/seeds we need to buy and then put everything on a calendar...because otherwise, nothing will get done and we'll have a garden like last year's.  


Plus my science curriculum needs a lot of work still.  There are just literally not enough hours in my day.  I foresee another overnight this week.  At least one.  


Oh and hubs is in full blown man flu mode.  He's all, "I don't think I can work tomorrow..." and I'm all, "Dude...you have a cold...suck it up buttercup and go to work!"


I can't have him home during a school day!  Absolutely nothing will get done!  

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YES!  People ask us, "Oh hey...you want to get together?"


I'm like...in April?  May?  June?  Nope...sorry!  Put a pin in that idea and come see me in July.  


Between Little League, karate, yard responsibilities...et al.  


This year shouldn't be too bad though.  I managed to get all four of my kids on the same baseball team!  We're half the team, LOL!  It's DDs first year playing and she should technically be in the next division but her skill level is well behind the other kids in that league.  And our softball league only has two teams--->much traveling.  So I requested she be with her brothers.  


But we had one year...man...I had two boys on one team, another boy on a different team.  They had art lessons, AWANA club, piano, the youngest boy had speech therapy.  And hubby was still working over an hour from home which meant guess who got to run all over the county?  That's right...lol.  I can remember a few nights...I'd have to run one boy to the baseball field for a game...run DD to the church ten minutes away to drop her off for AWANA...run BACK to the Little League fields and drop off the other two boys at their game on a different field...run back and forth between the fields (because heaven forbid Mom misses a kid being at bat), pick up eldest DS after his game, run him up to the church, run back to the fields, pick up the two little boys, run them back to the church.  


It was insanity.  


Getting all 4 kids on the same team?  That is a miracle!

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Sweetpea - you have my condolences. Men on their death beds - Lord save us all. 


This, though, is a hysterically accurate description of the stages of a man cold. 




YES to every one!  We are currently in Stages 3 and 4.  Now...I don't buy tissues...ok.  Because if I buy tissues, guarantee, my kids will rip through an entire box in...oh...and hour or so.  


So I have a bunch of rags...yes...snot rags.  Not ideal, I know...but you know what....budget matters, people!  


Well we're at Wal-Mart today and what landed in my cart?  Tissues.  I said, "Hon...we have plenty of rags!"


Him: "Yeah but...they'll make my nose red!"


He got his blasted tissues.  


Men....I love him though.  

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Getting all 4 kids on the same team?  That is a miracle!


Right?  It will be the only year we can do so until my youngest boy moves up to Majors.  Next year, eldest DS moves up to Majors.  His last year in Majors, I'll once again have the three boys on the same team.  DD will likely not play after this season.  

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So, today I put on my gardening gloves and tackled a small space at the front of my house that desperately needs to be cleaned out. Imagine my surprise to find a small nest of baby bunnies. Imagine *their* surprise! So of course I'll have to wait awhile before I mess with that space again.



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I weeded and trimmed in the front bed today. It remains a disaster but a bit better.


I did a little bit before I discovered the bunnehs. I was hoping to get in and get out since it has stopped raining and before we hit the 80s tomorrow, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

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I've been depressed or something. I don't want to say depressed but I don't know what to call it. Maybe overly irritable combined with exhausted. I miss my super mom pills. :( And working out. And wine.  My neighbor said when his wife gets like that he buys her paint and she paints everyday. It gives her a mental break from the monotonous. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that and when I saw the prismacolor thread I remembered that I've been wanting an adult coloring book so I think I'll get one along with some nice pencils. Every time I think about it I feel stupid because a good coloring book is around $15 and pencils are like $20 or $30 so I'm talking about spending $35-$45 on a coloring book! But I'm over it. I want my stupid coloring book. So there.


I've started doubling recipes to freeze half for postpartum craziness. Anybody have a good one to share? Tomorrow is chicken tortilla soup. Oh, and I want breakfast casserole recipes. Thanks.

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I'm leaning towards no consequence beyond the talk at this point. If I had gotten attitude, that might be different. I did tell her that figuring out how to navigate the increased freedom and responsibility of the teen years can be tricky sometimes.



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Good idea. Attitude goes a long way in our house!
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So, today I put on my gardening gloves and tackled a small space at the front of my house that desperately needs to be cleaned out. Imagine my surprise to find a small nest of baby bunnies. Imagine *their* surprise! So of course I'll have to wait awhile before I mess with that space again.



I love gardening. Yesterday dh and I took out a huge mugo pine. It was nice 12 years ago when we planted it. Now, it's just a big mess crowding everything in the front. So, it had to go.
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I've been depressed or something. I don't want to say depressed but I don't know what to call it. Maybe overly irritable combined with exhausted. I miss my super mom pills. :( And working out. And wine.  My neighbor said when his wife gets like that he buys her paint and she paints everyday. It gives her a mental break from the monotonous. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that and when I saw the prismacolor thread I remembered that I've been wanting an adult coloring book so I think I'll get one along with some nice pencils. Every time I think about it I feel stupid because a good coloring book is around $15 and pencils are like $20 or $30 so I'm talking about spending $35-$45 on a coloring book! But I'm over it. I want my stupid coloring book. So there.


I've started doubling recipes to freeze half for postpartum craziness. Anybody have a good one to share? Tomorrow is chicken tortilla soup. Oh, and I want breakfast casserole recipes. Thanks.

I have a few from Fix, Freeze, Feast. 

Going to be out tomorrow, but I'll try to get some of those written down for you. 

Any type of meal you like or don't like? 


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I've been depressed or something. I don't want to say depressed but I don't know what to call it. Maybe overly irritable combined with exhausted. I miss my super mom pills. :( And working out. And wine.  My neighbor said when his wife gets like that he buys her paint and she paints everyday. It gives her a mental break from the monotonous. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that and when I saw the prismacolor thread I remembered that I've been wanting an adult coloring book so I think I'll get one along with some nice pencils. Every time I think about it I feel stupid because a good coloring book is around $15 and pencils are like $20 or $30 so I'm talking about spending $35-$45 on a coloring book! But I'm over it. I want my stupid coloring book. So there.


I've started doubling recipes to freeze half for postpartum craziness. Anybody have a good one to share? Tomorrow is chicken tortilla soup. Oh, and I want breakfast casserole recipes. Thanks.


Before you spend that much money, I just want to say I don't know what all the hype is with prismacolor pencils.  We had some once.  I did not like them.  They were so faint.  They had to be sharpened all the time.  They broke.  I much prefer a cheap pack of Crayola twistable color pencils. 






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I love gardening. Yesterday dh and I took out a huge mugo pine. It was nice 12 years ago when we planted it. Now, it's just a big mess crowding everything in the front. So, it had to go.


I don't. I hate sweating, and getting dirt under my nails, and having the sun beating down on my head. :mad: But it was better in California, where you can stick a wooden spoon in the dirt and it will grow. Here in Central Texas, it is not like that. I have killed eight or nine rose bushes, hydrangeas, dusty miller, geraniums, lily of the valley, coleus, and more. It just isn't very satisfying. I try to do things that will be perennial and call it good. Not much joy so far after 12 years. :crying:


We had a big pine tree at the corner of our house when we moved in, and it was lovely. Pines are not native to this area, which made it even more special. Alas, it became diseased, and we had to take it down. :crying:

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Before you spend that much money, I just want to say I don't know what all the hype is with prismacolor pencils. We had some once. I did not like them. They were so faint. They had to be sharpened all the time. They broke. I much prefer a cheap pack of Crayola twistable color pencils.







But whatever you do. Do not...and I mean do NOT buy CrazArt coloring pencils.


Just don't.


Unless you want to sharpen them down to a nub, the first time you use them, because the lead keeps breaking off in chunks. Worst coloring pencils ever.



Oh and btw...you could totally turn this into an educational thing! Buy some of those human anatomy coloring books...the color by number ones...and go to town! Learn the body parts while you color! Win-win!

Edited by Sweetpea3829
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I am pretending to be a dutiful homeschool mom and am providing writing prompts, from that great free ebook I found, for the days dd16 experiences writer's block. I provided two from each category, and as she uses one (if) she'll cross it off the list and I'll add another. I have it in a shared google drive file. I also copied and pasted the explanations for persuasive, expository, narrative, and literary response writing. Later, I'll introduce the rubrics.


I was reading the Robinson thread, and decided to go back to her daily Spanish writing. They will be short pieces, I'll suggest corrections, she'll correct the next day and write another short piece. At least, that's the plan. We'll see how it works out.

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I have a few from Fix, Freeze, Feast. 

Going to be out tomorrow, but I'll try to get some of those written down for you. 

Any type of meal you like or don't like? 

I'm not *supposed* to eat gluten or dairy but I break those rules all the time because I don't have horrible reactions. I don't like spicy.


Before you spend that much money, I just want to say I don't know what all the hype is with prismacolor pencils.  We had some once.  I did not like them.  They were so faint.  They had to be sharpened all the time.  They broke.  I much prefer a cheap pack of Crayola twistable color pencils. 






I wasn't going to buy those. Probably Lyra.

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But whatever you do.  Do not...and I mean do NOT buy CrazArt coloring pencils.  


Just don't.  


Unless you want to sharpen them down to a nub, the first time you use them, because the lead keeps breaking off in chunks.  Worst coloring pencils ever.



Oh and btw...you could totally turn this into an educational thing!  But some of those human anatomy coloring books...the color by number ones...and go to town!  Learn the body parts while you color!  Win-win!  

AWESOME IDEA! Thanks for the pencil tip.


I am pretending to be a dutiful homeschool mom and am providing writing prompts, from that great free ebook I found, for the days dd16 experiences writer's block. I provided two from each category, and as she uses one (if) she'll cross it off the list and I'll add another. I have it in a shared google drive file. I also copied and pasted the explanations for persuasive, expository, narrative, and literary response writing. Later, I'll introduce the rubrics.


I was reading the Robinson thread, and decided to go back to her daily Spanish writing. They will be short pieces, I'll suggest corrections, she'll correct the next day and write another short piece. At least, that's the plan. We'll see how it works out.

I've really been enjoying that thread, especially what Lynn said. I think that needs to go in my HS Doc.

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I have yet to write out the lesson plans for my class for the week. I know exactly what I wanted to do, and did all the prep for it on Friday, I just need to write it all down. But that's so boring because I have to type it on the computer instead of just write it in with a pencil on a hardcopy form. Sigh.

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I've been depressed or something. I don't want to say depressed but I don't know what to call it. Maybe overly irritable combined with exhausted. I miss my super mom pills. :( And working out. And wine. My neighbor said when his wife gets like that he buys her paint and she paints everyday. It gives her a mental break from the monotonous. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that and when I saw the prismacolor thread I remembered that I've been wanting an adult coloring book so I think I'll get one along with some nice pencils. Every time I think about it I feel stupid because a good coloring book is around $15 and pencils are like $20 or $30 so I'm talking about spending $35-$45 on a coloring book! But I'm over it. I want my stupid coloring book. So there.


I've started doubling recipes to freeze half for postpartum craziness. Anybody have a good one to share? Tomorrow is chicken tortilla soup. Oh, and I want breakfast casserole recipes. Thanks.

Sweetie, I think it's called "pregnant."


Big, tight, smooshie hug!

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Sweetie, I think it's called "pregnant."


Big, tight, smooshie hug!

Probably. I've been really concerned about PPD which is like the stupidest thing for me to waste my time thinking about, but it's upsetting me.


Hi, everyone. Still vacationing. Tomorrow is the zoo and meeting with our State Representatives at the Capitol.


(I'm so glad Slashie is home!)



Just let me a snob about my stupid pencils!  :boxing_smiley:

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Hey Slache,

did you see this chat board thread about prismacolor pencils?  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/592151-prismacolor-pencils-totally-disappointed/


Yeah. That's the one that reminded me how much I want a coloring book. I don't plan to get prismacolor. Actually I do someday, when the kids get really good and want good supplies, but not for this.

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Probably. I've been really concerned about PPD which is like the stupidest thing for me to waste my time thinking about, but it's upsetting me.




Just let me a snob about my stupid pencils!  :boxing_smiley:


It is not a stupid thing to thing to think about, because depression during pregnancy really is a thing. It's not just a post-partum thing. Have you suffered from ppd before?

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 Have you suffered from ppd before?

Yes, for 9 months. I thought it was really bad but after talking to others I don't think it was nearly as bad as it could have been. I didn't hear voices or want to hurt my kids, but I was extremely frustrated all the time and was sort of manic. "I'm the best mother ever, I'm so happy to be living this life... Why is everything so hard? Why are my kids so unhappy? I can't do this." I gained around 30 pounds in that time period and I was not a good mom. I'm not fishing for a complement here, I really truly failed. My chronic exhaustion was at it's peak too. That was right before I discovered my supermom pills.

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Matt didn't understand that something was actually wrong for months. He was really angry with me for not doing my part, but he understands now. Even if I do get it again between knowing my food allergies, having more energy and a supportive husband things will be completely different. Not to mention that my kids are 3 and 5 and extremely helpful.

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Me, too.  Middle of the road, consistently okay performance stuff.  That's me.   :D


I refuse to buy the cheapie stuff, though.  Nope.  


Exactly.  When I ask for Christmas/birthday gifts for the dc, it's the one thing I get very specific about.  It has to be Crayola.  And markers and paint have to be washable.  

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Yes, for 9 months. I thought it was really bad but after talking to others I don't think it was nearly as bad as it could have been. I didn't hear voices or want to hurt my kids, but I was extremely frustrated all the time and was sort of manic. "I'm the best mother ever, I'm so happy to be living this life... Why is everything so hard? Why are my kids so unhappy? I can't do this." I gained around 30 pounds in that time period and I was not a good mom. I'm not fishing for a complement here, I really truly failed. My chronic exhaustion was at it's peak too. That was right before I discovered my supermom pills.

You are describing postpartum psychosis, and that is a very severe (and relatively rare) form of ppd.  That you did not hear voices doesn't mean it wasn't bad.  Just keep in touch with a doc about it.  Or at least tell us, and we can be a barometer for when you cross over a line cuz it is hard to see it when you are in it.  


I never enjoyed being pregnant really.  I guess there were some okay parts in the middle trimester during the first three pgs, but the beginnings and ends were all bad.

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Matt didn't understand that something was actually wrong for months. He was really angry with me for not doing my part, but he understands now. Even if I do get it again between knowing my food allergies, having more energy and a supportive husband things will be completely different. Not to mention that my kids are 3 and 5 and extremely helpful.

Except you won't have them. Because they're coming to stay with Pseudo-Granny for the first couple of months. Right?



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Matt didn't understand that something was actually wrong for months. He was really angry with me for not doing my part, but he understands now. Even if I do get it again between knowing my food allergies, having more energy and a supportive husband things will be completely different. Not to mention that my kids are 3 and 5 and extremely helpful.


Sorry you're going through this.  I don't think that I ever had any symptoms of post-partum depression.  It's all kind of a blur, now.  


I'm glad that your dh understands and is helpful.



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