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Ellie, that would be very frustrating. Sounds a lot like junior highers!


And speaking of junior highers, I don't know if I'm just an enabler or a good mom, but I just drove my DS back to school (only a 7 minute drive) to pick up his history book so he can complete homework this weekend that should have been turned in already. Grrr!

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Today has been so busy.  But overall happy.  I like project day (afternoon). 


We checked out a new to us library way down south to us.  The library itself was fairly safe but there was at least one drug deal I'm pretty sure went on in front of our car and a guy who was fixing his car while smoking seemed iffy! And there was a mentally ill man who came into the library and was yelling.  I overheard the librarians calling the police but he left before they got there. Call this social studies. 


We went to IKEA for materials for dd's building project.  And then we went to Home Depot for more materials for dd's building project. 


When we got home we did our daily 15 min. of  yard work and daily 15 min. of work in the Schoolroom of Doom. 


Dd has already started working on her building project.  She's motivated.  She wouldn't do any bookwork on her own time, I can assure you! 

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Sounds like a productive day, Jean. The closest IKEA to us is about 3 hours away. Take your pick - Palo Alto, Sacramento or LA. I need new cereal bowls. Sorry about the loonies at the library. Our library had security guards. It's right in the middle of gang territory. I never feel unsafe, though.

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Sounds like a productive day, Jean. The closest IKEA to us is about 3 hours away. Take your pick - Palo Alto, Sacramento or LA. I need new cereal bowls. Sorry about the loonies at the library. Our library had security guards. It's right in the middle of gang territory. I never feel unsafe, though.


The loonies and baddies at the library didn't bother me.  I felt safe the entire time.  I have friends in the area who refuse to use the library though because they do not feel safe.  I'm fairly used to an inner city environment, though. 

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I wish we had an IKEA here. The closest one is in Atlanta. We do visit one every-other-year when we go to MN for Christmas. Last time we bought a dresser for dds. And lingonberry jam. :) Way to go on the yard work, Jean!


I survived Minions. Now the kids are watching (on youtube) and singing along with Shrek the Musical.

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I survived the grocery store.  Hopefully there will be no after-breakfast meltdowns tomorrow.


Ds15 went along to help lift heavy things and to push the second cart.


Because Old Mother Hubbard.


However, during check out, the man behind me said that I must have married very young to have ds15.  I told him that I married at 25.  He couldn't believe that I was that old and said several times that I looked much younger.   :blushing:  So I guess I'm Young Mother Hubbard with a No-Longer-Bare Cupboard.

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Ellie, that would be very frustrating. Sounds a lot like junior highers!


And speaking of junior highers, I don't know if I'm just an enabler or a good mom, but I just drove my DS back to school (only a 7 minute drive) to pick up his history book so he can complete homework this weekend that should have been turned in already. Grrr!


You're a good mom.  Your ds just isn't used to having school and home in different buildings.  :)


Today has been so busy.  But overall happy.  I like project day (afternoon). 


We checked out a new to us library way down south to us.  The library itself was fairly safe but there was at least one drug deal I'm pretty sure went on in front of our car and a guy who was fixing his car while smoking seemed iffy! And there was a mentally ill man who came into the library and was yelling.  I overheard the librarians calling the police but he left before they got there. Call this social studies. 


We went to IKEA for materials for dd's building project.  And then we went to Home Depot for more materials for dd's building project. 


When we got home we did our daily 15 min. of  yard work and daily 15 min. of work in the Schoolroom of Doom. 


Dd has already started working on her building project.  She's motivated.  She wouldn't do any bookwork on her own time, I can assure you! 


:hurray:  for Jean's dd!  What is she making, btw?

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I cleaned the nightstand next to the bed. It is between the bed and the wall, and it was very dusty. I had to move it completely out to clean it, and I bet that hadn't been done since I was pregnant with the twins. I think I can breathe better already.


Since I watched the super bowl Sunday, I missed Downton Abbey, but I bought the season 6 DVD with some of my birthday money. So now I am going to watch, and try to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight.

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Today has been so busy.  But overall happy.  I like project day (afternoon). 


We checked out a new to us library way down south to us.  The library itself was fairly safe but there was at least one drug deal I'm pretty sure went on in front of our car and a guy who was fixing his car while smoking seemed iffy! And there was a mentally ill man who came into the library and was yelling.  I overheard the librarians calling the police but he left before they got there. Call this social studies. 


We went to IKEA for materials for dd's building project.  And then we went to Home Depot for more materials for dd's building project. 


When we got home we did our daily 15 min. of  yard work and daily 15 min. of work in the Schoolroom of Doom. 


Dd has already started working on her building project.  She's motivated.  She wouldn't do any bookwork on her own time, I can assure you! 



Sounds like a productive day, Jean. The closest IKEA to us is about 3 hours away. Take your pick - Palo Alto, Sacramento or LA. I need new cereal bowls. Sorry about the loonies at the library. Our library had security guards. It's right in the middle of gang territory. I never feel unsafe, though.


:scared:  Our county of less than 60,000 41,000 [i got curious and looked it up :) ] has a large, loved, well-funded library.  They make it a policy choice to keep fines super low, and they allow the public school kids to hang out unsupervised after school (we have a high percentage of working class folks who can't afford any formal aftercare.)  The library was a major plus point in picking this as our final destination.  Your posts made me remember that the branches of the library at our prior place of residence were open for like 15 minutes every other week.  And, at the downtown branch, when I asked the librarian the location of the restroom, I got a lecture on not letting my then 7-year-old go to the bathroom alone or even out of my line of sight. Ever. 


I'm so glad we moved.


Edited to fix the number.

Edited by JoJosMom
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I cleaned the nightstand next to the bed. It is between the bed and the wall, and it was very dusty. I had to move it completely out to clean it, and I bet that hadn't been done since I was pregnant with the twins. I think I can breathe better already.



You are so brave. My nightstand is not as bad (I sort of cleaned it in the summer) but dh's...shudder.

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Hello friends. 

Can I just say that I feel so blessed in the area of friends? This lady I've known less than a year told me she will be late to her other commitment on Sunday because meeting with the girl with cancer is her top priority. Touched me so much. My friend since middle school gave me her number for the girl to call her since she received her chemo at the same place the girl will receive it. I'm just so touched by these gestures.

Ellie, I'm sorry your hula people are in open rebellion.

Dawn, all of those papers sound very familiar.

I forget what else I read.


Edited by texasmama
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Good Morning!


I slept some. My hand hurt again, and I woke up with my back absolutely soaking wet with sweat. I don't know if I was having a nightmare or if it was because my hand was hurting. I wasn't too hot, and I wasn't sweating anywhere else. So I changed and went back to bed.


Lynn, that was funny. You made me laugh. :lol:


Tex, I am wishing your boys good luck today. I hope they play the best they ever have. I hope your little dd has a good game too.


Today, we will do valentines and fix treat bags. Our homeschool Valentine's day party at the library was rescheduled to the 23rd due to bad weather. I may clean some more in my room. I need to sort though our paperwork which is mostly papers the children have made, newspaper clippings about the band, and things that you don't want to throw away.


Hope everyone has a good day.:)

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Mr. Ellie will be gone most of the day, doing sound at an event at his church. I will probably figure out something to make for dinner tomorrow, because it is Valentine's Day for Mr. Ellie as well as for me and I don't need to fight the crowds at a restaurant. There might be a visit to Hobby Lobby for Valentine's Day-themed doodads.


Talked with my kumu friend last night about the ho'ike from heck. I feel better...some. :-)


That is all.

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Good Morning, my little ITT peeps!


I would love to eat bon bons off a ruler. I might as well. I lasted one whole day on Trim Healthy Mama. Then I got sick. And dieting when you're sick doesn't work. And then my parents took us out for my late birthday dinner (I wanted to wait till my dad got home from the nursing home) and we had Mexican food. Well.... Nothing more to be said about that meal other than it was delish. So, all I can say is.... Bring on the Bon bons!

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Good morning all. I frittered away my time last night like a zombie and then I was mad at myself when I went to bed :grr:


Today I have been more productive:-)


Tex, I so get you on the friends. Crappy family life, but my cup runneth over type friends. Very thankful.


Ellie, I am glad you had a good friend to moderate the hoike nonsense. (I know that isn't spelled correctly, but I am not going back through the thread:-)


IKEA is fun, but it is an hour and a half away for us, so we don't go unless we really need something. I have always been surprised they haven't developed their online ordering more. Have you ever tried to buy something online from ikea? Hilarious. I think I had a cart of $110 and the shipping came out to $420. No joke. It was nuts. Needless to say, I sent Dh on a trip, lol.


Date night with friends tonight. These are our friends who are slightly younger and keep us cool. (At least relatively speaking :D ) They keep up with the hottest restaurants and music so we don't have to;-) So we are headed to a fun place where we can be city hipsters instead of suburban homeschoolers for a few hours. I really live on the edge, can you tell?




Ps- I think Slachey did give us up for lent. I am impressed with her fortitude. We are pretty irresistible.

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Good morning all. I frittered away my time last night like a zombie and then I was mad at myself when I went to bed :grr:


Today I have been more productive:-)


Tex, I so get you on the friends. Crappy family life, but my cup runneth over type friends. Very thankful.


Ellie, I am glad you had a good friend to moderate the hoike nonsense. (I know that isn't spelled correctly, but I am not going back through the thread:-)


IKEA is fun, but it is an hour and a half away for us, so we don't go unless we really need something. I have always been surprised they haven't developed their online ordering more. Have you ever tried to buy something online from ikea? Hilarious. I think I had a cart of $110 and the shipping came out to $420. No joke. It was nuts. Needless to say, I sent Dh on a trip, lol.


Date night with friends tonight. These are our friends who are slightly younger and keep us cool. (At least relatively speaking :D ) They keep up with the hottest restaurants and music so we don't have to;-) So we are headed to a fun place where we can be city hipsters instead of suburban homeschoolers for a few hours. I really live on the edge, can you tell?




Ps- I think Slachey did give us up for lent. I am impressed with her fortitude. We are pretty irresistible.


Yeah, I miss her!  I mean, I get giving up the board, but WE are NOT the board!  :D

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Why do dogs always want to sit on your foot?  Wouldn't that be uncomfortable for their bottom? 


I've wondered this as well. Along with, why cats like to sleep on your face.


Speaking of cats, dd16 informed me she saw Scout using the toilet. Like, actually on the toilet.

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So, while I was out today, I zoomed into Sam's, and found just a couple of things I needed. Everyone else in Round Rock was also there. I guess good weather sends people shopping. Or something.


So, anyway, I took my *two* items to the self-checkout, the one that is 10 items or less. Clearly, that is a concept that is foreign to many people, based on the nearly-full shopping carts in the line next to me. Also to the young mother ahead of me, who let her 4yo child use the hand-held scanner to scan her more-than-10 items. Then she tried to pay with her credit card but the device thingie didn't seem to work. She looked around for the employee to help her out, which finally happened...apparently she did not read the instructions that said that if her card had a security chip she needed to insert it and wait, so she tried two different cards. Eventually she was finished, 10 minutes at least, maybe 15. By this time there were 10 people behind me. I checked out my two items in less than two minutes.




That is all.

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We are back from our hike. It is COLD outside! Dh and the kids definitely have different hiking styles. Dh likes to go and keep going. Kids like to stop and investigate every hollow tree, become best friends with every dog we pass, and climb large rocks and fallen logs. I like to go and then rest while the kids investigate, so it works OK for me. :D

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So I have horrible heel pain that I believe is plantar fasciitis, which I have had before and cured.  However, in spite of doing the old tried and true method of "ignore it and it will go away" treatment, it has gotten steadily worse until I can hardly walk on my left foot at times.  So I must wear my tennis shoes if my feet are on the floor, no exceptions.  I have worn them all day for two days and note a remarkable improvement.  I know if I stop, it will come right back.

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