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26 minutes ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

Christopher Plummer did quite a bit of voice work for kids' cartoons. He was the narrator for the Madeline cartoon, and the voice of the seagull in An American Tail. He did a good job in The Man Who Invented Christmas, too. But that one wasn't a cartoon.

I love Christopher Plummer, too.

I had no idea. Hmmmm!

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Amazon is making all kinds of stops here today. The two olders got their iPads for school. 🙄🙄🙄 Don’t EVEN get me started on that. 

And I got my new phone. Another MotoG.  I knew I needed a new one (old one was 5 years old), but then we accidentally maxed out the internal memory (long story) and not much works on it now, so we just ordered a new one. 


Woohoo, I got the Booya/h.

Ahem.... “I’d like to thank the Academy and all the little people who made this moment possible.”

Edited by KrissiK
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35 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

I got a pair of sandals and dd bought a Sailor Moon t-shirt.   Ds bought nothing.  The Friends t-shirts were tempting for me, but I didn't give in.  We ate at the food court.  The food court at the same mall in Houston is way nicer.

Yay for new sandals,

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19 minutes ago, Paradox5 said:

I'm driving myself batty about the history so I decided we will just not do any yet. SOTW 3 gets into things my sensitive Girl is not ready for--- all that war and stuff. How's about we start over with Ancients again? We all like it. I'm waiting for all the updates and new books. It is stressing me out! And I bought some stuff that I now need to return. It is my yearly embarass myself returning things at The Homeschool Store.

Still not sure what to do with Captain. He has his own line in my lesson plan book. It needs filling. We read already.

We are taking this week off. Today I rented 5 RedBox movies. The kids have watched 2 so far: Godzilla [2014] {boys only} and Ralph Breaks the Internet. The boys liked the first. Girl says she did not like the end of the Ralph but the beginning was hilarious! I am dying to watch Allitia- Battle Angel and Once Upon a Deadpool. Son 2 chose Fantasic Beasts: Grindelwald. The youngers are not allowed to see it. Too bad we have no popcorn or root beer or ice cream.

Speaking of ice-cream, I can't seem to decide what I want when I am at the store. I stand in front of the freezer section staring with indecisiveness. Part of my problem is I have 2 kids who hate chocolate unless it is Gram's Chocolate Cake. Do you know how much cool creaminess has chocolate in it?? What's your favorite frozen confection?

And I vote for Laurence Duane. Or how about Riker Duane? Cool yet easy to spell.

Maise, a couple years ago, our Ward/Stake was split. It was so sad. Only 5 or 6 of us remained of the original Ward. The new people were all...not friendly... to the rest of us. It always felt like "Us" and "Them". Sometimes those splits are hard! I am glad your split is a posistive one.

ANYWAY<<<< I made turkey roast for dinner and coconut rice pudding. I actually don't like it but a lot of the family does. [the pudding, not the turkey. I will happily eat turkey!]


Family lineage

American history

History of Science or the horse from BFB

State history

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Busy day today.  Went by the science center, met someone new who registered for zombie camp and classes for next year.  The type of person who you just really click with and can talk forever.  

Then drive dd to tkd, back to science center for tutoring, then home for dinner (dh picked dd up), posted about tkd offering homeschool classes, then watched movie with dh.  We watched the Rebel Wilson movie Isn't it Romantic.  Dh didn't appreciate it but I thought it was cute and funny.   Dh made scallops and sweet potatoes for dinner and we had bday cake.  

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It was a busy day!  I dropped dd16 off at driver's ed. then came home to meet dd21's college friend who came to visit today and we all went to McKay's Bookstore and the Natchez Trace bridge for a picnic lunch and then dd21 had a consult for getting her wisdom teeth out next week and then I had story and writing time with The Youngers and then made dinner and salad dressing and went to pick up dd16 from driver's ed and stopped by the dollar store and came home and had dinner and played Dutch Blitz and had birthday cake and ice cream and then worked a bit on history and now going to bed.


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On 7/26/2019 at 1:25 PM, Jean in Newcastle said:

This was what I was going to suggest. I think this is what Slash was trying to tell me about, but I wasn't convinced and thought she was crazy to consider it.


On 7/27/2019 at 6:17 PM, Jean in Newcastle said:

I had that delusion once. . .

Me too. I don't remember what delusion this is talking about, since this has been in multi-quote limbo for a couple of days. But, whatever it was, I agree.


On 7/27/2019 at 7:20 PM, ThatBookwormMom said:

Yeah, that's kind of how it feels, bit we're pretty much on our own as far as help after baby. I've been thinking about things like what Junie said - meal building blocks rather than full meals. I just don't want an endless line of takeout pizza, takeout Chinese, cold cut sandwiches, and cereal.

A meal train would be nice. I've been on the giving and receiving end of these, and it's always been nice to have a home-cooked meal brought over by someone you may or may not know. I also enjoyed cooking for others. I don't see those so much now.


On 7/28/2019 at 8:30 AM, KrissiK said:

That’s awesome. My 13 year old DD is nervous about baptism. We are hoping she changes her mind soon.

Gymnast has been wanting to be baptized since she was 4 or 5. But she didn't understand it at the time, so I didn't allow it. Now that she understands it, she still wants to be baptized, but we're not regularly attending a church. Although, we claim one as our regular.


On 7/28/2019 at 9:53 AM, myblessings4 said:

Morning!  We're all getting ready to go to the National Videogame Museum.  Ds12 has talked about going again ever since he first went two years ago!

Trying to plan out the rest of the week.  I don't want to run constantly or spend a lot of money.  I'm thinking hotel pool and eat in tomorrow, Galleria Tuesday, and butterfly gardens Wednesday.  Thursday is check out and get ready for trip to Virginia, so maybe just meet dd's grandma for lunch?

I still can't believe he's that old! He didn't seem so big when I saw him last year!


On 7/28/2019 at 7:49 PM, Junie said:

My head doesn't really hurt any more, but I still feel "migraine-y".  Still sensitive to lights, sounds, smells.  So thankful that the awful pain is gone.

It's weird, isn't it? I get that feeling. It's there, but it's not, and you feel almost as bad even though the really bad pain isn't there. I thought I was just wimpy...


16 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

I just watched a movie that had this happen in it. Twice. Of course, the two brothers who buried their cars on the farm were hiding them after a series of bank robberies. I hope that wasn't why your grandmother did it.

What movie was it?


8 hours ago, Slache said:

I meant to respond to this earlier. My grandmother was what you might call a little tacky. Whenever a car died she just buried it. It was the cheaper option. I think there was only one on the California property but she buried three or four at her house in Missouri. After she died they sold the property and the new owners levelled it to build a mcmansion because her house was literally falling apart. I fell through the floor in the hallway once. I can't imagine what they thought when they found the car.

Those are big holes...


4 hours ago, Paradox5 said:

Captain is on my phone. He figured out how to get onto Amazon and play Thomas the Tank Engine! I had no idea he could do that!

Make sure he doesn't accidentally buy something!

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Mornin'.  Need to make the coffee.  It's rainy - I love it.  I feel like we need a rainy day.  Youngest dd and I need to go shopping sometime this week.  She is skipping the last swim practice this morning since she went yesterday and it was only 10% of the whole team, and only seniors.  

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28 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

I started to swim in the sea - just the granny crawl, not actually diving in.  I got part way through, read some things I agreed with and some I didn't and decided that was enough!  (I'm a chicken, and proud of it!  😂)

Glad you got out safely!

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Good morning!

Today is less busy than yesterday - dd16 has drivers ed again and dd21 will probably go in for the blood work and shots needed for nursing school.  I must continue on lesson planning, buy some groceries, and try making some vegetarian shepherd's pie.


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2 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

Today is less busy than yesterday - dd16 has drivers ed again and dd21 will probably go in for the blood work and shots needed for nursing school.  I must continue on lesson planning, buy some groceries, and try making some vegetarian shepherd's pie.


Gardener's Pie!  🤣

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Good Morning!!!!



July is almost over.🥺 What’s the deal??

Today is a moderately busy day. The solar people are coming by to give me an orientation. I’m not quite sure what else there is to know besides the sun shines on the panels and generates electricity. But, I’m sure there’s something.

I’m meeting another one of my school families today. Looking forward to that. Not as nervous as I was with the first family.

Dinner at my parents’ house.

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2 hours ago, Another Lynn said:

I started to swim in the sea - just the granny crawl, not actually diving in.  I got part way through, read some things I agreed with and some I didn't and decided that was enough!  (I'm a chicken, and proud of it!  😂)


2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Glad you got out safely!

Good girl!!! I’m observing those seas with binoculars, but I ain’t swimmin’ in them!! 

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Morning. Don't swim in the sea!

I'm off to the lake in a few--minutes or hours, not sure which yet. These kids are moving like, well, turtles. But I'm also not just enthusiastic about melting outside for hours while they boat and fish. But, I promised.

Get to try out my new sunshade for the laptop and see if it lives up to the reviews.

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Good Morning,

We're heading over to the lake shortly to meet up with friends.   Not sure how long we'll be there but we have to leave in time to get dd to tkd by 5pm.  Then dh gets to pick her up because I'm meeting up with a friend to discuss the robotics club we are starting in the fall. 

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I don't have jury duty tomorrow.  No jurors need to report for the next two days (I guess crime must be down?).  

We spent a few hours at the lake with friends and I have a meeting tonight about robotics.  I'm picking dd up from TKD, we're swinging through Panera for dinner, then heading to our meeting. 

Now I have off the next two days so I can get lots of cleaning and planning done.  Yippee.


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Drove into the Big City to the department of Vital Statistics (next door to the ME's office) for a new birth certificate for ds.  We walked towards the counter and were asked if we were there to get married.  "Ew!  No!"  (Thought, not said aloud.)  Ds says that this was a compliment because they didn't think that I looked old enough to be his mother.  I said that they might have just thought that I was a Cougar.  Getting into the parking garage and up to the office downtown was surprisingly quick and easy and because it was so fast I didn't even have to pay for parking. 

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It's been an exhausting day.  Partially because I forgot to have my afternoon coffee!  So I had a pre-dinner coffee.

Dd16 drove on the highway with the driving instructor.  I am so proud of her!  

Dd21 fainted while getting blood drawn and when she was coming to, she started fighting the nurse and I had to call out the door for help in room 3.  So much excitement.  

Warning: MathPo!!  Avert yer eyeballs!

I started to make the gardener's pie and halfway through the recipe I realized my big pot was not big enough to handle the multiplied recipe.  So I had to divide it into the larger and smaller pot and DO MATH to make sure the broth-to-grains ratio was correct.  Svengo.  It seems to have come out OK.  Pretty tasty.

As you were.


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