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12 hours ago, Another Lynn said:

Happy Wednesday!  Lots to do today!  Coffee first.  Hair appointment later.  Might need to iron a shirt ? for dd - she's playing in a "variety show" tomorrow night.  Oldest ds comes home today for fall break and I'd like to have something baked before he gets here.  And of course laundry, always laundry.  (And take a sheet out of the dryer to put on ds's bed.)  Oh, and finish balancing the checkbook, bills, etc.  ?

But, coffee first!  ?

Ack!  Bills!!  

Guess I'm off to do those now that you reminded me.  (Thank you.... the big one is due tomorrow).

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3 minutes ago, lots of little ducklings said:

Ack!  Bills!!  

Guess I'm off to do those now that you reminded me.  (Thank you.... the big one is due tomorrow).

Ack!  I didn't get to the checkbook. But I did everything else. Except dd's shirt. I think I'll throw it in the dryer for a few minutes and see how it looks.  After we get home from swim. Or maybe in the morning. 

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11 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

Today is dh's birthday, so I made birthday breakfast (tater tot waffles with sausage gravy and eggs and fruit).  Otherwise today is normal lessons, a trip to Aldi (might put that off a couple days), and children's choir/advent choir tonight.


Happy Nirthday to your DH!

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6 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

They are your parents. They can cope with a bit of dust and stuff.....or hold the Baby while you finish cleaning when they arrive.


ETA: Cleaning booyah

They can and would but I'd have to hear about it and I don't want to have to hear about it. 

I was able to get 2/3 of the rooms done. I couldn't delegate to DH because he got home late. Luckily, they won't go into those rooms until tomorrow and I can tidy it up before then. Those two rooms are holding the basement overflow and are a disaster but at least there's a good excuse.

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I had to actually skip reading pages for the first time in a while.  I was crazy enough to make plans to go out with a friend on Tuesday night.  We had been trying to get together for a while but schedules didn't allow.  I had fun, but I was already really busy this week so probably should have put it off again.   On the bright side, I'm sleeping well since I fall into bed exhausted.  But, the kids school is getting neglected this week.  I had a busy weekend and forgot to set up their school.  They are reading, and taking science classes, and doing a board game night, and had 4-H so it's not a total bust but not what I want.

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Good morning!

It is tutorial day for dd15 - they are supposed to dress up as their favorite character from literature.  She picked a young adult female character from a novel set in modern times in the town we live in. :biggrin:  Then ds13 and I travel to the not-too-distant university town to see his amazing cello teacher.  No orchestra rehearsal tonight, so we will have birthday cake and watch It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.



Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!!

School today!!!

I’m making and bringing dinner to my Mom and Dad’s house tonight. We always have dinner over there on Thursday night, but I didn’t want her to have to cook on her birthday week. So, I am making my famous potato soup, corn bread, salad and Susan Branch’s apple-cranberry cobbler.

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Last night as we were driving home from church, the dc requested that the cd be changed.

I said that I wouldn't change the cd; that part of the problem was that I couldn't see the cd case in the dark.

Dd10 responded: "What's the other part of the problem?"

Um, laziness.  :)

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I caught up on grading economics and history. The chemistry notebook is still missing. I am hoping to finish up grading pre-calc and fold two loads of laundry before lunch. 

We are six weeks into the school year and the school room could be tidied. Things are stacked and shoved places they should not be by people other than me. I should try to tackle that before it gets to bad and give everything a good vacuuming and dusting. We should eat a bit of chocolate tomorrow to celebrate surviving the first six weeks of school. That’s a thing, right?!!

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22 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I caught up on grading economics and history. The chemistry notebook is still missing. I am hoping to finish up grading pre-calc and fold two loads of laundry before lunch. 

We are six weeks into the school year and the school room could be tidied. Things are stacked and shoved places they should not be by people other than me. I should try to tackle that before it gets to bad and give everything a good vacuuming and dusting. We should eat a bit of chocolate tomorrow to celebrate surviving the first six weeks of school. That’s a thing, right?!!

We went out for ice cream to celebrate the first four weeks of school. So yes, it’s a thing!

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Last night I decided to turn on the pedometer feature on my phone. Today we did the state fair and a Costco run: 10K steps in 5 hours. o.0

Also why am I awake from 3:30 to 5:30 AM & then fall back to sleep and don't want to get up when it's actually a decent hour (say, 7) and my people are making noise??


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Whew.  I'm home for the duration.  Ds's lesson went well. I asked his teacher how she thought the every-other-week lessons were going, and she said "good", but suggested that eventually we might want to add a quick video phone call thing between lessons.  The wonders of modern technology!  Dd15 said that someone in tutorial dressed up like Arthur Dent from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  :biggrin:

Plasas is simmering and rice is in the IP.  We get cheesecake later.  ❤️

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

Some of these clothes I have seen every year for the last decade.

Dd8 has *finally* outgrown a few dresses that we will not see next year.

:biggrin:  My 12yo girl is so hard on clothes that most of them need to be retired instead of passed on.  Fortunately we have friends from church who always pass on clothes to dd9.  It seems a little weird when Ds13 and dd9 are done with clothes for the season and we get to remove them entirely from the house.  Even weirder is that dd12 can now pass clothes down to dd20.

Passing Clothes Booyah!

This is the thread that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends.
People started posting not knowing what it was,
And they will keep on posting here forever just because...
This is the thread that never ends
You'd best come join it with your friends
'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze
And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days

This is the thread that's always there
They'll cheer you up so don't despair
The group is growing well as more people start checking in
And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive

This is the thread that never ends
It's better than a Mercedes Benz
It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too
Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you

This thread keeps going on and on
with record-setting length and fun
It started twenty-four months ago from curiosity
and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be

This is the thread that never ends...
And the place where one finds special friends,
the kind that have hearts that are strong and true
Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! 

This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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31 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

The thing about a fairly temperate climate is that most of my clothes are “spring/fall” clothes with a few for the hot or cold days of outright summer or winter. 

Our average high in July is near 90.  Our average low in January is in the mid 20s.

I would love a more temperate climate.

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