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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

They lost. I was for Croatia. I was tempted to check the score during Sunday School, but I didn’t want to set a bad example.?

I know. They made it so far at least. Poor guys. And losing to France in such a wild tournament is no shame... 

At my work we had a World Cup viewing room. I watched more while working than during my week off lol.

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Story time.

Remember how there are two women at church who are regularly insulting, judging and interrupting me? Well, we had a guest speaker because the boss is out of town who has a wife and 4 mini guest speakers and we like them. The wife and I were chatting when one of the women came over and cut me off to talk about herself and the guest speaker's wife looked me directly in the eye and with a soft tone in her voice she interrupted her to bring the conversation back to what I was saying. So that person did it again and the wife interrupted her in just as sweet of a voice to go back to what I was saying.  After the third time the woman got so mad she left. It was kind of tantrummy too.

I have a new best friend! I doubt I'll ever see her again but boy do I need to learn that skill. People have talked over me my entire life. I don't exactly know why. I'm the tallest person in the group so I should get priority speaking time.

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Unnamed child usually loves waffles. DH made waffles which were not in any way different. Unnamed child noticed that eggs were used to make waffles, and this one has declared that eggs are no longer tasty. So, now the child says the waffles don't taste good because, "I told you I don't like eggs. I can taste the eggs."  Insert appropriate adolescent drama, huffing, and eye rolling. This person has liked the waffles in the past even after declaring eggs are gross.


It's not about egg ethics, FWIW...

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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Warning sign:  when the waitress comes out and asks "Um. . . just how sensitive to gluten are you?"  She was gracious and made them make me a new plate. 

Oh no. Well, great.that she owned up to it. Honesty is the best policy.

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1 hour ago, Paige said:

Unnamed child usually loves waffles. DH made waffles which were not in any way different. Unnamed child noticed that eggs were used to make waffles, and this one has declared that eggs are no longer tasty. So, now the child says the waffles don't taste good because, "I told you I don't like eggs. I can taste the eggs."  Insert appropriate adolescent drama, huffing, and eye rolling. This person has liked the waffles in the past even after declaring eggs are gross.


It's not about egg ethics, FWIW...

Need a SIGH smiley.


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We took Juliet to a dog park within a larger park today. When we took her a few months ago she spent a lot of time with her tail tucked in and scared of the other  dogs. Today she had a blast running around. She’s still a bit scared of bigger dogs but dogs her size or smaller are fine. (What does this say for her math skills that she can differentiate between sizes? ). 

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10 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

We took Juliet to a dog park within a larger park today. When we took her a few months ago she spent a lot of time with her tail tucked in and scared of the other  dogs. Today she had a blast running around. She’s still a bit scared of bigger dogs but dogs her size or smaller are fine. (What does this say for her math skills that she can differentiate between sizes? ). 

She's not only beautiful, but brilliant as well!  ❤️

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I made a new recipe for dinner. It was a take-off on .... whatever it’s called when you make a whole in a slice of bread and cover it with butter and put it in a frying pan and fry an egg in the middle. This one... you cut a big hole, and put sausage and sautéed peppers and egg and cheese. It was a hit. Very yummy.

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6 hours ago, Slache said:

Story time.

Remember how there are two women at church who are regularly insulting, judging and interrupting me? Well, we had a guest speaker because the boss is out of town who has a wife and 4 mini guest speakers and we like them. The wife and I were chatting when one of the women came over and cut me off to talk about herself and the guest speaker's wife looked me directly in the eye and with a soft tone in her voice she interrupted her to bring the conversation back to what I was saying. So that person did it again and the wife interrupted her in just as sweet of a voice to go back to what I was saying.  After the third time the woman got so mad she left. It was kind of tantrummy too.

I have a new best friend! I doubt I'll ever see her again but boy do I need to learn that skill. People have talked over me my entire life. I don't exactly know why. I'm the tallest person in the group so I should get priority speaking time.

Well, she's my new best friend, too!

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Schlepped around all afternoon. Slept through "Journey to the Center of the Earth," one of my favorite sleeping movies, :-) and then watched Netflix all evening. Really, it was quite awesome.

And you know what I have to do next week? Not.a.thing.

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5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:



5 hours ago, Ellie said:

You look good to me. ❤️


3 hours ago, Tsuga said:

I got dehydrated today, like legit dehydrated with dizziness and nausea and chills. It is TOO HOT IN HERE. Also, I am drinking more water now.

Yes! Gug. I'm sorry.

3 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Day 178 steps. 
Day 49 hips

Day 4 steps.

My hips are fine. Just huge.

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Good Morning!

I think we're going to try to do school this week.

Dd15 is at camp again this week.  (She is volunteering at the camp.  aka: working without pay)  She is having a great time camping and I don't have to pay for it, so we're considering it a win.  :)  

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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!!!~D   ......is not ready yet, I woke up early. Who needs an alarm clock when you’ve got hot flashes?? Oooooh, sounds like it’s done!!


Hot. ???????? The two week forecast has 100+ degree temperatures every day. I hate summer.

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Grd Mrnrg. Blerg.

Rewrote my novel's first two scenes for the third time yesterday. Now I officially hate what I'm writing, so I think it's time to step back and reevaluate. Which I plan to do tomorrow, after I take a day to let the editor take a look at it, and tell me what I'm doing wrong. In the meantime, tea, and work on something else for a day.

The boys and I are trying to decide what day to take off this week. With the weather uniformly bad now, I can't think of anything we would want to do with a day off, other than hang out in the cold house and try not to fry. Maybe a day long nap-fest. Now that idea has merit. In the meantime, I need to type up the week's school list, and think about a pitching my story on Wednesday. And yes, if I get requests, the old beginning that I like will go with the MS, not this new one. 

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56 minutes ago, Paige said:

DS(16) will be flying on a plane all by himself tomorrow to visit friends and family for 2 weeks. It was my idea but, still ?

“I’m leavin’ ... on a jet plane!! Don’t know when I’ll be back again!!”??

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Good morning!

I saw my dad, his girlfriend, and my new baby half-sister yesterday. Happy to have spent a little time with the baby, but there are so many ways that my dad can trigger my negative emotions and he managed to do pretty much all of them in about 20 minutes. Trying to be a mature adult in this stupid situation is so difficult. I'm closer in age to his girlfriend than to his new daughter. And girlfriend looks eerily like my mom, and baby looks eerily like my baby pictures. So, so, so gross.

So I was awake half the night with heartburn and anxiety attacks, but the lovely sunny day is cheering me up ? Going to try to do some school today. I let the kids sleep in, since I needed it too. 

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

Critter, do you hate what you’re writing because you don’t like how it is turning out? Or are you just getting sick of it because you are having to fiddle with it so much??

I don't like that I am losing character voice and significant visual elements with the cuts and rewrites. I love fiddling with it,  but I feel I am doing as much harm as good. 

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In terms of metaphors, think about getting your hair cut into a pixie. First of all, you've got to decide if that cut works for your face. Then you have to hope the hairdresser is doing it correctly, and if it's nice, you feel good and wonder why you didn't do it a long time ago. If it's bad, all you can do is cry and wait for it to grow out.

Now picture that scene with you in the mirror and the scissors in your hand...

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So far: created and printed out Cornell note-taking example pages for ds13, cleaned and wiped down all kitchen counters, and spent some quality time organizing the pantry.  It's not done yet, but better. 

Next up: have available kids help me clean out lesson cubbies.  But first...

More Coffee!

P.S.  I heard this morning that drinking several cups of coffee (regular or decaffeinated) could help you live longer. ?

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