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Have a great trip Krissi! You and Jean picked the best time of year to go- before hords of people and heat and bugs go crazy.  Gosh, though, I love bugs if it means camping. 

Slache, I thought you still mismatched your shoes?  It's always fun to see an oh-so-polished lawyer or doctor come in with neon mismatched socks for a bit of flair. Even better with a doofy tie!

Gaslight is a movie with Ingrid Bergman to watch for gaslighting in action-- maybe where the term originated? 

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1 hour ago, myblessings4 said:

We went to children's place for $1 flip flops, Wendy's for 50 cent frosties, and sonic for 50 cent corndogs.  Plus stopped by toys r us for their not-so-great going out of business sale.  But good enough that I got 8 pairs of goggles, a dive toy, and 2 sets of arm floats for $36 with tax.  Not great but better quality than dollar store or most walmart ones.  So six grandkids end of school year gifts have been purchased.  Nap time?

Yum.  I know where I'm going the next time I'm in town!

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5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I wish I were in the kind of shape that would make it easier to enjoy.  It would certainly make the "bathroom process" somewhat endurable.  Overall I would say I enjoyed the trip and learned a lot. My bad knees make any kind of squatting or kneeling or sitting on the ground or on anything lower than 18" very difficult and painful.  Sleeping in a hammock was a great alternative to kneeling and crouching in a tiny tent.  The hiking itself wasn't too bad, though on some of the ascents I literally had to stop every 20 yards to catch my breath. :dry:  

Yay!  It will be awesome!  I love row boats! 

Wait just a minute!  You're leaving us for 4 days?!?! :ohmy:  Can you text?  Can you drive away for a while and get access?  Climb a mountain to get a signal? 

I’m afraid I will be completely incommunicado from mid-afternoon tomorrow till noon on Monday.?

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Bookie, I did not post advice previously because it's probably bad advice in your situation. But I'm more likely to confront and call a spade a spade. I don't like being misunderstood or misrepresented, so I speak up to set the record straight. See?  Probably not good advice. Wish I could wave a magic wand.....

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The family is eating pasta with spicy Italian sausage.

I drank chicken broth. ?

I decided to keep busy while dinner was cooking so that I wouldn't think about it.  So, I cleaned the dining room and the kitchen, cleaned the half bath, and swept the living room.


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I did good. I made some pan-seared chicken, boiled potatoes, and steamed cauliflower. There would have been mushrooms, but I burned them, which was a major tragedy for me, and no one else cared. Still, not a bad bit of work for one day. I've earned my bed tonight.

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13 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I got house paint on my workout shirt. I only meant to put up a small swatch and I must have brushed up against an edge of the sample can. Guess I have a new painting shirt. I ruin all of my clothes. ?

Me too. That's why I buy nothing new to wear.

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2 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

Every time I eat mint chocolate chip ice cream I think about Kermit and dragonfly ripple. 

You eat mint chocolate chip ice cream???


I like mint. I like chocolate. But there's something about mint and chocolate together that causes my gag reflex to kick in.

So you can eat your mint chocolate chip ice cream, but do not EVEN breathe on me, gurl.

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I don't want to brag or anything but I am *this close* to finishing my older dd's picture album.

That she was 43yo on her birthday a couple of weeks ago is irrelevant...

Also, I embroidered a birth announcement for my younger dd (someone did a ceramic thing for older dd) and I had it framed. She was 40yo at the beginning of the month.



ETA: I finished embroidering it oh, 43 years ago.

ETA: I also did a beautiful counted cross stitch project for my brother when he and his wife were expecting their first child. I never got it framed because blahblahblah. So I had it framed at the same time that I did the birth announcement. My brother's children are over 30 years old. And I'm keeping the project.

:heavy sigh::

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4 hours ago, Another Lynn said:

Socks - I match all of them and keep a small pile of unmatched to go through every now and then. If something stays unmatched a long time (a year?) I throw it out. 

My 2 youngest have a "missing match bin" which is filled with ALL their socks, plus underwear, toys, dishcloths, and acorns.  I have adopted Angi's method.

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4 hours ago, Another Lynn said:

Socks - I match all of them and keep a small pile of unmatched to go through every now and then. If something stays unmatched a long time (a year?) I throw it out. 

Yup.  And they go in the wash as a pair, since presumably they were worn as pair.  Then all in the dryer.  Matched as soon as they come out.  I really think it’s easy to do when you only have three people.  ?


My my mom had a laundry basket of mismatched/pair-less socks.  Laundry was always overflowing out of the laundry room.  I vowed to never be her when it came to laundry.  So in a way, she taught me well!  

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2 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I got house paint on my workout shirt. I only meant to put up a small swatch and I must have brushed up against an edge of the sample can. Guess I have a new painting shirt. I ruin all of my clothes. ?

I broke a wine glass doing dishes because my dishwasher broke.  I’m now down to 1 of the set of 4.   And my laptop just died.  I gained weight and nothing fits.

Joining your pity party.  ?

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16 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

I need some perspective and advice, please. I need some time to set some things in better order than February, so I have to figure out a way to live somewhat peaceably until then. Any advice appreciated.

How would you manage day to day interactions with a person who makes comments meant to start issues, but phrased in such a way that when you respond to the underlying message, they can throw up their hands and ask why you're always picking fights and so unreasonable? Choosing to only respond to the surface words is ineffective, because said person will continue in like style with as many topics as necessary until they find one that they can take issue with your response. Not responding is ineffective, because you will be guilty of either being cold/aloof/doing whatever you want without reference to this person, or of being stubborn and war mongering. Any response given, in whatever tone or phrasing, will be used as needed to support the conclusions the person has already drawn. No amount of explaining will change this. This person will also maintain that you are doing everything you say they are doing, so any pointing out of observed behaviors will actually only make it worse, because it is giving the other person more tools.

Please also remember that this hypothetical person truly believes what they say is true and right, even if it completely contradicts what they have already stated.

Communication must happen, so what would you try?


Communication isn't actually happening. So I would agree with Rachel. "Thanks." "Hm." "I see." Absolutely do not address underlying issues. If it is an absurd request, "We'll see" should suffice.

Let them take issue. YOU CANNOT STOP AN ABUSER FROM ABUSING. Don't try to avoid it. Have a plan to weather it until you can leave.

Have a bag packed elsewhere. YMCA or 24 hour fitness gym locker. Keep money in it. Buy a visa gift card if you can.

Remember: he will lash out. He may hit. You aren't the first and won't be the last. Don't take it personally. It is like a hurricane, you just have to get through it.

This attitude will absolutely infuriate him, but if you can't make it any more it is your best bet.

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3 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:


Is it gaslighting if it's unconciously done?


No, narcissists dont have any faults because they don't realize how screwed up they are.

Joking of course. It counts. If he had to realize what he was doing... He would have the perfect defense.

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8 hours ago, ikslo said:

I broke a wine glass doing dishes because my dishwasher broke.  I’m now down to 1 of the set of 4.   And my laptop just died.  I gained weight and nothing fits.

Joining your pity party.  ?

Time to get a new set!  Maybe stemless!  

Right there with you on the weight gain. ?

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Good Morning!

Happy Friday!

I was supposed to be travelling to Pennsylvania today to *finally* meet my only niece who was born just after Christmas.  We had to cancel the trip (again -- I think this is the 5th time) because my brother hurt his back.  Sigh.  Some of my kids are really disappointed.

I am going to try to stick to a liquid diet again today.  I can tell that I'm healing -- I don't have (much) pain and I slept well -- but I'm not quite better yet.

And, it's time to get the day started...

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Good morning!

Already being bugged by the kiddos to do this, do that, help me, I want....

It's would be easier to take if my ds didn't want a 25k piano....I'm thinking that I might like Slache's kind of hug (but I can't say I would spend it on a piano...) 

It's going to be a great day!

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Good morning. Time for caffeine. Just waiting for the rejection to roll in this morning (one already has, and since the other judges were pretty much adamant that longer word counts were not their thing), I never held my breath anyway. Getting revisions in this morning, and working on the next chapter. 

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Good morning! 

I slept in!  Well, dozed in - but still!

We have more work to do today.  Another person in the house is not so good at organizing, though there are certain things that are "his responsibility".  He will go through a massive wave of cleaning and organizing, but then nothing ever gets put back in it's place, so I am helping to come up with a better system of taking care of items so they are easy to find and easy to put away.  Some of the things are very expensive.  It's a really big job. 

I need to make salad dressings today.  My nasturtium seeds never sprouted, so I think I'll plant some more and see what happens.


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Gug. Fact.

Morning Time 

School Block I

Kids room deep clean :svengo:

School Block II

Lunch & Quiet Time, possibly bookshelves, but no promises

Movie & burgers

3 day coma with intermittent ITT breaks


Remember when our desktop broke and we got a new one for $50? Well, guess what. So we still have my "new" laptop and no moneys so I'm using this opportunity to teach Matt to use a laptop and a docking station and get him used to one computer. 

This time last year: 2 computers, 2 tablets, 2 smartphones, an ipod.

Now: 1 computer, 1 tablet, 2 smartphones. 

In 5 years: 1 flip phone, living in a yurt.


We move in 400 days. Do you think I can cut our belongings in half? ?

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I need to make a Tackle List, but I'm too lazy to find that thread.


Water and milk kefir

Find and pack up guest linnens

Backpacking gear




Salad dressing

Get dinner started

Pantry organization

Backpacking gear

Plant nasturtium seeds




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And we have 2 kindles but they're just e-readers.

1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Slache, where are you moving?  I feel this should be a group decision.  :smile:


Indiana? Kentucky? Tennessee? Who knows? I've only ever wanted California but Matt won't move there because he's conservative and butt.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Humph.  I'm feeling a little put out over this.  Have fun, I guess.  :dry:



We will have a good time. It is truly a vacation for me, I don’t cook, i’m Not responsible for anythIng and the camp is small and in the boonies and the pond is so shallow that if the boat tips over you just stand up and climb back in, so the kids can run amok and I don’t have to worry about them. However, the introvert in me gets a little exhausted. Mealtimes are nice, but it’s in the cafeteria and you are expected to sit with people and be friendly. So, that’s hard. But we went to the library yesterday, so i’m Looking forward to finding a little nook overlooking the pond and spending some time with Harry Bosch (i’m Reading him again).

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4 minutes ago, Slache said:

And we have 2 kindles but they're just e-readers.


Indiana? Kentucky? Tennessee? Who knows? I've only ever wanted California but Matt won't move there because he's conservative and butt.

Oh, honey, you DO NOT want to move to California. Ever. We just got our vehicle license papers. Our car is another year older, but the state is charging us $50 more this year to register it. And gas prices are climbing. They will probably top $4.00/gallon this summer.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

I need to make a Tackle List, but I'm too lazy to find that thread.

Done - Bills

Done - Water and milk kefir

Done - Find and pack up guest linnens

Backpacking gear




Salad dressing

Get dinner started

Pantry organization

Backpacking gear

Plant nasturtium seeds




We are very close to page 3000!

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