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:grouphug: :grouphug: Is there a number or chat option to allow you to ask for help?

I kept refreshing. They didn't give us an application time but it was 9 am. So it eventually showed up.


You give me a sign up date and I will be there with motherloving bells on a midnight o clock!

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Go Jean, Go! 🎉


I love pb&j. I also love pb on graham crackers (=homemade Nutterbutters). But neither of them are good for me to eat.


Dd8 and I spent a few minutes trying to figure out when we can have her birthday cake with a majority of the family home. Looks like either Thursday (her actual birthday) at 7:30am or Sunday night. :rolleyes:


It is cold and drizzly outside. I think imma snuggle in bed and read. Maybe watch Hawaii 5-0. ðŸ˜

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I haven't eaten a pb and j in several decades.  I've never liked them.  But, it's an easy food that the kids can do themselves.  Some years ago it became breakfast food at our house.  I don't cook breakfast.  Most of the kids don't like cereal.  Some of them will eat yogurt.  And oatmeal is banned.  Hence, pb and j for breakfast.



My kids don't really care for pb&j.  One of my nephews is really picky, and that is one of the few foods he'd always eat (made on really cheap, soft white "bread", like Wonder).  That SIL had a hard time believing my kids really didn't like that kind of bread or pb&j sandwiches.  She was impressed and weirded out to see my kids grab the Healthnut bread and build sandwiches with meat, cheese, and LETTUCE.


I like pb&j.  On Healthnut (or similar) bread.

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I miss my Subaru. He had to be sold when I had twins but I still miss him.



I miss mine too. I cried when he was hauled away.



When I was five or so Dad ended up selling the old Studabaker station wagon.  I was upset, and I apologized to it before it was taken away for joking about how it baked studas.

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I have a headset.  It squeezes my head too hard.  I need to have DD16 not watch 2 hours of French lectures without a break in between them.


I reiterate: you need a headset. One that doesn't fit right doesn't count. Your dd also doesn't need to watch 2 hours of French. So, you need both. :D

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I made nine hamburgers yesterday. They are all gone today. Caterpillars, I'm just saying. :glare: It's like living in a house full of caterpillars.


I made 7 mushroom burgers yesterday. Three went with dh to work today, so there are none left.

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Pb is banned from our house.

We tried sun butter - not the same.


I do not like avocados.


Burgers do not last long here, either.


DS lives cold cut sandwiches with cheese and lettuce. He also loves grilled cheese.


I grew up eating wheat bread. I still prefer it over wonder white. But a really good Italian bread or French bread are my faves now.

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I like all sorts of burgers. I’m an equal opportunity burger lover. [emoji488] If course they all have to be on gf buns for me to eat them now.



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I finally found some gf hamburger buns that are decent -- they're Walmart's brand and they're actually not hard as rocks.

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My favorite peeps in the world have a Subaru. So they must be good.


(((Critter))) . In my thoughts and prayers.


Jean -- we need to ENB this music chick. 





On the home front, we didn't get to spelling today, but everything else was completed.  I might delay spelling for a week, just to ease us back into things.  There's still a lot to accomplish in recovery from the oil crisis (moving furniture back into laundry room, doing all the filing and school records that I never got to, finding my Hebrew Bible in the crawlspace because of a non-credit thing I'm doing with a college group this semester...) . While I'm glad the kids are back into a routine, I'm really needing one more week of vacation. 


But I'm prepped for CC tomorrow, and it's not even 11pm!  Go me. 



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I don't think that people who don't homeschool understand how many moving parts I have going on in this complex choreography.  



Amen.  And Amen.




I was juggling, I don't know, maybe eight different (loud) things simultaneously this morning, when someone insisted on talking to me ON THE PHONE RIGHT NOW about a problem of their own making, and then was put-off when I texted that we could either email each other about it (while I simultaneously juggled all my loud things) or make an appointment to talk on the phone in three hours.   I do wish certain individuals understood that I am at work about 16 hours a day.  And if I am at home, I am especially at work.  




Rant over.  :hat:

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My mom started buying only wheat bread when I was fairly young. Most common snacks were oranges and cheese Doritos. We didn't have a lot of soda, but definitely more than I drink now. We might have it twice a year - usually for root beer floats. In fact, there are 3 cans of root beer that have been sitting in the fridge since New Year's Eve. No one has touched them!


Nighty night night!

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We never had real food at Grandma's house.


Ice cream sandwiches

Candy bars

Klondike bars

Coke, Sprite, Root Beer

Little Debbies

Packaged Cookies


And we had free reign!!

We always got Klondike’s at Grandma’s, too! And Twinkies. :)

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My grandmother had Triscuits. LOL!


She was strict- not much junk food and definitely no free rein! But staying at Grandmother's was still wonderful. And we had to say "Grandmother;" there was none of that Granny, Grandma, Nanny nonsense! She thought she was generous by not making us say Grandmother Lastname.

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I didn’t really know my grandparents.



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I never knew my father's parents.  My grandfather died 10 years before I was born.


My grandmother died before my father's second birthday.  She was only 31.  :(

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I never knew my father's parents. My grandfather died 10 years before I was born.


My grandmother died before my father's second birthday. She was only 31. :(

Yeah. My paternal grandfather died before I was born. I saw my paternal grandmother once when I was 3 years old right before she passed away.


I saw my maternal grandmother at her funeral. I did know my maternal grandfather but only vaguely since we lived overseas.

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